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For Aspiring Lead Gen Agency

How To Build An $18,000/month
Lead Generation Agency In 4 Weeks
Using Positive Feedback Loops
…With No Case Studies
Author: Leevi Eerola
Btw, if you want help building a lead gen agenycy, talk to us:
Fuck everyone else, I’m here to make you a metric fuckton of
cold hard cash.
Before we jump into the sauce of the doc, I want you to realize
that I had to seriously neglect my mind & body through +100
hours of researching and writing to make this doc.
I’ve rewritten this 5 times and spammed all my friends to read
it so they could give me feedback.

That would just be idiotic…

Figure 1: Above is a screenshot of what Joel sent me after 48
hours of launching his first cold email campaign.
Notice how the performance fee results in over $17,000 within
the next 3 months.

Figure 2: Above is a screenshot of what Joel sent us after 3

weeks of working with us.

Figure 3: above is a screenshot of the very first payment I’ve

ever received for my current Agency.
Notice how I closed my first client for 1240€ on the 31st of
December 2021.

Figure 4: The image above is a screenshot of the payments

received in the third month of running my current Agency
(Precisely €13,085.32 by the 31st of March of 2022 - 92
days after my first ever payment)
Figure 5: above is a screenshot of the payments received in
these 5 weeks for my current Agency
(Precisely €44,300.49 generated from May 30th to July 7th)

Figure 6: above is a screenshot of the results we’ve generated

for one of our clients.
17 qualified calls in 6 days for a $25k digital marketing
Figure 7: above is a screenshot of our cold email campaign
Notice how we are averaging 19.1% reply rates.
Figure 8: the image above showcases the CRM of my first lead
generation client.
As you can see, they went
from 16,000€/mo to 88,000€/mo in 8 weeks.
Figure 9: the screenshot above showcases Daniel Sannagård's
messages in our Slack channel.
He went from working as a 9-5 sales rep to
making $15,000/mo with his lead generation agency in 16
weeks using our strategies.
Notice how he delivers impressive results to his clients while
getting huge referral deals.
Figure 10: Screenshots above showcase results Oliver
Skaanild has been getting in the past months with his lead
generation agency.
He went from running an SMMA agency for 2-years without
generating revenue to making $17,000 In 35 days with his
lead generation agency. Oliver has a waiting list of +20
companies right now waiting to work with him.
Figure 11: The screenshot above showcases a Slack
conversation between Brian Burns & Rob Nool (One of our
Notice how Brian has managed to go from working a 9-5 to
making $16,000/mo with his lead generation agency in 16
Figure 12: Screenshots above showcases the results Wyatt has
reported to us in our Slack channel.
He went from running a $500/mo lead gen agency and
struggling with client acquisition to hitting $10,000/mo in 16
weeks while working with us.
Now, who is this for?
 If you want to take control of your life and make $10,000/month
from anywhere in the world on your terms by running a high-quality
lead generation agency, stick around.
 If you are already running a lead generation agency but have
trouble signing high-paying clients and delivering results that make
them jump up and down, stick around.
 If you are looking to run a lead generation agency or already run
one and are struggling with picking a profitable niche where you can
position yourself as an expert and only work with the cream of the
crop clients, stick around.
 If you’re stuck in the flywheel of charging low prices and working
with low-quality clients in your agency, this is for you.
 If you’ve bought Lead Gen Agency courses in the past and they’ve
given you no value, and you’re looking for something precise that
will give you precisely what you need to succeed, this is for you.
 If you’re signing clients but have no idea how to deliver a good
service that justifies what you’re charging them, this is for you.
 If you work a job and want to build a Lead Gen Agency that will
serve as a cash-flow vehicle that will allow you to quit your job and
create freedom for yourself, this is for you.
 If you feel like you suck at sales and don’t have a consistent and
reliable sales process to close the people you speak with, this is for
 If you’re willing to trade time, effort, energy, attention, and focus
on achieving whatever goals you may have for your Lead Gen
Agency, this is for you.
 If you want to take advantage of the underlying lead generation
problem that 63% of businesses struggle with and get some
financial security during these uncertain times, stick around.
 If you feel fed up with investing money, time & effort into new
business opportunities while being afraid you’ll never fill your
potential and stay stuck living paycheck to paycheck for the rest of
your life, stick around.
 If you want to follow your passion and know that you need a cash-
flowing asset first to make those dreams come true, stick around.
 If you’ve tried other business models like SMMA, dropshipping, or
affiliate marketing in the past but didn’t see the success you signed
up for, then stick around.
 If you are afraid of letting your parents, friends, or partner down
and suspect there is an easier way to “make it” in the online
business game, stick around.
 If you want to drive a G-wagon or a Lamborghini, stick around.
 If you feel fed up with making excuses and bouncing to every new
shiny object that comes your way, then stick around.
 If you want to build a sick lead generation agency, hire a team of A
players and finally make those dreams come true, then stick
 If you have spent the last months studying, buying courses, and
learning and are finally ready to take action, stick around.
Let me also tell you who this is NOT for:
 If you’re not humble enough to follow the instructions of people who
know better than you and have done this successfully without
questioning why you’re doing it, this is not for you.
 If you’re just going to jump to the next shiny object or business
model a month from now, this is not for you.
 If you’re not willing to dedicate the next 3-6 months of your life
following this process with absolute focus, this is not for you.
 If you’re going to quit at the first roadblock or obstacle, this is not
for you.
 If you’re not willing to fail forward to become better and learn from
your mistakes, this is not for you.
 If you’re going to find excuses and blame your circumstances for
justifying the fact that you’re not successful yet, this is not for you.
 If you’re going to tell yourself that your niche sucks after sending 50
emails without getting results, this is not for you.
 If you’re not willing to go above and beyond to serve your clients,
provide them with the best possible results, and ensure that you
deliver excellent service, this is not for you.
 If you simply don’t want it bad enough, this is not for you.
Here’s the truth…
You can build an $18,000/mo lead generation agency in the next 4 weeks if you
have the correct information and follow the proper steps in the correct order.
Unfortunately, far too many aspiring agency owners don’t understand the
foundational pieces of building a lead generation agency. They might get one
thing right but still, miss the rest of the foundations hence not getting results.
They end up copy-pasting overused cold email templates, picking saturated
niches they don’t understand, and offering services they don’t know how to fulfill.
I’ll show you how I circumvented this problem for me & +80 people and made
building a lead generation agency a predictable and efficient process.

If you don’t know me, my name is Leevi Eerola, and back in September 2021, I
had $0.62 in my bank account, and I had to sell my Ipad for $100 to get food.
(This is the exact picture I posted on Facebook Marketplace to sell my iPad)
I had spent the last 5 years trying to build an online business that would give me
complete location & time freedom and let me pursue my entrepreneurial side.
I worked at different sales companies as a sales rep and team leader during this
I got my first sales job at the age of 14, and it turned out to be a great career
path for me. I was good.
And I wasn’t a natural-born salesperson. I struggled a lot when starting.
But I stuck with it and kept grinding, doing overtime, and learning from people
better than me, and I managed to become good at it.
At the age of 17, I was managing a 15-person sales team. We were selling B2C
electricity contracts going Door-To-Door.
It wasn’t always fun. We were knocking doors through the winter, and since I
lived in Finland back then, winters are cold (-30°C wasn’t rare to see).
During this time, I always knew that I didn’t want to take the traditional route of
studying in school, getting a degree, working a 9-5, and retiring at 65 while
seeing others pursue their dreams around me.
So building an online business was the only thing that made sense in my head.
I spent my high school years working in sales and trying to build various online
businesses. I knew that I wouldn't go to college.
The only real education I can be proud of is my education at the Reserve Officer
School of Finland's Military, where I graduated as a Second Lieutenant in Military
& Strategic Leadership.
(That's me, posing proudly with my new rank & me with an RK-62 & LV 241
radio on my back.)
I tried to run dropshipping stores, build a Social Media Marketing Agency, learn
affiliate marketing, and sell different low-value services as a freelancer.

Even though I saw some traction with some of these models, it wasn’t what I
signed up for. I needed more.
So after buying A LOT of courses, watching endless amounts of youtube videos,
reading books for 5 years, and still not seeing any success, I was naturally
I had spent all this time trying to find that one “secret.” I just needed that one
clear step-by-step framework that I could execute.
And since I still hadn’t found it, I knew I needed to create it myself.
I didn’t want to make excuses anymore; I was ready to take the hard route and
learn to do it by myself.
So in September 2021, I joined a marketing agency as an outsourced sales
consultant and decided to take matters into my own hands and run a series of
experiments to get them leads, sales, and of course, make the whole system
I immediately started running cold emails & automated LinkedIn outreach
campaigns for them.
They were in a typical situation that many marketing agencies find themself in:
 No specific customer profile
 No idea what is their best service, so they are offering EVERYTHING
 No predictable way to get new leads & clients, so they are praying
on the referral gods to bring in some new clients
So while we were building their outreach systems, we also started figuring out
what is the best customer segment to focus on and what do we offer them.
It was my first time doing it properly, so it wasn’t a perfect execution, but it

(Image above is a screenshot of their CRM)

As you can see, after the first few months of setting up the foundations and
building a powerful outreach system, we started growing FAST.
In December 2021, we did 16,600€ in new deals.
In January 2022, we did 88,800€ in new deals.
That’s a 434.94% increase in new revenue in a MONTH.
It blew my mind. Tweaks that were, at the end of the day, super simple to
execute had given this company a new direction.
They knew whom to sell to and what to sell them. They also knew how they’d get
more clients predictably.
I saw a huge opportunity once again. So at the end of December 2021, I decided
to go out on my own and start my Lead Generation Agency.
My strategy worked so well that in the brief period of only 6 months, I went from
signing my first client on December 31st of 2021 to
generating +$40k/month in June 2022 (as showcased in the screenshots
While being extremely profitable (for Agency standards).
And I’m not sharing this to impress you, but in 2022 I made over $350,000 in
pure profit, traveled around the world, ate $1000 dinners, and stayed at
$5000/week hotels while running my dream business.
I’ve also been featured in National publications like Yahoo Finance, Business
Insider, Bloomberg, Digital Journal & MarketWatch while building an online
presence of +30,000 loyal followers combined.
This stuff can change your life QUICK.
So on the 8th of May 2022, I started posting my results on Twitter and sharing
my learnings. Naturally, a lot of people started messaging me asking for help in
building a lead generation agency.
At the beginning of July, I did +70 free consultations to understand the biggest
issues and how to create a framework to solve them.
(This is what my calendar looked like when I was mapping out the biggest
struggles that people had when trying to build a lead generation agency)
I had amazing conversations with my followers and learned in-depth the main
problems and common bottlenecks that made it hard for people to succeed.
This leads us here…
I decided to help others and put together this document which will lay out the
exact steps you need to take in chronological order to replicate my success.
In this document, I’ll go through the exact 5 steps and frameworks you need to
execute to build a lead generation agency to $18,000/mo or beyond.
Also, if you are looking for 1:1 help building your lead gen agency, work with
I’ll show you how to:
1. Pick A Niche & Dial It In
2. Create A Benefit-Focused Niche Specific Offer That Matches Your
Niches Awareness & Sophistication level
3. Build A Funnel That Connects Your Niche With The Offer
4. Setup An Outreach Process & Close Clients
5. Onboard Your New Clients & Deliver Them Results
I spent +100 hours writing, hundreds of hours coaching & interviewing our
coaching clients, and +5 years in the trenches to build this document.
We’ve built +80 lead-generation agencies using these frameworks and concepts
in the past 5 months.
And now, I’ve written down everything we’ve learned from that process here and
how to do it successfully.
Take this seriously, and it will change your life.
Let's begin…
Activity 1: Pick A Niche & Dial It In
Niche is the MOST critical part of the process.
If your niche is off, it doesn’t matter how well you execute the rest of the
You want to think of your agency as a car. The niche is the skeleton of that car,
the blueprint.

