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J. Ethod.

9:47 50, 1991

Effects of Spermatophore Size on Female Remating in the Armyworm,

Pseudaletia separata, with Reference to Larval Crowding

Yibin HE and Yoshitaka TSUBAKI 1

Laboratory of Applied Entomology and Nematology, Faculty of Agriculture,
Nagoya University, Nagoya 464, Japan
(1present address: Laboratory of Wildlife Conservation, National Institute for
Environmental Studies, Onogawa, Tsukuba 305, Japan)

Abstract -- Effects of spermatophore size on female remating were studied using the
armyworm, Pseudaletiaseparata Walker, reared under isolated and crowded larval condi-
tions. Females that received large spermatophores remated in lower proportion than
those receiving small ones. Spermatophore size of the first mating was estimated by using
mathematical models by He and Tsubaki (in press). Females reared in isolated conditions
were more likely to remate than those reared in crowded conditions.

The armyworm (Pseudaletia separata, Walker), ment examining the effect of spermatophore
one of the worldwide pests of gramineous size on female remating.
crops, shows phase-like polymorphism. Under
low density conditions larvae are pale green
(solitary phase); at high-density conditions they Methods
become blackish (gregarious phase) (Iwao,
1968). In a previous paper (He and Tsubaki, in Insects were reared at a constant temperature
press), we reported that the males from larvae (25 _+ I~ , 16L:8D). The dark photophase was
reared in groups produced larger sperma- set from 10:00 to 18:00 for the convenience of
tophores than the males from solitary-reared observation. Larvae were reared in plastic cups
larvae, despite the fact that adult body weight (3.5 cm depth X 7.5 cm dia.) and fed on artifi-
was not different between the 2 types. cial diet (Insecta LF ~e, Agriculture Production
Several potenstial costs that males incur in Industry Limited Co., Japan) until pupation.
production of spermatophore have been sug- About 100 larvae were individually reared in
gested (Dewsbury, 1982): time cost of pro- solitary conditions (1 larva/cup, hereafter
longed mating, energy cost to replenish acces- "solitary-type"), and another 100 larvae under a
sory gland materials to form spermatophore, crowded condition (10 larvae/cup, hereafter
etc. Conversely, spermatophore materials may "gregarious-type"). Although quantitative data
provide energy for spermatozoa (Osanai et al., are lacking, body colour of the former was
1987), or provide nutrition to females that can mainly pale green and that of the latter was
increase quantity and quality of eggs (e.g., dark brown. This colour change is characteristic
Boggs and Gilbert, 1979; Watanabe, 1988; of the phase variation in this species (Iwao,
Oberhauser, 1989). Spermatophore size may 1968). On the morning after adult eclosion
also influence the length of the female refrac- (when adults had dried and were able to fly),
tory period for remating (e.g., Sugawara, 1979; moths were weighed, individually marked on
Oberhauser, 1989), therefore affecting the re- the wings with a quick-drying color pen (Opa-
groduetive output of both males and females. que Color, Magic Inc~), and stored in meshed
In this paper, we report results of an experi- cages (40 • 40 • 40 cm), supplied with cotton-

a b s o r b e d 10% h o n e y solution. Males and Ss 0.404 + 0.062A ( A indicates male age at

females were kept in different cages to prevent mating (days)) for virgin males, and by a n o t h e r
copulation. regression equation, Ss - 0.279 + 0.166T (T in-
T h e mating e x p e r i m e n t was carried out in a dicates days since first mating) for m a t e d males.
mating cage (40 X 40 x 40 cm) in the same F o r gregarious-type males, we used Sc = 0.580
r o o m as the r e a n n g process. Males and females + 0.045A and Sc -= 0.489 + 0.079T for virgin
were i n t r o d u c e d into these cages, at a sex ratio and m a t e d males, respectively. F r o m these
of about 1 : 1. The moths were released into the equations we o b t a i n e d 4 estimated size ranges
cage just before the d a r k photophase ( 9 : 3 0 - of s p e r m a t o p h o r e s p r o d u c e d by the virgin and
10:00), and r e m o v e d after the d a r k p h o t o p h a s e m a t e d males of the solitary and gregarious
( 1 8 : 0 0 - 1 9 : 0 0 ) . The cages were m o n i t o r e d for types (Table 1). All females were 3 - t o 6-day
mating pairs at 10 rain intervals with a 40W red old in the first mating. It was known that this
light. Since moths remain in copula for about 1 was the age at which females were most likely
- 2 h. it is unlikely we o v e r l o o k e d any mating to mate for the first time.
episodes. Mating pairs were transferred to a M a t e d females were released every day into a
small plastic container (4 cm depth • 9 cm mating cage with the same n u m b e r of virgin
dia.), and termination of copulation was re- males, and remating was observed. T h r e e - d a y
corded. old virgin males were used. R e m a t e d females
The effect of s p e r m a t o p h o r e size on female were t a k e n out from the cage and dissected to
remating rate was evaluated by allowing m a k e sure that they had actually received 2
females to mate with males which were esti- spermatophores.
mated to have transferred large or small sper- In every case of the mating e x p e r i m e n t s , both
matophores. F e m a l e s of each type (solitary and types of females were allowed to mate with
gregarious) were r a n d o m l y assigned to each of thier own types of males.
2 treatments: mating with 4- to 6-day old virgin
males or males that had m a t e d once 1 o r 2 days
before (hereafter defined as virgin and m a t e d Results and Discussion
males, respectively). F o r solitary-type males.
s p e r m a t o p h o r e Size (Ss) can be estimated by a Table 1 shows proportions of females that
regression equation (He and Tsubaki. in press), had r e m a t e d b e f o r e the fourth day after the

