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Project No.: 53-85204



00 Issue for Review M.Seyedi M.Masoudi S.Gholami 95/08/16 M.Malekzadeh

Prepared Checked Approved
Date Approved Date

DOCUMENT NO.: 85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003


REV.: 00 PAGE: 1 OF 16
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
Engineering & Construction Management
N.I.S.O.C Date: 95/08/25

Project: Naft Sefid Oil Field Gas & Oil System Optimization Rev: 00
& Renovation Project Page: 2 of 44


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Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
Engineering & Construction Management
N.I.S.O.C Date: 95/08/25

Project: Naft Sefid Oil Field Gas & Oil System Optimization Rev: 00
& Renovation Project Page: 3 of 44


1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................... 6
2. SCOPE .................................................................................................................................................... 7
3. GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................... 7
4. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ....................................................................................................................... 7
5. ABBREVIATION ...................................................................................................................................... 8
6. CODES AND STANDARDS ........................................................................................................................ 8

.7 BASIS OF DESIGN ................................................................................................................................ 9

7.1 DESIGN PHILOSOPHY ......................................................................................................................................... 9
7.2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................................. 10
7.3 POWER SUPPLIES ............................................................................................................................................ 10
7.3.1 CAPACITY .................................................................................................................................................. 11
8. FLAMMABLE GAS DETECTION ............................................................................................................... 11
8.1 GENERAL....................................................................................................................................................... 11
8.2 FLAMMABLE GAS DETECTION IN OPEN AREA ....................................................................................................... 12
8.2.1 LOCATION OF FLAMMABLE GAS DETECTORS .................................................................................................... 12
8.2.2 ALARMS AND ACTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 13
8.3.1 LOCATION OF FLAMMABLE GAS DETECTORS .................................................................................................... 14 FIRED HEATERS .......................................................................................................................................... 15 DIESEL ENGINE ........................................................................................................................................... 15 AIR COMPRESSORS ..................................................................................................................................... 15
8.3.2 ALARMS AND ACTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 15 FIRED HEATERS .......................................................................................................................................... 15 DIESEL ENGINES ......................................................................................................................................... 16 AIR COMPRESSORS ..................................................................................................................................... 17
8.4 FLAMMABLE GAS DETECTION IN VALVE MANIFOLDS ............................................................................................. 18
8.4.1 LOCATION OF FLAMMABLE GAS DETECTORS .................................................................................................... 18
8.4.2 ALARMS AND ACTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 18
8.5 FLAMMABLE GAS DETECTION IN ANALYSER HOUSES ............................................................................................. 19
8.5.1 LOCATION OF FLAMMABLE GAS DETECTORS .................................................................................................... 19
8.5.2 ALARMS AND ACTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 19 FLAMMABLE GAS DETECTORS INSIDE ANALYZER HOUSE .................................................................................... 19 FLAMMABLE GAS DETECTORS AT HVAC AIR INTAKE ......................................................................................... 20
8.6 FLAMMABLE GAS DETECTION IN TECHNICAL BUILDINGS ......................................................................................... 21
8.6.1 LOCATION OF FLAMMABLE GAS DETECTORS .................................................................................................... 21
8.6.2 ALARMS AND ACTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 22
8.7 FLAMMABLE GAS DETECTION IN NON-TECHNICAL BUILDINGS ................................................................................. 23
8.7.1 LOCATION OF FLAMMABLE GAS DETECTORS .................................................................................................... 23
8.7.2 ALARMS AND ACTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 23

Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
Engineering & Construction Management
N.I.S.O.C Date: 95/08/25

Project: Naft Sefid Oil Field Gas & Oil System Optimization Rev: 00
& Renovation Project Page: 4 of 44

8.8 HYDROGEN GAS DETECTORS............................................................................................................................. 24

8.8.1 LOCATION OF HYDROGEN GAS DETECTORS...................................................................................................... 24
8.8.2 ALARMS AND ACTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 24
9. TOXIC GAS DETECTION ......................................................................................................................... 25
9.1 GENERAL....................................................................................................................................................... 25
9.2 TOXIC GAS DETECTION IN OPEN AREA ................................................................................................................ 25
9.2.1 LOCATION OF TOXIC GAS DETECTORS ............................................................................................................. 25
9.2.2 ALARMS AND ACTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 26
9.3 TOXIC GAS DETECTION IN ANALYZER HOUSES ...................................................................................................... 26
9.3.1 LOCATION OF TOXIC GAS DETECTORS ............................................................................................................. 26
9.3.2 ALARMS AND ACTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 26
9.4 TOXIC GAS DETECTION IN TECHNICAL BUILDINGS ................................................................................................. 28
9.4.1 LOCATION OF TOXIC GAS DETECTORS ............................................................................................................. 28
9.4.2 ALARMS AND ACTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 28
9.5 TOXIC GAS DETECTION IN NON-TECHNICAL BUILDINGS ......................................................................................... 28
9.5.1 LOCATION OF TOXIC GAS DETECTORS ............................................................................................................. 28
9.5.2 ALARMS AND ACTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 29
9.6 PORTABLE TOXIC GAS DETECTORS ..................................................................................................................... 29
10. FIRE DETECTION ............................................................................................................................... 30
10.1 GENERAL....................................................................................................................................................... 30
10.2 SELECTION OF FIRE DETECTORS ......................................................................................................................... 31
10.3 GENERAL AREA COVERAGE ............................................................................................................................... 32
10.4 LOCATION OF FIRE DETECTORS .......................................................................................................................... 32
10.5 ALARMS AND ACTIONS .................................................................................................................................... 32
10.6 FIRE DETECTION IN MACHINE ENCLOSURE........................................................................................................... 33
10.6.1 GENERAL................................................................................................................................................... 33
10.6.2 UV/IR FLAME DETECTORS ........................................................................................................................... 33
10.6.3 HEAT DETECTORS ....................................................................................................................................... 33
10.6.4 ALARMS AND ACTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 34
10.7 FIRE DETECTION OF STORAGE TANKS.................................................................................................................. 34
10.7.1 GENERAL................................................................................................................................................... 34
10.7.2 ALARMS AND ACTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 35
10.8 FIRE DETECTION IN NON-TECHNICAL BUILDINGS .................................................................................................. 35
10.8.1 GENERAL................................................................................................................................................... 35
10.8.2 IONIZATION TYPE SMOKE DETECTORS ............................................................................................................. 36
10.8.3 PHOTOELECTRIC SMOKE DETECTORS .............................................................................................................. 36
10.8.4 HEAT DETECTORS ....................................................................................................................................... 37
10.8.5 LOCATION AND SPACING OF FIRE DETECTORS................................................................................................... 38
10.8.6 ALARMS AND ACTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 38
10.9 FIRE DETECTION IN TECHNCIAL BUILDINGS .......................................................................................................... 39
10.9.1 GENERAL................................................................................................................................................... 39
10.9.2 POINT TYPE SMOKE DETECTORS .................................................................................................................... 39
10.9.3 POINT TYPE HEAT DETECTORS ...................................................................................................................... 40
10.9.4 LINEAR HEAT DETECTORS ............................................................................................................................. 40

Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
Engineering & Construction Management
N.I.S.O.C Date: 95/08/25

Project: Naft Sefid Oil Field Gas & Oil System Optimization Rev: 00
& Renovation Project Page: 5 of 44

10.9.5 ALARMS AND ACTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 40

10.10 FIRE DETECTION IN BATTERY ROOM ............................................................................................................... 40
10.10.1 GENERAL............................................................................................................................................... 40
10.10.2 ALARMS AND ACTIONS ............................................................................................................................ 41
11. MANUAL ALARM CALL POINTS (MACP) ............................................................................................. 41
12. ALARM SOUNDER AND FLASH LIGHT ................................................................................................. 42
12.1 ALARM SOUNDER ........................................................................................................................................... 42
12.2 FLASH LIGHT .................................................................................................................................................. 43
13. MATRIX PANEL ................................................................................................................................. 44

Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
Engineering & Construction Management
N.I.S.O.C Date: 95/08/25

Project: Naft Sefid Oil Field Gas & Oil System Optimization Rev: 00
& Renovation Project Page: 6 of 44

Existing Naft Sefid Production Unit with crude oil processing capacity of 20000-25000
STB/Day has been located in North of Ahwaz which its produced crude oil is transferred to
AHWAZ. Also 25000 STB/Day Dead oil is received in the Naft Sefid Production Unit, from
Masjed Soleiman to Naft Sefid, and pumps to AHWAZ with no process on it. Existing unit is
at 70 km northeast of Ahwaz and 75 km of Masjed Soleiman.
NISOC intends to establish a new production unit to optimize Oil and Gas processing in Naft
Sefid oil field due to depreciation of the existing unit and lack of sweetening facilities in this
This project consists of design and construction of new oil production unit and gas gathering
and compression station in Naft Sefid oil field to produce 20000 STB/Day sweet crude oil
for transfer to Haftkel via main oil transfer pumps. Separated gases from production unit will
be gathered and compressed in several stages and then will be transferred to Masjed
Soleiman in conjunction with incoming gases from separation station. New Oil and Gas
production unit will be located at 2.4 km southeast of existing production unit.
Moreover, 25000 STB/Day dead oil from Masjed Soleiman will be received in production
tank and then transferred to Ahwaz via dead oil transfer pumps.
This project consists of the following items:
1. Inlet manifold for 9 HP/LP incoming flow lines.

2. Production unit including production separators, stripper column, degassing tank and main
oil transfer pumps to Haftkel.
3. Production Tank for incoming dead oil from Masjed Soleiman and main oil transfer
pumps to transfer dead oil to Ahwaz.
4. Gas gathering and compression unit including several compression stages to transfer gas to
Masjed Soleiman.
5. Route change or optimization of incoming flow lines to the new Naft Sefid inlet

Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
Engineering & Construction Management
N.I.S.O.C Date: 95/08/25

Project: Naft Sefid Oil Field Gas & Oil System Optimization Rev: 00
& Renovation Project Page: 7 of 44

6. Design and construction of 8″ crude oil pipeline from new production unit to Haftkel.
7. Design and construction of new 8″ Dead Oil pipeline from new production unit to the tie-
in point of existing 8″ and 12″ pipelines in old Naft Sefid production unit.
8. Design and construction of 6″ gas pipeline from separation station to the new Naft Sefid
production unit.
9. Design and construction of new 8″ gas transfer pipeline from new production unit to the
tie-in point of existing 8″ pipeline in old Naft Sefid production unit.

This specification covers the minimum requirements for gas and fire detection used in
Naft Sefid Project. It is applicable for the selection of detectors (type), their location and
the alarms and actions initiated when detectors are activated.

Client National Iranian south oil company (NISOC)
Title of project Naft Sefid Oil Field Gas & Oil System Optimization & Renovation
Location Naft Sefid oil field is located about 70 km North-east of Ahwaz.


Throughout this specification, the words "will", "may", "should", "shall" when used have
meaning as follows:
"Will" is used normally in conjunction with an action by Company,
"May" is used where alternatives are equally acceptable,
"Should" is used where a solution is preferred,
"Shall" is used where a provision is mandatory.

Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
Engineering & Construction Management
N.I.S.O.C Date: 95/08/25

Project: Naft Sefid Oil Field Gas & Oil System Optimization Rev: 00
& Renovation Project Page: 8 of 44

CGD Catalytic Gas Detector
DCS Distributed Control System
ESD Emergency Shut Down System
EWSD Early Warning Smoke Detector
F&G Fire and Gas Detection System
HVAC Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning
IR Infra-Red
IRGD Infra Red Gas Detector
LED Light Emitting Diode
LEL Lower Explosive Level
MAC Manual Alarm Call Point
MW Molecular Weight
OD Outer Diameter
PSH High Pressure Switch
PSL Low Pressure Switch
ROR Rate-of-Rise
SD Smoke Detector
TGD Toxic Gas Detector
UV Ultra-Violet
LCP Local Control Panel
UCP Unit Control Panel


IPS-E-SF-260 Engineering Standard for Automatic Detectors and Fire Systems
IPS-G-SF-310 General Standard for Gas Detectors
NFPA72 National Fire Alarm Code

Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
Engineering & Construction Management
N.I.S.O.C Date: 95/08/25

Project: Naft Sefid Oil Field Gas & Oil System Optimization Rev: 00
& Renovation Project Page: 9 of 44

NFPA70 National Electrical Code

NFPA75 Protection of Electronic Computer/Data Processing Equipment
BS-5839 Fire detection and fire alarm systems for buildings

Fire and gas detection devices shall be installed throughout the plant to detect hazardous
conditions resulting from gas leakage or fire, and to initiate appropriate alarms and
The actions could be an alarm, a fire extinguishing system activation, HVAC shutdown or
a trip signal (when required) to other systems such as ESD system. The alarms and actions
generated by the activation of each detector will be detailed in “F&G Cause & Effect
Charts” for each area.
Fire and Gas Detection System shall include, but not limited to, the following type of
• Gas detectors (flammable/toxic);
• Flame detectors;
• MCPs activation;
• Deluge valves activation (If any);
• Audible and visual alarm devices;
• Total flooding discharge system activation;
• ESD system activation (If required);
• HVAC shut down.
• Smoke Detectors
• Heat Detectors
The process plant Fire and Gas Detection System shall be provided with sufficient and
reliable detectors to ensure personnel warning and allow immediate response to minimize

Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
Engineering & Construction Management
N.I.S.O.C Date: 95/08/25

Project: Naft Sefid Oil Field Gas & Oil System Optimization Rev: 00
& Renovation Project Page: 10 of 44

damage from any emergency situation.