Without the blueprint, we won’t know where to place the parts; even if our parts
are of the highest possible quality, the car will not function. Let me show you
So to understand the new and better way to do this, we first have to understand
the old way of picking a niche.
The old way involves picking a specific niche right off the bat and crossing your
fingers without any actual data supporting the niche's profitability.
However, this results in you wasting a lot of time trying to make your niche
work and understand the niche.
If the niche doesn't work, you return to square one and start again with no
feedback or data on the broader industry.
Service delivery is extremely hard because you don't understand the niche.
These were the exact things I dealt with when I started my first agency.
I had to learn the hard way that the only way to make this model sustainable is
to build your foundation right.
I realized that the better way is to pick a broad niche based on your experience
& advantages and speak to people directly inside the niche while collecting
feedback, learning about the market, and seeing what aspects of the niche are
profitable and what are not, then using the feedback & data you get and dialing
in the niche down step-by-step.
As a result of doing things this way
 You can find a service-market fit in 1-3 months while getting
paid for learning and researching.
 It will take you way less time to sign your first client. (After
following this process, it took me 12 days, to be exact)
 Sales calls become easier because you understand the
specific pain points that the niche is currently struggling
with. You can precisely describe them to prospects when
you’re on calls, positioning you as an authority figure.
 Service delivery becomes streamlined because you’re
working with the same type of customer and solving the
same problems every time.
 Because you’re working with the same avatar every time and
service delivery is streamlined, you’ll produce better results
for your clients.
 Because you produce better results for your clients, you
collect better case studies which help you get more clients,
charge higher prices, and have less churn.
Want to know how I know?
Because that is precisely what happened to me when I did things the new way.
And I’ve seen it happen countless times with others I work with.
And it will happen to you if you follow this process.
So, in conclusion, starting with a broad niche and dialing the niche down based
on feedback & data leads to quicker service-market fit.
You don’t waste time taking blind guesses at the niche so you can make the rest
of the process seamless, sign better clients, get better results to get better case
studies, and charge higher prices.
As I mentioned earlier, your Agency is a car - a self-sustaining feedback loop.
The machine has different moving parts
(1) Niche - (2) Offer - (3) Funnel - (4) Lead Generation - (5) Sales - (6)
Onboarding - (7) Delivery - (8) Scale.
What’s at the beginning of the feedback loop affects the remaining parts of the
If we screw up the beginning of the feedback loop, all the feedback we get from
the remaining parts of the machine will not be accurate.
If you don't already have immense knowledge and understanding of the niche, it
is impossible for you to know what the niche actually struggles with and how it
needs to be solved.
When you start out broad, you can get data based on outreach campaigns,
discovery calls, and client projects.
Then, after you have enough data and knowledge on the niche, you can exclude
its unprofitable aspects while doubling down on its profitable elements.
Example: You have a 3% close rate. You might think you suck at sales. Maybe
you do. Or perhaps you didn’t correctly niche down. Maybe your offer sucks.
Maybe your funnel is not lighting up your prospects.
Each part of that car needs to be dialed in to have a properly functioning car.
Each bottleneck needs to be addressed from start to finish in the correct order.
Otherwise, the data from everything that comes after may be inaccurate, causing
you to make the wrong decisions and stay stuck spinning your wheels trying to
address the wrong problems.
“But what If the niche I pick is already saturated?”
1 - You don’t have to stick with it forever.
2 - Saturation is mostly a myth and only occurs when people are blasting the
same offer to the same group of people with the same messaging. If you have
great results and tweak your messaging you’re not going to have issues.
“How do I pick the first broad niche?”
Write down your experiences, interests & advantages and start piecing them
together. It will be clear.
Think about past jobs, things you’ve studied, or business ventures you’ve tried to
make work.
You probably understand something well enough to start working in that niche.
Let’s say your experiences, interests & advantages look like this:
Experience & interests:
 Coding
 Gym & Fitness
 Cats
 Twitter
 Speaks German
 Good hairline
 Has gone to a coding boot camp
 Bench Press 2 plates
Software & coding is a clear commonality here. So I’d go for Software
Development companies as the first niche.
Also, since you speak German, it would make sense to go after the German
market since you can reach out to them in their native language, and you’ll stand
out a lot this way.
To ensure that we don’t waste our time in a niche that would never work, you
need to do surface-level research.
 Do they struggle with lead generation?
 Are there enough companies in that market?
 What are they doing right now for client acquisition?
 Are there any trends in the market we can take advantage of?
Of course, we’ll find a lot of information while doing outreach and taking
discovery calls, but it’s always good to check those few variables.
(Picture above is a screenshot of a search I did using a prospecting tool called
In the screenshot above, we can see that 900 Software Development Industry
contacts in Germany are hiring for sales roles.
How many of those do you think would be interested in a service that helps them
in the most challenging part of the B2B sales process?
(Screenshot above is from the same search without the hiring filter)
If we take away the hiring filters, we get 29100 contacts.
If you get 0.01% of that contact pool as a client, you can make $10,000/mo
Based on this research, we know that going after Software Development
companies in Germany would be a great idea IF you already have experience in
the field of software & coding and you speak the native language.
Activity 2: Create A Benefit-Focused Niche Specific Offer
If your agency is a car, and your niche is a skeleton, then your offer is the core
To have a powerful core engine (your offer), we need to have the highest
possible quality parts and assemble them together in the correct order while
ensuring that the engine fits into the car.
Without an irresistible offer, building your business will be an uphill battle.
You’re already competing with people selling the same services as you.
Without a good offer, you’re the same as all the other lead generation agencies
out there.
So how do we equip our car with a powerful engine?
So again, we must first understand the old way of creating a lead generation
agency offer.
The old way of creating an offer for your lead generation agency involves
offering generic results ex. 10-15 qualified sales calls every month that the
prospect has seen a thousand times.
In The Old Way, you have no edge.
Firstly, you and every other Joe Schmo in the game that has ever taken a Lead
Gen Agency course or scrolled Twitter for more than 15 minutes can claim that
they run a Lead Gen Agency that sells 10-15 qualified sales calls a month.
Secondly, that’s not even an offer. As soon as you present yourself like this, you
get labeled a commodity.
You’re get boxed with all the other Lead Gen Agencies who present themselves
that way.
Doing things this way results in:
 Your messaging & offer doesn’t resonate with your niche, so your
outreach doesn’t perform well and closing sales calls seems
 You can't charge high prices since you don't solve an actual
problem, so you work for dirt cheap while doing more work than
 You’ll have low cash flow because your clients will see you as a
commodity and churn regardless of how good of a job you do.
 You’ll be overwhelmed because you have no standardized
operational procedures, given that you’re offering different services
and there’s no established result.
No unfair advantage. You’re just a guy who sells a service and gets poorly paid
to do so.
That is why in the new way we are creating an offer based on your niche's
awareness & sophistication level and the most painful problem that you can solve
with your vehicle (cold email).
You get feedback from your niche on what they actually want and offer that
transformation, taking them from their painful situation to their dreamland using
your niche's exact language.
Not only that, you offer it in a specific time frame increasing the perceived value
of your offer in your prospect's head.
On top of that, you remove all risk by adding a guarantee that ensures that if
you don’t deliver on that transformation, they won’t lose anything covering all
possible objections in their head to make it easy for your prospect to justify the
In The New Way, not only are you not a commodity, but you’re a premium.
You get so involved in your niche that you know exactly what problems need
You offer an End Result. Dreamland. Not only that, you offer it in a specific time
frame, the exact transformation they want in the exact time frame they want it.
And to ensure your niche understands your offer's value, you present your offer,
so it fits into your niche's awareness & sophistication level.
This results in:
 You’re no longer considered a commodity and can’t be compared to
the other agencies that provide lead generation even if they are in
the same niche.
 You know precisely the major pain points of your niche and how to
solve them so you become so valuable to each company that they
can’t afford to replace you.
 You can command higher prices because the transformation you’re
offering has a much higher value perception.
 Sales calls will become easier because the offer is so enticing that
they’ll feel stupid if they say no.
 There’s complete clarity on the process you’ll put your clients
through. Therefore the expectations are set right, and the clients
are happier even though you’re offering the same service.
 Since you command higher prices, you don’t need to work with as
many clients to make more money.
 It’s a lot easier to acquire leads because the offer is better and
when you put it in front of people, they’ll react more often and buy
more frequently.
If the niche is the skeleton, the offer is the engine. The offer is the heart that
pumps blood and oxygen into the rest of the body.
The entire business is built upon it. When you have an irresistible offer, the
remainder of the process flows very easily and naturally.
It’s choosing to have smooth sailing rather than an uphill battle.
When the offer is good, you can still mess up in various aspects of the business
and people will still buy.
Let’s go back to the feedback loop
(1) Niche - (2) Offer - (3) Funnel - (4) Lead Generation - (5) Sales - (6)
Onboarding - (7) Delivery - (8) Scale
If you simply nail these two, everything else will become disproportionately
So much so that you should allocate a lot of time and attention to making sure
you nail both of these core aspects down.
So in conclusion:
When your offer matches your niche's awareness & sophistication level it will
resonate better with them & they'll immediately understand the value of your
They also understand how it solves their most painful problem in the most
efficient way; hence outreach & sales calls will be easier even with a 3-5X higher
As a result, you’ll no longer be considered a commodity, command higher prices,
make sales calls easier, work with better clients, and ultimately, have a much
better experience running your own business.
For example, one of our students, Oliver tried to run an Social Media Marketing
Agency for 2 years.
His record month was $1000/mo. After pivoting to lead generation, he still wasn't
getting the results he was looking for.
The main problem he had was his offer. He was offering something that everyone
else was offering. He was a commodity.
We took his offer and re-crafted it so it matched his niche's actual pain point and
desired end result while making sure the wording of his offer matched the niche's
awareness level.
He launched his new campaign, booked 9 qualified meetings on the first day, and
scaled from $0 to $13,000-$17,000 in 35 days.

(Screenshot above is a message that Oliver sent to our Slack channel)

Notice how the client told Oliver to “decide what you want to charge” after
signing the deal and paying the 5000€ starting fee.
This only happens when you are SO valuable that the client doesn’t care about
small pricing details.
They trust Oliver more than they trust themselves on this topic since he is
offering a TRANSFORMATION instead of “10-15 sales calls every month”.
Now you might be asking:
“Leevi, what would an offer like this look like?”
Again, this depends a lot on the niche you specifically work in, what kind of
companies you work with and what you focus on while delivering your service.
But for example:
If we work with US-based Start-Up founders in the tech industry who have just
raised a seed funding round, our offer could be:
“We help US-based Seed Stage Tech Start-Ups achieve initial traction in your
target market and scale to $6,000,000 ARR using personalized cold outreach at
scale. ”
Thesis behind that offer:
A company called StartEngine that helps Start-Ups raise capital has reported that
start-ups should raise a seed round before they are at $3M ARR. So I’d assume a
lot of Start-Ups are at this stage or below.
After raising the Seed round, the founder's biggest goal is to prove that there is
traction & demand for their product and achieve “product-market-fit.”
Cold email lead generation would be the perfect service for this stage since it is
one of the cheapest ways to acquire new customers while getting a lot of data on
different customer segments & messaging angles.
Of course, to be 100% sure on this, I’d have to talk to 10-30 start-up founders
at this stage, modify the offer based on their feedback and validate it by working
with a start-up that has raised a seed round recently.
Since, before having a case study showcasing those results, it’s just an educated
guess or in other words a “thesis”.
So let’s say I’d sign a client who matches that criteria and we’d see that their
problem isn’t getting traction in their target market and it actually is finding the
right market to focus on.
Based on this feedback, I’d change my offer so it would be focusing on that
Also, let's say I’d help them go from $2M ARR to $3.5M ARR, I’d change my offer

“We help US-based Seed Stage Tech Start-Ups find the right target market to
focus on and scale from $2,000,000M ARR to $3,500,000 ARR using personalized
cold outreach at scale.”
Notice how I use “$3,500,000” instead of “$3.5M”. I’m doing this for the simple
reason that the first number seems “bigger” even though it is exactly the same.
“But what If people are already selling good offers in the niche?”
Then you differentiate yourself using a different mechanism. You change your
messaging. You change your angle.
There are many ways to circumvent this. Saturation is a myth. It only exists
when you operate in commodity land.
The key here is to be involved with the niche, talk to the people inside the niche
as much as possible, take feedback & collect data on what they ACTUALLY need
& want.
This way your offer will always be a home run since you are selling something
that people want to buy. (Sounds simple I know, but I see people messing up
with this daily)
“How do I know which offers to sell?”
If you didn’t skip the first step, and you’ve actually spoken to people inside the
niche then you’ll know exactly what to offer them.
If not, you just look at a competitor’s offer and see what pain points and desires
they’re targeting. You reverse engineer the process and create something better.
In the beginning, I advise you to go with a “generic” or in other words a
“surface-level thesis” offer that you use to book discovery calls in your niche.
Then when you present your offer to your niche, you’ll probably hear questions &
statements like:
 “Actually X has been easy for us, but the bigger struggle has been
 “It would be better if you did X instead of Y.”
 “Do you also help with X & Y? We could use help with those things
as well.”
Then you take note of those questions and statements and model your offer so it
matches them (as long as it makes sense for you).
“How do I know if my offer matches my market's sophistication level?”
I recommend reading Eugene Schwartz’s book Breakthrough Advertising.
In this book, Eugene Schwartz outlines the 5 stages of market sophistication and
how you can identify the best level to place your product or service by
understanding each stage.
Market sophistication is the market level relative to your service (cold email lead
If the buyer in a highly sophisticated (matured), market is going to be much
harder to convince with basic claims than a buyer in a relatively new and
unexplored (less matured) market.