Table 1. Effect of spermatophore size on female remating

Second No, of Spermatophore received Cumulative

at the first mating remating
ratio on
mating* females type* * size (rag) * * * 4th day

Gf-Gm 19 large (GL) 0.76-0.85 0.316" * * *

!8 small (GS) 0,57-0.65 0.556

Sf-Sm 17 large (SL) 0.65-0.78 0.471

23 small (SS) 0.45-0,61 0,609

Gf, Gm--gregarious-type female and male, respectively;

Sf, Sin--solitary-type female and male, respectively.
GL, GS (or SL, SS)--gregarious-type (or solitary-type) females estimated, at
the first mating to have received large and small spermatophores, respectively.
estimated in a previous paper (He and Tsubaki, in press)
This value was significantly different from the value of GS at 5% level and
that of SS at 1% level (one-tailed binomial test).
fecundity is controversial (see Oberhauser,
_~O ...... ,'O SS(n=23) 1989), there is little disagreement on the effect
. . "o'''~" . . . - [ 3 GS(n=18) of the spermatophore on delaying female re-
w~ 0.5" mating. Delayed female remating is beneficial
O /O .-"" O oSL(n=17)
to the first male, if some proportion of eggs was
0.4' fertilized by sperm of the second male (Drum-
GL(n 19) mond, 2984), Many studies reported that large
spermatophores delay female remating (e.g.,
0.2" Rutowski, 1980; Rutowski et al., 1981;
~3 Oberhauser, 1989). This experiment is another
example of this phenomenon.
Traditionally, the phase variation in army-
worms has been considered to be an adaptation
Days after Previous Mating for coping with highly variable environments
(Iwao, 1968). Biological characteristics such as
Fig. 1. Cumulative proportions of remated females in fast developmental rate, tolerance to unpalat-
relation to spermatophore size received from the first
able food sources, and tolerance to starvation
mates. GL and GS indicate gregarious-type females
which were estimated, at the first mating, to have re- have been known in gregarious-phase larvae,
ceived large and small spermatophores, respectively, Our study suggests that there may be differ-
while SL and SS are the solitary-type females estimated ences in sperm competition tactics between
to have received large and small spermatophores, respec- adult males of the 2 types. When larvae de-
velop under crowded conditions, adult popula-
tions are also likely to be overcrowded. It is
possible that the high moth density makes
first mating with males of different types and females more likely to remate. Larger sperma-
mating experiences. G L and GS indicate tophores in gregarious-type males may be an
gregarious4ype females which were estimated, adaptation to prevent female remating at high
at the first mating, to have received large and population densities.
small spermatophores, respectively, while SL It is interesting that solitary-type females
and SS are the solitary-type females estimated were more likely to remate than gregarious-type
to have received large and small sperma- females. This may be due not only to the small
tophores, respectively. The proportion of re- spermatophore of solitary-type males but also
mated females among GL-mated females was possibly because the volume capacity of the
lower than that for GS-mated females. This pat- bursa copulatrix may be larger in solitary-type
tern was also seen between females of SL and females than in gregarious-type females.
SS matings. The difference of cumulative However, our experiments have been done us-
female remating ratio on the fourth day after ing males and females belonging to the same
the first mating was significant between GL and type, and sample size was not large enough to
G S matings of gregarious-type females (bino- answer this question at this stage of study. We
mial test, p < 0.05), but not between SL and need to conduct further mating experimetns, in-
SS matings of solitary-type females (binomial cluding mating pairs of different types.
test, p > 0.05) (Table 1). Figure 1 shows trends
in cumulative proportions of remated females. Acknowledgements - - We thank Dr. S. Yagi,
Although the difference was not significant, National Institute of Sericultural and Entomolo-
solitary-type females tended to remate in higher gical Science, Tsukuba, for offering the army-
proportion than gregarious-type females. worm stock and teaching us the artificial diet
In many butterflies and moths, effects of rearing method. Thanks are also due to Prof.
spermatophore size on male and female repro- Y. Itr, Nagoya University, for critical reading
ductive success have been suggested. Although of the earlier versions of the manuscript.
the effect of spermatophore size on female
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(Received 6 February 1991 : Accepted 6 September 1991)

Published by Japan Ethological Society, Department of Zoology, Kyoto University, Sakyo, Kyoto, 606 Japan.

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