FCOM Operating Procedures TP 80FC ZL

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mbD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL - “ . AIR LIBERTE INDUSTRIES number of “Red Light On With Landing Gear Handle UP* procedure. YS To: ALL HOLDERS OF M0-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUA\ CONCERNING: VOLUME Il - OPERATING PROCEDURES, REVISION 68, DATED: APR 1/99. HIGHLIGHTS: ADDITIONS, DELETIONS, OR CHANGES ON TEXT PAGES ARE INDICATED BY A VERTICAL LINE ADJACENT TO THE CHANGE. | Front Matter (No changes) 5 Section 1 (No changes) | F Section 2 | 1-30-0 AFTER START EXPANDED PROCEDURES. Revised to add NOTE for -217C/-219 engines, recommending warm-up time following shut-down exceeding 2 hours. i TAXI EXPANDED PROCEDURES and AFTER LANDING EXPANDED PROCEDURES. Revised to add NOTE recommending maximum taxi speed. Sr pee Section 3 | 110-0 ENGINES ~ LIMITATIONS (JTBD-219) revised to incorporate Temporary Revision 2- j 1594. Please remove Temporary Revision 2-1894 from your FCOM, | 44-Cont Chapter 14. LANDING GEAR AND BRAKES, TABLE OF CONTENTS. Revised page i 14-30-0 LANDING GEAR AND BRAKES, ABNORMAL OPERATION, RED LIGHT ON WITH LANDING GEAR HANDLE UP. Revised procedure to match MD-90 procedure, 16-Cont Chapter 16. PROCEDURES AND TECHNIQUES, TABLE OF CONTENTS. TAKEOFF section revised to update subject ties and page numbers. MISCELLANEOUS section revised to add FOD Prevention Procedures subject. 16.20-5, PROCEDURES AND TECHNIQUES, TAKEOFF, REJECTED TAKEOFF procedure, Revised to incorporate Temporary Revision 2-157. Please remove Temporary Revision 2-1877 from your FCOM. 16-20-25 PROCEDURES AND TECHNIQUES, MISCELLANEOUS, COLD WEATHER : PROCEDURES. Revised to incorporate Temporary Revision 2-1602. Plesse remove Temporary Revision 2-1602 trom your FCOM. 7 PROCEDURES "AND -TECAINIQUES, MISCELLANEOUS, COLD WEATHER PROCEDURES. Revised to re-issue Page. 30A/B,.which ‘was inadvertently omitted, ot CEDURES AND TECHNIQUES, ‘Wocentous DURES «Revised to add recotumendegt a or le ade s mp-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL Cate MANUAL REVISION RECORD DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS AL REVISION REVISION REVISION | REVISION REVISION | REVISION NUMBER DATE NUMBER DATE NUMBER DATE | ni Sep 1/73 82 Oct 1/87 1 Dec 1/79 3 Dec 1/87 2 Mar 1/80 34 Mar 1/88 | 3 dun 1/80 348, Mar 15/88 4 Sep 1/80 (21 ONLY) 5 Dec 1/80 348 No Coverage 6 Mar 1/81 5 Jun 1/88 7 Jun 1/81 36 Sep 1/88 8 Sep 1/81 7 Dec 1/88 8 Dec 1/81 38 Apr 1/89 10 Mar 15/82 39 ul 1/89 408 ‘Apr 1/82 40 Oct 1/89 {MC ONLY) at Jan 1/90 1" Jun 1/82 42 ‘Apr 1/90 12 Sep 1/82 43 Jul 1/90 13 Dec 1/82 44 Oct 1/90 14 Mar 1/83 45 Jan 1/91 144 Apr 1/83 46 Apr 1/91 Oo (Tw ONLY) 47 Jul 1/91 ) 4B Apr 15/83 48 Oct 1/91 (Tw ONLY) 49 Jan 4/92 16 Jun 1/83 50 Ape 1/92 16 Sep 1/83 ° 51 Jul 1/92 7 Dec 1/83 52 Oct 1/92 18 Mar 1/84 53 van 1/93 19 Jun 1/84 54 Apr 1/93 20 Sep 1/84 58 Jul 1/93 at Dec 1/84 56 Oct 1/93 22 Apr 1/85 ST Jan 1/94 23 Jun 1/85 58 ‘Apr 1/94 23A dul 1/85 59 Oct 1/94 (KE ONLY) 60 Ape 1/95 24 Sep 1/85 et Oct 1/95 24a No Coverage 62 Apr 1/96 248 No Coverage 63 ‘Oct 1/96 25 Dec 1/85 64 Apr 1/97 28 Mar. 1/86 65 Oct 1/97 27 Jun 1/86 66 Apr 1/98 28 Sep 1/86 67 Oct 1/98 29 Dec 1/86 68 Apr 1/98 30 Mar 1/87 31 Jun 1/87 Revision Record Vol. t ZL-CODE 1 Apr 1/99 Page 1/2 cones gas Content hs Stn BETA SIRT RSTRNT GE OT a mpbD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL TEMPORARY REVISION SUMMARY RECORD AIR LIBERTE INDUSTRIES (SERIES, 80) TEMPORARY ISSUE REV. DATE REV. NO. DATE INCORP. 2e4 thru 2-1576 Not Applicable, Cancelled or Previously incorporated 21577 Oct 5/98 Apr 1/99 2-1878 thru 2-1593 Not Applicable 21594 Nov 30/98 ‘Apr 1/99 2.1695 thru 2-160% Not Applicable 21602 Deo 15/98 Apr 1/99 2-1608 thru 2-1604 Not Applicable Oy ) @) TA Summ Rec Vol. 1 ZL-CODE 46 Apr 1/99 Page 1/2 mb-&s0 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL ~~ ) OPERATIONS BULLETIN SUMMARY RECORD ; AIR LIBERTE (SERIES 80) OPERATIONS ISSUE BULLETIN NO. DATE STATUS 1th 3 Cancelled 4 Aug 90/86 Applicable 5 Mar 28/86 Not Applicable 6 Cancelled 7 Cancelled 8 Nov 1/89 Applicable 9 Nov 14/89 Not Applicable U ) : | Ops Bul Summ Rec Vol. ZL-CODE 46 Jan 1/94 Page 1/2 ) BULLETIN NO: 4 SUBJECT: EFFECTIVITY: SUMMARY: Hilbrow FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL OPERATIONS BULLETIN DATE: AUG 30/85 ENGINE STALLS WITH OTHER THAN NORMAL BLEED CONDITIONS ALL MD-80 CUSTOMERS Recent tests at DAC have indicated the possibilty of engine stalls occuring during engine acceleration trom low power setlings when allilude is above 25,000 feet and the AIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY switch is in the HP BLD OFF or OFF position. Slow throttle movement should minimize this problem. The te8ts also indicated thal the engine should accelerate through the stall and operate normally at stabilized power. If the engine will not accelerate through the slall, descent to a lower altitude should restore normal engine accelération. Ik engine stalls continue at lower altitudes, reler to Engines-Abnormal Oper ENGINE SURGING OR POPPING IN FORWARD THRUST. Procedures where other than normal bleed conditions may occur are as follows: ; AIR CONDITIONING SMOKE/FUMES (Emergency) TAIL COMPT TEMP HIGH LIGHT ON (Emergency) AIR COND SUPPLY TEMP HI LIGHT ON (Abnormal) CABIN DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE UNCONTROLLABLE, OFF SCHEDULE OR OSCILLATES (Abnormal) SUPPLY PRESSURE DROPS RAPIDLY TO ZERO (Abnormal) ‘his Operations Bulletin is also applicable to any olher operation where one or both AIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY switches are in the HP BLO OFF or OFF positions. File this Operations Bulletin immediately behind the Operations Bulletin divider in Volume ll Retain this Operations Bulletin untit advised to remove it. BULLETIN No: 8 SUBJECT: EFFECTIVITY: SUMMARY: mp-8o0 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL OPERATIONS BULLETIN DATE: NOV 1/89 GROUND FORMATION OF WING ICE IN ABOVE FREEZING WEATHER ALL MD-80 OPERATORS . 7 IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE WING UPPER SURFACE BE INSPECTED FOR ICE PRIOR TO FLIGHT ANYTIME FACTORS ARE FAVORABLE FOR FORMATION OF ICE. THE WING ICE, IF NOT DETECTED AND REMOVED, IS LIKELY TO BREAK LOOSE DURING TAKEOFF AND, AT ROTATION, MAY BE INGESTED BY THE ENGINES, While on the ground, the MO-80 may develop clear ice on the wing upper surface in the fuel tank area due to fel cooled to sub-freezing lemperatures during flight. Overnighting with full tuel tanks on a cold night, or refueling with cold uel, may also contribute to the formation of wing ice. A considerable thickness of ice has been found fo develop in a relatively short time even with ambicut temperatures well above freezing. An inspection must be performed whenever the ambient temperature is between 25°F (-3°C) and 50°F (10°C) or whenever trost or ice is found on the lower wing surlace. THE W.NG UPPER SURFACE ICE 1S DIFFICULT 10 DETECT BY VISUAL INSPECTION ALONE AND THE OPERATOR SHOULD CONFIRM BY TOUCH THAT ICE IS NOT PRESENT PRIOR 70 DEPARTURE. ‘An inspection must be made of the wing upper surlace over the inboard end of the wing {vel tank aller fueling. This area may be reached trom a ladder placed forward/of the leading edge. 6 to & leet outboard of the fuselage. The leading edge slats must be relracied and the: hydraulic power off to prevent their inadvertent extension. The w.ng surface must be touched by hand all of the forward spar oulboard of the wir lank bulkhead to confirm the absence/presence of ice (see Figure 1), The area beyond that which can be comfortably touched by hand must be inspected lo ensure thal it is free from ice or Irost. Visual inspection is not adequele if Service Bulletin 30-59 or a Douglas approved equivalent has not been accomplished. Ii installed, ice indicator tufts on’the wing upper surface must be veritied for freedom of movement Any ice delecied must be removed and ils removal confirmed by touch or other suilable means. . THE ICE IS VERY DIFFICUL WET FOM RAIN OR DEC TO DETECT, ESPECIALLY WHEN THE WING 1S Relain this Operations & ‘ uaul advised 19 remove it, MmD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL ¢ OPERATIONS BULLETIN UW ’ BULLETIN NO: 8 DATE: NOV 1/89 GROUND FORMATION OF WING ICE IN ABOVE FREEZING WEATHER Nore: ore tae oF Fastenens vag REAR img saa ADDITIONAL AREA ‘OF Posse ce Foawaiion cron, ane Fon clean 1c FORWATON AREA OF EASY ‘cess ron 7 PavSicaL CHECK 8 HAND TOUCH — siaxgy = P58 US a EAD ‘SEPARATING Bio conten Seren Tats WA BETWEEN DOUBLER. EDGE AND ACCESS COVER Ratenee FIGURE 1 Page 2 ol 2 mD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL ) AIR LIBERTE INDUSTRIES (SERIES 80) THIS MANUAL IS EFFECTIVE FOR THE FOLLOWING AIRPLANES Factory Serial ‘Mode! Registration Etfectivity Numbers Designation Numbers Code 49876 MD-83 F-GHED 101 49662 MD-83 GPATC 104 49707 MD-83 F.GFZB 102 49822 MD-83 F-GHEB 103 49823 MD-83 G-BPSC 108 49968 MD-83 F-GHEI 105 49985 MD-63 F-GHHO 106 49986 MD-83 F-GHHP 107 OQ Manual Etfectivity Vol. tt ZL-CODE 46 Oct 1/97 Page 1/2 mp-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL CHAPTER CHAPTER SECTION SECTION UNIT CODE PAGE DATE UNIT CODE PAGE DATE VOL, II.