(Image above showcases the 5 different levels the market goes through)
The simplest way to find out your market's sophistication level is to look at your
competitors and see what kind of claims they are using in their marketing.
You’ll also find it out by taking discovery calls with people in your market since
they’ll immediately tell you if they’ve heard of your service and offer or if it is
something entirely new for them.
If you are on Level 1, your customers have never seen or heard about your
service before, you are a pioneer, you have no competition, everyone is blown
away when getting presented with your offer, your cold emails work amazingly
well and you are closing sales left and right.
This is a great place to be. This stage doesn’t last for long. When I started with
my lead generation agency in the Finnish marketing agency space in 2021, I was
in this situation.
After 3 months of being in the market, I started seeing A LOT of people copying
what I was doing and now 13 months later, everyone has heard the basic claims
in that same market.
So if you find yourself in a situation where you clearly are on Level 1, take
advantage of it, it won't be this easy forever.
At this stage, your marketing & sales are going to be easy.
The market is unsaturated and completely fresh, so all you need is a simple
straight-to-the-point claim or an angle without any extra bells and whistles to get
people interested in your offer.
For example: “We generate more leads for your marketing agency.”
Level 2 means that others are picking up on what you are doing.
They are seeing how well you are doing and they want a piece of the pie as well.
You are no longer alone in the market; others are creating alternative offers and
starting to compete with you.
Because now your customers have alternative options to choose from, you must
expand your claim. Make your offer bigger, better, faster, or cheaper.
For example: “We generate 10 qualified sales calls for your marketing agency
every month.”
At Level 3, you are now competing with a lot of competitors. Their offers and
services are similar to yours and everyone is trying to one-up their offer by
making their claims faster and bigger.
Your market has been blasted with a bunch of unrealistic claims and everyone is
getting skeptical about what you offer, even if your claims are the biggest in the
Shouting louder no longer works, your market has become sophisticated enough
to recognize exaggerated claims and isn’t easily influenced.
Now you need to add credibility to your claims. You have to come up with a
unique mechanism that nobody else has.
The unique mechanism you present needs to be logical. Your market is already
skeptical about these claims so if the unique mechanism doesn’t make sense in
their head, it won’t work.
Your unique mechanism can be software, a concept, a process, or an invention.
For example: “We generate 10 qualified sales calls for your marketing agency
every month using personalized video outreach.”
Personalized video outreach is the unique mechanism in the example above.
At Level 4, the market is extremely sophisticated. They’ve heard every big and
fast claim, they’ve seen all sorts of unique mechanisms your competitors have
presented to the market and they are getting bombarded with something “new”
on a daily basis.
Now to stand out from the crowd and show the market that your offer is the best
and most logical option to go with, you need to do the same thing you did when
going from Level 1 -> Level 2.
You EXPAND your unique mechanism claim. It’s not enough to have a unique
mechanism anymore, it needs to beat all the other unique mechanisms.
At this point, the strongest unique mechanism wins the market.
For example: “We generate an extra $300,000 in new revenue for your
marketing agency in the next 6 months by using AI-powered personalized video
outreach at scale or we’ll give you your money back.”
At Level 5, the market is filled with different versions of your offer and service,
the buyers are extremely sophisticated to the marketing messages out there and
only respond to a certain level of marketing, which is level five.
At this stage, it’s not about the idea or the service. It’s about the experience and
emotional side.
How does your market feel and what experience does your service offer them
that they can’t get anywhere else?
For example: “We will make you the coolest agency owner that everyone wants
to have lunch with in your next mastermind event.”
So as you can see, for your offer to work, you need to be matching the market's
sophistication level.
If your messaging is at Level 1 but your market is at Level 4, you won’t find
This can be only done if you understand your market at a deep level.
So while you are taking discovery calls and talking with people in your market
about your lead generation services, take note of these things and adapt your
offer and messaging accordingly.
“Okay now I understand market sophistication but what about market

(Here is a demonstration of the 5-stages of market awareness)

We again have 5-stages that Eugene explains in his book Breakthrough
If your customer is unaware that they have a problem, and you are selling to
them on a Product Aware level, you’ll miss the opportunity to get them as a
Of course, different prospects have different awareness levels even if they are in
the same market, BUT the key here is to find the averages by talking to the
niche and analyzing what stage the market is at.
So if your market is entirely unaware that they have a lead generation and a
client acquisition problem, they won’t buy your offer if you are selling them “10-
15 qualified sales calls.”
Why would they? They don’t need it in their minds.
Here you have 2 solid options to use:
(1) You can market to them with the ultimate end result first. For
example, “We’ll generate an extra $300,000 profit in the next 12 months or less
for your marketing agency”
Even if they are not aware that they have a problem, they’ll probably be
interested in hearing what you have to say.
Then when you get them on a call, you need to educate them on the potential
they are missing out on since they are not using cold email for lead generation
and show that you are the best option to start using it.
Or (2) you can take the educational approach immediately.
“Hey John, if you are not using cold email for getting new clients, you are
probably missing out on $100,000-$300,000 in extra profit you could be
Would you be interested in seeing how?”
With this approach, you first need to show them why your claim is true logically.
After achieving that point you can sell your service.
So again the key is to find out the market awareness as soon as possible by
talking to the market and marketing & selling to them in the right way.
In our case, when we are selling a lead generation service to B2B companies, the
main thing we need to take into consideration is how aware they are of the
potential and if they are doing any outbound marketing.
The more “traditional” markets like accounting, IT management, or insurance
companies for example are used to working solely based on referrals and
networking events and getting their leads that way.
They cannot make the connection in their heads that:

Outreach = Sales calls = Clients = Revenue

That's why selling outreach or sales calls don’t resonate with them. They don’t
automatically connect those things to more clients and revenue.
The location also has an effect on this. Some markets in different locations are
not as up-to-date with the latest sales & marketing practices as others.
I’ve seen that the North European market is 3-5 years behind compared to the
U.S. markets. That's why the same outreach messages and offers don’t work
This is what I mean when I talk about using positive feedback loops.
You first talk to the market, get feedback on a specific part of your agency, and
you loop back to that part and tweak it based on your feedback.

(Screenshot above showcases an oversimplified version of the feedback loop)

Activity 3: Build A Funnel That Connects Your Niche With The Offer
Think of yourself going out on a date…
You know that to get laid, you need to have game and be genuinely attractive,
but you still dress nicely and come out with a witty introduction because you
know that first impressions matter.
Your Landing Page and VSL (Video sales letter) are your outfits and your
The purpose is to capture attention and get your prospects to listen, become
aware of who you are and what you do, and potentially interested in what you
have to offer.
Now in theory, you could still get laid without a fancy outfit and a witty
introduction, but ultimately the number of times you will get laid will be a lot
lower because, from the get-go, your dates will think you’re a weirdo.
The old way of doing this is just having a landing page or a VSL that doesn't
answer the prospect questions. It is just a digital business card you've made
"just to have it".
Since your funnel doesn't answer the main questions that the prospect
has in mind (what is this and why should I care) in an efficient way, you are not
able to nurture prospects before you have a sales call with them so you have to
explain your whole offer from scratch without authority.
You'll also miss out on 20-30% of calls you could be booking from outreach since
prospects have no way of getting their questions answered without replying to
your commoditised email.
You'll come off as untrustworthy and prospects that would otherwise be a good
fit won’t have enough clarity about what you do and will get into the call very
In a nutshell, you’re the guy who wastes a bunch of time cold-approaching
random girls on the street all day in hopes that you’ll land one of the 100s you
talk to. Honorable, but inefficient.
The new way of doing this is building a simple Landing page & VSL with a clear
headline answering the first question in your prospect's head: What's in it for
You create a VSL that explains the value of your offer and bridges the gap
between your niche and your offer by providing clear value to your prospect
while positioning your offer as the only viable solution to achieve their dream
And every time you learn something new from your niche, understand it better,
get a new case study or tweak your offer, you go back and re-create your VSL.
This way the VSL always becomes better and more accurate for the niche.
As a result of doing this, when prospects book a call, they do it because they’re
legitimately interested in what you’re offering.
Prospects get full clarity on who you are, what you do, and how you can help
them which lowers their resistance and increases the likelihood of you closing
You’ll get more booked calls without extra work because people who would
otherwise not respond will check the Landing Page, watch the VSL, get a lot
more clarity, and be prompted.
Your outreach campaigns perform better since prospects that wouldn't be
interested first, get nurtured by your VSL and end up booking a call.
In the Old Way, you’re the weirdo who cold approaches all day, in the New Way
you’re the baller who pimps out his IG and lets all the high-level girls come to
The New Way Landing Page and VSL will let your visitors know exactly who you
are, who this is for, who this is not for, what you’ll do for them and how you’ll do
When you get your LP and VSL right, you’re bridging the gap between your niche
and your offer.
It’s the one place you have the chance to tie them together and create
messaging that resonates with your core audience.
So make sure that you do it right.
(1) Niche - (2) Offer - (3) Funnel - (4) Acquisition - (5) Sales - (6)
Onboarding - (7) Delivery - (8) Scale
We’re now in Step 3. If we nail these 3 foundational pieces of our process,
everything else will be a breeze.
You could have bad scripts, bad sales skills, etc…
But if you just put enough eyeballs on your funnel, it’s only a matter of time until
you convert someone.
So, in conclusion:
The Funnel is the main communication bridge between you and your prospects.
When your funnel is properly built, you won’t waste as much time with tire
kickers and prospects will have the opportunity to know how you can help them
before they jump on a call with you.
Because you speak with fewer tire kickers and more qualified prospects, you’ll be
less burnt out and perform better in your calls.
We've seen that if two agencies have the identical niche, offer, outreach method
and sales process, the agency that has a better funnel will have more calls
booked in and close at a higher rate since the prospects are already pre-sold on
the idea of working with the agency who has a better funnel.

(The screenshot above is demonstration of a situation showing the impact of a

properly built Landing Page & VSL)
As you can see, even if Agency A & Agency B have exactly the same niche,
offer, leads, cold email scripts and closing rates, Agency A get’s double the
results from the same amount of work.
This happens because when Agency A sends cold emails to his prospects, the
prospects check their landing page and watch their VSL.
Because the prospects that normally wouldn’t book a call with the agency watch
through the VSL, they get nurtured towards the idea of working with Agency
A and end up booking a call.
So because Agency A gets double the amount of discovery calls booked, they’ll
close double the amount of clients.
Normally, their closing rate would also be higher due to the fact that the
prospects are more nurtured towards Agency A before the calls, but I didn’t
want to include it in the example for simplicity purposes.
In the situation of Agency B, they might have other prospects interested in their
offer based on their cold email but still want more information before committing
into a call with them.
The prospects go to Agency B’s landing page and can’t get their questions
answered or enough information presented in an engaging way, they don’t end
up booking a call with Agency B.
So now you probably wonder:
“Leevi, what does a good funnel look like?”
You might think the funnel needs to be fancy and have all kinds of bells &
whistles. But that’s not true.
The funnel just needs to provide the necessary information for the prospect in a
simple way and it needs to be simple so the prospect doesn’t get overwhelmed
immediately when they hop on the landing page.

