English Essays Notes

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My Last Day at School

School is a sacred place, it educates the young people. It is a place where the
concrete foundations of a nation are laid down. Apparently, it imparts education, but
secretly, it grooms the young generation for life and its weighty responsibilities. It is
natural for human to love the place where they spend a substantial part of their lives.
Therefore, they love their schools like their homes. They develop an emotional
association with their schools. Moreover, in school, the students live like a family.
The first and the last days at school are of unique significance for students.
While the first day at school may cause anxiety, fear and nervousness, the last day is
surely a day of hope, confidence and preparedness.
My last day at school is still fresh in my memory. I felt very relaxed because
there was no teaching work that day. My heavy satchel was off my back at last. It was
a big relief. I took the bus quite leisurely and got off at the school bus stop.
I made my way through small groups of school fellows, talking noisily and a good
many embracing with one another.
George Edward Woodberry said,
“Old times never come back; I suppose
it’s just as well”.
It was a pleasant day. But it was also a gloomy day for me and my class mates.
My friends and I were aware of the grim reality that we were about to leave the
school forever. This separation was so painful, sad and depressing for all of us.
Throughout our stay, we had been so cheerful and excited. We never entertained any
idea that a day would come to separate us like that.
Some of us were so emotional that they started weeping. Some had tears in
their eyes but they controlled themselves. We decided to depart in the same joyful
mood as we had been living for the last five years. I thought:
“Great asset is the glorious past.
It urges man to work hard”.

Our juniors of ninth class hosted a farewell party and entertained us to a
variety of sweet-meat and tea. Our worthy headmaster and kind teachers also
participated. Formal farewell speeches were made on the occasion. A boy sang a
ghazal and delighted the audience with his melodious voice.
Finally the headmaster addressed the gathering and advised the students to work
with devotion and be well-mannered to succeed and prosper in life. The headmaster
also advised us to be honest and hard-working in life. It is famous that:
“Hardworking is the key to success”.
The headmaster told us how to attempt the paper and finish it well in time. He
appreciated our behaviour and performance in curricular as well as co-curricular
activities. The headmaster and the teachers prayed for our success.
Now it was afternoon, our juniors of ninth class bade us farewell formally. Before
leaving the school, I decided to cast a last glance at the school. I went to visit the
library and the science laboratory.
I remembered the happy hours spent there. I was lost in them, when Asif

me and we started to move towards the gate. My mind was crowded with the
thoughts of my friends, kind and loving teachers, and sympathetic headmaster.
I blurted out:

I cried out
“Farewell my friends,
Farewell my foes,
My love with these,
My care for those”.
This is how I spent my last day at school.
“Education is the most powerful weapon
which you can use to change the world”.
--Nelson Mandela

Sports and Games
In the past, sports were regarded as the outdoor recreational pastimes, such as
fishing, hunting and shooting. On the other hand, games were regarded as organized
contests played by teams or individuals according to certain rules. However, the
distinction between sports and games disappeared with the passage of time. The two
terms are now often used interchangeably. In order to keep our body healthy, sports
and games are necessary. It is a famous proverb that:
“Health is wealth”.
Sports and games play an important role in the development of human
personality. They are no less important than food and fresh water. The developed
countries like England, France, Germany and U.S.A etc. have made games an
essential part of education at the school level. It is interesting to note that there are
many nurseries and training centres for games in these countries. They admit boys
and girls for necessary training to become future athletes, gymnasts, and sportsmen.
No doubt, sports and games are becoming popular in Pakistani schools as well.
The facilities, of course, are not adequate at present. The situation is expected to
improve in the near future.
The Pakistani school boys and school girls know fully well the meaning of the
“All work and no play
makes Jack a dull boy”.
They know that their growing bodies need regular physical exercise to keep
themselves healthy and fit. People play games either to have fun or to develop
physical and mental skills. Sports and games contribute a lot to make men handsome
and smart.
Their importance has been recognized at national and international levels. The
youth of today wants to assert themselves. They want some outlet for the
presentation of their unrivalled faculties. Sports and games provide them with plenty
of such opportunities. If such chances are not given to them, they may fall a prey to
criminal activities. Thus directly, sports and games contribute a lot towards making
our youth decent and upright. As a result, our young people undertake beneficial
pursuits. Sports and games make them disciplined, active, agile, energetic and sharp.
It is famous that
“Your level of success is determined
by your level of discipline”.
General sports include hunting, fishing (angling), riding, cycling.
Mountaineering (mountain climbing) is becoming one of the favourite sports of

Pakistani school boys in summer time among the mountains of Murree, Chitral, Swat,
Nathiagalli, Kaghan and the Karakoram Highway.
A number of school clubs and societies hold athletic contests. These contests,
include walking, jogging, jumping, boxing, wrestling, swimming, rowing, hammer
and disc-throwing, light-weight lifting and gymnastics. An athlete is trained to be
perfect fit to engage in such contests.
Moreover, football, hockey, cricket, badminton and table tennis are among the
favourite organized games in schools. All such sports and games certainly benefit
both mind and body. They create cheerfulness, fellowship, discipline, confidence and
physical fitness.
Games and sports make people disciplined. They learn to obey and uphold
laws. They learn how to obey and how to order others. They learn respect for the
rules in life. A Chinese scholar says,
“Govern thyself, and you will be
able to govern the world”.
Games promote the team-spirit in the players. They keep them united. The
players forget their tiny differences for a common cause. They learn how to
cooperate. They show an infinite patience in their doings. It is famous that
“Patience is a virtue”.
Sports and games refresh the body as well as the mind of the players. They
make them healthy and strong. The students realize that a sound body has a sound
That is why; nearly all school clubs hold athletic contests and different games
like cricket, hockey and football. George F.Will said,
“Sports serve society by providing
examples of excellence”.

