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Glossary + Skill Index - Proficiency B,

Listening & Speaking

Student: Daniela soto

Unit 1
​ Affordable:
● Definition: "Priced reasonably and within financial reach, making it accessible to
a wide range of individuals or economic backgrounds."
● Example: "The new housing development aims to provide affordable homes for
first-time buyers, ensuring that a variety of people can afford comfortable living
​ Stroll:
● Definition: "To walk slowly in a relaxed and unhurried manner."
● Example: "After a busy week, Jane decided to take a leisurely stroll through the
park, enjoying the peaceful surroundings and fresh air."
​ Affluent:
● Definition: "Having a great deal of money or wealth."
● Example: "The upscale neighborhood is known for its affluent residents, luxurious
homes, and exclusive amenities.

Unit 2

● Definition: "The maintenance or care of something, typically referring to the regular
attention and efforts required to keep it in good condition."
● Example: "Regular lawn mowing, fertilizing, and watering are essential for the upkeep of
a healthy and vibrant garden."
Wiped Out:
● Definition: "Completely exhausted or depleted, often used to describe the state of
resources, energy, or supplies."
● Example: "After the intense workout, I felt completely wiped out and needed a good rest
to recover."
● Definition: "Failing to give proper attention, care, or consideration to someone or
● Example: "By neglecting routine car maintenance, he ended up with a breakdown on the
highway due to preventable issues."

Unit 3
​ Envision:
● Definition: "To imagine or visualize a future possibility; to picture in one's mind."
● Example: "As a team, we gathered to envision the company's growth and
success in the next five years, discussing innovative strategies and goals."
​ Constitutes:
● Definition: "To form or make up a whole; to be the elements or parts of."
● Example: "In this context, each team member's contribution constitutes a vital
aspect of the overall project's success, highlighting the importance of
​ Ratio:
● Definition: "The quantitative relationship between two or more amounts, often
expressed as a comparison."
● Example: "In the recipe, the ideal ratio of flour to sugar ensures the perfect
balance of sweetness and texture in the finished dessert."

Unit 4
​ Widespread:
● Definition: "Existing or happening over a large area or among many people;
prevalent or common."
● Example: "The news of the technological breakthrough spread widespread
excitement, capturing the attention of researchers, industries, and the general
​ Enrich:
● Definition: "To improve or enhance the quality of something, often by adding
valuable or desirable elements."
● Example: "Reading diverse literature has the power to enrich our understanding
of different cultures, broadening our perspectives and fostering empathy."
​ Mass:
● Definition: "A large quantity or number; a body of matter with no definite shape."
● Example: "The company produced a mass of products to meet the high demand
during the holiday season, ensuring availability for customers."

Unit 5

● Definition: "To embark on a risky or daring journey, activity, or business opportunity."
● Example: "Despite the challenges, she courageously ventured into starting her own
business, driven by a passion for innovation and entrepreneurship."
● Definition: "Following in time; afterward; later."
● Example: "After completing his undergraduate studies, he subsequently pursued a
master's degree in a specialized field to deepen his knowledge."
● Definition: "To make or become less; to reduce in size, importance, or intensity."
● Example: "Consistent exercise and a balanced diet can help diminish the risk of certain
health issues, promoting overall well-being."

Unit 6
​ Pursue:
● Definition: "To actively follow or seek a particular goal, course of action, or
endeavor with determination and commitment."
● Example: "She decided to pursue a career in environmental conservation,
dedicating herself to the protection and preservation of natural resources."
​ Livelihood:
● Definition: "The means by which one earns a living; a person's livelihood is often
derived from employment, business, or other sources of income."
● Example: "Farming has been the primary livelihood for generations in the rural
community, sustaining families through the cultivation of crops and livestock."
​ Hardship:
● Definition: "Severe suffering or deprivation; experiencing difficult and adverse
conditions or circumstances."
● Example: "During the economic downturn, many families faced financial
hardship, struggling to meet basic needs such as housing, food, and healthcare."

Unit 7
​ Allocate:
● Definition: "To distribute or assign resources, funds, or tasks for a specific
purpose or among different activities."
● Example: "The project manager needed to allocate the budget carefully to ensure
that each department had the necessary funds to complete their tasks."
​ Nest Egg:
● Definition: "A sum of money set aside for the future or for a specific purpose,
often representing savings or investments."
● Example: "Creating a nest egg through regular savings allows individuals to build
financial security and be better prepared for unexpected expenses or retirement."
​ Overdo:
● Definition: "To exceed the appropriate or reasonable limit, often involving
excessive effort, exaggeration, or intensity."
● Example: "It's important not to overdo physical exercise, as pushing the body
beyond its limits can lead to fatigue and potential injury."
Unit 8
​ Keep Track Of:
● Definition: "To monitor or maintain a record of something; to stay informed about
developments or changes."
● Example: "Using a budgeting app can help you keep track of your expenses,
providing a clear overview of your financial habits."
​ Reluctant:
● Definition: "Unwilling or hesitant to do something; demonstrating a lack of
enthusiasm or a degree of resistance."
● Example: "Although initially reluctant to join the hiking expedition, he found
himself enjoying the experience once he began exploring the scenic trails."
​ Track:
● Definition: "To follow the course or progress of something; to pursue or monitor
the movement or development of."
● Example: "Scientists track the migration patterns of birds using sophisticated
technology to understand their behaviors and habitats."

Unit 9
​ Unprecedented:
● Definition: "Never having occurred or experienced before; unparalleled; without
● Example: "The rapid technological advancements in recent years have brought
about unprecedented changes in how we communicate and access information."
​ Norm:
● Definition: "A standard or pattern that is typical or expected within a particular
context or society."
● Example: "In many cultures, mutual respect is considered the norm in
interpersonal relationships, forming the foundation for harmonious interactions."
​ Obsolete:
● Definition: "No longer in use or outdated; something that has been replaced by
newer and more advanced alternatives."
● Example: "As technology evolves, certain electronic devices may become
obsolete, prompting the need for upgraded versions with enhanced features."

Unit 10
​ Skeptics:
● Definition: "Individuals who doubt or question the validity, authenticity, or truth of
something; those inclined to skepticism."
● Example: "Despite the scientific evidence supporting climate change, there are
still skeptics who question the consensus within the scientific community."
​ Detrimental:
● Definition: "Causing harm or damage; having a negative impact on something."
● Example: "Lack of exercise and poor dietary habits can be detrimental to one's
health, leading to various physical and mental health issues."
​ Offset:
● Definition: "To counterbalance or compensate for something; to neutralize an
effect or disadvantage by providing an equal and opposite force or influence."
● Example: "The increased use of renewable energy sources helps offset the
environmental impact of traditional fossil fuels, contributing to a more sustainable
energy landscape."
Skill Index

Listening skills

1. Skill 1 - The skill as I understand it, which requires this specific grammar structure.
This skill is used in this situation.
2. Skill 2 - The skill as I understand it, which requires this specific grammar structure.
This skill is used in this situation.
3. Skill 3 - The skill as I understand it, which requires this specific grammar structure.
This skill is used in this situation.

Speaking skills

4. Skill 1 - The skill as I understand it, which requires this specific grammar structure.
This skill is used in this situation.
5. Skill 2 - The skill as I understand it, which requires this specific grammar structure.
This skill is used in this situation.
6. Skill 3 - The skill as I understand it, which requires this specific grammar structure.
This skill is used in this situation.

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