(Screenshot above showcases one of the best-performing landing pages I’ve

seen from our clients)
As you can see, it is simple and it only has 3 main components:
1. A headline connecting the niche with your offer (answering: what's
in it for them)
2. A video sales letter providing value to the prospect & breaking
down how the offer works, who it is for, and why they should act on
it now.
3. A button that the prospect can click and book a call.
Oliver right now has over 20 companies on a waiting list waiting to work with
him, he has a +1.5% booking rate on his outbound campaigns, he closes at
+50% from demo calls & he is making +$15,000 a month.
So the landing page works amazingly well.
Many his prospects tell him: “We watched the video on your website and it was
amazing! We had to book a call with you.”
Since the landing page design is so simple, most of the heavy lifting happens in
the video sales letter.
If his VSL was terrible, the landing page wouldn’t work.
“Okay Leevi, what do I say on my VSL?”
Great question, a good VSL can take weeks to create if you go all in on it.
Typically, when we write VSL scripts for our clients and us, we use a 15-page
script template to build the VSLs.
Btw, if you want access to our VSL training, you can work with us
So the main points you need to have in your script are:
1. Niche Specific Headline / Hook
2. Social Proof / Case-Study
3. Identification (Who is this for?)
4. Background story / credibility (Who are you?)
5. Core Concept (What is this?)
6. Option 1 or Option 2
7. Benefits
8. Features (How it works?)
9. Call To Action
10. Urgency / Scarcity
11. Bonus
12. Guarantee
13. Summary
14. Call To Action
1. Niche Specific Headline / Hook
This is important. Your prospect has landed on your landing page and if you don’t
catch their attention quickly, they’ll leave the site and won’t start watching the
It needs to be targeted specifically for your niche and it needs to be bold/big
enough that someone gets interested enough to start watching.
The better you know your niche, the better headline you can write since it truly
hits their pain points, desires, dreams, or fears.
You can follow this structure:
"How to go from (State 1) to (State 2) in (Timeframe) Using (Mechanism}
without (negative outcome)"
So for example:
For B2B SaaS Founders: How To Go From $100,000 MRR to $300,000 MRR In 41
Weeks Using Personalized Video Outreach Without Having To Hire Any New
Then if down the line you find out that your niches biggest pain point isn’t hiring
new SDRs and it’s in fact relying on referrals for new sales, you would change it
For B2B SaaS Founders: How To Go From $100,000 MRR to $300,000 MRR In 41
Weeks Using Personalized Video Outreach Without Having To Rely On Referrals.
2. Social Proof / Case-Studies
Now you’ve made a bold claim in your headline. Your prospect is probably
thinking “this is bullshit, what does this guy know about anything.”
You need to show some social proof & case studies so they know you are a
credible source to learn from & to listen to.
Otherwise, they won’t pay attention to your VSL content and everything else will
be useless.
If you have case studies, that's great! So the transformations you’ve been able
to provide using this structure:
Company X went from State 1 to State 2 in Y time frame after struggling with Z
pain point.
Don’t go super in-depth on these, show them quickly to show you know what you
are talking about.
If you don’t have case studies, you can use things like:
 Your own experience in the field from a career or studies
 Awards or achievements you’ve gotten in the niche
 Public case studies from others
So for example you could find articles like this and say:

“This is the exact strategy that Justin McGill, the founder LeadFuze, used cold
email to grow his company’s revenue to $30k/month in 12 months.”
This won’t be as powerful but it will get the job done in the beginning.
Your main goal in this stage is to get your first own case study and re-create the
VSL using it.
You can also say:

“This strategy is built on what I’ve learned from working in Companies like X, Y,
and Z for the past 7 years in my career as a software developer.”
3. Identification (Who is this for?)
Before you introduce the content of the sales letter, you need to call out the
audience and identify with the prospect.
This is an important step to showcase to the viewer that they are in the right
place & that you understand their situation.
So for example you could say:
“So if you are a B2B SaaS Founder who has just raised a seed round and you are
looking to break that $3M ARR mark before the year ends, then stick around.”
This way also the lead quality will be better that you take calls with since the
leads that aren’t qualified for it, will drop off.
4. Background story / credibility
Here you need to answer the question: “Who are you and why are you talking
about this?”.
Here again, we need to increase your credibility so the prospect listens to what
you say and believes in what you are saying.
You can use things like:
 Track Record
 Achievements
 School
 Awards
 Career
Just quickly get them to know you a bit better.
5. Core Concept (What is this?)
Now you are going to present your mechanism.
So if you are selling a cold email lead generation service, you need to sell them
the idea of why it works and how it works.
If they don’t buy into the mechanism you are using to deliver results, they will
never buy your offer.
Based on your niche's awareness & sophistication level, educate them on why
your mechanism is powerful, how it works and why it works.
You don’t need to give them the exact step-by-step instructions for doing it, you
can give them a high-level overview of what it is and why it works.
If your market is high on the awareness & sophistication scale, you’ll need to
come up with methods and strategies that they haven’t seen before and show
that it is the better way of getting results.
6. Option 1 or Option 2
Here you’ll show them 2 alternatives. Option 1 of doing it themselves or with
another service provider versus Option 2 of paying you to do it.
You need to have a logical point of why they should choose your offer instead of
just doing it in-house.
For example:
“Now you can start building your own cold email system in-house, however,
you’d need to spend thousands of dollars in tools, months into learning all the
small nuances in the process, and spend 2-4 hours every day into managing the
cold email campaigns.
Or you can work with us and and start getting results in the next 2 weeks from
7. Benefits
Now you need to sell yourself more. You need to paint a picture in their heads of
what happens if they work with you.
Don’t focus on the features of your service. Talk about the actual end benefits
that they desire.
For example:
“When you work with us, you’ll be able to:
 Go from $100,000 MRR to $300,000 MRR in 7 months
 Grow so fast you’ll be featured in inc 5000
 Have investors reaching out to you daily since you clearly have a
product with demand
 Focus on building a better team without having to focus on lead
Again, the better you understand your niche, the better you know what their
actual desires and dreams are and you are able to target them.
Remember, you are a bridge between their painful state now and the dreamland
they want to be in.
8. Features (How it works?)
Now you finally can present the features in your offer. Your features need to
make sense based on what you’ve explained in the core concept part of your
You need to show that your features make it easier, faster, or cheaper to use the
Give a monetary value to all your features and stack the value of your offer.
9. Call To Action
Now, you’ve shown them everything you need to show to get them sold on your
mechanism + prove that the best option for getting results with the mechanism,
is by working with you.
Now you need to answer the question: “How to get this?”
Make a call to action:

“So, if you are interested in seeing how we can use this system for your
company, click the button below and book a 30-minute discovery session for us.”
10. Urgency / Scarcity

Now, they need a reason to act right now instead of putting it to the side and
coming back to it later.
For example, if you can only work with a certain number of clients at once or if
you plan to increase prices in the future, let them know about it.
Make sure it’s real. Fake urgency & scarcity will always come back and do more
damage than good. Don’t lie to your prospects.
11. Bonus
If your offer has a bonus, bring it up now. Some extra things that they get if they
book a call with you right now.
This gives more urgency and pushes them to take advantage of the opportunity
12. Guarantee
At this point, your prospect might be thinking “what if I hop on a call, get sold
something, and won’t get these results.”
Take away the risk by presenting your guarantee and making it a no-brainer
option to hop on the call.
13. Summary
You’ve given them a lot of information about your offer and service. Summarize
everything into a clean list and remind them about everything they’ll get if they
work with you.
14. Call To Action
After the summary, make a new call to action to push them into booking the call.
“Leevi, how long should my VSL be?”
The length of the VSL does not matter as long as the content is interesting.
If you are teaching someone valuable information they’ve never heard before
and they truly believe it can change their business, they’ll listen.
“How do I record my VSL?”
Don’t spend too much time creating a crazy movie-production-level VSL. You’ll
be going back to it and changing and tweaking it a lot so the production of the
VSL needs to be simple.
You can either make a google doc and record yourself going over it with Loom or
make a simple slideshow and do the same.
“Do I need to show my face?”
It isn’t necessary, but there isn’t a reason why you wouldn’t do it.
Of course, you might be shy in the beginning and don’t feel comfortable on
camera but now is the perfect time to get over that fear.
Having your face on the VSL makes it easier for the prospect to connect with you
and they’ll already feel familiar with you when they hop on a call with you.
“What language should my VSL be in?”
It should be in the language your prospect speaks. If your niche is French IT
Company founders, film & write it in french.
“What software do I use to create my landing page?”
Use - It's $19/year and simple to learn and use.
Activity 4: Setup An Outreach Process & Close Clients
If our Niche is our skeleton, the offer our engine, our LP, and VSL the design that
connects the two, then our outreach process is our wheels.
It’s what will take us to where we want to go.
It’s literally what makes the business come to life or death.
This means that if you suck at acquiring new clients, you’ll have no business
Luckily for you, I’ve been selling since I was 14, trained +100 sales reps, ran my
own sales outsourcing agency, and generated hundreds of thousands of dollars in
lead generation agency contracts.
I’ll walk you through the exact framework I use to do it.
But first, we need to understand why this is so important...
Going back to our dating example.
You could be the highest-value guy in the world, but if you’re not around girls,
what’s the chance you’ll get any? Very low.
This is the same concept.
We must put our offer, LP, and VSL in front of as many eyes as possible. There’s
a right and a wrong way to do this.
In the wrong and old way, you try to do everything at once. You use different
outreach channels at the same time.
You send some emails, some DMs, you cold call, and maybe you even throw
some money on ads.
Worse than that, not only do you spread yourself too thin, you don’t even know
what works, so you’re just sending a bunch of messages off the cuff, not
knowing if they’re effective or not and just hoping someone’s going to respond.
And if someone ends up responding and booking a call, you book a 30-min sales
call without any structure or plan for the call.
You try to close the client immediately while time is running out.
As a result of doing things this way, you’ll have lower reply- & booking rates.
You have a lot of reluctance and anxiety when doing outreach because you’re in
a feedback loop of bad results.
You have a low closing rate and have to use high-pressure tactics to close deals
out of desperation.
The majority of your calls & emails end up without a clear set of next steps and
“I need to think about it” or “I’ll get back to you”, leaving you in limbo.
Because of this, you create an endless follow-up pipeline, where you’re
constantly checking with uninterested and undecided prospects blatantly ignoring
you or, worse off, keeping you on your toes with false promises and constantly
pushing back on a decision.
No predictable system that generates clients on demand. You sign clients you
shouldn’t because you’ll take anything you can.
You spend all of your time spinning your wheels.
This is where most people quit because it legitimately feels like you’re throwing
everything at the wall and trying to see what sticks.
Tieing to our dating example, you’re cold approaching every girl, everywhere,
regardless of how pretty they look, without decent lines, or looks, and with
extremely awkward social skills.
You think there’s something wrong with you because you can’t help but feel like
you’re constantly ramming against a wall pointlessly.
In the new way, you focus on one acquisition channel (cold email) and use
basic structures while testing one variable at a time to make sure you find the
winning combination as fast as possible.
When a winning combination has been found, you scale that one campaign as
long as you can while testing secondary options on the side in case messaging
stops working.
When you book calls, you split your sales process into 2 calls.

You have a clear structure for both calls. You disqualify hard and only move the
highest-quality prospects into the second call.
Before booking the second call, you ensure every decision-maker is attending the
second call and ready to make a decision on that call.
As a result:
 You’ll have more time to focus on activities that grow the business.
 You jump on the phone with higher-quality leads that are interested
in what you’re offering.
 Instead of operating from a state of scarcity, you are operating from
the state of abundance, signing only the most high-quality clients
while charging premium prices.
 You create an acquisition system that brings in consistent and
predictable lead flow and revenue.
 You have a streamlined process that will allow you to scale with
 You have a clean pipeline of people who have either already made
up their minds or have agreed to do so in your time frame.
 You frame yourself as the one who has the medicine they need,
meaning that even if you have a similar offer to your competitors,
your level of competence de-commoditizes you.
 You have a higher close rate.
 The clients you sign end up being great clients because they quickly
decided to fix their problem and you’re the right person to make
that happen.
 You don’t waste time talking to people that were never going to
buy, to begin with.
 You don’t chase prospects around because the moment they decide
to avoid your rules, they get removed from your pipeline.
You save time, and energy, and only end up working with people who are the
right fit for you.
You create Win/Win situations and can deliver much better results.
Now it truly becomes a numbers game. Using these 4 pieces of the puzzle, I
could end this document right here; all you would need to do is execute it.
Enough emails sent enough eyeballs on your offer, enough traffic in your funnel
and it’s only a matter of time until you’re at +$18k/month
In conclusion: The acquisition system is what brings oxygen to the business.
You could have the perfect niche, perfect offer, and perfect funnel, but without
driving traffic to it and converting it, none of it will matter.
By leveraging one lead generation channel, you can validate your messaging &
process faster and get traction and better results faster, jump on the phone with
higher-qualified leads, and have an overall better sales process.
You’ll be able to charge more, and you’ll be able to scale with ease because the
most significant component of your entire business machine will be systemized
from the get-go.
From the hundreds of thousands of emails we've sent, we have been able to find
commonalities between all the winning campaigns.
Based on that data we created a simple and powerful framework that we've
validated with +80 lead gen agency owners.
We've literally seen people hop in, launch their first campaign and book 20 calls
in the first 10 days of starting outreach.

