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Noah's Ark

Imagine how unpJeasant it was for one to have'

down a tree; under specific instruction, he
built an Ark but pc\)ple so inhumanly converted
the Ark into a toilet. Incidentally, the Ark became
a Healing HClinc fm all sorts of infirmities, It
nn an D('caS\OIl when :l wt;!nt into the
Ark. to ease himself like all other people but he
slipped. On getting up, he realised he was clean
sed of his leprosy.
The news spread far and wide all over the land.
The aftlicted around trooped into the Ark, each of
them feigning to have fallen down and at each
instance. the afflicted returned completely
healed. Can you see why people arc of theopinion
that God does not exist? People went into th.e
that God commanded Noah to build and soIled It
instead of His being annoyed with them, he cured
them of their and allowed them to
tree. Today the same thlO1' does happen. People
will persecute. revile you and ask you thereafter
to invite your God, should He exist, that he might
do whatsoever he feels.
Brethren. one thing should not be forgotten
and that is . God will not fail to avenge. As Noah
did not rev.cnge when he was persecuted but
left everything into the hands of God; so also must
the children of God learn to do in this generation.
Allow God to avenge because vengeance is
His, What is pleasing to God is to do that which
He asks you to do and to refrain from that which
He advises you to,for vengeance is His.
When the time was near, God instructed
Noah to gather into the Ark assorted types of
creatures of God in pairs as well as his own house
hold, because there was going to be a heavy down
pour. At that time, as it is also now, there existed
scientists. astronomers. astrologers, soothsayers,
necromancers. and all sorts of people.The ques
tion is, did these foresee or foretell the impending
They prayed to God to revea.l if what transpired
was worth reckoning with. But, did God pay heed
to that sort of prayer",? Even if God had spoken to
them. would they have heard what he said?
There was a time in Great Britain when there
were only minors; no person grew to the age of
becoming the King of England. That notwithstan
ding. the kingship was not tampered with e.xcept
that a regent was appointed until the minors
grew of age to take over. In. Africa the story is
dI erent. 'ff
People who do not even belong to a royal
family buy their way there for selfish aims.
throwing away t,he ri,ghtful The
have gone very far, If It were to be In any African
country, Queen Elizabeth would not have been
regarded. People would have used power and
money to throw her away and terminate her
rulership. But in England. you can never dare
joke with [hat institution - the monarchy.
Man should fear God for he hardly can predict
what course of action God would take next against
you. Now that you are consoling yourselves
that it is satan who induces you to sin, that God
will not destroy you, are you as handsome as
those who were destroyed in the days of Noah?
At Noah's time, people bought and sold.
married and gave in marriage; there law
yers, professors, millionairies, farmers. Inven.
tors who laughed at Noah and paid no attention
to his preachings. The way you are treated by
the worldly people today was how Noah was
treated too. He was thought to be a dru nk ard. a
mad man, a nonentity and many more names
were given to him. Noah was persecuted.
To further strengthen their contempt was when
Noah acted on the instruction of God by budding
an Ark at the time and place [here was no nood
or river.
The people so hard-heartedly
Noah's Ark for a toilet wherein faeces and Urlne
were dumped. According to the Scriptures ..'\oah
did not revile when he was reviled. when perse.
cuted, he did not revenge. becau:>e he was aNare
that there was a righteous Judge inlo ..... hose
hands he committed his soul for vengeance.
The question directed to the ent'lre world today to
answer is whether God did f3il to J\Jdge the
generation of Noah in the end? God selected
Noah, members of his household and other
creatures. two by two (male and female). The rest
oi {hem were destroyed for not obeYing
God's instructions.
God knows how to save those who fear Him
out of temptation and to retain others who disobey
Him unto perpetual punishment .. God knows
how to help those who hearken [0 his instructions:
those who do not revenge: those who do not steal
or. cornmitany vice, but they give up every offence
knowing that God is the only righ1eous Judge.
If God has blessed you abu ndantly, do not re
fuse to give same to others who have not. whether
they are thankful or not: e.ven if they abuse you.
if they greet you or not or put up an absurd
type of attitude. If you refuse to supply them with
their needs, as much as you are bestowed with.
God shall judge you.
Whether your child, clan, father or mother
husband or wife. government, church denomina
tion, or friend or any relation of yours obey
you or not. continue to assist the person concer
ned, in whichever way made possible by God:
We have all read in the Scriptures what people
did to our Lord Jesus Christ: how people spat
on Him. slapped Him. and pierced a sword
through His side. Even then, one of the \\1.'0
thieves did ask Hi"m to save Himself if. of a truth,
He was the Son of God.

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