The Fire and Gas Detection System for gas compressors and other packages containing
flammable/ toxic inventories shall be supplied by gas compressors and other packages
vendor as a dedicated system. Anyway an interface between the above mentioned unit
control panels and plant FGS shall be foreseen. Summary alarms and fault conditions shall
be available and hardwired to the Plant FGS System.
UV/IR flame detectors (in pair) should be used to protect gas compressors and also for
activation of water spray system (deluge system).
Visual Alarms and audible alarms shall be provided in the plant areas for personnel
A system of manual call points for initiating fire alarms shall be provided as a part of the
plant Fire Detection System.


The FGS shall be a stand-alone PLC based control system consist of, but not be limited to:
• Detectors, field devices, alarm beacons and sounders;
• System cabinets and, where needed, their associated field interface cabinets
(marshalling cabinets) located within the Control Buildings;
• Alarm and event printer.
All detectors (with the exception of hydrogen detectors), alarm devices and MACP shall
be suitable for use in Zone I, Gas Group IIB, and Temperature Class T3, except detectors
which shall be installed in battery room or all other areas which hydrogen can present
which shall be suitable for use in Zone I, Gas Group IIC and Temperature Class T3.


A charging system shall be supplied from AC power source with battery back-up, for all

Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
Engineering & Construction Management
N.I.S.O.C Date: 95/08/25

Project: Naft Sefid Oil Field Gas & Oil System Optimization Rev: 00
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Normal system operations shall be as follows:

1. System loads are supplied from the normal AC power line through the
rectifier/charger which will maintain the batteries in the fully-charged condition;
2. Upon loss of the AC line, the batteries shall power the load;
3. Upon normal AC power line restoration, the system shall revert to normal
operation and recharge the batteries.

7.3.1 Capacity
Unless otherwise permitted or required by (a) or (b), the secondary power supply shall
have sufficient capacity to operate the fire alarm system under quiescent load (system
operating in a non alarm condition) for a minimum of 24 hours and, at the end of that
period, shall be capable of operating all alarm notification appliances used for evacuation
or to direct aid to the location of an emergency for 5 minutes.

(A) The secondary power supply for emergency voice/alarm communications service shall
be capable of operating the system under quiescent load for a minimum of 24 hours and
then shall be capable of operating the system during a fire or other emergency condition
for a period of 15 minutes at maximum connected load.

(B) The secondary power supply capacity for supervising station facilities and equipment
shall be capable of supporting operations for a minimum of 24 hours.

The secondary power supply capacity required shall include all power supply loads that
are not automatically disconnected upon the transfer to secondary power supply.


Flammable gas detectors shall not be poisoned by the surrounding atmosphere, in

Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
Engineering & Construction Management
N.I.S.O.C Date: 95/08/25

Project: Naft Sefid Oil Field Gas & Oil System Optimization Rev: 00
& Renovation Project Page: 12 of 44

particular by the presence of H2S. If located outdoors the detector shall not be sensitive to
the ambient humidity. Therefore, with the exception of hydrogen detectors, if used,
Infrared Gas Detectors (IRGD) should be given preference over Catalytic Gas Detectors
Flammable gas detectors shall be located taking into account the following criteria:
1. The most likely sources of leakage;
2. The proximity to possible sources of ignition;
3. The prevailing wind direction and wind speed;
4. The environment (dust, sand storms, humidity, vibrations and alignment).
5. Detectors shall be located on surfaces free from vibration and shall be fitted with
guards as protection from mechanical damage and the effects of rain, water, dust
and sand.
6. The density of gas leak; detector shall be positioned under the expected leak source
for heavier than air gases and above the expected leak source for lighter than air
gases. For detection of heavier than air gases, detectors shall be installed at a
height of 500 mm to 1000 mm above ground level or below source of leak (if
source of leak located on a platform, structure or higher elevation). For detection
of lighter than air gases, the detectors shall be installed at a height of around 500
mm above the potential source of leakage.
7. Gas can be considered heavier than air if its MW (molecular weight) > 33, lighter
than air if its MW < 23 and if 23< MW < 33, the conditions of release shall be
studied. If the condition of release is not conclusive, gas shall be considered as
being both heavier and lighter than air.


8.2.1 Location of Flammable Gas Detectors
Point type gas detectors shall be installed near probable leak sources which could lead to

Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
Engineering & Construction Management
N.I.S.O.C Date: 95/08/25

Project: Naft Sefid Oil Field Gas & Oil System Optimization Rev: 00
& Renovation Project Page: 13 of 44

the formation of flammable gas clouds and includes the following locations:
1. Seals of flammable gas compressors,
2. Pumps handling flammable liquids with Temp. > flash point,
3. Manifolds where many control valves are grouped,
Open path Infra Red (IR) detectors (commonly referred to as line of sight or beam
detectors) can be used in open process areas with inventories of flammable gas. They can
also be used where there is a need to identify that flammable gas is migrating to a non-
hazardous area or beyond the site boundary.
Open path gas detectors can be useful in monitoring gas migration across the interfaces
between hazardous and non-hazardous areas. Below cases could be considered as
1. The area where industrial zone and technical/non-technical buildings are separated.
2. Where high probability of gas cloud passage through technical/non-technical
buildings due to prevailing wind direction.
The application of open path IRGD for above mentioned areas is recommended for alarm
purposes only.
When using IR open path detection due consideration must be given to factors which can
affect the operation of such instrumentation and give rise either to spurious trips or beam
block warnings. Such affects include:
1. Obscuration due to fog,
2. Low level sunlight interference,
3. Lack of rigidity of mounting,
4. Lines of sight, including blockage by personnel, maintenance operations or
mechanical handling equipment.

