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Rehearsal Etiquette Rubric Name ______________________ TOTAL ___/20

4 3 2 1
Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited
Attendance/ Student is always Student is late to Student is late to Student is late to
Promptness prompt and regularly class once every two class more than once class more than once
attends classes. weeks and regularly every two weeks and a week and/or has
attends classes. regularly attends poor attendance of
classes. classes.
Level of Engagement in Student proactively Student proactively Student rarely Student never
Rehearsal (physically, contributes to class contributes to class contributes to class contributes to class
vocally, creatively) by offering ideas by offering ideas by offering ideas and by offering ideas and
and/or asking and/or asking asking questions. asking questions.
questions more than questions once per
once per class. class.
Listening Skills Student listens when Student usually Student sometimes Student does not
(appreciating others idea, others talk, both in listens when others listens when others listen when others
constructively critical, groups and in class. talk, both in groups talk, both in groups talk, both in groups
supportive) Student incorporates and in class. and in class. and in class. Student
and builds off of the Usually takes direction Sometimes takes often interrupts
ideas of others. and responds direction and responds when others speak.
Consistently takes productively. somewhat Almost never takes
direction and responds productively. direction and responds
productively. negatively.

Behavior (positive, Student almost never Student rarely Student occasionally Student almost
constructive, focused, displays disruptive displays disruptive displays disruptive always displays
still) behavior during behavior during behavior during disruptive behavior
class. class. class. during class.
Preparation (brings Student is almost Student is usually Student is rarely Student is almost
script, memorized text, always prepared for prepared for class prepared for class never prepared for
blocking prepared) class with with assignments and with assignments and class with
assignments and required materials. required materials. assignments and
required materials. required materials.

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