- OPERATING PROCEDURES 1-cont 4601 oct 1/97 1-coNT 46 2 ocr 1/93 TITLE 1-1-0 See ocr 1792 *REV REC 11/2 APR 1/99 1-1-0 32 oct 1/92 *TR SUM 46 1/2 APR 1/99 1-1-0 3 3/4 ocr 17/92 OB SUM 46 1/2 oct 1/97% = 1-10-0 ae APR 1/96 MAN EFF 46 1/2 oc? 1/97 1-10-0 nee APR 1/96 *EFF PGS 46 1-7/8 APR 1/99 1-10-0 1 3 APR 1/96 FOREWORD 1 1/2 APR 1/98 1-10-0 1 4 APR 1/96 cont: 6 1/2 MAR 1/88 1-10-0 aes APR 1/96 INTRO eet APR 1/93 1-10-0 1 6 APR 1/96 INTRO 1 2 JAN 1793 1-10-0 1 7/8 APR 1/96 INTRO aes. JAN 1/93 1-20-0 1 1/2 MAR 1784 INTRO 1 4 JAN 17/93 1-30-0 46 1 JAN 1/91 1-30-0 46 2 JAN 1/91 SECTION 2 1-30-0 46 3 JAN 1/91 1-30-0 464 JAN’ 1/91 1-conT 46 1/2 oct 1/97 1-30-0 4605 JAN 1/91 1-10-0 rou guL 1/93 1-30-0 46 6 JUL 1/93 1~10-0 1 2 ocr 1/97 1-30-0 467 JAN 1/91 1-10-0 1 3 SUL 1/91 -1-30-0 46 8 JAN 1791 1-10-0 1 4 JAN 1/93 1-30-0 46 8A/8B ocT 1/91 1-10-0 1 5 SUL 1/93 1-30-0 469 JUL 1/92 1-10-0 1 6 APR 1/91 1-30-0 46 10 gun 1792 1-10-0 1 7 APR 1/91 1-30-0 46 11 JAN 1/91 1-10-0 1 8 oct 1/98 1-30-0 46 12 JAN'1/91 41-10-0 1 9 JAN 1/92 1-30-0 46 13 SAN 1/91 i-10-0 1 lo APR 1/91 1-30-0 46 14 APR 1/95 1-10-0 1 iL APR 1/91 1-30-0 46 15 JAN 1/91 1-10-0 ote APR 1/91 1-30-0 46 16 JAN 1/91 1-10-0 1 13 APR 1/95 1-30-0 46 17 JAN 1/91, 1-10-0 1 14 ocr 1/98 1-30-0 46 18 JAN 1/91 1-10-0 1 45 APR 1/96 1-30-0 46 19 JAN 1/91. 1-10~0 1 46 ocr 1/97 1-30-0 46 20 ocr 1/95 1-10-0 1047 APR 1/95 1-30-0 46 21 JAN 1/91. 1-10-0 ag. ocr 1/97 1-30-0 46 22 JAN 1/93, 110-0 1 19 APR 1/91 1-30-0 46 23 JAN 1/91 1-10-0 1 20 APR 1/96 1-30-0 46 24 JAN 1/91 1-10-0 1 21 APR 1/91 - 1-30-0 46 25 JAN 1/91. i-10-0 1 22 APR 1/91 1-30-0 46 26 ocr 1/96 1+10-0 1 23/24 ocT 1/91 1-30-0 46 27 JAN 1/91 1-30-0 46 28 JAN 1/91, SECTION 2 +1-30-0 46 29 APR 1/99 *1-30-0 46 30 APR 1/99 * = Revised, N= New, D - Deleted pages effective this revision. 2b Eff Pages vol. I1 cope 46 Apr 1/99 Page 1 cnt nus Cen Pony on - Uw Sc THESE BATA ULE TO PESTRCTHE LUGO ON TE PAGE OR MAST PA mb-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL CHAPTER CHAPTER SECTION SECTION UNIT CODE PAGE DATE UNIT CODE PAGE DATE 1-30-0 46 31 APR 1/95 1-20-5 a tHte. SEP 1/80 1-30-0 46 32 JAN 1/91 1-30-0 ae APR 1/96 -30-0 46 33 ocr 1/91 1-30-0 TH gon 1783 -20-0 46 34 JAN 1/91 1-30-0 23/4 SUN 1783 1-20-0 46 35 JAN 1/91 1-30-5 1 1/2 gUN 1781 1-30-0 46 36 JAN 1/91 2-conT 46 2 ocr 1797 330-0 46 37 ocr 1/94 2-CONT 46 2 ocr 1/95 1-30-0 46 38 ocr 1/91 2-10-0 1 1/2 SEP 1/81 3-30-0 46 39 JAN 1/91 2-20-0 aL APR 1/96 1-30-0 46 40 ocr 1/92 2-20-0 1 2 MAR 1/82 4-30-0 46 41 ocr 1/91 2-20-0 oot DEC 1/83 1-30-0 46 42 ocr 1791 2-20-0 ota DEC 1/82 1-30-0 46 43 JAN i791 220-0 15 DEC 1/88 1-30-90 46 44 ocr 1/96 2-20-09 Art ocr 1/95 i-30-0 46 45 ocr 1/91 2-30-0 ace APR 1/95 1-30-0 46 46 JAN 1/91 2-30-0 2 2 APR 1/95 1-30-0 4647 APR 1/98 2-30-0 203 JUL 1/93 1-30-0 46 48 APR 1/98 2-30-0 2 4 JUN 1/87 1-30-0 46 49 JAN 1/92 2-30-0 25 ocr 1/96 #1-30-0 46 50 APR 1/99 2-30-0 2 6 ocr 1/96~ 1-30-0 46 51 JUL 1/92 2-30-0 otter ocr 1/9! 0 46 52 ocr 1/97 2-30-0 acee: ocr 1/94 1-30-0 46 53 APR 1/96 2-30-0 2 9 JOL 1/93 1-30-0 46 54 JAN 1/91 2-30-0 2 10 JUL 1/93 1-40-0 46 2 JAN 1793 2-30-0 ae JUN. 1786 =40-0 46 2 JAN 1791 2-30-0 atHaa| ocr 1795 1-40-0 46 3 JAN 1/91 3-CONT 46 1 ocr 1/97 1-40-0 46 4 ocr 1/96 3-CoNT 46 2 ocr 1793 1-40-0 46 5 ocr 1/91 3-CONT 46 3/4 ocr 1793 1-40-0 46 6 qUL 1792 3-10-0 Sie ocr 1797 1-40-0 46 7/8 JAN 1/91 3-10-0 aa ocr 1/97 3-20-0 Tatu APR 1/94 SECTION 3 3-20-0 17 2 JUN 1/84 3+20-0 173 DEC 1/84 CONTENTS 2 1/2 SEP 1/82 3-20-0 174 JUL 1/90 1-COnt 46 1/2 ocr 1/97 3-20-0 175 SEP 1/86 1-10-0 1 1/2 DEC 1/83 3-20-0 17 6 gun i764 1-20-0 3. 1/2 SEP 1/80 3-20-0 17-7 DEC 1784 1-20-0 4 1/2 MAR 1/80 3~20-0 178 APR 1/90 1-20-5 aan JUN 1/83 3-20-0 17 8A/8B APR 1/90 120-5 aeal SEP 1/79 3-20-0 17 9 DEC 1/84 1-20-5 aes SEP 1783 3-20-0 17 10 DEC 1/84 1-20-5 1 4 SEP 1/80 3-20-0 17 11/12 DEC 1788 1-20-5 1 5 SEP 1/80 3-20-0 2301 APR 1794 * = Revised, N = New, D Deleted pages effective this revision. Eff Pages cope 46 vol. Page 2 Apr i mp-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL e CHAPTER CHAPTER SECTION : SECTION onrT Cope PAGE DATE onrt CODE PAGE DATE 3-20-0 2302 DEC 1/87 3-20-5 44 9 APR 1/91 3-20-0 233 DEC 1/87 3-20-5 44 10 MAR 15/88 3-20-0 2304 DEC 1/87 3-20-5 44 il MAR 15/88 3-20-0 23°05 APR 1/89 3-20-5 44 12 MAR 15/88 3-20-0 23 6 DEC 1/87 320-5 44 13 MAR 15/88 3-20-0 23 7 DEC 1/87 3=-20-5 4414 MAR 15/88 3-20-0 23 8 JUL 1/90 3-20-5 44 15 MAR 15/88 3-20-0 239 DEC 1/87 3-20-5 44 16 MAR 15/88 3-20-0 23° «10 DEC 1/87 3-20-5 44 417 JUL 1/90 3-20-0 23° «411 DEC 1/87 3-20-5 4418 JUL 1/90 3-20-0 230412 JUN 1/88 3-20-5 44 19 MAR 15/88 3-20-5 23 4 gun 1/93 320-5 44 20 MAR 15788 3-20-5 29° 2 ocr 1/90 3-20-5 44 21 MAR 15/88 3-20-5 29 3 ocr 1792 3-20-5 44 22 gUL 1/90 3-20-5 29 4 JUN 1/87 3-20-5 44 23/24 JUL 1/90 3-20-5 29 5 DEC 1/85 3-20-10 5 4 JUN 1/87 3-20-5 29 6 DEC 1/85 3-20-10 5 2 JUN 1/87 3-20-5 29 7 oct 1/87 3-20-10 5 3 JUN 1/87 3-20-5 29 8 DEC 1/85 3-20-10 5 4 JUN 1/87 oo 3~20-5 29° 9 JUL 1/90 3-20-10 5 5 JUN 1/87 | Oy 320-5 29°10 «© APR 1/91 3-20-10 5 6 gun 1/87 3-20-5 29° «41 DEC 1/85 3-20-10 5 7 JUN 1/87 | 3-20-5 29 12 DEC 1/85 3-20-10 5 8 JUN 1/87 1 3-20-5 29 «13 DEC 1/85 3-20-10 5 9 JUN 1/87 i 3-20-5 29° «214 DEC 1/85 3-20-10 5 10 JUN, 1/87 3-20-5 29 «15 DEC 1/85 3-20-10 5 1. JUN 1/87 3-20-5 29 «216 DEC 1/85. 3-20-10 5 12 JUN 1/87 320-5 29 17 «ocr 1/e7 = 3-20-10 S13 uN 1787 3-20-5 29 «#18 JAN 1/90 3-20-10 5 14 JUN 1/87 3-20-5 29 #19 DEC 1/85 3-20-10 5 15 JUN 1/87 3-20-5 29 20 DEC 1/85 3-20-10 5 16 JUN 1/87 3-20-5 29 «21 JUN 1/87 3-20-10 Ss 17 JUN 1/87 | 3-20-5 29 22 DEC 1/85 3-20-10 5 18 JUN 1/87 | 3-20-5 29° «23 JAN 1/90 3-20-10 5 19 JUN 1/87 i 3-20-5 29 «24 DEC 1/85 3-20-10 5 20 JUN 1/87 j 3-20-5 44 1 JUL 1/93 3-20-10 5 21 JUN 1/87 3-20-5 44 2 MAR 15/88 3-20-10 5 22 JUN 1/87 3-20-5 443 ocr 1/92 3-20-10 5 23 SUN 1/87 320-5 a4 a mar 15/88 3-20-10 5 24 JUN 1/87 3-20-5 445 MAR 15/88 3-20-10 5 25 JUN 1/87 3-20-5 44° 6 MAR 15/88 3-20-10 «5-26 JUN 1/87 3-20-5 44 7 MAR 15/88 3-20-10 5 27 JUN 1/87 320-8 448 MAR 15/88 3-20-10 S28 «= JUN 1/87 i 3-20-5 44 8A/8B JUN 1/88 3-20-10 5 29 JUN 1/87 * = Revised, N = New, D = Deleted pages effective this revision. aL Eff Pages vol. It CODE 46 Apr 1/99 Page 3 acon bts Copia Ppt ema = anon THES BTA SKE TO REST EDEN OWT PAGE GH RE AG mp-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL CHAPTER CHAPTER SECTION SECTION UNIT CODE PAGE DATE UNIT CODE PAGE DATE 3-20-10 5 30 SUN 1/87 6-30-0 aes JAN 1/91 3-20-10 5 31 JUN 1/87 6-30-0 2 8A JAN 1/92 3-20-10 5 32 SUN 1/87 6-30-0 2 8B guL 1/91 3-20-10 5 33 gun 1/87 6-30-0 2 8c APR 1/94 3-20-10 5 34 JUN 1/87 6-30-0 2 8D APR 1/94 3-20-10 5 35 JUN 1/87 6-30-0 Hite JUL 1/91 3-20-10 5 36 JUN 1/87 6-30-0 2 10 sub 1/91 3-20-10 5 37 JUN 1/87 6-30-0 2 11/12 APR 1/91 3-20-10 5 38 JUN 1/87 ° 3-20-10 5 39 JUN 1/87 SECTION 4 3-20-10 5 40 JUN 1/87 4-CONT 46 1/2 ocr 1/97 7-CONT 46 1/2 APR 1/98 4-10-0 1 1/2 ocr 1/94 7-1-0 27 1 DEC 1/85 4-20-0 tou ocr 1/94 7-1-0 27 2 JUN 1/88 4-20-0 eee JUL 1/91 7-1-0 27 3 JUN 1/88 4-20-0 1 3 oct 1/97 7-1-0 274 ocr 1/94 4-20-0 14 ocr 1/91 7-10-0 29 1 JUN 1788 4-20-0 1 5/6 APR 1/95 7-10-0 29 2 DEC 1/85 4-30-0 11 gUL 1/91 7-10-0 29 3 DEC 1/85 4-30-0 a2 oct 1/97 7-10-0 29 4 DEC 1/85 4-30-0 1 2a/2B oct 1/94 7-10-10 11/2 MAR 1/8 430-0 ates: DEC 1/82 7-20-0 1 61/2 apr 179) 4-30-0 cleteee | JUN 1/85 7-20-10 16 1/2 JAN 1/97 4-30-0 HES: ocr 1/96 7-20-20 3 1/2 JUN 1/81 4-30-0 1 6 ocr 1/96 7-20-20 4 1/2 MAR 1/81 5-CONT 46 1/2 ocr 1/97 5-10-0 1 1/2 aUL 1/89 SECTION 3 5-20-0 11/2 aun 1789 6-CONT 46 1/2 ocr 1/97 8-CONT 46 1/2 ocr 1/97 6-10-0 a JuL 1/91 8-20-0 4 1/2 ocr 1/89 6-10-0 ate al Jou 1/93 8-30-0 rane JUN 1/85 6-20-0 aed MAR 1/83 8~30-0 2 2 gun 1784 6-20-0 ata APR 1/96 9-CONT 46 1 ocr 1/97 6-20-0 1 3/4 ~— APR 1/96 9-CONT 46 2 ocr 1/97 6-30-0 2021 ocr 1/96 9-10-0 oii JUL 1/93 6-30-0 2 2 ocr. 1/96 9-10-0 aa) JUL 1/93 6-30-0 2 2A/2B APR 1/96 9-30-0 41 oct 1/96 6-30-0 arts JAN 1/91 9-30-0 42 ocr 1/96 6-30-90 2 4 SEP 1/88 9-30-0 4 2n ocr 1/96 6-30-09 2s. JAN 1/92 9-30-0 4 2B DEC 1/84 6-30-0 2 6 gun 1/91 9-30-0 atta MAR 1/88 6-30-0 2 6A JUL 1/92 9-30-0 44 ocr 1794 6-30-0 2 6B SUL 1/91 9-30-0 4.5 ocr 1796 6-30-' 2 7 APR 1/96 9-30-0 46 ocr 1795 * = Revised, N = New, D = Deleted pages effective this revision. eff Pages Oo CODE 46 Vol. Ti Page 4 Apr 1/33 mpD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL VO) “cuapren CHAPTER SECTION SECTION uni? CODE PAGE DATE UNIT CODE PAGE DATE 9-30-0 ace, ocr 1/94 12-20-0 32 JUN 1/87 9-30-0 48 ocr 1794 32-20-03 3 ocr 1798 9-30-0 49 gan 1793 12-20-0 34 DEC 1787 9-30-0 4 10 ocr 4797 1220-0 35 JUN 17/87 9-30-0 4 11 APR A791 ——-12-20-0 3 6 ocr 1/95 9-30-0 412 apr i796 = 12-30-02 SEP 17/88 9-30-0 4 12/8 APR 1/96 1230-0 ahs ocr 1794 9-30-0 4 13° Apr 1/97 12-30-02 3 APR 1795 9-30-0 4 14 apR 1/97 12-30-02 4 ocr 1791 9-30-0 4 15 | APR 1/85 12-30-02 5 APR 1/89 9-30-0 4 16 ocriy96 = 12-30-02 6 SEP 1/68 9-30-0 4 17/18 APR 1/90 12-30-90 Beer gan 1793 10-conr 46 1/2 ocr 1797 12-30-0 2 8 gan 1793 19-10-0 aceat oct 1791 12-30-0 2 9 SEP 17/88 10-10-0 1 2 Jun 1/92 1230-0 = 210s 1792 19-10-0 1 3 gun 1792 12-30-02 1dr 1792 19-10-0 aia oct 1/91 12-30-0 212 ABR i789 10-20-0 301 APR 1/95 -13-CONT. = 46.1 ocr 1/97 10-20-0 32 BPR 1/96 = -13-conT = 46.2. ocr 1793 10-20-90 3 2n/2B APR 1/96 «13-CONT. © -46.