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What’s the best country to live in?

Watch the TEDEd talk: ‘What’s the best country to live in?’ as a class and then answer the
following questions:

1) Answer the following as either True or False:

1) For the last 70 years, governments have relied on many different

statistics to measure the best country

2) The GDP stands for Greatest Dollar Percentage

3) The person who invented the GDP was an economist

4) The economist’s name was Simon Cowell

5) GDP is the best indicator for measuring human wellbeing

6) A million dollars of weapons contributes the same amount to a

country’s GDP as a million dollars of vaccines and food

7) GDP per capita gives a distorted picture of how much money a typical
person has

8) Gross National Happiness was invented as an alternative to the GDP

9) GNH stands for Great National Hippos

10) GNH includes the measure of health, education, strong communities,

and living standards.

11) Costa Rica is the most sustainable country

12) Costa Rica has better wellbeing outcomes than some of the world’s
richest countries.

2) In your opinion, what do you think should need to be included in measuring


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