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VISTAL, Jassen Nina

Psy 109 A
Final Performance Task

Do you feel confident enough to declare that you are a beautiful person?

Authentically, I am not confident enough to declare myself as a beautiful person. We may argue that

beauty isn't only based on appearance but on our inner side as well, however, I can say that both aren’t

beautiful to me. It’s true that ourselves are the worst critique of our own but to be not biased about it, I

am actually not being hard nor bitter on myself whenever I make myself not confident. I am truly trying

to control myself in a way of noting my flaws inside out in order for me to manage and correct them. For

instance, I'm aware that I do downward comparisons just to boost my confidence about beauty and it’s

not right nor do I like it. Hence, I'm trying to discipline myself through not acknowledging I am beautiful

whether society sets the standard or not. Although we are born uniquely different from each other, I am

still not confident enough to declare I am one. Also, I am not putting beauty in a box. It’s only the

critiques that I create on my own that made me feel not. Nevertheless, I am still able to socialize and

even be happy for everyone who feels confident about themselves, that’s the power that each one of us

holds. I guess I am made uniquely different towards judgment of beauty.

If I were to send an important message to the people of Tagbilaran City, it would be “it’s okay to not feel

confident sometimes, and It’s okay to feel insecure sometimes.” Sure we must improve our self-esteem,

acknowledge our true beauty, focus on self, lean in, be fearless, fight negativity, and become leaders.

However, if you're not doing those, you're being left out once more, and we frequently apologize to

ourselves for feeling as though we don't deserve a place at the table. Because having those is really

something to women and then walking around hating oneself is not healthy. And it is undeniable that

self-hatred has long been a part of the female existence. I can therefore understand why women are
given so much self-empowerment these days. It may all be a little stressful, though, when it takes over

and we feel pressured to always put on a brave front both externally and internally. Instances of anxiety

to feel confident might be more higher than the insecurity itself (Valenti, 2016). The truth is that it's

normal for women to experience occasional self esteem issues. A little insecurity may actually be a good

motivator, and it's a natural reaction to a culture that basically tells us that's who we are. Instead of

continuously trying to move beyond our confidence crises, why not sit with it for a while and realize that

they are natural? It’s exhausting to constantly be improving ourselves to help us get through difficult

moments. We have bad days and that is okay.

With the use of antecedent strategies specifically commitment procedures that reinforce positive

behaviors. I am going to build a stall inside the mall’s entrance passage that is called “It is Okay”. Where

free tastes of goodies and drinks that encompasses letters and phrases that deal with confidence and

beauty that it is okay to feel confident and it’s also okay not to feel confident. Because part of that

self-love has to involve forgiving ourselves when we don't feel like we're doing our best, rather than

viewing the sensation as a weakness that needs to be improved upon. I am very hopeful for every

woman to feel good about themselves and at the same time, I just also hope we can make some room

for those trying times and negative emotions because they’re part of us too.

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