8.2.2 Alarms and Actions

When 20% of LFL (Lower Flammability Limit) is reached for point detectors or 1 LFLm

Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
Engineering & Construction Management
N.I.S.O.C Date: 95/08/25

Project: Naft Sefid Oil Field Gas & Oil System Optimization Rev: 00
& Renovation Project Page: 14 of 44

for beam type, any one detector shall activate:

1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (continuous red light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
When 50% of LFL is reached for one point type detector or 3 LFLm for one beam type
detector, the following alarms shall be activated:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing red light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. Audible and visual alarm (red flashing beacons) in the process area.

When 50% of LFL is confirmed by two detectors, appropriate level of Emergency Shut-
Down (ESD) of related process isolation section (corresponding to fire & gas detection
zone) shall be initiated.

When 3 LFLm is confirmed by two beam type detector, audible and visual alarm (red
flashing beacons) in whole plant shall be initiated.


8.3.1 Location of Flammable Gas Detectors
If fired heater or machines are located outside the process area and possibility of gas cloud
reaching is very low, flammable gas detectors are not required at their air intakes
(combustion and ventilation).

Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
Engineering & Construction Management
N.I.S.O.C Date: 95/08/25

Project: Naft Sefid Oil Field Gas & Oil System Optimization Rev: 00
& Renovation Project Page: 15 of 44 Fired Heaters

Flammable gas detectors shall be located in the fired heater combustion air inlets and
between the fired heater and process areas in order to detect flammable gas clouds. Diesel Engine

For diesel engines, the flammable gas detectors shall be supplied by machine vendor and
provided as follows:
1. Air combustion filter intake,
2. Enclosure ventilation air inlet (one per separate ducting),
3. Enclosure ventilation air outlet (one per separate ducting),
4. Inside the machine enclosure close to the fuel system (if any).
Flammable gas detectors shall be monitored by the equipment supplier fire and gas system
(UCP: Unit control panel), appropriate signal shall be provided on plant F&G system.
For diesel generators, flammable gas detectors shall be provided in air combustion intake,
enclosure ventilation air inlet and inside air path of the air outlets. Air Compressors

For air compressors, three (3) flammable gas detectors shall be located in the air inlet.

8.3.2 Alarms and Actions Fired Heaters
When 20% of LFL (Lower Flammability Limit) is reached, any one detector shall
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (continuous red light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. An audible and visual alarm at the UCP.

Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
Engineering & Construction Management
N.I.S.O.C Date: 95/08/25

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& Renovation Project Page: 16 of 44

When 50% of LFL is reached by one detector, the following alarms shall be activated:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing red light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. An audible and visual alarm at the UCP.
4. Audible and visual alarm (red flashing beacons) in the process area.
When 50% of LFL is confirmed by 2oo3 voting logic, following alarms and actions shall
be activated:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing red light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. An audible and visual alarm at the UCP.
4. Audible and visual alarm (red flashing beacons) in the process area,
5. The air inlet shall be closed and the ventilation fans shall be shut-down,
6. The fired heater shall be shut-down. Diesel Engines

When 20% of LFL (Lower Flammability Limit) is reached, any one detector shall
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (continuous red light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. An audible and visual alarm at the UCP.

When 50% of LFL is reached by one detector, the following alarms shall be activated:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing red light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.

Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
Engineering & Construction Management
N.I.S.O.C Date: 95/08/25

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& Renovation Project Page: 17 of 44

3. An audible and visual alarm at the UCP.

4. Audible and visual alarm (red flashing beacons) in the process area.
5. The air inlets and outlets shall be closed and the ventilation fans shall be shut
When 50% of LFL is confirmed by 2oo3 voting logic, following alarms and actions shall
be activated:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing red light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. An audible and visual alarm at the UCP.
4. Audible and visual alarm (red flashing beacons) in the process area.
5. The air inlets and outlets shall be closed and the ventilation fans shall be shut
6. The equipment shall be shut-down.
In the case of gas detection in combustion air inlets of “Diesel Driven Fire Pumps”,
automatic start-up shall be inhibited but, if the fire pump has already started up, it shall not
be stopped. Air Compressors

When 20% of LFL (Lower Flammability Limit) is reached, any one detector shall
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (continuous red light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. An audible and visual alarm at the UCP.

When 50% of LFL is reached, the following alarms shall be activated:

Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
Engineering & Construction Management
N.I.S.O.C Date: 95/08/25

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& Renovation Project Page: 18 of 44

1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing red light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. An audible and visual alarm at the UCP.
4. Audible and visual alarm (red flashing beacons) in the process area.
When 50% of LFL is confirmed by 2oo3 voting logic, following alarms and actions shall
be activated:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing red light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. An audible and visual alarm at the UCP.
4. Audible and visual alarm (red flashing beacons) in the process area,
5. The air compressor shall be shut down.


8.4.1 Location of Flammable Gas Detectors
Not less than three flammable gas detectors shall be located along the length of the valve
manifold where flange connections are most prolific.

8.4.2 Alarms and Actions

When 20% of LFL is reached, any one detector shall activate:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (continuous red light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
When 50% of LFL is reached for one point type detector, the following alarms shall be
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.

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Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
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2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing red light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. Audible and visual alarm (red flashing beacons) in the process area.

When 50% of LFL is confirmed by two detectors, appropriate level of Emergency Shut-
Down (ESD) of related process isolation section (corresponding to fire & gas detection
zone) shall be initiated.


8.5.1 Location of Flammable Gas Detectors
• At least two (2) flammable gas detectors shall be installed inside each analyzer
house where flammable gas or liquids are analyzed or used. One (1) detector shall
be mounted at grade and one (1) mounted at ceiling level near the main air
• Three (3) flammable gas detectors shall be located at the air intake of HVAC

8.5.2 Alarms and Actions

The detector located in analyzer house shall initiate the following alarms and actions for
the specified level of gas detection: Flammable Gas Detectors Inside Analyzer House

When 10% of LFL is reached by any detector:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (continuous red light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. An audible alarm inside the analyzer house.

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Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
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When 25% of LFL is reached by any detector, the following alarms and actions shall be
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing red light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. Audible and visual alarm (red flashing beacons) in the process area.
4. A visual alarm (red flashing beacon) outside the analyzer house.
5. Equipment of the analyzer house not suitable for zone-1 shall be shut-down and
electrically isolated,
6. The fresh air intake shall be kept open to decrease the gas concentration in the analyzer
house. Flammable Gas Detectors at HVAC Air Intake
For the three (3) detectors located in the HVAC air intake, a two (2) out of three (3) voting
system shall be provided.
When 10% of LFL is reached by any detector:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (continuous red light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. An audible alarm inside the analyzer house.

