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Evolve Digital Level 1B

Functional language summaries

Unit 7, Lesson 3: Sharing news on the phone.............................................................2

Answering the phone and greeting people..............................................................2
Asking people how they are.................................................................................... 2
Responding............................................................................................................. 2
Reacting to news.....................................................................................................2
Unit 8, Lesson 3: Asking for and giving opinions.........................................................3
Asking for opinions.................................................................................................. 3
Giving opinions........................................................................................................3
Explaining and saying more about an idea..............................................................3
Unit 9, Lesson 3: Asking for and giving information....................................................4
Asking for information..............................................................................................4
Giving information....................................................................................................4
Asking someone to repeat something.....................................................................4
Unit 10, Lesson 3: Making, accepting, and refusing suggestions................................5
Making suggestions.................................................................................................5
Accepting suggestions (saying yes)........................................................................5
Refusing suggestions (saying no)............................................................................5
Saying why you can’t do something........................................................................5
Unit 11, Lesson 3: Expressing uncertainty..................................................................6
Very unsure............................................................................................................. 6
A little unsure...........................................................................................................6
Taking time to think................................................................................................. 6
Unit 12, Lesson 3: Offering and requesting food and drink; responding to requests...7
Offering food and drink............................................................................................7
Using “so” and “really” to make words stronger.......................................................7

Cambridge University Press & Assessment © 2022

Unit 7, Lesson 3: Sharing news on the phone
Answering the phone and greeting people
Hi, Jennifer.
It's Luana.
Hey, Luana!
Asking people how they are
How is / how's it going?
How are you doing?
How are you?
Not bad, thanks.
Good, thanks.
I'm fine.
Reacting to news
To react to good news, say Oh, wow!
To react to ordinary news, say Oh.
To react to bad news, say Oh, no!

Cambridge University Press & Assessment © 2022

Unit 8, Lesson 3: Asking for and giving opinions
Asking for opinions
What do you think?
Why do you think (that)…?
What/Where do you think...?
Giving opinions
(Yes,) I think so.
(No,) I don't think so.
I think (that)…
I don't think (that)…
Explaining and saying more about an idea
A company is a big team. I mean, it’s a group of people, and you work with them
every day.
I can speak two languages. I mean, I speak Spanish and English.
I mean,…

Cambridge University Press & Assessment © 2022

Unit 9, Lesson 3: Asking for and giving information
Asking for information
Where are the...?
How much is that?
Is it the same price?
What time does
Where is the...?
Giving information
It's...dollars and...cents.
They're two for...dollars.
It opens in about...minutes.
Asking someone to repeat something
Sorry, can you say that again?
Can you repeat that, please?

Insider English: People often say restroom in public places and bathroom in
people’s homes. Restroom is more polite.
At an airport: Where is the men’s restroom?
At a friend’s house: Sorry, where’s your bathroom?

Cambridge University Press & Assessment © 2022

Unit 10, Lesson 3: Making, accepting, and refusing
Making suggestions
Why don’t we go out tonight?
Let’s meet at the hotel.
Accepting suggestions (saying yes)
OK, sounds good.
Good idea.
Yes, sure.
Refusing suggestions (saying no)
I’m sorry, but I can’t.
Sorry, I’m busy.
Saying why you can’t do something
I’m sorry, but I can’t. I have to (go home first).

Cambridge University Press & Assessment © 2022

Unit 11, Lesson 3: Expressing uncertainty
Very unsure
I have no idea.
I'm not sure.
I don't know.
A little unsure
I think.
Taking time to think
Let me think.

Cambridge University Press & Assessment © 2022

Unit 12, Lesson 3: Offering and requesting food and drink;
responding to requests
Offering food and drink
Do you want some more?
Would you like some…?
What would you like to eat / to drink?
What would you like for dessert?

Requesting food and drink

Can I have some…, please?
Please pass the...
I'd like the…, please.
Do you have…?

Responding to requests
Of course.
Here. / Here you are.
All right. / OK.
We have…
Using “so” and “really” to make words stronger
Use so or really before adjectives to make them stronger.
Use really before some verbs to make them stronger, for example: like, love, don't
like, need (to), want (to), have to.

Cambridge University Press & Assessment © 2022

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