Introduction Assignment

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VISTAL, Jassen Niña

Psy 109 A

My birth date has something to do with why my full name is Jassen Niña Vistal. I am a Capricorn baby

who was born on January 12, 2002. January is a month where a bunch of festivals are celebrated,

including Senior Santo Niño and Saint Arnold Janssen. It’s a traditional Filipino practice to name their

baby similar to their used cultures, thus Jassen from Janssen and Niña from Niño. Also, it’s not really

my thing to believe in horoscopes but it says my sign’s personalities are ambitious, hardworking and

enterprising which I don’t deny cause I am those things. Furthermore, I am the only girl among my

four siblings. I grew up in Magtongtong, Calape, Bohol watching my brothers playing mind games,

thus my love for chess and cards. I enjoy reading, editing and playing with numbers. I love watching

movies but I'm currently stuck at GoT’s new prequel. Lastly, architecture was my first choice but after

spending hours in the HNU library reading the dream analysis during my senior years in high school

and then hoping to study more about it, I chose to take psychology. Now, I'm in my third year of my

course, realizing dreams it is.

The 5th acceptable font to use in passing our papers in the class is Nunito. Although it’s a bit similar

to Calibri and Helvetica, Nunito is a bit bigger in text which is particularly advantageous to the

reader’s eyes without having to change the font size. Moreover, it is quite neat and clean to look at

since it is a well balanced sans serif typeface superfamily that was created by Vernon Adams

(Shmavonyan & Vanyashin, 2017). Though it is a newly made font, It’s not yet popular and widely

used by many but I think we can consider this one professional and educational enough to use in our

writing activities. And given that we are an asynchronous class, most of us are using google docs and

Nunito is available in the platform unlike Cambria and Helvetica. Hence, Nunito is a more acceptable

font to use for it is accessible, precise and convenient to the students.

In order to successfully be a member of society, one should be considered well enough and

acceptable by the eyes of many because that is what they recognize as ”normal”. The people who are

in this group are in or close to the accepted average of any various traits such as beauty, weight,

height and sexuality. Then, we tend to conform to such standards in order to appear as normal as

possible in order to fit in. However, if you fall short of those expectations, you could be described as

human that’s not being in the right way. Moreover, you’ll be disregarded by those individuals for

falling outside of what they perceive as “normal”. And often this can cause psychological and social

repercussions on those who are labeled as deviant. This is making many people’s lives difficult and

even preventing them from getting a place in society, therefore normal is not a standard of goodness.

Also, humans are remarkably diverse. We should embrace and accept our own individuality,

differences and uniqueness. Enjoy your spot at any place on the continuum and know that being

different is in fact normal of being human (Fuentes, 2014). It’s okay to not fit in the world you do not

belong to, disregard those standards because being different could inspire or help other people.

Being ourselves and owning our own beauty, talent, and identity could give us happiness, success

and contentment. We are diverse because the world requires us to serve a variety of purposes and

functions, hence, deviant does not always mean bad.

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