When 25% of LFL is reached by any detector, the following alarms and actions shall be
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing red light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. An audible alarm inside the analyzer house.
4. Audible and visual alarm (red flashing beacons) in the process area.

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Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
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5. A visual alarm (red flashing beacon) outside the analyzer house.

6. Equipment of the analyzer house which is not suitable for zone 1 shall be shut-
down and electrically isolated.
7. HVAC Shut down

When two (2) out of three (3) logic is achieved, the following alarms and actions shall be
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing red light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. An audible alarm inside the analyzer house.
4. Audible and visual alarm (red flashing beacons) in the process area.
5. A visual alarm (red flashing beacon) outside the analyzer house.
6. Equipment of the analyzer house which is not suitable for zone 1 shall be shut-
down and electrically isolated.
7. The fresh air inlet shall be closed and fans stopped.


8.6.1 Location of Flammable Gas Detectors
Control room and substation buildings shall have flammable gas detectors provided in
the following locations:
1. In the air intake ducts of HVAC systems; three (3) gas detectors in each air intake
of HVAC system shall be installed;
2. Inside the airlocks of these buildings (if any); one (1) flammable gas detector for
each airlock.

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Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
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8.6.2 Alarms and Actions

When any detector is activated, the following alarms shall be initiated for the specified
gas concentration listed below:
• At 10% LFL:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (continuous red light of related
fire & gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.

• At 25% LFL, the following alarm shall be activated:

1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing red light of related fire
& gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. An audible and visual alarm in the concerned building.

For detectors located at HVAC air intake, a two (2) out of three (3) voting system shall
be provided. When two (2) out of three (3) logic is achieved, the following alarms and
actions shall be activated:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing red light of related fire
& gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. An audible and visual alarm in the concerned building.

4. The inlet and outlet dampers shall be closed via HVAC PLC output.
5. The HVAC system shall be shut-down.

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Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
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8.7.1 Location of Flammable Gas Detectors
Buildings shall have flammable gas detectors provided in the following locations:
1. In the air intake ducts provided for the heating ventilation and air conditioning
(HVAC) systems (if any),
2. Inside the airlocks of these buildings (if any); one (1) flammable gas detector
for each airlock.

8.7.2 Alarms and Actions

When any detector is activated, the following alarms shall be initiated for the specified
gas concentration listed below:
• At 10% LFL:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (continuous red light of related
fire & gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
• At 25% LFL, the following alarm shall be activated:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing red light of related fire
& gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. An audible and visual alarm in the concerned building.
4. For laboratory building, electrical equipment not suitable for zone 1 shall be
shut-down and electrically isolated.

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Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
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8.8.1 Location of Hydrogen Gas Detectors
Hydrogen gas detectors shall be catalytic type. One hydrogen gas detector shall be
located in each battery room where hydrogen free batteries are not used.

8.8.2 Alarms and Actions

The detectors located inside the battery rooms shall give the following alarms and

• When 10% of LEL is reached, each detector shall give:

1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (continuous red light of related
fire & gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. An audible and visual alarm in the concerned building.

• When 25% of LEL is reached by any detector, the following alarm and action
shall in addition be activated:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing red light of related fire
& gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. An audible and visual alarm in the concerned building.
4. The battery feeder shall be isolated,
5. The extraction fans shall be kept in operation to decrease the hydrogen

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Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
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H2S Toxic Gas Detectors shall be point type detectors.
Fixed toxic gas detectors provide some degree of protection but cannot cover all the
areas where personnel may be present and where H2S is likely to accumulate.
In addition to fixed toxic gas detectors, personnel should be equipped with portable
individual toxic gas detectors.
Toxic gas detectors shall be located taking into account the following criteria:
1. The most likely sources of leakage;
2. The H2S concentration of the fluid. For concentrations above 1000 ppm H2S,
toxic gas detection shall be considered in addition to flammable gas detection.
3. The prevailing wind direction and wind speed;
4. The density of gas leak; the sitting of H2S detectors shall be as per flammable
gas detectors, taking into account the density of the gas containing H2S.
All toxic gas detectors shall be suitable for use in Zone 1, Gas Group IIB, and
Temperature Class T3.
H2S sensor output shall be 4-20 mA proportional to the range of 0-100 ppm.


9.2.1 Location of Toxic Gas Detectors
The location of the H2S toxic gas detectors shall be decided based on the layout of
plant equipment however will be typically located at the following locations:
1. Seals of gas compressors handling H2S,
2. Pumps handling fluids containing H2S,
3. Group of control valves handling fluids containing H2S.

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Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
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9.2.2 Alarms and Actions

When 10 ppm H2S is reached, personnel shall escape from the area to the designated
muster point(s), wearing masks. Any one detector shall activate:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (continuous yellow light of related
fire & gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
When 30 ppm H2S is reached, personnel shall evacuate the plant and the following
alarms shall be activated:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing yellow light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. Audible and visual alarm (yellow flashing beacons) in the process area.


9.3.1 Location of Toxic Gas Detectors
One toxic gas detector shall be installed at the analyzer house air intakes and two toxic
gas detectors shall be installed inside each analyzer house where fluids containing H2S
are analyzed.

9.3.2 Alarms and Actions

The detector located in analyzer house shall initiate the following alarms and actions
for the specified level of gas detection:
• Toxic Gas Detectors Inside Analyzer House
When 5 ppm H2S is reached, personnel shall escape from the area wearing masks, and
any one detector shall activate:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (continuous yellow light of related

Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
Engineering & Construction Management
N.I.S.O.C Date: 95/08/25

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fire & gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. An audible alarm in the analyzer house.
When 15 ppm H2S is reached by any detector, the following alarms and actions shall
in addition be activated:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing yellow light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. An audible alarm in the analyzer house.
4. Audible and visual alarm (yellow flashing beacons) in the process area.
5. A visual alarm (yellow flashing beacon) outside the analyzer house.
6. The fresh air intake shall be kept open to decrease the gas concentration in the
analyzer house.
7. Fans system shall continue to run with maximum RPM.
• Toxic Gas Detectors at HVAC Air Intake
When 5 ppm H2S is reached, personnel shall escape from the area wearing masks, and
any one detector shall activate:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (continuous yellow light of related
fire & gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. An audible alarm in the analyzer house.

When 15 ppm H2S is reached by any detector, the following alarms and actions shall
be activated:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing yellow light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. Audible and visual alarm (yellow flashing beacons) in the process area.
4. An audible alarm in the analyzer house.