-«374_—socrt 1793 Oy 10-20-0 SH APR 1/96 13-10-01 172 gUL 1789 ) 40-20-0 3 4 JuL 1/92 13-20-0 7 1 pec 1/82 10-30-0 7 1 Dec 1/88 13-200 72 DEC 1782 10-30-0 7Teea gut 1792: 13-20-0 ad MAR 1/86 19-30-0 73 gun 1792 -13-20-0 11 2 MAR 1786 19-30-0 7 4 ocr 179i 13-20-52 SEP 1/86 10-30-0 7 4. APR 1/96 = 13-20-5022 gun 1786 10-30-0 7 48 APR 1/96 © 13-20-52 3 MAR 1786 10-30-0 ae JUN 1768 = 13-20-52 MAR 1/86 10-30-0 7 6 ocr 1/97 13-20-52 5 MAR 1/86 10-30-0 7 1/8 oct 1797 13-20-5 2 6 MAR 1/86 Li-cont 46 172 ocr 1797 13-20-5 eee MAR 1786 11-10-90 1 172 ocriy9s = 13-20-52 MAR 1766 11-30-0 1aeea ocr 1/94 13-20-5229 maR 1786 i1-30-0 ace APR 1/96 13-20-85 = 2:10 MAR 1786, 11-30-0 1 3/4 ocr iys7 = «13-20-52 21s MAR 1786 11-30-0 eS ocr 1/97 13-20-5212 1786 11-30-0 1 6 ocr 1797 13-20-35 92 «13 MAR 1786 11-30-0 17 ocr 1/96 13-20-35 = 21d 1786. 11-30-0 1 8 ocr. 1796 = 13-20-5 = 215 MAR 1786 12-conr 46 1 oct 1/97 13-20-5216 MAR 1786 l2-conr 46. 2 oct 1/93 13-20-58 2 17 MAR 1786 12-10-90 1 1/2 ocr 1793 «13-20-5218 guN 1786 12-20-0 301 JUN 1/87 13-20-5219 gu 1786 * = Revised, N = New, D = Deleted pages effective this revision. zu Eff Pages Vol. IZ CODE 46 Apr 1/99 Page 5 cera ng comer Pry Mm = he eyo TEE BATA SREY TO REFINE LEED ON TE PAGE OR PETA, mb-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL CHAPTER CHAPTER SECTION SECTION UNIT CODE PAGE DATE UNIT CODE PAGE DATE 13-20-5 2 20 MAR 1/86 14-30-0 6 5 ocr 1/93 13-20-5 2 221 SEP 1/86 14-30-0 6 6 ocr 1/96 13-20-5 2 22 MAR 1/86 14-30-0 6 7 ocr 1796 13-20-5 2 23 MAR 1/86 14-30-0 6 8 ocr 1/93 13-20-5 2 24 MAR 1/86 14-30-0 6 9 oct 1/93 13-20-5 2 25 MAR 1/86 © *14-30-0 6 10 APR 1/99 13-20-5 2 26 MAR 1/86 © *14-30-0 6 i. APR 1/99 13-20-5 2 27 MAR 1/86 14-30-0 6 12 APR 1/97 13-20-85 2 28 MAR 1/86 14-30-0 6 13/14 APR 1/97 13-20-5 2 29 MAR 1/86 15-CONT 46 1/2 ocr 1/97 13-20-5 2 30 MAR 1/86 15-10-90 1 1/2 mar 1782 13-20-5 2 3L SUN 1/86 *16-CONT 46 1 APR 1/99 13-20-5 2 32 MAR 1/86 16-CONT 46 2 APR 1/96 13-20-5 2 33 MAR 1/86 *16-CONT 46 3/4 APR 1/99 13-20-5 2 34 MAR 1/86 i6-5-0 ae 1/2 sun 1/86 13-20-5 2 35 DEC 1/86 16-20-0 1 1 APR 1/92 13-20-5 2 36 DEC 1/86 16-20-90 Tea APR 1/92 13-20-5 2 37 DEC 1/86 16-20-0 1 2A/2B APR 1/92 13-20-5 2 38 DEC 1/86 16-20-90 1 3 APR 1/89 13-20-5 2 39 DEC 1/86 16-20-0 1 4 JUN 1/88 13-20-5 2 40 DEC 1786 16-20-5 loi ocr 179 13-20-5 2 41 DEC 1/86 16-20-5 1 2 oct 1/95 13-20-5 2 42 DEC 1/86 16-20-5 13 ocr 1795 13-20-5 2 43 DEC 1/86 16-20-5 1 4 ocr 1795 13-20-5 2 44 DEC 1/86 16-20-5 1 5 oct 1/95 13-20-5 2 45 DEC 1/86 16-20-5 1 6 oct 1/95 13-20-5 2 46 DEC 1/86 16-20-5 1 if oct 1/95 13-20-5 247 DEC 1/86 16-20-5 1 8 ocr 1/95 13-20-5 2 48 DEC 1/86 16~-20-5 1 9 ocr 1795 13-20-5 2 49 DEC 1/86 16-20-5 1 io ocr 1/95 13-20-5 2 50 DEC 1/86 *16-20-5 He 11 APR 1/99 13-20-5 2 51 DEC 1/86 *16-20-5 oe 12 APR 1/99 13-20-5 2 52 MAR 1/87 16-20-10 By 1 APR 1/96 13-20-5 2 53 DEC 1/86 16-20-10 He 2 APR 1/96 13-20-5 2 4 DEC 1/86 16-20-10 1 3 APR 1/96 13-30-0 5 1 JUN 1/88 16-20-10 1 4 APR 1/96 13-30-0 5 2 APR 1/90 16-20-10 1 5 APR 1/96 13-30-0 5 3 JUL 1/93 26-20-10 1 6 APR 1/96 13-30-0 5 4 ‘JUN 1/88 16-20-10 a a APR 1/96 *14-cCont 46 1/2 APR 1/99 46-20-10 1 8 APR 1/96 14-10-0 1 12 APR 1/96 16-20-10 1 9 APR 1/96 14-30-0 6 1 oct 1/96 16-20-10 1 10 APR 1/96 14-30-0 6 2 oct 1/93 16-20-10 1 il APR 1/96 14-30-0 6 3/4 oct 1/97 16-20-10 1 12 APR 1/96 Revised, N Deleted pages effective this revision. ~ Eff Pages aL CODE 46 Vol. It Page 6 Apr 1/99 er ges pn ey tert = nt = Ao RE BATA AE TS MEET UE TE ACE OT NE. mD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL CHAPTER CHAPTER SECTION SECTION UNIT CODE PAGE DATE UNIT CODE PAGE DATE 16-20-10 1 13/14 APR 1/96 16-20-25 1 4 SUN 1/88 16-20-15 1 1 APR 1/96 16-20-25 1 5 JAN 1/93 16-20-15 1 2 APR 1/96 16-20-25 1 6 JAN 1/93 16-20-15 1 3 APR 1/96 16-20-25 1 7 JAN 1793 16-20-15 1 4 APR 1/96 16-20-25 1 8 JAN 1/93 16-20-15 1 5 APR 1/96 16-20-25 10 9 JAN 1793 16-20-15 1 «6 APR 1/96 16-20-25 i io JAN 1793 16-20-15 1 7 APR 1/96 16-20-25 1 11 JAN 1793 16-20-15 1 8 APR 1/96 16-20-25 1 12 JAN 1793 16-20-15 1 9 APR 1/96 16-20-25 1 13 JAN 1/93 16-20-15 1 10 APR 1/96 16-20-25 1 14 JAN 1793 16-20-15 1 1 APR 1/96 16-20-25 1015 ocr 17/94 16-20-15 112 APR 1/96 16-20-25 1 16 JAN 1/93 16-20-15 91 13 APR 1/96 16-20-25 117 JAN 1/93 16-20-15 i 14 APR 1/96 16-20-25 1 16 JAN 1/93 16-20-15 115 APR 1/96 16-20-25 1 19 APR 1/97 16-20-15 1 16 APR 1/96 16-20-25 1 20 APR 1/97 16-20-15 1017 APR 1/96 16-20-25. 121 JAN 1/93 16-20-15 1 18 APR 1/96 16-20-25 122 JAN 1/93 16-20-15 - 1 19 APR 1/96 16-20-25. 123 JAN 1/93 16-20-15 1 20 APR 1/96 16-20-25. 1 24 JAN 1/93 16-20-15 121 APR 1/96 16-20-25 1.25/26 APR 1/96 16-20-15 122 APR 1/96 16-20-25 127 JUL 1793 16-20-15 123 APR 1/96 16-20-25 1 28 JAN 1/93 16-20-15 124 APR 1/96 16-20-25 129 ocr 1/93 16-20-15 125 APR 1/96 *16-20-25 130 APR 1/99 16-20-15 1 26 APR 1/96 N16-20-25 1 30ayB_ oc i794 16-20-15 1 27 APR 1/96 16-20-25 1 32 ocr 1793 16-20-15 1-28 oct 1/97 16-20-25 1 32 JAN 1/93 16-20-15 1 = 29/30 ocr 1/97 16-20-25 1 33 oct 1793 16-20-20 1 1 MAR 1/87 26-20-25 1 34 ocr 1793 16-20-20 1 2 gon 1767 16-20-25 1 35 JAN 1/93 16-20-20 1 3 JUN 1/87 16-20-25 1 36 JAN 1/93 16-20-20 104 MAR 1/87 16-20-25 1 37 ocr 1/97 16-20-25. 1 1 APR 1/96 = *16-20-25 138 APR 1/99 16-20-25 1 2 APR 1/96 16-20-25. 1 2A APR 1/96 16-20-25 1 2B ABR 1/96 16-20-25. 1 2c APR 1/96 16-20-25 12D APR 1/96 16-20-25 1 2E APR 1/96 16-20-25 1 2 APR 1/96 16-20-25 1 2G/2H APR 1/96 16-20-25 1 3 APR 1/96 * = Revised, N Deleted pages effective this revision. aL Eff Pages Vet Hed CODE 46 Apr 1/99 Page 7/8 score Does Sepa ey heat t ear fTHEE DATA SET YO RESTICIVE LSND OM HTL PASE Ch PST rc UO mpD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL FOREWORD ‘The MD-80 Flight Crew Operating Manual provides descriptive information and operational procedures to be used as a guide for operation of the MO-80 airplane. The data in this manual are based upon ‘engineering information and calculations. The MD-80 Flight Crew Operating Manual reflects the airplane description and operating recommen- dations approved by the Douglas Aircraft Company. This does not mean that individual airlines may not publish manuals reflecting their own operating philosophies. Due to inherent delays in research, compilation, preparation, and printing of technical manuals, this publication may not include the most recent changes to the airplane. Vol. Apr 1/98 The data contained herein are current as of ap- Proximately 60 days prior to the publication date but are subject to change without notice during the conduct of any Flight Test Program. {mn the event of conflict between the limitations and performance data of this manual and the FAA Ap- proved Airplane Flight Manual, the FAA Approved Flight Manual shall govern, Comments or inquiries concerning this manual should be addressed to: Director Flight Operations DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT COMPANY 3855 Lakewood Blvd. Long Beach, California 90846 Foreword ZL-CODE 1 Page 1/2 mD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL ‘S) CONTENTS * ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES HANDBOOK VOLUME | * OPERATING PROCEDURES AND SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION VOLUME II OPERATING PROCEDURES INTRODUCTION EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Section 1 CHECKLISTS Section 2 OPERATION-NORMAL/ABNORMAL Section 3 SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION Section 4 C ) * PERFORMANCE VOLUME VI PERFORMANCE JT8D-219 ENGINES Models 81, 82, 83 and 88 AA Contents Vol. 1 ZL-CODE 6 Page 1/2 Mar 1/88 MmD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL INTRODUCTION GENERAL, Volume |, ABNORMAL and EMERGENCY PROCE- DURES HANDBOOK contains emergency and abnormal procedures. Volume | fs intended to provide the flight crew with ‘a quick-reference checklist 1o EMERGENCY and ABNORMAL procedures contained in Volume I Line