(Screenshot above showcases what Emil sent to our channel after launching his
first campaign. He closed 2 clients from these 10 calls.)
Also, by splitting your sales process into 2 calls with a heavy focus on
disqualifying & holding the frame, you'll close more deals, spend less time doing
so and only sign the high-quality clients that you can get great results for.
Since you have a dialed-in niche, offer, and funnel you can clearly identify and
qualify the people you want to target and work with.
By educating them in our email campaigns we agitate their problems and give
them a sense of urgency that they need to act now.
As a result of that, the prospects that jump on calls with you will already be
heavily interested in what you are offering.
Sales calls will also be easier since your offer is a no-brainer for your specific
niche, you understand the niche and your funnel has nurtured them and
explained the value of your offer before the call.
I want you to realize that you won't close a deal because of the exact words you
You'll close deals by making sure you are moving the prospect to the end goal
(happy paying customer) in the most efficient way possible while overcoming all
possible objections before they even come up.
If you need to focus on reading a script, you'll never be able to connect with the
prospect and solve their problems with authority since you'll be so focused on the
script itself.
With this model, we have been able to take complete beginners and get them to
close 40-60% on their first calls.

Screenshot above showcases what Joel sent to your Slack channel one week
after launching his campaigns.
Notice how he was able to close a $10,000,000/year company using the 2-call
sales process.
“What do I write in my cold emails?”
The biggest beginner mistake I see is focusing too much on the exact words and
structure. If you are not booking calls and getting replies to your emails, you
probably think it is because your cold email script is terrible.
Usually, it is not the case. Of course, you can get a 5-20% increase in your
results based on the scripts you use, but most of the heavy lifting comes from
the first 3 steps of the feedback loop.
If you are reaching out to a niche with an offer that they don’t want and your
funnel doesn’t connect your niche with the offer, it does not matter what you say
in your cold emails, you simply are selling something that nobody wants to buy.
You’ll get better results by going back to the foundations and tweaking them
until you find a service-market fit.
But for the actual script writing, we use a simple 3-step structure for 95% of the
campaigns we write.
It looks like this:
1. Personalization
2. Offer / Case-Study
3. Call To Action
Let’s break it down:
1. Personalization
You don’t want to use unique personalized lines for every lead you reach out to.
It’s simply inefficient.
If you need to spend $500 and 2 days on personalized lines for every campaign,
you’ll move too slowly.
We have split-tested the difference between unique personalized lines and
“generic personalized lines” and the difference is negligible.
Of course, if you have a script, offer, niche, and funnel that works amazingly
well, it doesn’t hurt to test out unique personalization, but it doesn’t make sense
in the beginning.
Instead, you’re going to aggregate a list of people with something in common.
For example, you aggregate a list of potential clients who have their business in
a specific country eg: Norway.
From a quick google search, I found out that Norway has 2 versions of its
language that people use in different parts of the country. So I could make a
funny joke and say:
“Hi John,
I didn’t know if I should reach out to you in Bokmål or Nynorsk so I decided to
go with the old and reliable English.”
Shows that you’ve done some research on the country and it’s still somewhat
Now we can send this “personalized” line to our entire aggregated list and not
waste any time or money coming up with personalized lines.
2. Offer / Case Study
This is the meat of your cold emails.
This is where you’ll have to come up with different angles and test which ones
are resonating the most with your niche.
This is one of the templates we use:
ICP + Offer + Timeframe + Guarantee
“I’m contacting you since we actually help IT Start-Ups like you to generate an
extra $130,000 in top-line revenue in 11 months with a 100% performance-
based model.”
You could also use a case study and say:
“I’m contacting you since we just helped Company X generate an extra $132,000
in new top-line revenue in 11 months with a 100% performance-based model.”
Case studies in general work better but the difference again is small.
The main difference maker is the actual offer & niche.
We’ve seen “bad” cold email scripts perform amazingly well because the offer
was just so good and it was targeted perfectly for the niche.
3. Call To Action
We need to add a clear call to action at the end of our cold email so they have a
clear thing to act on if they are interested.
Your initial CTAs should be easy to reply to and have low commitment.
The goal is to get a reply and get a conversation going.
For example:
“Can I send you more information on this?”
Your call to action should be quick and easy to reply to. Make it a yes or no
question and low commitment.
“What are good metrics to aim for in cold email campaigns?”
Again, this depends a lot on the niche.
But a good rule of thumb is:
 60% Open rate
If you cannot get a +60% open rate on your cold emails, you probably have a
deliverability issue, your lead lists are of poor quality or your subject line is bad.
 5% Reply rate
If you are not getting 5% replies, your offer probably isn’t exciting or you are
targeting the wrong title in your niche.
Your CTA also might be too hard.
 0.5% booking rate
If you are not hitting a 0.5% booking rate, your offer in most cases isn’t
interesting enough that they’d hop on a call with you.
This in most cases means that your market sophistication & awareness levels are
higher than your messaging.
Also, you might have inefficiencies in your inbox management process and you
are not following up with prospects enough.
“What software to use for getting leads and sending emails?”
For sending emails we use & for building lead lists we use or
scrape LinkedIn sales navigator.
Find out where your niche hangs out and scrape that. There is an unlimited
amount of strategies but in most cases 1 or 2 of them work best for your niche.
“What about GDPR?”
We’ve spent a lot of money & time talking with lawyers and researching laws on
this topic. Do a quick google search on cold email GDPR laws if needed.
It is super easy to follow guidelines and not break any GDPR laws while sending
cold emails.
We’ve sent +2,000,000 emails in Europe and have never had any issues with
“How many times should I follow up?”
It depends on at which stage the prospect is on. If they’ve never replied to your
cold email campaigns or shown any interest, 4-6 times is perfect spread over 3
If they’ve shown interest in your offer previously, follow up with them until they
give you a clear Yes or No answer.
“What if I don’t have sales experience?”
This is a completely normal state to be in when building your agency. The good
news is that you don’t need any.
If you’ve built your foundations right and your VSL is written right, sales are the
easy part of the process.
Also, the best way to learn sales is by actually doing sales. Hop on calls with
prospects and do 1:1 roleplay calls with your friends or family members.
You’ll learn this by doing.
“What if my English is bad?”
This also is a common question I get. Truth is that it doesn’t matter.
You can use this as an excuse for your poor results but it won’t take you far.
I’m from Finland. We are famous for speaking ridiculously bad English, also
known as “Rally English”.
The most commonly spoken language in the world is Bad English. You have to
jump on calls and you’ll learn better.
Also, by doing practice calls alone or 1:1 roleplay with someone, you’ll be able to
get more comfortable with speaking English.
Most people don’t care about it, it’s all in your head.
“I get anxious / nervous when I think about taking sales calls.”
Again a completely normal situation. Call reluctance is a by-product of having an
unclear sales process. Now you have one.
Build your overall framework based on what I just walked you through and
create your scripts. You’ll have a lot more confidence then.
If you are ready to do things that the majority of people are not willing to do,
you’ll reap rewards that most people will never get. Use this as motivation.
Activity 5: Onboard Your New Clients & Deliver Them Results
Without a solid onboarding process, clients will be left confused, without clarity,
and feeling buyer’s remorse.
This is a surefire way to ensure they churn a couple of months into working with
This is why onboarding & service delivery is the most critical part of your entire
If you can generate good results for people, regardless of what you do, you’ll
always make money.
It’s also why people have to rely so much on marketing.
If you were the absolute best at what you do, would you have to do any
You probably could do just fine without and it would serve simply as an amplifier
to expand your already existing massive results.
In the old way of onboarding your clients & getting them results, you sign a
client and start freestyling on the next steps without a systematic and
predictable plan to get results for them.
You send an invoice, craft a quick contract, send an onboarding form and start
building everything out for them without a clear step-by-step process.
And because your onboarding process is unclear and doesn’t set you up for
success, you end up having to freestyle your service delivery.
I’m sure you’ve been there.
You signed a client. You’re ecstatic. But now you actually have work to do.
And you’re panicking because you watched a course or some Youtube videos and
you’re freestyling the entire process.
“What do they even offer?”
“Writing these emails is so hard?”
“What leads should I scrape?”
This is a surefire way to ensure you deliver sub-par results and stay in the
flywheel of always having to acquire new clients.
It's a coin flip every time when you sign a client, you are not 100% sure you'll
get them results.
As a result of doing this, your clients will have an unclear and bad onboarding
process, they'll get buyer's remorse and you won't have good enough
foundations from the onboarding to actually get them results.
Clients ask for refunds and are just a pain in the ass to work with.
You can't give out good guarantees since you are not sure if you'll deliver good
They have wrong expectations about working with you and get disappointed and
churn no matter what results you get them.
Because they get bad results, they are mad, they want their money back, and
you are ashamed to jump on weekly calls with them and feel like a scammer.
You have the negative word of mouth working against you. Doors that were
otherwise open will shut down over time.
You are losing a huge amount of revenue since you are not getting paid your
performance fee.
This is the most critical part of the business because the amount of money you
make is directly correlated to the amount of social proof you have and how much
money you make for others.
In the new way, you have a clear and well-structured onboarding process
structured as efficiently as possible.
You know exactly what you are going to do every single day and during every
single step in the onboarding process.
With cold email lead generation, the process is simple. When we audit our client
campaigns that are not working, the problems are always the same.
You have troubleshooting SOPs to ensure if anything goes wrong, you know how
to fix the situation. You have clear systems for delivering results that you have
dialed in through repetition and data.

Because of this,
 Your clients have a better onboarding process so they won’t regret
starting to work with you.
 They won’t ask for refunds down the line since you showed that you
are professional and treat them well.
 They have all the clarity in the world and feel confident about
working with you.
 Clients will be a lot more tolerant even if there are roadblocks
throughout the process.
 Even if you deliver sub-par results, your clients will likely go longer
with you and give you more chances to do a better job simply
because you took the time to give them a good onboarding
 You get great and predictable results for your clients that you are
proud of.
 You build good case studies that you can leverage in your outreach,
VSL & sales calls.
 Word of mouth works for you instead of against you, the referral
machine starts building momentum and you start getting clients
without doing any extra work.
 You make more money per client since they pay you more and stay
for a longer time.
 You can confidently give out amazing no-brainer guarantees since
you know you can fulfill them.
 By leveraging high-level case studies, every single remaining part of
the business becomes more effortless.
This could be the only thing you did well and better than everything else and in
itself, it would drive the business to higher levels than anything else.
This is everything; if you execute it correctly, you’ll make all the money you
In conclusion:
By delivering a streamlined onboarding experience, you remove any chances of
buyer remorse.
Structuring your onboarding process in the most efficient and using the same
exact workflow every time results in happier clients that stay with you for a
longer time, get better results, and are easier to work with.
A significant advantage of this is that since you set the right expectations from
the get-go, if there are roadblocks along the way and we’re not immediately
delivering results, clients will be more tolerant because clear communication is
Also, you are able to systemize and automate the onboarding process way more
since it always works the same way.
Because your onboarding process is systemised, you can have a clear step-by-
step service delivery workflow covering all possible problems ensures you get
stellar results for your clients which leads to higher LTV, better case studies, and
more money.
Like I said, this is the most important element of the entire equation.
If you can nail this part, you can pretty much get loose with everything else and
you’ll still crush it.
(1) Niche - (2) Offer - (3) Funnel - (4) Acquisition - (5) Sales - (6)
Onboarding - (7) Delivery - (8) Scale
It is the second last piece of the puzzle.
By systemizing this phase of our lead gen agency, we've been able to work with
just a few selected high-quality clients since every client is worth more to us.

(Screenshot above showcases results we have gotten for our clients. Notice how
we booked 17 qualified calls in 6 days for one of our clients selling a $25,000
service in one of the most “saturated” niches.)
We've also taught this system to our clients and they've been able to get
excellent results for their clients.
(Screenshot above showcases the results Daniel is getting for his clients. He is
getting multiple 7, 8, and 9-figure inbound referrals every month from his clients
because they are comfortable recommending him to others.)

(One of his 9-figure clients offered to build a separate company with him since he
is providing so good results. The image above showcases what kind of deal he
got offered.)
Not only does it influence the rest of the loop but it’s ultimately what facilitates
the last piece: Scale.
Without being good at what you actually do, you’ll always stay stuck in the small
leagues playing for scraps.
By systemizing your entire process and ensuring that you actually become good
at what you do, you unlock the puzzle of the Lead Gen Agency game.
Get good at this and you’ll never go broke again.
When you dial in the onboarding & service delivery process in well, you are also
able to tie everything together with a few simple automations & team members.
It isn’t something that you should focus on in the beginning.
(1) Niche - (2) Offer - (3) Funnel - (4) Acquisition - (5) Sales - (6)
Onboarding - (7) Delivery - (8) Scale
But when you have the first 7-steps dialed in and they are proven to work, you
can make running your agency less time consuming & you’ll be able to focus on
more of the high-leverage tasks to scale even further.
We start focusing on this with our coaching clients when they approach the
$10,000/mo - $20,000 mark depending on how much they have time & what
their workload looks like.
The biggest mistake people make when trying to scale your agency, you create
complicated Zapier automations, create unclear SOPs that only you understand,
and hire incompetent VAs for $3/h that you need to manage & help every day.
As a result:
Their new shiny systems & automations end up breaking daily, profit margins
drop below 60%, and because they are spending more time managing systems
and automations, your results drop, your business becomes a nightmare to run
and you end up doing everything by yourself.
You kill your strong momentum by adding friction in your agency and burn
everything to the ground.
So don’t start trying to hire & automate too soon.