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Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
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5. A visual alarm (yellow flashing beacon) outside the analyzer house.

6. HVAC shut down.


9.4.1 Location of Toxic Gas Detectors
H2S toxic gas detectors shall be installed at air intakes of technical buildings (control
room and substation).
Three toxic gas detectors shall be provided on the Fresh Air Inlets of HVAC system.

9.4.2 Alarms and Actions

When 5 ppm H2S is reached, personnel shall escape from the area wearing masks and
any one detector shall activate:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (continuous yellow light of related
fire & gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. An audible alarm in the concerned building.
When 15 ppm H2S is reached, the following alarm and actions shall be activated:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing yellow light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. Audible and visual alarm (yellow flashing beacons) in the concerned building.
4. The inlet and HVAC Fire /Gas outlet dampers shall automatically be closed.
5. The HVAC system shall shut-down.


9.5.1 Location of Toxic Gas Detectors
Buildings shall have toxic gas detectors provided in the following locations:

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Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
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1. In the air intake ducts provided for the heating ventilation and air conditioning
(HVAC) systems (if any),
Inside the airlocks of these buildings (if any); one (1) flammable gas detector for each

9.5.2 Alarms and Actions

When 5 ppm H2S is reached, personnel shall escape from the area wearing masks and
any one detector shall activate:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.

2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (continuous yellow light of related fire & gas
detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.

3. An audible alarm in the concerned building.

When 15 ppm H2S is reached, the following alarm and actions shall be activated:

1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.

2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing yellow light of related fire & gas
detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.

3. Audible and visual alarm (yellow flashing beacons) in the concerned building.

4. The inlet and HVAC Fire /Gas outlet dampers (if any) shall automatically be closed.

5. The HVAC system shall shut-down (if any).


Fixed toxic gas detectors provide some degree of protection but cannot cover all the
areas where personnel may be present and where H2S is likely to accumulate. In
addition to fixed toxic gas detectors, personnel should be equipped with portable
individual toxic gas detectors.
Portable toxic gas detectors shall be supplied to all workers before they enter the
process plant area. These detectors shall be checked prior to issue and carried at all

Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
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times by the worker it has been issued to. They shall be set to alarm at 5ppm and have
an operating range of 0 to 100ppm.
10 Nos. of portable toxic gas detector shall be provided for the Naft Sefid project
which are stored in control room building.
The detector as a minimum should have the following features:
1. Design code ATEX II 2G EEx iad IIC T4 (T amb -20°C to 65°C)

2. Should be small and light for ease of use and transportation

3. Clear indication of operating status

4. 30 days advance calibration warning

5. Rechargeable battery

6. Battery power indication and low battery power warning

7. 95 dBA audible alarm

8. Visual alarm

9. Vibrating alarm

10. Robust construction with high impact resistance

11. IP65 & IP67 compliant

12. Interchangeable sensors

13. Data and event logging


Fire detection systems shall be chosen on the basis of the most rapid and reliable
detection suitable for the kind of fire (hydrocarbons, cables ...) and the location of fire
(in open area or in closed space).
The basic requirements for the fire detection system are an early detection of fire and
activation of alarms and signaling systems through the fire alarm system on the plant

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Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
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in order to provide safety of employees by ensuring quick and safe leaving and
minimize asset damage.
In locating the fire detectors, the environmental criterion shall be taken into account
(sunrise, sunset, dust, sand storms, humidity, vibrations and alignment).
All detectors shall be suitable for use in Zone I, Gas Group IIB, and Temperature
Class T3.
Fire detectors are installed to detect one or more of the three characteristics of fire,
• Smoke
• Heat
• Infra-red or ultraviolet radiation
In some fire detection systems, a fire signal is initiated when the characteristic reaches
a pre-determined threshold. A signal may, instead or in addition, be initiated when the
rate-of-change of the characteristic is representative of a fire.
In the case of point detectors, the characteristic is detected at a defined point(s) within
the protected area. In contrast “line” detectors are capable of detecting the
characteristic along a defined line within the protected space.
In combined (multi-sensor) fire detectors, each detector contains more than one sensor
and thus monitors more than one of the fire characteristics (e.g. combined heat and
smoke detector).


No one type of the detector is the most suitable for all applications. Final choice will
depend primarily on:
• The speed of response required to satisfy the fire safety objective
• The need to minimize false alarms
• The nature of the fire hazard

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Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
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However, other factors, such as cost, suitability for the environment and maintenance
requirements might need to be considered. In some circumstances, a mixture of
different types of detector may be appropriate to optimize speed of detection or to
minimize false alarms.


Fire detection shall be done by combined UV/IR detectors.
Sufficient detectors shall be provided to cover each designated area/equipment
(deluged equipment) based on the viewing angle and range of the detector selected and
manufacturer’s instructions.
Flame detector type for machine enclosure shall be provided by vendor with
appropriate coverage and performance.


UV/IR flame detectors will be located to cover the most likely sources of leak
including pumps and compressors handling flammable substances.
For each compressors/pumps area, appropriate numbers of UV/IR flame detectors
should be installed regarding detectors’ coverage. For each area two (2) detectors shall
be considered as minimum for generating confirmed signal for shut down purposes.
For compressors which are located inside enclosure, refer to “Fire Detection in
Machine Enclosure” section for types and location of detectors.
Also fire detection on Deluge Water Spray Protected Equipment shall be via UV/IR
flame detectors with appropriate numbers.


When any UV/IR detector is activated, the following alarms and action shall be

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Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
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1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing red light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. Audible and visual alarm (red flashing beacons) in the process area.
4. Activation of related water spray system (dedicated deluge valve)
When 2ooN UV/IR detectors are activated for each designated area, appropriate level
of Emergency Shut-Down (ESD) of related process isolation section (corresponding to
fire & gas detection zone) shall be initiated.


10.6.1 General
In machine enclosures, the following types of fire detectors shall be used:
1. UV/IR flame detectors, and/or,
2. Rate-of-Rise heat detectors.
All fire detectors that are located within the machine enclosures shall be suitable for
use in a Zone I hazardous area, Gas Group IIB, Temperature Class T3. Fire detectors
in machine enclosures shall be supplied by machine vendor, and monitored by the unit
control panel.

10.6.2 UV/IR Flame Detectors

UV/IR detectors shall be strategically located to view the entire enclosure(s) of the
machine. At least two detectors shall be provided in the machine enclosure.

