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Framework/Model Case
Defining the resolution on the
proposition side is an example of a
framework, a model.
For the opposition: A countermodel
is when you disagree with the framing
of the resolution in some way
"A countermodel is a model put forward by the negative side that is not mandated by
the topic; for example, on a debate about instituting a carbon tax, the negative side
could institute a countermodel of subsidising renewable energy. In general,
countermodels should be avoided; they draw attention away from the affirmative's
proposal, and can seem as though they are conceding certain facts to the affirmative.
However, in some topic, they may be useful if it seems incredulous to argue that a
solution to the problem is unnecessary."
Offer a countermodel
Any junk food at all

We should ban all junk

food at schools

Food that is unhealthy for you School grounds

Your thesis is your case. Declare your thesis in
your debate to give a clear indication that all
your arguments relate to this central idea.
Create an introduction and introduce your
thesis like an essay.
Case: Allowing junk food in the cafeteria is detrimental to
the development of youth.

Kids will grow up unhealthy (development)
Kids are less likely to perform well academically
Kids will grow thinking eating ice cream every day when
they live alone is okay (development)
Develop a case

Cellphones should be
banned in schools.

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