(Screenshot above is from our agency's process workflow showcasing the main 3
team members we have in our process.)
If you are already at a spot where you need help building a team & systemising
your lead gen agency, we’ll help you,
“How do I make sure that my clients have a good onboarding
There are 3 main points you need to cover for this to happen.
1. Communication
You need to communicate about everything that you are doing.
This way, the client will always know what's happening and they’ll know that you
are working to get them results.
2. Clarity
Your onboarding process needs to be a clear timeline. Every day needs to be
structured and presentable for the client.
You and your client need to know what happens when it happens and who does
This is the key.
3. Efficiency
You need to be executing everything as fast as possible. Show that they made a
good decision and start getting them the small wins immediately.
Send the contract immediately, book the onboarding call immediately, and do
everything as fast as you possibly can.
“How long should the onboarding process be?”
Our lead generation agency onboarding process is 8 days.
Of course, most of the work happens on our side but we still present the
timeframe for the client so they understand everything that's happening.
We’ve optimized it a lot and made sure that it’s the most efficient way to
onboard a new cold email lead generation client and ensure they get results.
“Should I have an onboarding call with them or send an onboarding
Have a call. This is a more personal approach and you’ll make sure you get all
the necessary information that you need to deliver results.
In most cases, if you send a form, you’ll get vague answers that the client
quickly answers. This is not enough to get amazing results.
Some of our onboarding calls have been 2 hours long because there has been so
much information to dig through with the client.
As you can see, all you need to do is:
1. Pick A Niche & Dial It In
2. Create A Benefit-Focused Niche Specific Offer That Matches Your
Niches Awareness & Sophistication level
3. Build A Funnel That Connects Your Niche With The Offer
4. Setup An Outreach Process & Close Clients
5. Onboard Your New Clients & Deliver Them Results
And you are able to build an $18,000/mo lead generation agency in 4
weeks without case studies.
Now there are a few ways to get to +$18,000/month with your Lead Gen
Option 1:
You keep doing what you’ve done up until now, buying low priced courses,
getting general advice and spinning your wheels hoping something changes but…
How much more willpower do you think you can muster, and how much longer
can you go on without seeing results?
Also by doing this, the opportunity cost is enormous since you could spend the
months you spend on learning on actually making money.
Option 2:
You can work directly with, follow the exact step-by-step
instructions I’m going to give you, sign your first client in less than 30 days, and
hit at least $10k/month in less than 90 days.
Again, this is for
 Aspiring Lead Gen Agency Owners who want to take control of their
life, build a reliable lead generation agency and make +$100,000 in
the next 12 months by providing actual value to the market
 Existing Lead Gen Agency Owners who have been actively trying to
get past the $10k/month mark for months but haven’t been able to
do so.
This stuff works.
We’ve been able to take these frameworks and help people like:
Daniel Sannagård, Uppsala, Sweden
When Daniel started working with us, he was working a 9-5 as a sales rep,
dreaming about running his own agency and just spending his days learning
about cold email, building an agency and business.
Now 4 months later, he is working with 11 clients. Making over $15,000 a month
while working 4 hours a day from home.

(Screenshot above showcases Daniel booking 11 calls after 2 days of launching

his first campaign.)
(Screenshot above showcases Daniel signing his 2nd client after 22 days of
working with us.)

(Screenshot above showcases Daniel signing his 3rd client for 2000€ + 200€ per
call booked after 26 days of working with us.)

(Screenshot above shows what Daniel said to us after signing his 10th client.)

(Screenshot above showcases Daniel booking 4 calls for one of his clients for
300€ each in 4 hours.)
(Screenshot above showcases Daniel getting 4 referral clients from one of his
clients for 8000€ in starting fees total + 200-300€ per a booked call.)

(Screenshot above showcases Daniel booking 8 calls for one of his new clients in
2 days of starting campaigns for them.)

(Images above are screenshots of what Daniel has sent to our private Slack
channel about his results & progress.)
As you can see he is signing clients & delivering amazing results. He will 100%
sure make multiple 6-figures in the next 12 months from his agency and build a
fantastic reputation in his niche.
What we did:
Immediately when we started working with Daniel, we created a roadmap
together & goals we are trying to hit and reverse-engineered the action steps we
needed to take.
We hopped on a call and went through his experiences & and advantages.
We were looking to find a blue ocean niche where he could quickly start
dominating the market.
After finding the niche that matched our criteria, we crafted an offer directly
targeted towards that niche based on Daniels & my experiences.
Then we built a simple funnel that explained the offer and the mechanism that
the offer is delivered with.
We built a list of leads and crafted 3 different email variations + follow-up
sequences for cold email campaigns.
Immediately after our 27 email accounts warmed up, we launched campaigns
and booked 25 calls in the first 48 hours.
We went over the sales process with Daniel and he started closing deals.
After 17 days of working with us, Daniel signed his first client for $2000 setup
fee + $200 per call booked.
After 22 days of working with us, Daniel signed his second
client for $2000 setup fee + $200 per call booked.
After 26 days of working with us, Daniel signed his third
client for $2000 setup fee + $200 per call booked.
So in 26 days, he had already made $6000 without taking any performance fees
into consideration.
After closing the first deal we made sure that the onboarding sequence is as
seamless as possible and that we'd get all the necessary information we needed
to deliver results so we can start building up the first case study.
We kept reaching out to prospects, booking calls, and closing clients.
After the first 2 months we started seeing clear commonalities with the best
clients Daniel was working with so we doubled down on those types of
After 4 months of working with us, he has built predictable systems for service
delivery, client acquisition, and onboarding.
His clients are happier than ever and he's even getting huge referrals from them.
He's spending 4 hours a day on his agency and he's making $15,000/mo with big
plans for scaling with us.
We've helped Daniel with daily operations, questions, and troubleshooting 1:1
and he's been able to scale with clarity.
This is what Daniel said about working with us:
"Before I jumped on Agency Velocity with Leevi I worked as a sales rep.
Same company, same service, and had no plans... Just stack money and stay
stuck at a 9-5 I didn't enjoy.
Over the past 4 months, I have learned in-depth stuff about cold email that
would take me over 12 months to learn if I was doing it alone.
And not only about cold emails, but I have also learned stuff about myself as
well and how to use myself as a resource and only focus on high ROI tasks every
single day.
Now 4 months later I'm working with 11 clients, just got 4 new clients through a
referral because of the amazing results I've generated for one of my clients.
I also have 4 new projects that are launching during this and next month for my
own services that I'm selling.
Leevi is amazing and truly a genius.
It has been an honor to work with him. He is also a really good friend that really
cares about my success.
Agency Velocity isn’t just a coaching program, it is a movement.
We are making huge progress together and everybody is winning."
We’ve also done an interview with Daniel, where he talks about how he has
scaled his lead generation agency so fast.
You can check it out here:
How Daniel went from sales rep to making $15,000/mo with his lead generation agency
We’ve also helped guys like:

Wyatt Beemer, Minnesota, U.S.

Before Wyatt started working with us, he was Making $500/mo with his lead
generation agency that he had been running for 4 weeks.
He had one client that he got through a referral from his friend. He didn’t have a
predictable method to get more and wasn’t getting results for his one client.
After working with us for 11 weeks, he hit his first $10,000 a month.
Now he is working with 8-figure companies, getting paid $1000 for every call he
books, get’s predictable results for his clients and in general is amazingly happy
and fulfilled.
(Image above shows what Wyatt sent to our Slack channel 48 hours after
launching his first campaign.)

(Screenshot above shows Wyatt signing his first client 3 days after launching his
(Screenshot above shows Wyatt signing his second client 6 days later.)

(Screenshot above shows Wyatt booking a call with a $2,000,000,000 / year

company for one of his clients.)

(Screenshot above showcases Wyatt signing his 5th client after 10 days of
launching his campaign.)
(Screenshot above shows Wyatt hitting his first $10,000 a month after a few
months of starting to work with

(Screenshot above shows Wyatt signing a $2000 + $600 per call booked client a
few days after hitting his first $10,000 a month)
What we did:
When Wyatt started working with us, he had already tried to run a lead
generation agency for a month. He had gotten one client through a referral but
wasn't getting any results for him.
His own cold email campaigns weren't performing, he needed a better video
sales letter & his offer and niche could have been better.
We hopped on a call and started planning the roadmap on what steps we need to
take before starting new cold email campaigns for him.
We picked a new niche & created an entirely new offer focusing on end benefits
to fit our new niche's market awareness & sophistication level and situation.
We also created an entirely new VSL & a landing page to ensure our foundations
were set before we launched.
He only had a few email accounts he was using for his campaigns so we got him
10 more accounts to increase our sending volume as much as possible.
We scraped a list from Goodfirms data based on top companies in Wyatts niche
using Instant Data Scraper & VAs to enrich the contact information.
We started working together on the 4th of August, 2021. After a few weeks of
building foundations, we launched his new campaign on the 3rd of September.
He booked 6 calls in the first 48 hours and closed his first client for $3000 +
$250 per call booked 3 days later.
6 days later, he signed his second client from the campaign for a $2000 setup
fee + $3000/mo retainer + 10% revenue share.
One day after that he signed 2 clients. One for $4000 starting fee + $250 per call
booked & one for $5000 starting fee paid after 5 calls + $1000 per call booked.
In the first 10 days of running the campaigns, he had made $9000 just in
starting fees.
Now he had 4 high-quality clients to work with. We started focusing on service
delivery to make sure he gets paid well.
We started building a reliable method for service delivery and scaling.
Also, we aimed to get the first sick case study as soon as possible.
For one of his clients, he built an 8-figure pipeline in 2 months which will be the
perfect case study to create. (He's working on it right now)
After the first campaign, Wyatt has signed a few clients but is mainly focusing on
service delivery for his few high-paying clients and scaling them up.
This is what Wyatt said about working with
"I didn’t know how to get to that next level and knew I needed guidance from
someone who had already done this before.
It wasn't sustainable to buy small courses, read guides on Twitter, and take any
client that would come my way.
I knew Leevi was launching a coaching program so I knew I needed to jump on
the train.
He’s someone who’s done this before, someone who has already given so much
free value on Twitter, someone I know would have so much value in something
like this program.
It was a no-brainer offer before I even hopped on the call with Leevi.
As soon as I got in, I could tell this was going to be a NEXT LEVEL of a program.
A few months later and here we are my first $10k month."
We’ve also done an interview with Wyatt about his progress and journey of
building his lead generation agency, you can check it out
Oliver Skaanild, Copenhagen, Denmark
Before Oliver started working with us, he had tried to run a Social Media
Marketing Agency providing Facebook ads for his clients for 2 years.
He wasn’t getting it to work. He was booking 1-2 meetings every 3 months and
wasn’t closing any deals. His top month was 1000€ during those 2 years.
He had pivoted to running a lead generation agency 2-months prior but had only
booked one meeting which ended up being a no-show.
He started working with us on September 21st of 2022 and 35 days after
working with us, Oliver had made 13,000-17,000€ in closed deals.
Now he has a waiting list of +20 high-quality companies waiting to work with him
so he can focus on delivering results to his clients and build fantastic case
(Screenshot above showcases what Oliver sent to our Slack chat the morning he
launched his campaigns.)
(Screenshot above showcases his results after the first day of running cold
emails for his own agency.)

(Screenshot above shows him closing his first client on October 15th for a
1750€/mo 3-month contract, paid in full upfront for the amount of €5,250)

(Screenshot of him closing his 2nd client on October 17th for 1500€ one-time
implementation fee.)

(Screenshot above showcases him closing his 3rd client the same day, October
17th for 3250€ one time + 175€ per a call booked.)
(Screenshot above shows him signing his 4rth client on October 26th for 3250€
one time fee + 100€ per call booked.)

(Screenshot above showcases Oliver's cold email campaign performance. 5000

leads, 100% open rate & 28% reply rate.)