10.6.3 Heat Detectors

At least two Rate-of-Rise (ROR) heat detectors shall be optimally located in each
enclosure compartment.

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Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
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10.6.4 Alarms and Actions

Two out of N (2ooN) voting system shall be provided.
When any detector (UV/IR or ROR) is activated the following alarms shall be
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (continuous red light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. An audible alarm and a visual alarm at the UCP.
When two (2) out of N detectors (UV/IR and/or ROR) are activated, the following
alarm and actions shall in addition be activated:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing red light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. Audible and visual alarm (red flashing beacons) in the process area.
4. Shutdown and electrical isolation of the machine, and inhibition of the machine
5. Block and bleed of fuel supply (if any),
6. Shut down of the ventilation system and closure of the fire dampers,
7. Release after an adjustable time delay the automatic extinguishing system
(provided by machine vendor),
8. Initiation of the audible and visual alarms of extinguishment release on the
warning panel (provided by machine vendor).


10.7.1 General
On fixed roof tanks the linear heat detector located around the shell side of the tanks
shall be used for automatic fire detection of tank and activation of water spray system.

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Linear heat detector located inside the tank shall be considered for automatic actuation
of foam system. Water spray ring should consist of two half rings.

10.7.2 Alarms and Actions

Melting of the linear heat detector inside the tank shall automatically initiate the foam
discharge into the tank surface area. Remote manual actuation of the foam
extinguishing system shall also be practicable.
Melting of the linear heat detector located around the shell side of the tank shall
automatically initiate the water spray system. Remote manual actuation of the deluge
valve system shall also be practicable.
In addition, following alarms shall be initiated:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing red light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. Audible and visual alarm (red flashing beacons) in the process area.
4. Appropriate level of Emergency Shut-Down (ESD) of related process isolation
section (corresponding to fire & gas detection zone) shall be initiated


10.8.1 General
Non-technical buildings which are listed below shall be provided with fire detectors.
1. Laboratory Building
2. Workshop & warehouse
3. Telecommunication Building
4. Guard post
Smoke detectors are the most sensitive method of detecting a fire. However smoke
detectors are inherently vulnerable to false alarms caused by dust, steam or smoke

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Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
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from cooking. Where there is a likelihood of false alarms caused by any of these
effects, a heat detector should be used instead. Therefore, smoke detectors should
never be installed in kitchens, bathrooms and shower rooms.

10.8.2 Ionization Type Smoke Detectors

Ionization type smoke detectors use a weak radioactive source to ionize the air
between two electrodes, creating positive and negative ions and so allowing a small
current to flow. Smoke particles attract these ionized particles, and allow positive and
negative ions to recombine, so reducing the number of ions and the current flowing in
the ionization chamber.
Ionization type smoke detectors are most sensitive to smoke with small particles, of
the type which is emitted by fast flaming fires. An ionization type smoke detector
would therefore be a good choice in an environment where this type of fire might be
expected, such as an area containing paper or flammable liquids.
Environmental regulations concerning the radioactive source used in ion detectors,
therefore photoelectric type is mostly used as replacement.

10.8.3 Photoelectric Smoke Detectors

Photoelectric or optical smoke detectors work by generating pulses of infra red light
and sensing any reflected light. If smoke is present in the sensing chamber, the light is
reflected by the smoke particles onto a photodiode which senses the presence of the
Photoelectric smoke detectors are most sensitive to smoke containing large particles,
such as that given off by smouldering fires. A photoelectric detector would therefore
be a good choice in an environment where a smouldering fire could be expected, such
as a room containing modern fabrics and furnishings.
Photoelectric smoke detectors tend to be more sensitive to false alarms caused by

Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
Engineering & Construction Management
N.I.S.O.C Date: 95/08/25

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& Renovation Project Page: 37 of 44

cigarette smoke, so an ionization smoke detector would be a better choice in an

environment where dense cigarette smoke could be expected.
In Naft Sefid plant, photoelectric smoke detectors should be given preference to
ionization type smoke detectors except for areas where cigarette smoke is expected.
Point type optical or ionization type smoke detectors shall generally be provided in the
following areas:
• Offices,
• Corridors and hallways,
• Public access in buildings,
• HVAC rooms.
Point type smoke detectors shall be provided for the following buildings:
1. Laboratory Building
2. Workshop & warehouse
3. Telecommunication Building
4. Guard post

10.8.4 Heat Detectors

Heat detectors are normally used in environments where a smoke detector might
generate false alarms such as kitchen, bathroom and shower rooms. Two basic types of
heat detectors are available, rate-of-rise and fixed temperature.
Rate-of-rise (ROR) heat detectors will alarm if the temperature rises very quickly, or if
the temperature reaches a set threshold. This type of detector would be the first choice
in an environment where a smoke detector could not be used.
Heat detectors that operate only when the rate of rise of temperature is abnormal, but
ought not when a fixed temperature is reached, to not be used; they can fail to detect a
slowly developing fire.
In some areas in which fast rates of rise of temperature can be expected normally,

Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
Engineering & Construction Management
N.I.S.O.C Date: 95/08/25

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meaning that there would be a risk of false alarms when using a ROR device. In this
case a fixed temperature detector would be suitable.
ROR heat detectors shall be provided for the following areas:
• Kitchen (if any)
• Bathrooms and shower rooms (if any)
The minimum static response temperature of heat detectors should not be less than
29oC above the ambient temperature that the detector can be expected to experience
for long periods of time, and not less than 4 oC above the maximum temperature that
the detector can be expected to experience for short periods of time under normal

10.8.5 Location and Spacing of Fire Detectors

The maximum floor area covered by:
• Heat and combined smoke and heat detectors is 15-20 m2 with a maximum
distance of 5 to 6 m between two detectors,
• Smoke detectors is 30 m2 on floor with a maximum distance of 8 m between
two detectors,
Detectors should be mounted a minimum of 0.5 m from the wall.
Duplex loops shall be provided in areas where an executive action is required (e. g.
activation of total flooding system in switchgear room). Where such an action is not
required one single loop is acceptable.

10.8.6 Alarms and Actions

Fire detectors in non-industrial buildings shall provide the following alarms and
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing red light of related fire &

Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
Engineering & Construction Management
N.I.S.O.C Date: 95/08/25

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gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.