items are identical to the line items for the emergency and abnormal procedures. However, the procedures are abbreviated by deleting explanatory material from the amplified procedures. The Emergency and Abnormal Procedures are grouped by systems. All emergency procedures are easily identified by a black hatched border on the page. The Table of Contents pages, (Emergency - front cover and Abnormal - Page 3) afe arranged so that locator arrows for each procedure title block align with the tab of the page on which the procedure is located. Each tite block is numbered to correspond with the number of the tab for the envelope contain- ing the specitic procedure. In the Emergency Procedures, certain steps are shown with the fine item enciosed in a box. tems identified in this manner are ‘recall” items that are classified as minimum immediate action items. ‘Steps not enclosed in a box are “reference” items which are to be accomplished as soon as time permits. Emergency and Abnormal Procedures are written with the assumption that WARNING/CAUTION lights and Fire Aural Warning will be reset when required. Oxygen masks/goggles will be donned Vol. tt Apr 1/93 and communications established as required. Spe- cific steps for their use are not included in all writ- ten procedures to allow the aircrew more latitude for a given situation. WARNINGS/CAUTIONS/NOTES ‘The following definitions and presentations apply to WARNINGS, CAUTIONS and NOTES found in Sec- tions 1, 2 and 3. WARNING Operating procedures, techniques, etc., which could result in personal injury or greater consequences if not carefully followed. Warnings are printed In bold face type. CAUTION Operating procedures, techniques, efc., which could result in damage to equioment if not carefully followed, Cautions are boxed in, NOTE ‘An operating procedure technique, etc., which is considered essential to emphasize. The following definitions and presentations apply to CAUTIONS and NOTES found in Section 4 CAUTION: INFORMATION CONCERNING A SYS- TEM WHICH COULD CAUSE INJURY TO PERSONNEL IF INSTRUCTIONS ARE IGNORED. NOTE: Additional information about a system not necessarily related to the actual description. Introduction ZLCODE 1 Page 1 ‘Sorat Orga Covet Perea Homi «¢ tment RAKE TO ROACTE LEGON OF IE PH Om 11D-83O FLUGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL Diamond symbols (-@) are used where necessary to indicate a procedure branching point (decision) where the operator must observe an indication or condition and select the appropriate action. In some cases the branch includes all actions necessary lo complete the branch and in other cases the branches rejoin at another point. The point where the branches rejoin is indicated by an arrow. An example follows: Circuit Breaker CHECK Tripped Circuit Breaker RESET Not tripped GEN Sw ON Volume il, OPERATING PROCEDURES and SYS- TEMS DESCRIPTION, is the complete operating procedures and descriptive document and consists of four sections with additional Appendices as may be required for special operating conditions or procedures. Volume 1 is divided into two binders with the Title Page through Section 3, OPERATION ~ NORMAL/ABNORMAL, in the binder filled OPER- ATING PROCEDURES and Section 4, SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION, in the binder titled SYSTEMS. DESCRIPTION. OPERATIONS BULLETINS. A separate divider tab is provided for Operations Bulletins. Operations Bulletins are issued as required to provide a more expedient and practical method of disseminating operational. information which is not compatible to being issued as a Tem- porary Revision. Operations Bulletins shall be retained until notified to remove them. introduction CODE 1-2L. I Page 2 Section 1, EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Section { contains ali procedures. Checklists which can be related to foreseeable inflight emergencies. The procedures are presented in amplified form which describes in detail how the procedure is accomplished In this section certain steps are shown with the line item enclosed in a box. Items identified in this man- ner are “recall” items that are classified as. mini. mum immediate action items. Steps not enciosed in a box are “reference” items which are to be ac- complished as soon as time permits Code symbol (~@) for identifying branching points is identical to that describéd for Volume |. Section 2, CHECKLISTS. Section 2 contains detailed procedures for conduct- ing a normal fight with all airplane systems oper- ational. Procedures are listed by phase-otight, starting with flight preparation and exterior safety inspection, and extending through postllight d at destination. Code symbol (<@ } for identifying branching points is identical to that described for Volume | Section 3, OPERATION - NORMAL/ ABNORMAL Section 3 contains systems limitations, detailed nor- mal procedures, abnormal procedures and tech- niques. The information is presented under the appropriate system. Each system is contained in a separate chapter. The first chapter is Airplene General, the other 15 chapters follow in alphabetical order. Code symbol (<@) for identifying branching points is identical to that described for Volume |. van 1/92 Cy mD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL Section 4. SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION Section 4 contains descriptive airplane systems in- formation. This section is divided into 15 chapters listed alphabetically. Volume iil and Subsequent, PERFORMANCE Volume i and subsequent Volumes are reserved for performance data for operation with specific en- gines. The Performance Volume(s} provides the fight erew with the information necessary for safe and efficient operation of the airplane during all phases of flight. Only the Performance Volumes) applicable to your specific airplanes and engine model(s) is provided. PAGINATION ‘The pages in Volume | of the Flight Crew Operating Manual are numbered in sequence. ‘The page identification and code system for Vol- ‘umes Il and Ill makes it possible to issue small blocks of revision pages without renumbering and printing 2 complete section or chapter of the man- ual. The coding sysiem is a tool for maintaining customized manuels for individual airlines. TYPICAL PAGE IDENTIFICATION Section 3 +— Section identification 105-1 <— Chapter - Subject - Unit numbering CODE 1 +~ Configuration identification Page 1 +— Numbers run in sequence, start ing with each change in Chapter - Subject - Unit numbering. Section Identification A Section number is assigned to the major sections within the volumes as previously described. Vol. 1 Jan 1/93 Chapter Identification The first one oF two digit number following the sec- tion identification is always used to identify a chap- ter within the section, Sections which are not sub- ‘divided into chapters will always use the digit 1 in lieu of a chapter number. Subject Numbering ‘The first one or two digit number following the chapler identification is used to break the chapter into smatier blocks of numbered pages, as a means cof handling configuration difterences. Unit Numbering The first one or two digit number following subject numbering is used to further break subject matter into smaller blocks of numbered pages. itis used where Subject matter may require frequent revision ‘or contains many configuration differences. It has no direct value or meaning to the user. Configuration Identitication ‘A. CODE number is assigned to a Dlock of pages issued for a specific configuration of the airplane. if all MD-80 airplanes within the operator's fleet are identical in configuration, the CODE number will have no direct value to the user. However, each code page must be checked against the List of Etfective Pages issued for each chapter. This is to assure that the pages forwarded are applicable 10 your manual. Where practical, configuration difier- ‘ences within an operator's fleet will be shown on art pages or defined in text pages. I this is not feasible, an additional text block with a different CODE number will be issued to cover the additional configuration. When two or more CODES are required to cover a specific subject, within one manual, the chapter Table of Contents will list the airplane effectivity of each CODE. Invoduction 2L-CODE 1 Page 3 owe en Canon Naren ca ne # est SE CHA SULA TEM STEIN ELNO OF HE TL OAS HE mpbD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL SUGGESTIONS FOR HANDLING REVISIONS 1 using the page ick sysiem, assembie revision pages for each section separately. Split the manual at one of the colored dividers designating a section. 