(Screenshot above showcases Oliver launching one of his client's new campaigns
and booking 2 calls on the first day.)

(Screenshot above showcases Oliver signing a 5000€ deal + performance fee

that the client lets Oliver decide.)
Now, as I said before, Oliver has been in the game for years so there had to
be something restricting the growth.
We mapped out his whole agency's situation, history, goals & dreams.
Based on our analysis, we figured out what we needed to fix, we created a 60-
day game plan from scratch that he could follow consistently and hit his goals.
What was it that we needed to fix, you may ask?
In Oliver’s specific case, like many people, his problem was that he was trying to
do too many different things simultaneously.
He was offering a bunch of different services to a bunch of different people.
As a result, he didn’t know how to structure offers properly because he had
never studied niches at a deep level.
He never saw results (obviously), which made him never stick with one
niche/offer for long enough to see any traction and understand a market.
Which meant that he went on this rabbit hole of no results for years.
After our onboarding, we jumped on a 60-min video call and started going
through the research & tasks that Oliver was assigned.
Since he had already gone through the training & action steps after our last call -
he had good ideas.
After all the ideas, I quickly saw one in which he could have a significant unfair
We found a niche with a big TAM (Total Addressable Market) and a clear pain.
The niche was still broad starting out, so we could take some calls and close a
few clients before dialing it.
After doing this, instead of offering what everyone else was, we did heavy
market research and found out what the niche actually wanted.
As a result, we came up with a long-term offer that feels different and is not
commoditized even though the market we choose is highly competitive.
Our angle and offer were framed based solely on what the market was looking
It also played into the market’s level of awareness so it resonates better in our
messaging, sales calls, and VSL.
For the funnel, we crafted a simple LP with a headline + VSL + Book a call button
I gave Oliver a VSL structure & instructions on how to create it
He spent a few days writing the script and then sent it to me and I made edits &
tweaks to it.
He ended up creating a VSL script that was extremely pain focused.
This was ONLY possible because he went the extra mile and did his market
research using our market research framework.
VSL script came out great. Oliver spent 2 days recording it to make the delivery
The landing page looks very simple, but as you’ve seen by the results, it's
extremely effective.
We knew we wanted to go hard with volume.
Oliver scraped 15k leads in total.
Also warmed up 32 email accounts.
Oliver went through our copywriting framework.
I gave him an action plan for writing cold email sequences and setting up
After that, he jumped into a call with Rob (our outreach & copywriting coach) and
tweaked copywriting a little bit to make sure everything was optimized.
Here are a few pointers for you in terms of campaign structure and process:
 General personalized lines based on location
 Huge volume
 Broad lead lists
 A few edit rounds of copy before launching with me & Rob
 Long follow-up sequences
After the first few days, we had an 8% reply rate.
After follow-ups started going, the reply rate jumped to +20%.
More qualified booked calls.
After 5000 leads contacted, the reply rate right was at 28% with some follow-ups
to go.
Before launch, we went over basic inbox management tactics & CRM setups
We gave Oliver some SOPs on inbox management & pre-made reply templates to
make inbox management more efficient.
We did sales training calls with Oliver to make sure he is able to convert leads
that he books calls with.
At the moment of writing this case study, his close rate is at +50%.
Will stabilize and drop down over time.
But still, magic happens when your messaging and offer are dialed in and you
have a smooth sales process.
On average, his sales cycle has been 6 days
He has a simple 2-call structure on how to run sales calls
1. Discovery call
2. Demo call
Right now he has a reliable process he can throttle and decide how many clients
he wants to work with.
He has a waiting list of +20 high-quality companies waiting to work with him so
he can focus on service delivery and take on clients as he scales.
This is what Oliver said about working with us:
"The overall reason why I joined Agency Velocity in the first place was because
I've known Leevi for a year now from a different community.
We hopped on a 1-on-1 call and everything just made sense to me.
He was telling me about this 1-on-1 opportunity where we would work together
on a close basis which made really good sense for me at that point with the
situation I was in.
So everything just made sense when he showed me the framework and spoke
about the opportunity and where I would be in the next 90 days if we followed
this framework strictly.
So I was of course like really, really happy, and that's generally why I joined in
the first place.
And now at this point, I would say it's most likely the best investment I've ever
made in my entire life because just 30 to 35 days into the process, I generated
approximately 13 to 17,000 euros equivalent in deals.
So that's really, really good. And at this point, we are sitting with approximately
20 to 25 ready companies to sign a partnership in Q1 2023.
So yeah, I would say stuff's going pretty good right now and yeah, I'm excited to
go into the new year."
Oliver has also recorded a 3-minute video talking about his experience working
You can check it out
Joel Stoehr, Hamburg, Germany
Before Joel started working with us, he was running an amazon PPC agency
making $5000/mo & struggling with service delivery and running on small
margins not taking home enough profit.
He wanted to build a lead generation agency since he knew that it would be a
10X better vehicle to hit his goal of $25,000/mo compared to running an
advertising agency.
4 weeks after working with us, he was making $18,000/mo from his lead
generation agency.
(Screenshot above is Joel’s starting state. Working +100 hours a week at a
construction site.)
(Screenshot above showcase what Joel sent to our Slack channel on the first day
of running is cold email campaigns.)
(Screenshot above showcases Joel signing his first client 48 hours after launching
his first cold email campaign.)

(The screenshot above showcases Joel signing a $10,000,000/year company a

week later for a $11,000 setup fee.)
(Screenshot above showcases Joel being at $15,000/mo with his agency a few
weeks after starting to work with us.)
What we did:
When Joel began working with us, he had a lot of fantastic ideas but needed
more clarity. He was running his old agency and had a software project he
wanted to pursue.
So we first made a clear plan on how we will proceed with everything he has
going on in his business.
We devised a plan and started creating foundations for his lead generation
We picked a niche that supported his experiences & advantages and crafted a
sick offer leveraging all his advantages, letting him charge premium prices
It 100% is one of the best offers I've ever seen for a lead generation agency.
Joel wrote out a VSL script & filmed it using our instructions, and we started
creating the first campaigns.
We scraped a broad list of leads since we were still looking for the best service-
market fit for his offer and wanted to niche down as little as possible in the
beginning to ensure we get all the valuable data & feedback from the market.
He launched his campaigns on the 29th of November and immediately booked 5
calls on the first day. He had to shut down his campaigns on the first day since
he got so many positive replies from it.
48 hours later, he closed his first client for a $7500 starting fee + $550 per
booked call.
A week later, he closed a $10,000,000/year company for $11,000 setup.
Now he's in the process of hiring team members to make sure he's able to take
on more clients and fulfill excellent results for everyone.
He's also building a software product for cold outreach on the side he's using for
scaling his agency and clients.
This is what Joel said about working with us:
"Before I started working with, I had my Amazon advertising
agency that was doing alright (5-10K per month), did not deliver good work as
my co-founder left the company (he was responsible for getting our clients killer
results), had no passion for PPC as it is a lot of Excel work, took over fulfillment
& failed, couldn't charge as much as I thought I could do with Lead Gen (turned
out to be true).
I joined Leevi and his team on the 6th of October 2022 and quickly got way
more confident in my skills, got clarity (thanks Rob!), and started my own
software Convi that allows us to send over 10,000 personalized loom videos per
day - on autopilot.
Right now I'm doing $18,000/month and with all deals in the pipeline, I'm
probably able to reach $30,000 this month. Not sure if that's gonna happen bc of
Funnily enough, I did not even intend to join. But hopped on a call and got sold
on the "we take your hand and guide you through" sales argument.
So in these past 10 weeks, I've gotten amazing results.
I have collected $18,000 this month, and I have another $13,000 proposals
made (might add up to 31K, might not), still following up)
Right now my life is fairly busy with hiring. Still looking for A+ players.
I like working with the team since Rob is super chill to learn
He takes his time to understand your needs aI don't know me so muchgoing to
Being in business for almost 6 years now, I thought I knew a lot already. They
prove me wrong.
And Leevi, one of the kindest people I've met. Always tries his best to help me
where he can. Absolute goat.
Nice team, nice results. They speak for themselves."
We’ve also recorded an interview with Joel where he shared his experiences &
results from scaling his agency and working with us.
You can check it out here: Joel Interview
Brian Burns, Seattle, U.S.
Before Brian started working with us, he was working a 9-5 sales job, dreaming
about working for himself but never knew how to take the leap.
After 3 months of working with us, he has now been able to hit $16,000 in cash
collected in December, Working with 10 clients, quit his 9-5, and start building
his dream.

(Screenshot above showcases Brian signing his first client after a few weeks of
starting to work with us.)
(Screenshot above showcases Brian signing 3 clients each for $1500 starting fee
+ $400 per meeting booked on the same day a month after signing his first

(Screenshot above showcases Brian being at $16,000/mo 3 months later.)

