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Recruiting Interview Questions - General

1. How would you describe yourself?

2. Why did you choose your college - and are you happy with the choice?
3. What are your long-term career objectives - and how do you plan to achieve them?
4. What are the most important rewards you expect to gain from your career?
5. Why did you choose the courses you took?
6. What do you consider to be your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
7. Who are you closest to in your family? How would they describe you as a person?
8. Describe your last/ longest relationship?
9. What motivates you to go the extra mile on a project or job?
10. What was your most memorable classroom experience?
11. How has your college experience prepared you for your career?
12. What qualifications do you have that will make you successful?
13. What accomplishment has given you the most satisfaction - and why?
14. Do you feel that your past work reflects the best you can do?
15. What projects did you tackle without being asked?
16. What, in your experience, motivates your best, most successful job performance?
17. What changes would you make in your college?
18. Do you have plans to continue your education?
19. What skills have you acquired from your internships and part-time jobs?
20. What's your GPA? Are you happy with it?
21. Ask for a portfolio. Ask them to critique their own work, and how long it took.
22. Look and pick 2 or 3 things on Resume and ask them to expound on it.
23. What have you learned from your experiences outside the classroom?
24. Describe one of the biggest mistakes you made in college. What did you learn from it?
25. What other jobs/companies are you considering?
26. If you were hiring for this position, what qualities would you look for in a new college grad?
27. Describe to us your last group assignment?
28. Have you ever been in a group project where there were difficulties? How were these issues
29. How would you describe your leadership skills?
30. Which is more important: creativity or efficiency? Why?
31. What's the most recent book you've read that's not been a class assignment?
32. Do you think college changed you as a person? If so, how?
33. Have you ever tutored an underclassman?
34. If you were to start college over again knowing what you know now, what would you do
35. What they thought about Adtelligent after visiting the website?
36. Why do you think you'd be good for Adtelligent?

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