3. Work each chapter within a section on an indi- vidual basis, using the revision instructions pro- vided for that chapter. Use the chapter Table of Contents to determine pagination sequence. Check the revised chapter against the List of Effective Pages before starting revision of the next chapter 4, The CODE number for the List of Effective pages is elways the same as every Table of Contents CODE number throughout the manual. ‘Always check the List of Effective pages CODE number against the Table of-Contents CODE number 10 preclude inserting new revision pages into the wrong manual Introduction CODE 1-ZL Page 4 CUSTOMER ORIGINATED DATA Customer originated data wil te entiied by ether of two methods. As an example, if an Airline re- ‘quests Douglas to incorporate that Aitine’s proce- dure info the manual and it fils the entire page. the page will be identified with the statement * (Custom. ‘er designation) Originated Data” located al the bot- tom center of the page. If only a portion of the page is customer originated data, the Airline's designator will appear in the left margin of the page opposite the applicable data. Pages bearing either method of identification indicate that the information contained con that page has been prepared by and incorporat- ed into the manual at the request of the customer. The Douglas Aircraft Company assumes no respon. sibility for data incorporated into this manual as a result of @ customer originated change. mpD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL Section 1 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES TABLE OF CONTENTS AIR LIBERTE INDUSTRIES . (SERIES 60) Chapter Subject Airplane Title Unit CODE Page Effectivity AIR CONDITIONING SMOKE/ FUMES, 110.0 1 1 All APU FIRE 110-0 1 2 All COCKPIT SMOKE REMOVAL - UNPRESSURIZED 110-0 1 2 All COMPLETE LOSS OF AG POWER 1-100 1 3 All C7). CRASH LANDING OR DITCHING 1-10-0 1 6 All Vy “ELECTRICAL SMOKE OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN 110-0 1 9 All EMERGENCY DESCENT 110-0 1 13 All ENGINE FAILURE/INFLIGHT ENGINE SHUTDOWN, 110-0 1 4 Al ENGINE FIRE OR SEVERE DAMAGE OR SEPARATION 110-0 1 15 AL RAPID DECOMPRESSION 4-10.0 1 "7 All RUNAWAY STABILIZER 410.0 1 18 Al ‘SPOILER FLOAT 110-0 1 18 Al TAIL COMPT TEMP: HIGH LIGHT ON 4-10-0 1 19 All TWO ENGINE FLAMEOUT 410-0 1 22 All Section 1 4-Contents Vol. it ZL-CODE 46 Oct 1/97 Page 1/2 MmpD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL EMERGENCY PROCEDURES | AIR CONDITIONING SMOKE/FUMES ‘Oxygen Masks and Goggles... eevee eee eee ee tees ss + ON/TOO%/EMERGENCY ‘Smoke/Fumes Location. . . . - +. DETERMINE Cockpit ' LAIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY Switth. «6... PE eater eet reer OFF Smoke. ; peepee eee ss... OBSERVE stops Continue fight with L AIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY switch OFF. {END} ; Continues 5 LAIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY Switeh AUTO AIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY Switch. 0... ooo eee beeen ee OFF [END] Cabin RECIRCULATING FAN CONTROL G/B (Upper EPO)... ee ss PULL Smoke. . eae eee bees es OBSERVE stops Continue fight with RECIRCULATING FAN CONTROL circuit breaker pulled {END} Continues R AIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY Switch. 6... es OFF Section 1 12100 Vol. ZL-CODE 1 Jt 1798 Page 1 cn Gs Cope Penny ema neo ema THES BAH SARAET TO RESTRETIE LEGENO ON TLE PAGE CH SP mbD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL Cy ! APU FIRE CONTROL Switch... 0.0... 000. PEEP eee OFF AND AGENT ARM I ‘APU FIRE Light I On 1 APU FIRE AGENT No. 1 or 2 : : oIscH 1! APU FIRE Light On 1 Remaining APU FIRE AGENT ...... pares -.. DISCH oft off APU MASTER Switch : : mae : OFF I [END] Cc) ‘Oxygen Masks and Goggles... ..---. wees sees esse es: + ON/100%/EMERGENCY Airspeed . . eae : REDUCE TO 165 KIAS Either Cockpit Clearview Window cbc eee e eee eeeeeee es U2 TO 2/3 OPEN CAUTION Noise level with a window open will make communications difficult and may prevent crew from hearing landing gear warning horn. oO Section 1 110-0 CODE 1-ZL vel. Page 2 Oct 1/97 mp-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL COMPLETE LOSS OF AC POWER EMER PWR Switch ON NOTES AHRS (if installed) may require 45 seconds to erect after loss of AC power. At this time, the attitude will erect but the heading flags will remain in view until the airplane is wings level. The AHRS will erect in normal mode. I necessary, use the standby horizon indicator. AC and DC EMER BUS OFF lights should go off BATT Switch pee cece a eee CHECK ON NOTES Buses powered with BATT switch and EMER PWR switch on are: BATT DIR BUS, BATTERY BUS, DC TRANSFER BUS, EMERGENCY AC BUS, and EMERGENCY DC BUS. If these late not powered, reset BAT DIRECT BUS FEED circuit breaker (mechanical remote reset, lower left rear of center pedestal). Battery, if fully charged, will power all equipment listed on overhead emergency circuit breaker panel for approximately 30 minutes. Pilot should use only thal equipment essential to flight, Flight instruments may lake up to 3 minutes to erect before warming flags disappear. During this time, airplane should be flown straight and level Captain's and First Officer's instrument panel white incandescent floodlights come on automatically. At Captain's discretion and/or when time permits, intensity of illumination can be controlled by adjusting the WHITE floodlight controls (small knobs). Floodlights cannot be turned off with WHITE floodlight controls. GALLEY Switch 2... 6. eeeeeeetcicter a reeset OFF CABIN ALT Control Lever... 6.2.0 ‘| ‘| MANUAL CKPT/CABIN TEMP Selectors... Sei ccee te eee MANUAL (Continued) Seeron 3 1-10-0 Vol. I ZL-CODE 1 dul 1/91 Page 3 mpD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL COMPLETE LOSS OF AC POWER (Continued) AG BUS X TIE Swatch OPEN IL GEN (or APU) Then R GEN (or APU) Switches»... 5... RESET/CHECK/ON (NORMAL) Move indicator selector to AG VOLT/FREO. If voltage and frequency are within ormal range, move L GEN switch to ON. Attempt to reset R GEN or APU GEN in same manner. NOTE A generator must be reset only once for a given fault. f fault trips generator after reset, fault should be located and corrected before attempting to place generator on its bus again Generator Operation eee ete eee CHECK Abnormat Land 8 GEN Switches OFF APU (i Available)... : : cee. WINDMILL START “APU PWWR “AVANCE light esti ste iout eecat suede a On NOTE It may be necessary to move APU GEN switch to RESET then to NORM APU Land R BUS Switches (One Ata Time) ..... 22... ON NOTES IF left and right AC buses cannot be powered by any combination of generators, certain systems/indications will be affected as follows: Al stall warning systems (stick shaker, supplemental stall recognition sysiem and post stall recovery system) will be inoperative. __ Slats cannot be extended beyond mid position. Auto slat | system will be inoperative. SLAT DISAGREE light will be inoperative. Slats and flaps position cannot be verified from cockpit (Continued) Section 1 1-10-0 CODE 1-2 Page 4 ran 19. MD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL O)\comPLete Loss OF Ac POWER (Continued) erator Operation (Continued) | NOTES (Continued) | Stabilizer ttm wil be inoperative | Anti-skid system wil be inoperative. Automatic ground spoilers will be inoperative. On airplanes with in-fght spoiler tockout mechanism, manual ground spoilers will be locked out until nose strut compression on landing (i flaps are extended beyond 8") For landing with this condition, refer to Seclion 3 ~ FLIGHT CONTROLS ~ STABILIZER INOPERATIVE INFLIGHT. Prior to landing, ‘One AIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY Switch . . Eee Peet ee Either or both generators normal O NOTE ) if FM's are blank, push either autopilot release button to reset the digital fight guidance computer. AC BUS X TIE Switch eerie AUTO CABIN ALT Control Lever... . Le eee ee ee ee reer AUTO CKPT/CABIN TEMP Selectors 2.2... ra <. AUTO EMER PWR Switch 20. eee OFF GALLEY Switch (if Electrical Load Permits) . . . : eee +. ON Systems, eee potter eee Ut eae eee MONITOR Cs Section 1 110-0 Vol, i ZL-CODE 1 Jul 1/93 Page 5 mD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL CRASH LANDING OR DITCHING NOTE if time and circumstances permit, direct crew to take appropriate crash landing or ditching action, initiate transmission of emergency messages and set ATC transponder. NO SMOK/SEAT BELTS Switches»... eee ee ‘ 7 2. ON AIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY Switches... ..... o 7 OFF 1 NOTE When air conditioning input is shut off, cabin altitude will ‘ascend at approximately 4,000 feet per minute {at full differential pressure) until outflow valve goes full closed. When outtlow valve is closed, rate of ascent will be approximately 1,000 feet per minute (depending on airplane configuration). Cabin Pressurization...... 