What we did:
Brian already had many ideas when he started working with us. He had played
around with the idea of quitting his 9-5 and building his own lead generation
agency for a long time.
We immediately hopped on a 1:1 call with Brian and started mapping out the
best steps for Brian to take. His niche, offer, landing page, and VSL script.
We picked his niche and created his offer. We created his first landing page and I
helped him to create his VSL script.
We got his first cold email campaigns launched. He is targeting a competitive
niche with a lot of big competitors so the key was to create an offer that sets
himself apart from the competition and nail down the messaging to show that to
the prospects.
His niche & offer were really valid so we’ve mostly helped him with the technical
side of cold email, scraping lists, finding good VAs, hiring, and scaling.
We’ve also helped him with structuring a retainer-based offer since he wants to
try out the retainer pricing model.
This is what Brian said about working with us:
"For years I had dreamt about working for myself, but hadn't found a way that
could scale well beyond my 9-5.
Having followed AV on Twitter for a while, they seemed to have a fresh take on
lead gen and be proven experts.
I took a leap of faith, joined AV, and within a few months was able to exceed my
previous income. Now it feels like the sky's the limit.
Couldn't have done it without the AV team. The whole community is super
encouraging, and positive, and the support you receive is invaluable. Best
decision I made all year."
Here’s exactly what’s going to happen when you come in:
 You’ll be able to know exactly what will be the most profitable niche
for you to go after.
 You’ll learn how to create offers so no-brainer people will feel stupid
saying no to them.
 You’ll learn how to build funnels and qualification systems that will
ensure you’ll never speak to a bad prospect ever again.
 You’ll have a video sales letter that pre-sells your prospects so
everyone who hops into a call with you is already interested in
working with you.
 You’ll be able to generate leads at a rate that you have never seen
 You’ll be able to systemize your entire acquisition process and not
have to stress about anything.
 You will be able to close at over 25%.
 You’ll plug and play my onboarding and service delivery systems to
ensure your clients get results and don’t leave.
 You’ll learn how to hire the right people for your time to make sure
you can scale your business smoothly and profitably.
 You’ll be able to reach at least $10k/month in less than 90 days if
you execute properly.
 You’ll finally feel confident, fulfilled, and excited about your agency
since you have a predictable roadmap and method to scale it.
How does it work?
 So before, when you wanted to find the best & most profitable
niche you’d have to do a bunch of research, without any idea of
what industries resonate with lead generation offers right now, what
are their pain points and if it plays into your own experiences &
But now, you can work with and use our niche-picking
framework and training + jump on a 60-minute 1:1 call with me where I'll
pick the niche with you based on your unique advantages and based on
what we know works well right now.
This way you'll start off with the best possible niche right off the bat.
This increases the likelihood that you'll succeed as fast as possible so you
don’t have to miss out on a lot of potential because you don't know the
best way to do market research, the best industries to be in right now, and
what works with your background.
 Before, when you wanted to craft an irresistible lead generation
agency offer, you would have to do it yourself based on information
that everyone has seen online with no clear structure or just a
generic offer that doesn't match your niche's market awareness /
sophistication level or pain points at all.
But now, you can work with and use our offer
structures, offer training & you'll hop on a 60-minute 1:1 call with me
where we craft you an offer that matches your niche and goals perfectly.
We already know what offers, timeframes, guarantees, and prices work.
You'll have a clear roadmap and understanding of your offer.
This way you don’t have to risk wasting a lot of time and doing a lot of
useless work on your funnel, VLS, cold emails, and calls just to find out
your offer doesn't resonate with your niche so they'll never buy it.
You also don’t need to take the risk of making an offer that you can't
 Before, when you wanted to create a high-converting funnel with a
nurturing VSL, you would have to build your funnel yourself using
templates you've seen online.
Building the actual landing page is easy & simple so you will be able to do
that but trying to create the VSL yourself increases the risk of missing out
on a lot of revenue since your VSL is unclear, doesn't light up your
prospects, and does a bad job in nurturing.
But now, you can work with us and use our landing page & VSL scripts
and templates.
We’ll also overview, give feedback & edit your landing page & VSl until it is
perfect for recording.
This way you don’t have to waste any time or potential revenue since your
VSl is crafted the right way to connect your niche with your offer. Also,
your cold email campaigns will work way better and you can just jump on
calls with pre-sold prospects and reap the rewards.
 Before, when you wanted to build a predictable lead generation
machine for your agency, you’d have to learn cold email by yourself
from Twitter, Youtube, or low-priced courses and use cold email
templates that everyone else has used.
And you’d end up reaching out to low-quality leads with the same
templates that everyone else uses and spending a lot of time and money
into campaigns to book 1 call from 1000 leads.
But now, you can work with us and use your already proven cold email
structure we've used to generate over $3,000,000 in revenue for us and
our clients.
You'll get the best ways to scrape leads for your niche, structures on how
to write email copy, and tutorials on how to set up everything.
You’ll also have my and my team's 1:1 support. We'll help you overcome
all obstacles, edit your cold emails and create campaign strategy & A/B
testing schedules so your campaigns will always perform.
 Before, when you wanted to build a predictable step-by-step sales
process that lets you close at +25%, you’d try learning a more
efficient sales framework yourself by reading books, watching
youtube videos, and taking calls.
You'd end up missing a lot of potential revenue since you are building your
process from scratch and end up getting objections like "I have to think
about it" and spending time chasing after prospects since you don't know
the small nuances of how to prevent these.
But now, you can work with and get our step-by-step 2-
call sales process, pre-made objection handlers, weekly sales training, and
1:1 roleplay twice a week on the sales process.
We'll also audit your sales calls for bottlenecks if needed.
This way, you can start closing immediately when you start generating
calls and you can extract the maximum amount of revenue from the calls
you book while not having to spend time with custom proposals and
 Before, when you wanted to build an onboarding process that set
the right expectations with your clients and ensure you get results,
you’d have to build your own onboarding process or get a pre-made
onboarding process from a low-priced course.
This increases the risk of you churning clients faster and having an unclear
onboarding process since it isn't tailor-made for your own offer and agency
Now, you can work with and get our framework for
building the most effective possible onboarding process for your offer &
get our own step-by-step process.
You'll also have 1:1 support to ensure your onboarding goes as well as it
possibly can.
This way you can build an onboarding process that matches your exact
needs in your agency and start delivering an amazing customer experience
starting from your first client.
You'll be set up for better results and onboarding is easier and more
 Before, when you wanted to deliver results for your lead generation
agency clients, you’d have to handle your service delivery yourself
with the information you already have.
You could also buy low-priced courses or hire low-quality VAs or white-
label partners to fulfill for you.
It would take you months to find a good service delivery workflow so you
end up delivering bad results most of the time and not having any
predictability in your service delivery since everything is mostly freestyling
based on what you think you need to do for the first months.
You'll churn clients, feel like a scammer, get refunds & miss out on a lot of
money since you are not able to get paid for your performance in the
But now, you can work with and get access to your cold
email assets and training + our service delivery workflow + our
troubleshooting SOPs while having 1:1 access to me and my team so you'll
be able to get help with every single client and have us edit and give
feedback on your emails and troubleshoot problems in your client
campaigns if anything comes up.
This way, you have the best possible chance to deliver amazing results for
your clients as quickly as possible, build those amazing case studies, and
get paid big performance payments quickly.
 Before, when you wanted to scale your agency, you’d have to
create your own SOPs, hire someone to do your automations, and
hire team members on trial-and-error strategy from places like
UpWork & Fiverr.
You'd have an increased risk of hiring the wrong players in your team and
building systems that break under pressure setting you back months in
progress and losing a lot of revenue.
But now, you can work with and get access to your
SOPs, automation systems, system-building frameworks, and hiring
You'll also get 1:1 support on systemizing and scaling your agency. We'll
also help you train and hire team members for your agency and even help
you find the perfect candidates through our network and audience using
methods that have worked for us.
Now, if you wanted to do this by yourself, you’d have to go through months of
learning via trial and error, buy tens of different courses, spend tens of
thousands on coaches & lose your mind over it.
We are only a small fraction of the cost while taking you there way faster and
All you need to do is Book A Call with one of our customer success managers
>>> Talk With
Also, keep in mind that we only onboard 10 people every month because it is
a highly personalized process for everyone, and we want to make sure that
everyone that comes in gets the 1:1 attention needed
And of course, I back everything up with a guarantee. Meaning if you don’t
make more money than you have paid us in the first 92 days, you’ll be eligible
for a 100% refund.
We are actually increasing our prices a lot on 9th of January 2023, so if you want
to get in, now is the time!
Question and Answer
“This offer seems great but sounds like it’s expensive. I don’t know if I
have the budget for it.”
I know that the initial investment of starting something new can always seem
daunting. But instead of seeing it as an expense, see it as an investment.
If you make $100,000 in the next 12 months with our program, it will change
your life. Compared to the price of the program, it’s basically free.
Also, your investment is ROI guaranteed, meaning that you won’t be able to lose
money with us due to our 92-day guarantee.
Most of our clients double or triple their investment in the first 92 days.
“I don’t have time to start building a lead generation agency right now.”
I totally understand that, but the truth is that building a business will always be
hectic in the beginning. If you’re unable to do it while busy, you will probably
never be able to.
By starting now, even if you are busy, you can take things step-by-step and
gradually build your agency.
Also, imagine if you start 6 months later. How frustrating will it feel starting then
when in the back of your head, you know that if you started now, you’d already
be at $10,000/mo minimum?
“Will this work for me if I’m from X country?”
Yes. If you have a computer & internet access. It will work for you. As long as
you put in the work.
We have people from the US, Latam, All around Europe, the UK, India, China,
Australia, Nepal, Canada, and all around the world who are crushing it.
If you put in the work and trust us, it will work.
“Is lead generation saturated?”
A great question! But it is not. A case study by Hubspot showcases that 63% of
business owners say that their biggest struggle is lead generation.
The only way you'll suffer from "saturation" is if you send the exact same cold
email to the same market with the same offer that others are using.
We'll show you how to adapt and think outside the box and find market trends
and pains you are able to solve. You won't suffer from saturation.
“How much does it cost to run the systems you teach me to build?”
It will cost $200/mo minimum.
Of course, you can spend more to speed things up a bit but we’ve had guys take
a loan to work with us, start from 0 and make $5000 the next month.
So we are for sure able to come up with creative ways to work with your budget.
When I started with lead generation, I was dead broke. And that's also one of the
main reasons why I love the business model. It’s cheap to get started with.
“What if I have already tried running a lead generation agency and it
didn’t work?”
To be honest, you were probably doing it wrong.
There are a lot of small nuances and big strategic things you need to consider
when building and running a lead generation agency.
Most likely your niche & offer weren't picked right and you were approaching
them in a way that didn't resonate with them.
We’ve had guys come in who have tried to run a lead generation agency for
months without any results and after we’ve fixed a few small things, their agency
has blown up.
“What if I’m going to school or working at a 9-5 job?”
You’ll of course have to squeeze out some longer days but the system we’ll teach
you won’t take you more than 2-3h a day in the beginning.
When you start seeing traction and closing more clients, you can either pull
through long days, start outsourcing and automating or just quit and go full-
All of those options work. We’ve had people working with us do all of those.
“What if I don’t have any sales experience?”
The niche, the offer & the VSL will do most of the heavy lifting. If those are
dialed in, you don’t have to be a killer sales guy to close deals.
We’ll also teach you our 2-step sales process, show you how to overcome all
possible objections in calls, do 1on1 roleplay twice a week, and audit your sales
calls if needed.
You will close.
“How fast can I start getting results?”
17 days if you are starting from scratch. If you already have something set up
yourself and we think it is going to work, then less.
We have people who close $5000 deals after 3 days of joining since they take
action immediately. The main variable is your own work ethic and speed of
This is not something that will get you rich overnight but just from the sheer
experience we had, we are able to get you quick wins.
“How long do you think it will take to scale past $10k, $20k & $30k?”
It all depends on how much work you put in and how badly you actually want it.
I scaled my own agency to $44,000/mo in 6 months. We’ve had people hit
$10,000 the first month they work with us.
These are not easy results to get, but when your foundations are built the right
way, only the sky's the limit.
“What if my English is bad?”
Funnily enough, most of the people inside the program aren't native in English.
I’m from Finland so when I started out, my English was horrible.
You’ll learn as you are taking calls with prospects & with us. Also, it matters way
less than you think. If your offer is good and the niche wants it, they won’t care
if you pronounce words wrong or say something that doesn’t make sense.
“How long does the program last?”
You’ll have access to us & the community for 12 months. You’ll have access to
the materials for a lifetime.
“What happens after 12 months?”
It’s totally up to you. If you want to keep working, you’ll have the ability to
continue the coaching for a discounted price.
After 12 months you’ll 100% be capable of running your agency on your own.
We teach you in a way that you’ll learn the principles and foundations so you
won’t be dependent on us.
“Do I get a 1 on 1 session with you?”
Yes, we'll pick your niche & craft your offer together in a 1:1 session.
Also, my main goal is to make you successful, so if we need to, we’ll jump on 1:1
calls down the line.
The whole team & I are here to make you win.
“How many support calls are there? What time?”
Right now, we have 5 calls a week. We are adding more as the demand grows.
They are scheduled around different times so no matter your timezone, you'll be
able to join the most important ones for your progress.
“Is this a course?”
No. We have pre-recorded materials but it is not a course.
It is a combination of a coaching program & a mastermind.
We’ll create you personalized modules if needed.
The only thing that matters is your success.
“How long does it take to get feedback from your team / you?”
It usually takes a few hours to get feedback—maximum 24 hours.
If you send us a message or want something reviewed on weekends / holidays, it
can take a bit longer but we are going through everyone's private channels for
+10 hours combined every day.
“What if I don’t know what niche to pick or what offer to create?”
That is the least of your worries when it comes to working with us.
I’ll help you with everything. We have a proven framework that we use and we’ll
go through it together in the beginning when you come in.
“What if it does not work?”
The only reason why it wouldn’t work is if you suddenly give up, disappear and
quit your agency.
We’ve done this so many times that it’s not possible that it won't work.
Of course, no matter what business you are building, there will always be
unexpected problems that you need to overcome, but that's why you have us so
you are able to troubleshoot those things immediately so you don’t end up
getting stuck spinning your wheels and getting demotivated.
“What if I can’t show up to the support calls?”
Nothing to worry about. The support calls aren’t necessary for your success.
We have people inside who’ve never joined a single call and are still making +
They are there for the people who want extra clarity and help.
So if you execute the roadmap we give you and listen to our advice and
feedback, the calls won’t be necessary. You’ll still be able to get 1:1 personalized
support from us on Slack.
You’ll also get recordings of all the calls if you ever wish to go check them out.
“How does the guarantee work??”
If you go through everything we planned for you, listen to our advice, and
actually execute, and STILL don’t make your money back in the first 92 days.
You’ll be entitled to a 100% refund.
“What if I’m already making money with a lead generation agency?”
That's great! If you are under $50,000/mo, we’ll help you make more money by
doing less work.
We have people inside who’ve already been running a successful agency but
wanted to learn extra tricks & tips for scaling the agency & making it easier to
“What if I’m a complete beginner, can I still join?”
Yes, you can. We’ll make sure to personalize the experience for you so you are
able to learn the business model & concepts around it as quickly as possible.
“How do I know you guys are legit?
Well, at the time of writing this, we’ve worked with +80 people on this and have
gotten amazing results. Our success rates are one of the best in the industry.
I’ve also done this myself and documented and shared my journey online for my
followers to see.
The main factor is my personal brand. It means way more to me than any
financial gain.
So if for some reason it doesn’t end up working for you, I’ll honor our guarantee
and refund you everything.
But just looking at our results, that is fairly unlikely.
I’ve also been featured on Yahoo Finance and other big publications. You can
check the story out here.
“Why are you doing this?”
Well, there are 3 main reasons:
1. Satisfaction that I get for making sure someone doesn’t have to
struggle for 5 years as I did is life-changing.
2. The personal growth I’ve gone through doing this over and over
again with different people is huge. I’ve learned new concepts about
running a lead generation agency, coaching, and building a
company through this time.
3. Community that we have built already is amazing. Online business
can be lonely. If nobody in your close circle really “gets” what you
are doing, it can feel lonely.
Again, if you are interested, please schedule a call here: Talk To

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