SCE Dragons Army of Renown

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Battle Traits Heroic Action: Thunderous Roars

Draconith Echelon and roll a dice. On a 2+, until the end of that
Friendly KRONDYS, KARAZAI, and STORMDRAKE turn, enemy units within 3” of that HERO
GUARD units that have 2 models have the cannot receive the Inspiring Presence
Battleline battlefield role. command.

Draconith Guardians Monster Rampage: Stun

If a friendly IONUS CRYPTBORN is within 3” of Pick 1 enemy unit within 3” of this unit and roll
any friendly STORMDRAKE GUARD units, before a dice. On a 3+, subtract 1 from wound rolls for
you allocate a wound or mortal wound to that attacks made by that unit in the following
HERO, or instead of making a ward roll for a combat phase.
wound or mortal wound that would be Monster Rampage: Impact Tremors
allocated to that HERO, roll a dice. On a 4+, that Pick 1 enemy unit within 3” of this unit and roll
wound or mortal wound is allocated to 1 of a dice. On a 3+, in the following combat phase,
those friendly units instead of IONUS models in that unit can only move up to 1”
CRYPTBORN and cannot be negated. when they make a pile-in move instead of up to
Exemplars of Fury
At the start of the combat phase, if there are 2
or more other friendly DRACONITH SKYWING
units within 6” of a friendly HERO, add 1 to the
Attacks characteristic of melee weapons used by
that HERO’s mount until the end of that phase.

Stormdrake Champions
include in your army, you can include 1
STORMDRAKE GUARD unit that has 1 model.
That STORMDRAKE GUARD unit cannot have the
Battleline battlefield role.

Command Trait: Favour the Bold Battle Tactics: Skywing Manoeuvers

After this general has fought for the first time in
the combat phase, if there are no enemy units Concentrated Force: You complete this battle
within 3” of this general, roll a dice. On a 2+, tactic if the same enemy unit was targeted by
this general can immediately make a D6” move attacks made with melee weapons by 3 or more
and can finish that move within 3” of any enemy friendly DRACONITH SKYWING units in the
units. combat phase of this turn.

Artefact of Power: Celestium Ensign Focused Destruction: You complete this battle
Once per battle, at the start of any phase, the tactic if the same enemy unit was picked as the
bearer can say that they will raise their target of 3 different monstrous rampages
Celestium Ensign. If they do so, you can heal up carried out by friendly DRACONITH SKYWING
to D3 wounds allocated to each friendly units in this turn.
DRACONITH unit wholly within 9” of the bearer.
Typer’s Note: You don’t have to succeed on any
Spell Lore: Lore of the Drakes rolls during those rampages. It’s the same as
the Sons of Behemat battle tactic.
Regal Authority: CV 7, range 18”. If successfully
cast, pick 1 friendly DRACONITH unit wholly Cleansing Strike: Pick 2 objectives that are
within range and visible to the caster. Until the contested by enemy units. You complete this
start of your next hero phase, each time that tactic of there are no enemy units contesting
unit issues a command, roll a dice. On a 5+, the either objective at the end of this turn.
command point used to issue that command is
not spent. Grand Strategy: On Wings of Death
When the battle ends, you complete this grand
Prayer Scripture: Prayers of the Draconith strategy if 3 friendly DRACONITH units are
wholly within 9” of each other.
Sigmar’s Grace: Answer value 3, range 12”. If
answered, pick 1 friendly unit wholly within
range and visible to the chanter. You can heal
up to 3 wounds allocated to that unit.

Sanctification: Answer value 4. If answered,

until the start of your next hero phase, subtract
1 from casting rolls for enemy WIZARDS and
subtract 1 from chanting rolls for enemy

Sovereignty: Answer value 4, range 12”. If

answered, pick 1 enemy unit within range. Unit
the start of your next hero phase, that unit
counts as a maximum of 5 models for the
purposes of contesting objectives.

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