2.6.0 6s DEPRESSURIZE MANUALLY I NOTES Manual control wheel forces will be high unless airspeed is low. Cabin is depressurized to ensure all doors and exits can be readily opened, When depressurized, CABIN ALT Controt Wheel... eee + (FULL FORWARD) VALVE CLOSED NOTE This action closes pressurization nozzle and outllow valve in order to present a smoother fuselage surface during ditching, and to close openings to improve flotation. The outtlow valve and nozzle will be below the water line follawing ditching, RADIO RACK Switch : FAN NOTE FAN position reduces size o! venturi valve opening (Continued) Section 1 1-10-0 CODE 1-21 Vol. # Page 6 Agr U9t mbD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL U, CRASH LANDING OR DITCHING (Continued) Type Of Touchdown (Ditching or Crash Landing)... 2... eee oe DETERMINE Ditching Gear Handle... eee eee eee! t NOTE 1 With gear up, pull CAWS, SSRS-1, LDG GEAR, T/0, A/P, CABIN ALT, SPD BRAKE C/B (lower EPC) to silence landing gear warning, Crash landing sGaar_Handia soi ae ee | Landing gear is extended to absorb impact forces. FLAP/SLAT Handle... 0... ee See ete iea eeat ee sees. 28°/LAND NOTE 28"/LAND position will provide best lift/drag ratio under both ditching and crash landing conditions for both two and single engine cases. The approach body angles will be siightly higher than @ 40"/LAND approach. Prior to touchdown, EMER LTS Switch. 6... aera etree eee ad ‘ON NOTES This will assure cabin emergency lights are on to assist in evacuation of the airplane. 1 After ditching, airplane assumes a slight talldown attitude (floor angle not more than 5* nose up). At high gross weights, wings will be awash, while at lower gross weights, the upper wing surface will be clear of water. (Continued) Section 1 1-100 Vol. ZL-CODE + Apr 1/91 i Page 7 ot Se Crore Prey ei yo HEE OTA RAMEY TO RESINCTME GEN OH TLE PE ON MAT HD mbD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL CRASH LANDING OR DITCHING (Continued) Il When airplane has stopped, and if time permits, ENG FIRE Handles ........ Seber aee tate ee ~ PULL I FIRE AGENT (As Required) . . fe beeen e eee e eee. DISCHARGE NOTE BATT switch must be on to discharge fire extinguishing agent ‘as there is no generator or T/R power available. [END] Section 1 410-0 CODE Page rk Vol. i Oct 1/98 mpD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL GO Onygen Masks and Goggles... « eee Tas. « ON/100%/EMERGENCY GABIN ALT Control Lever sce cs eeeecstteeeeeee testes ees DOWN/MANUAL [EMER PWR Switch. . : te cesses ON/CHECK > Emergency power check is abnormal Emergency power check is normal Land A GEN and APU L and R BUS Switches Eee ~ = OFF ‘Smoke. Be Eee Heeb este OBSERVE Decreases Nearest Suitable Aiport... 2.0... eae : = DETERMINE 30 minutes or less and subject to Captain's discretion VG ) Proceed directly to airport and land. CAUTION Depressurize cabin prior to landing, Manual pressurization control forces may be high. Apply force as required. [eNo} More than 30 minutes ‘AC and DC BUS X TIE Switches. . . ie ween ee + OPEN 1 GEN or APU R BUS Switch... 2.2.22 ‘ON/CHECK NOTE DFGC 2 may be used after the electrical system check is completed. (Continued) Section 1 1-10-0 Vol. tt ZL-CODE 1 Jan 1/92 Page 9 mpD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL ELECTRICAL SMOKE OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN (Continued) Smoke (Continues) Smoke. OBSERVE Does not reappear EMER PWR Switch... 6.2.25. Precereseiracevrirersisa “ast Land as soon as practicable. [END] Reappears L GEN and APU L BUS Switches POH Ee ete Ht ett ON/GHEGK: R GEN and APU R BUS Switches . OFF EMER PWR Switch - OFF Land as soon as practicable. TEND} Increases or persists L e R GEN Switches... . ON/CHECK CABIN ALT Control Lever... « - AUTO (UP) EMER LTS Switch EH tORE: Locate and pull the following circuit breakers: ALTERNATE EMER AC BUS FEED (Upper EPC) EMER AC BUS FEED (Upper EPC) (OC TRANSFER BUS FEED (Lower EPC) EMERGENCY DC BUS FEED (Lower EPC) CHARGER & TRANSFER RELAY (Overhead) BATTERY RELAY (Overhead) EMERGENCY INVERTER (Overhead) (Continued) Section 1 1-10-0 CODE 1-2 Vol, I! Page 10 Ape 1/91 Mpb-80 T CREW OPERATING MANUAL ELECTRICAL SMOKE OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN (Continued) Vy EMER PWR S: eda OFF BATT Switen a EER eee tere EEEORE: NoTE APU, it running, will shut down. BATTERY CHARGER Circuit Breaker (Left Console) eee se PULL Smoke. eee : RH eee OBSERVE Increases or persists Al Captain's discretion, pull the BATT DIRECT BUS FEED circuit breaker (located in the E and € compartment, under the cockpit floor). Reset the following circuit breakers: ALTERNATE EMER AC BUS FEED EMER AC BUS FEED) OC TRANSFER BUS FEED EMERGENCY OC BUS FEED EMER LTS Switch : oe ARM Land as soon as practicable. (END) Decreases DC TRANSFER BUS FEED Circuit Breaker... eee -.. RESET Smoke... . Pee rae ae OBSERVE Does not reappear Land as soon as practicable. END} Reappears DC TRANSFER BUS FEED Circuit Breaker on = PULL (Continued) Section 1 1-10.0 Vol. tt ZL-CODE 1 Apr 1/91 Page 11 MmMD-3O FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL ELECTRICAL SMOKE OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN (Continued) Reset the following circuit breakers: ALTERNATE EMERGENCY AC BUS FEED EMERGENCY AC 8US FEED EMERGENCY DC BUS FEED EMER LTS Switch ra ARM Land as soon as possible. CAUTION Alter completing this procedure, if it has not or cannot be ly verified that the source, of the smoke has been eliminated, land immediately at the nearest suilable airport even though the smoke may be dissipating, Section 1 3-10-0 CODE 1.2L Vol. tt Page 12 Apr 1/91 MmD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL OE EMERGENCY DESCENT Throtles.. 0. eee I ete eee rary Heat coed sees IDLE NOTE Autothrottle must be engaged in Clamp Mode or disengaged before moving throttles to idle. Speed Brakes... ..... Set Pere iceceeec erecta . EXTEND Descent Speed... eee eee eee +» ESTABLISHED (80-82 Mach/320-340 KIAS) CAUTION Speed profile is based on no loss of structural integrity and assumes smooth air conditions. Known failures affecting structural integrity and/or turbulence may dictate more conservative speed profiles or entry maneuver. Recommend- ed speed with structural damage Is .75-.79 Mach/275-285 KIAS. NOTE Descent not to exceed 10 degrees pitch or 30 degrees “) bank Altitude Preselect 2.6.0... eee eee etree ee taseit epee eee. SET & ARM Set and arm assigned descent or level-off altitude. [END] Section 1 4-100 Vol. 11 ZL-CODE.1 Apr 1/95 Page 13 mD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL ENGINE FAILURE/ INFLIGHT ENGINE SHUTDOWN Throttle (Affected Engine)... ES SEC Hoel eee eee ete Cee USPHS FUEL Control Lever (Affected Engine) 6.2... eee eee eee 7 OFF NOTE After FUEL control lever is off, throttles should be used together. PNEU X-FEED VALVE Lever (Affected Engine)... : fern ees CLOSE AUX and TRANS HYD PUMP Switches . AS REQUIRED ENG IGN Selector/Switch ...... eee ace sees eee es AS REQUIRED FUEL TANKS Pumps/FUEL X FEED Lever..... 2... peer eSrte ieee . AS REQUIRED NOTE Use fuel crossfeed as necessary to maintain fuel balance. Electrical Loads... 0.2.2... Cee Ee : coves. CHECK NOTE Start APU (if available) to reduce electrical load on operating generator. AIR COND SHUTOFF Switch... 2.0.2... See : ‘ovRD ENG SYNC Selector .......... eee : vee neces OFF AIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY Switch (Affected ‘Engine). . . . : iiereresserensvesterenter 15 2 NOTE Restricted rudder may result after applying maximum rudder due to asymmetric thrust. if RUDDER TRAVEL UNRESTRICTED light does not come on during deceleration, momentarily centering rudder pedals and rudder trim may allow rudder throw limiter to return to speed-scheduled position, TEND} a Section 1 1-100 CODE 1-2L Vol. I Page 14 Oct 1/98 mpbD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL ENGINE FIRE OR SEVERE DAMAGE OR SEPARATION NOTES ‘A fire warning may or may not appear with severe engine damage or separation. Indications of severe damage may include airplane vibration land,. on affected side, Ni and/or No tachometers indicating 0%, rapid loss of hydraulic pressure and sudden loss of generator power. Thratile (Affected Engine)... .- esses oo pete tere IDLE Engine Indications ENG FIRE handle light remains on or severe engine damage/separation suspected FUEL Control Lever (Atfected Engine) - Fee Ee eee oer, oO ) ENG FIRE Handle (Affected Engine) . . . eta e eee eee PULL AGENT DISCH . 10R2 ENG FIRE Handle Light On after 30 seconds ENG FIRE Handle 1 . PNEU X-FEED VALVE Lever (Affected Engine)... 22.020 e eee eee eee. CLOSE ++. DISCHARGE REMAINING AGENT AUX or TRANS HYD PUMPS Switches. AS REQUIRED ENG IGN Selector/Switch .. 