3. Audible and visual alarm (red flashing beacons) in the concerned building,
4. HVAC shut-down and dampers closure via an override to the HVAC panel (if


10.9.1 General
Technical buildings are listed below:
1. Control Room Building,
2. Substation Building (including switch gear room and cable gallery)

10.9.2 Point Type Smoke Detectors

For description of point type smoke detectors refer to section 10.8.2 and 10.8.3.
Point type optical or ionization smoke detectors shall generally be provided in the
following areas:
• Offices,
• Corridors and hallways,
• Public access in buildings,
• HVAC rooms.
Point type smoke detectors shall be provided for the following buildings:
1. Control Room Building (corridors and hallways, public access and HVAC
2. Substation Building (including switch gear room and cable gallery)

Duplex loops shall be provided in areas for activation of total flooding system. Where
such an action is not required one single loop is acceptable.

Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
Engineering & Construction Management
N.I.S.O.C Date: 95/08/25

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10.9.3 Point Type Heat Detectors

For description of heat detectors refer to section 10.8.4.
ROR heat detectors shall be provided for the following areas of Control Room:
1. Pantry

10.9.4 Linear Heat Detectors

Linear heat detectors will be installed for transformers, located around the transformer
body. Separate linear heat detector will be provided for each transformer.

10.9.5 Alarms and Actions

Fire detectors in technical buildings shall provide the following alarms and actions:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control room.
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing red light of related fire &
gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. Audible and visual alarm (red flashing beacons) in the concerned building,
4. HVAC shut-down and dampers closure via an override to the HVAC panel (for
fire inside buildings).

For activation of CO2 total flooding systems, “2 out of dual circuits” voting logic shall
be provided (MV & LV switch gear room and cable gallery of substation building).


Rate-of-Rise type heat detectors shall be installed in battery room. The maximum
ground area covered by heat detectors is 15 to 20 m2 with a maximum distance of 5 to
6 m between two detectors.
Detectors shall be ceiling mounted or at a practical height above the floor in High

Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
Engineering & Construction Management
N.I.S.O.C Date: 95/08/25

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vaulted open areas.

These detectors shall be certified for Zone 1, Gas Group IIC, and Temperature Class

10.10.2Alarms and Actions

When any fire detector in the battery room is activated, the following alarms and
actions shall be initiated:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control
2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing red light of related fire
& gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. An audible and visual alarm in the concerned building.
4. The battery feeder shall be isolated.


Manual alarm call points shall be provided and shall be strategically distributed
throughout the installations to enable personnel to raise an alarm. They shall be
located as follows:
1. Along roads in the plant area and peripheries of process areas, storage tanks
areas at intervals not exceeding 100 m,
2. Utility area at not greater than 120m intervals,
3. Offsite areas at not greater than 120m intervals,
4. In buildings adjacent to fire escape exits, so located that the maximum distance
personnel have to travel to reach an MAC is 45 meters,

They shall be certified for Zone 1, Gas Group IIB, and Temperature Class T3.
Operation of a MACP shall activate:
1. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm on F&G panel in the control

Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
Engineering & Construction Management
N.I.S.O.C Date: 95/08/25

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2. A common audible alarm and a visual alarm (flashing red light of related fire
& gas detection zone) in F&G matrix panel in the control room.
3. An audible and visual alarm in the concerned building (for MACPs located
inside building).
4. An audible and visual alarm in the process area (for MACPs located in process


Audible alarms shall be provided to cover the following areas of the plant:
• All processing areas
• Utilities area and buildings
• Effluent treatment and flare areas
They shall support three different tones as follow:
• Intermittent: flammable gas and fire.
• Continuous wave: toxic.
• Continuous steady: evacuate.

Alarm sounders in open area shall have following characteristics:

• For open area (at least 114 dB(A) at 1m)

• In open spaces, as the distance from a sounder double, the sound level will be
reduced by 6 dB(A), (e.g. if 114 dB(A) at 1m, it will be 108 dB(A) at 2m and 102
dB(A) at 4m).
Internal sounders shall cover areas inside buildings and shall be either wall mounted or
ceiling mounted. This shall include all areas of main buildings including the non-technical

Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
Engineering & Construction Management
N.I.S.O.C Date: 95/08/25

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& Renovation Project Page: 43 of 44

buildings and technical buildings.

The sound pressure level of alarm signals inside buildings should be:
1. Generally, throughout all accessible areas of the building (other than in
enclosures of less than 1 m2), not less than 62 dB(A) but this may be reduced
to 60 dB(A) in:
1. Stairways,
2. Enclosures of no more than approximately 60 m2 in area (e.g. cellular
3. Specific points of limited extent.
2. Where the sound pressure level of background noise is greater than 60 dB(A),
the sound pressure level of the alarm signal should be 5 dB above the sound
pressure level of the background noise,
3. Not less than 75 dB(A) at the bedhead within rooms in which the fire alarm
system is intended to rouse people from sleep,
4. Not greater than 115 dB(A) at any normally accessible point.
5. As a general rule, there will be a loss of approximately 20 dB(A) through a
standard door, and 30 dB(A) through a fire door.
It is preferable to use multiple quieter sounders to achieve the required sound level, rather
than a smaller number of loud devices. This is to prevent points of excessive volume, which
may lead to disorientation or damage to hearing.


Visual alarms are normally used as a supplement to audible alarms where they are likely to
be ineffective. Alarm flashing lights shall be provided in noisy areas (pumps and compressors
areas) and outside above the door of the analyzer shelters. The colors should be as follows:
• Red for flammable gas and fire detection
• Yellow for toxic gas detection
• Blue for evacuation

Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy
Project No: 53-85204
National Iranian South Oil Company Document No.:85204-ED-HS-PHY-0003
Engineering & Construction Management
N.I.S.O.C Date: 95/08/25

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Visual alarms should be clearly distinguishable from other warning lights and should flash at a
rate of 30 to 130 flashes per minute. The recommended mounting height is above 2.1m;
however, they should not be mounted closer than 150mm from ceiling. They should be
positioned so that any alarm is clearly visible from all locations within the area in which they
are provided.
Explosion proof horns and beacons within the plant area shall be certified for use in Zone I
areas, Gas Group IIB, temperature class T3. They shall be accessible for maintenance


• F&G matrix panel in the control room provide indication and PB’s initiation for
F&G events.
• It is applicable for events from process area, non-technical and technical
buildings and Unit Control Panel of any package throughout plant.
• This console contains PB’s for initiation of fire/gas alarms and also plant
evacuation alarm
• It contains PB’s for initiation of deluge valves.
• An annunciation panel provides indication of fire and gas detected and deluge
activated by fire detection zone. Continuous light will indicate first level of
indication and flashing light (same lamp) will indicate second level of
• A common sounder will be provided in F&G matrix panel.

Document title:
Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy

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