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Soccer Shootout Portfolio Rubric

Directions: Use the rubric below as a guide in writing and revising your Soccer Shootout.
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1) Points
(Weight) Awarded
Reasoning and Reasoning is Reasoning is Some reasoning Reasoning is not
Communication clearly explained. explained. is explained. well explained.
The explanation The explanation The explanation The explanation
clearly shows shows some shows basic does not clearly
planning. planning. planning. show planning.
The explanation The explanation The explanation The explanation
uses math mostly uses uses some math uses math
language math language language language, but it
correctly. correctly. correctly. is mostly
Modeling The student’s The student’s The student’s The student’s
and/or Use of work shows work shows good work shows work shows little
Tools excellent modeling or use some modeling modeling or use
modeling or use of tools. or use of tools. of tools.
of tools.
Presentation The student’s The student’s The student’s The student’s
work shows a work shows a work shows a work shows an
complete good basic incorrect
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
equivalent equivalent equivalent equivalent
fractions. fractions. fractions. fractions.

0 points: No evidence of ability to demonstrate targeted skill. Total points: /12


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