2... .s eee ee eee eee AS REQUIRED (Continued) ©. Section 1 4-10-0 Vol. t ZLCODE 1 Apr 1/96 Page 15 mpb-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL cy ENGINE FIRE OR SEVERE DAMAGE OR SEPARATION (Continued) Engine Indications (Continued) FUEL TANKS Pumps Switches/FUEL X FEED Lever....... - s+ AS REQUIRED NOTE Use fuel crossieed as necessary to maintain fuel balance. Electrical Loads eee eer ener eSeeeeetaeee teat tet OBEGKG When takeoff thrust is no longer required, AIR COND SHUTOFF Switch... . . - ee a ovr ENG SYNC Switch... 2. . Seeeeetse eee OFF AIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY Switch (Affected Engine). . - OFF ENG FIRE handle light off and severe engine damage/separation not suspected IL Continue idle engine operation at Captain’s discretion NOTE Restricted rudder may result after applying maximum rudder a due to asymmetric thrust. if RUDDER TRAVEL UNRESTRICTED light does not come on during deceleration, momentarily centering rudder pedals and rudder trim may allow rudder throw limiter to return to speed-scheduled position, {END} Oy. Section 1 4-100 CODE 4-2t Vol, Page 16 Oct 1/97 mbD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL [lowaen Masks... . : ss 22's ON/100%/EMERGENCY I. CABIN ALT Controt Lever/Wheel ee ... MANUAL/FULL FWD. NOTE 1 Manual control wheel forces may be high. Apply force as required. PNEU X-FEED VALVE Levers: . . we Beet CLOSE AIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY Switches . eee eee eee w+. AUTO Passenger Oxygen Masks (if Required) . . see sect cece enna es DEPLOY NOTE If cabin altitude has exceeded 14,000 feet and passenger oxygen masks have not deployed, move PAX OXY MASK switch to EJECT. Cabin Pressure Controllable 1 CABIN ALT Control Wheel . . eee ey AS REQUIRED [END] _) Not controllable Begin emergency descent, Throttles. . : SERS +. IDLE NOTE Auiothrotile must be engaged in Clamp Mode or disengaged before moving throttles to idle. Speed Brakes... 2.00 : pace see. EXTEND ESTABLISHED (320-340 KIAS/.80-.82 MACH) Descent Speed, CAUTION ‘Speed profile is based on loss of pressurization with no loss of structural integrity and assumes smooth air conditions. Known failures affecting structural integrity and/or turbulence may dictate more conservative speed profiles or entry maneuver. Recommended speed with structural damage is 275-285 KIAS/.75-.79 Mach NOTE Descent not 10 exceed 10 degrees pitch or 30 degrees bank. Altitude Preselect . . . cet at Hee : SET & ARM Set and arm assigned descent or level-oft attitude. [ENO) Section 1 1-10-0 Vol. tt ZLCODE 1 Apr 1/95 Page 17 mp-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL CAUTION Avoid manual pitch inputs using the control column until the autopilot is disconnected. Autopilot... « eae DISCONNECT STABILIZER TRIM (Red Guarded) Switeh 2.0.2... 06. eet Se ta et STQP: LONG TRIM Indicator... ee eee Boece erate OBSERVE ‘Stopped PRIMARY LONGITUDINAL TRIM C/8’s (EPC Gen Bus Panel)... . . . OPEN (PULL) Continue flight using alternate trim system, Allow for slower trim rate, [END] Continues to run away STABILIZER TRIM Switch... 0026s Sea NOTE Return stabilizer trim switch to normal. Utiize primary trim sysiem t0 position longitudinal trim indicator to desired position. AUTOPILOT AND ALTERNATE LONGITUDINAL TRIM C/B's (Upper EPC). SE eet cee rete ee ie eee OPEN (PULL) Continue flight using primary trim system. TEND} NOTE Rapid rolt rate develops during extension of flaps beyond 28" FLAP/SLAT Handle RETRACT TO 28/L7) Section 1 1-10-0 CODE 1-2. Vol. i! Page 18 Oct 1/97 secret Sees cs er a =n ai ES 2A SAT 5S ESTEE LEGO ON TE PAGE OR PS PGE MmD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL vy PNEU X-FEED VALVE Lovers -- +0 oe sees sees eee e esses eeeeeees CLOSED AIR FOIL Antice Switch(es).. 0... sees Se ween ees OFF AIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY Switches : HP BLD OFF Phase Of Flight... .-. 0. eet cece ee DETERMINE Final approach (5 minutes from touchdown) Continue approach using minimum power settings. (END) Takeoff, climb, cruise, descent or initial approach on Tote : ; ; (ole TAIL COMPT TEMP HIGH Light... . Heer eeee eee CHECK Oy»; Off (within 2 minutes) L AIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY Swite! i ia OFF Left Tote, 6 eee eee eee ee eee ss RESTORE POWER TAIL COMPT TEMP HIGH Light : - s+. CHECK oft R AIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY Switch... 2... 222 eee eee AUTO TAIL COMPT TEMP HIGH Light... . . weeeeeeeeeees CHECK R AIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY Switch... 02. 0..+-+++.. HP BLD OFF LAIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY Switch beeen esse es AUTO (Continued) Section 1 1-10-.0 Vol. tt ZL-CODE 1 Apr 1/91 Page 19 mpD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL aD TAIL COMPT TEMP HIGH LIGHT ON (Continued) 1 i TAIL COMPT TEMP HIGH Light (Continued) TAIL COMPT TEMP HIGH Light (Continued) Restore airfoil ice protection from left engine if desired. [END] On Left Throttle Gore aceite teeter te LE Continue at reduced thrust setting necessary to keep light off R AIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY Switen. eee - - AUTO ke Resiore airfoil ice protection from right engine if desired. If TAIL COMPT TEMP HIGH light comes on again, move AIR FOL anti-ice switch(es) to OFF and minimize time in icing conditions. Refer to Section 3, Chapter 12, ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION, Abnormal Operation — AIRFOIL ICE PROTECTION INOPERATIVE. {END] CO On (after 2 minutes) ) Left Throttle... 2.2... eee RESTORE POWER Right Throttle IDLE TAIL COMPT TEMP HIGH Light Off (within 2 minutes) R AIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY Switch... . OFF Aight Throttle. RESTORE FOWER (Continued) OQ Section + 1-10-0 CODE 1.24 Vol. i Page 20 Apr 1/98 MD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL TAIL COMPT TEMP HIGH LIGHT ON (Continued) \) TAIL COMPT TEMP HIGH Light (Continued) TAIL COMPT TEMP HIGH Light ; . CHECK off Continue operation with right system off and isolated. On Right Throttle... 7 i ae cesses IDLE Continue at reduced thrust setting necessary to keep light off LAIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY Switch. . +e. AUTO Restore airfoil ice protection from left engine if desired [END] On (after 2 minutes) Right Throtle..... . . : : - RESTORE POWER (7) Land at nearest suitable airport Vy NOTE In order to maintain cabin pressurization during descent, i may be necessary to carry higher than normal power settings. 1 Section 1 4-10-0 Vol. t ZL-CODE 1 Apr 1/91 Page 21 tot gts Copies rey ete Sem BE TA BURKE! 19 AAT IDO OX EEO BE Mins oU FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL EMER PWR Switch ‘ON ENG IGN Selector/Switch Hee See -- OVRD CABIN ALT Control Lever . MANUAL (DOWN) Airspeed csv esesees. +... MINIMUM MANEUVERING (NOT LESS THAN 170 KIAS) Throttles. cet SSrERENSreRIEIDEREE eneee 7 OLE ENG Aitilce Switches... ie - ON BATT Switch ee ON/LOCKED START PUMP Switch . as ete ed coe ON LEFT, CTR, RIGHT Fuel Boost Pump Switches (FWD, AFT) : ALL ON GEN Switches ce OFF ENG HYD PUMP Switches OFF Fuel Control Levers . oN FUEL X FEED Lever... . Poteet : ‘ OFF Engine(s) Restaried eb eeee eae eeeeia coe DETERMINE Neither NOTE If two engine flameout was caused by fuel starvation in left and right main tanks with fuel in center wing tank, optimum attitude for scavenging fuel out of the right main tank for APU or right engine is zero degrees pitch attitude and 1.5* right wing up. APU MASTER Switch . . feet eevee eves ss START/RELEASE NOTE Atlempt APU start regardless, of altitude and airspeed. (Continued) 7 Section 1 1-10.0 CODE 1-21 Vol. Page 22 Apr 1/91 mpD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MaNUAL TWO ENGINE FLAMEOUT (Continued) VU, Engine(s) Restarted (Continued) APU MASTER Switch (Continued) APU Condition... 6.5 e eee cree ee OBSERVE Starts L and R APU BUS Switches eevee ON Does not start at Continue engine start attempts. 1 When one or both engines are started, one or both | Electrical System. oe eee : cs AS REQUIRED ENG HYD PUMP Switches cece es +s AS REQUIRED CABIN ALT Control Lever... + Beste ~ AUTO (UP) Oy START PUMP Suitel eee OFF ; ENG Antice Switches ret ec OFF ENG IGN Selector/Switch eee AS REQUIRED NOTE Continue engine and/or APU start until at least two are running Land at nearest suitable airport. Section 1 110-0 Vol. I ZL-CODE 1 Oct 1/91 Page 23/24 MD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL i Section 2 CHECKLISTS TABLE OF CONTENTS AIR LIBERTE INDUSTRIES (SERIES 80) Chapter ‘Subject Airplane Title Unit CODE Page Effectivity PREFACE 1-4-0 3 1 all WALKAROUND INSPECTION 1-10-0 1 1 All COCKPIT PRE-FLIGHT SCAN PATTERN 1-20-0 1 V2 All NORMAL PROCEDURES “) Before Start Expanded Procedures 1-30-0, 46 1 Alt Start Expanded Procedures 1-30-0, 46 26 All After Start Expanded Procedures 130.0 46 28 Al Taxi Expanded Procedures 1-30-0 46 30 All Before Takeoff Expanded Procedures 1-30.90 46 36 All Takeoff/Climb Expanded Procedures, 1-300 46 26 Al Descent/Approach Expanded Procedures 1-300 46 at All Landing Expanded Procedures 1-300 46 43 all Landing Roll Expanded Procedures 1-300 46 47 All Section 2 1-Contents Vol. tt ZL-CODE 46 oct 1/97 Page 1 mbD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL oN Chapter Subject Airplane Title Unit CODE — Page Eftectivity NORMAL PROCEDURES (Continued) ‘After Landing Expanded Procedures 1-30-0 46 49 all Parking Expanded Proce- dures 130-0 46 50 All Before Leaving Airplane 1-300 46 52 all CHECKLISTS Before Start 1-400 46 1 alt Start 140.0 46 4 All After Start 140-0 46 4 All Taxi 140-0 46 4 all aS Before Takeoft 1-40-0 46 5 all ) Takeoff/Climb 1.40.0 46 5 All Descent/Approach 1.40.0 46 5 All Landing 1-40-0 46 6 All After Landing 1.40.0 46 6 al Parking +400 46 6 all Before Leaving Airplane 1-40-0 46 78 All @) Section 2 1-Contents, CODE 46.21 Vo Page 2 Oct 1/93 mMmbp-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL SECTION 2 CHECKLISTS PREFACE, Section 2 contains detalled procedures necessary for conducting @ normal flight in a safe and orderly manner with all airplane systems operational. Procedures are listed in phase of flight sequence, starting with inspection and: preparation of the airplane for flight, and extending through post-fight duties at destination. The section is divided into 2 groups of documents; (1) Normal Procedures, (2) Checklists. NORMAL PROCEDURES The expanded procedures are intended to inform the trained operator of the normal procedures essential to the safe and orderly operation of the MD-80. All items, regardless of sequence are essential for thorough preparation of the airplane prior to the next fight, phase. The order in which they are listed Is the recommended completion sequence. To the extent practical, the sequence follows the established scan pattern. Al line items which are listed as challenge/response ere identical to those in the appropriate checks Certain fine items do not have a response, and are not listed on the checklist, but will normally be accomplished during routine operation or by panel scan. CHECKLISTS Commands to execute @ checklist are given by the Pilot Flying (PF) and executed by the Pilot Not Flying (PNF). In those instances of the First Officer being the PF, the- Captain then becomes the PNF and performs those functions, however, the uliimate responsibility for the safe operation of the airplane always remains with the Captain. Preflight checklists operate as scan patterns and are accomplished by the ’Do Verify’ (accomplish then confirm accomplishment) method reading of the checklist by the First Officer. The remaining normal procedures “Pre-Takeoft” checklists are called for by the Captain and read by the First Officer using the “Do Verify” method. The ‘After Takeotf/Climb” checklist is @ silent checklist and is accomplished by the PNF when commanded by the PF. Its completion will be reported to the PF. All other airborne checklists are accomplished by the “Do Verify” method with the following exceptions: Emergency and Abnormal checklists are accomplished by the "Challenge-Do- Verify’ (direct, accomplish, then confirm accomplishment) method. Those emergency situations requiring the PF to devote full attention to airplane control will require the PNF to actually determine the type of emergency and, after confirming with the PF, select the appropriate checklist. The PF will call out any required memory items and confirm the proper actions are taken. After completion of the memory items, the PNF will cali out both challenge and reply, confirm with PF, and accomplish the remaining checklist items. (Continued) Section 2 1-1-0 Vol. 11 ZL-CODE 3 Oct 1/92 Page 1 eat Dan Crees Roney tee ne met HSE OAH BALE TO PEEING NO OLE HE ORT POE. mD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL CHECKLISTS (Continued) Less urgent situations will be accomplished by the PNF after proper checklist selection is agreed upon by both pilots. The PNF will call out both challenge and reply, confirm with PF, then accomplish the remaining checklist items. The checklist will be read out in a loud and clear voice. Responses should be equally loud and clear, normally answered as listed with the following exception: The terms SET or CHECKED used as @ checklist response indicate equipment operation or settings which may vary according to prevalling conditions and/or equipment configuration. The term, AS REQUIRED, should not be used as a response. The verbal response to AS REQUIRED should be the actual switch or control position or actual indicator reading. For example: the response to IGNITION should be the actual ignition switch/selector position. The crewmember reading the checklist will revead an item if no answer is obtained from the other crewmember. When practical, it is the readers responsibilty to visually check that action taken agrees with the response. When a crewmember reading the checklist has ascertained thal all items have been completed, he will announce that the appropriate checklist has been completed by stating, “___ checklist completed”, ‘The various checklists are to be accomplished as follows: “Atter Start” — When all engines have siabilized at idle and prior to brake release for taxi “Taxi - When clear of the ramp and after flaps/slats have reached the takeott position prior to reaching the runway. “Belore Takeolf” - Should be accomplished after final takeot{ clearance has been received. “Alter Takeotf/Climb” - Anytime after flap/stat retraction has been completed and climb power has been set. “Descent/Approach” ~ After descent clearance has been received and when leaving cruise altitude for ‘approach and landing. ems below the dotted line will be completed after passing transition altitude. *Belore Landing” ~ Following the command for landing flaps, the checklist will be read down to the item *Flaps/Slats”. If the final flap selection for landing will be Flaps 28°, the checklist will be completed after 28° of flaps have been called for, selected and checked. Flaps 40°, the checklist will be completed after 40° of flaps have been called for, selected and checked. “After Landing’ ~ When the airplane has cleared the runway except when a taxi-back maneuver is required, In the latter case, the checklist should be delayed unit completion of the 180° turn, * Asterisk marked checklist items are through flight items. (Continued) O Section 2 1-4-0 CODE 3.2L Vol. tt Page 2 Oct 1/92 mpD-80 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL CHECKLISTS (Continued) CREW COORDINATION Crewmembers will normally adhere to their specific duties, as outlined herein. The greatest safety and proper crew coordination can only be achieved when each crewmember performs the duties and functions for which he is responsible. When the First Officer is flying the airplane, the Captain will maintain his feet in a normal position on the rudder pedals and closely moritor all controls during the critical stages of takeott/climb, approach ‘and landing. The Captain wil also perform those enroute procedural duties normally assigned to the First Officer. Any time the Captain desires to take over the controls he will call out, “My airplane”, when he has the controls. The Fitst Officer will then relinquish the controls and assume his normal duties. ‘The First Officer will repeat the Captain's commands to indicate understanding and compliance with the command. ‘After receipt and confirmation of any ATC clearance, the pilot flying will repeat aloud his understanding of the clearance to assure that the other crewmember is aware of the slitude and clearance limit to which the flight is cleared. CREW SIGNALS ‘The cookpit/cabin chime signal is used for crew coordination through the following signals: Two Chimes... - cece vce eeeeeseeesess Interphone call originating from the cockpit or cabin. ‘Three Chimes See ee eet teect te Flight attendant report to cockpit. A Series of Chimes From Cockpit . An emergency exists in the cockpit. ‘The nearest flight attendant report to cockpit immediately. A Series of Chimes From Cabin... . - - : eee . . An emergency exists in the cabin. The fight attendant will transmit when cockpit acknowledges. When the seat belt sign is on and the cabin staff is still moving about the cabin, the cockpit will instruct the flight attendants, through the public address, to take the nearest seat when turbulence of moderate or greater intensity is anticipated Section 2 1-4-0 Vol. I ZL-CODE 3 Oct 1/92 Page 3/4 I segue Sg mets Peay term «nt ey AYA BART TO RETR EOE M PRE POE OR FST FAK

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