My House
“House is where the heart is”.
A house, you know, is an important necessity. It gives humans a sense of safety and
security. It makes life easy, comfortable and enjoyable. No animate thing lives without a
house. The animals and the birds make their own shelters. Every living thing has an innate
desire for an abode.
“House is where our story begins”.
The quality of life improves when you have a house of our own. It gives you an
opportunity to turn some of your dreams into reality. You decorate your rooms according to
your taste. You look after your plants and flowers with a loving care.
Every one feels peace and comfort at house. That is why, it is often said:
“East or west, home is the best”.
I live in a small house not far from my school. The house is almost new. It is a little
way back from the road. Its environment is quiet and calm. Its building is wonderfully clean.
The covered area of my house is 800 yards. The whole house is airy and sunny. It has a
drawing room, a dining hall, five bedrooms, a study room and a kitchen. The walls of my
house are painted white. The beautiful white slabs of marble are fitted on the floors. Gary
“Nature isn’t a place to visit;
It is home”.
There is a small garden in front of my house. A path leads from the gate to the porch.
A corner of the porch is evergreen with a lovely creeper that remains in brilliant bloom
round the year.
Downstairs there is a lounge, which is a general living room with television. This
room is used as a reception room for guests. There is a dining room and a kitchen. The
drawing room with a large window faces the front lawn.
Upstairs are the bedrooms and the children’s room. The rooms of my house are not
large. The largest room is the lounge. It has windows on both ends for proper light and
ventilation. It is famous that:
“A man’s home is his castle”.
The doors and windows are made of beautiful and durable wood. The whole of the
house is furnished with beautiful furniture. Some pictures hanging on the walls of drawing
room are really stunning and classical. Two beautiful antique swords are also hanging there.
The study room has a library and two computers. I love to sit and study there. It is very
quiet and peaceful there.
The garden of my house is very beautiful. John Keats said,
“A thing of a beauty is a joy forever
Its loveliness increases,
It will never pass into nothingness”.
My father and I love to work in the garden. We prune the bushes once a year and in
summer we get our fruit-trees sprayed every month. My mother loves roses and spring
flowers and looks after flower- beds herself from time to time. I take care to keep the front
lawn tidy enough by using a lawn-mower. I take every pain to keep my house neat and
clean. The house of one’s own imposes the responsibility. I like my house very much.

“Courtesy costs nothing but buys everything”.
--Ali Ibne Abu Talib
Courtesy means excellence of manners or polite behaviour. It, of course, springs
from good breeding and kindness of heart. Courtesy is opposite to cruelty. As cruelty is the
greatest evil, courtesy is the greatest virtue. It is the basis of all religions. All religions teach
the lesson of courtesy. It has been the foundation stone of all cultural, social and political
movements. Therefore, the most sacred duty of humans is to practice and teach courtesy.

People should be urged to better their manners. They should be motivated to

improve their conduct and treatment with others. Their dealings with the people should be
just and polite.

“Politeness is the art of choosing among one’s thoughts”.

Therefore, the prime purpose of education should be to make humans courteous,
well-mannered and polite. Courtesy can be produced by writing good books and spreading
them throughout the world. It could also be taught by delivering sermons. All the prophets
of Allah adopted this method. They taught courtesy by their sermons and deeds. They
themselves were the embodiments of courtesy. Their deeds and manners were so
impressive that the people were attracted to them.
Our Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said,
“The best amongst you is the one
whose manners are the best”.
Therefore, courtesy, politeness and kindness are the qualities of prophets. These
qualities can motivate the people to mend their thoughts and deeds.
A courteous man is pleasant and polite to everybody. He observes good manners on
all occasions and always respects the feelings of others.
When people meet, they greet one another saying “good morning” or “good
evening” according to the time of the day. Muslims greet one another, saying “Assalam-o-
Alaikum”, and they often ask about each other’s health and well being. A Muslim greeting is
a kind of wish, a prayer for mutual happiness, peace and security.
Our Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said,

“Shall I not tell you of something which, if you do it,
you will love another? Spread (the greeting of)
Salaam amongst you”.
The Holy Quran lays stress on this form of greeting in surah Al-Noor verse 61.
If you know two persons who happen to be strangers, it is your duty to introduce
them to each other. If both are men, you introduce the younger to the older:
“Please meet my elder brother ……”
If both are women, but one married and the other single. you introduce the latter to
the former. If one is a man and the other a woman, it goes without saying that you
introduce the man to the woman, and not the other way round. You pronounce both names
clearly if they are males and two persons shake hands, saying
“How do you do?”
A courteous person bears good manners for others. He has love, tolerance, patience
and kindness to others. That’s why it is said:
“Civility costs nothing”.
Good manners demand that you make no attempt to jump the queue. In a crowded
bus, if you are physically fit, you give up your seat to an elderly person or to someone who
is blind, disabled or sick. You have to say “Thank you” to those who are good to you.
“Gratitude is the most
fine form of courtesy”.
--Jacques Maritain
There are many benefits of being courteous. First, courtesy brings us tremendous
satisfaction and profound joy. Second, courteous people become popular not only with
human beings but also with animals. Third, they could be the best preachers of the world.
They could propagate their thoughts and ideas easily. They could fetch everyone to them.
There is a French quotation:
“To speak kindly does not
hurt the tongue”.
Courtesy really makes everyday life more pleasant, more friendly and more

A library is a shed of knowledge. It is the proper place where everyone can find some
books that are full of knowledge. This is an age of progress in education. Great importance is
attached to the libraries as they play vital role in promoting literacy and education.
“The true university these days is a collection of books”

Books are said to be man’s best companion. Books are the core of knowledge. They
are the torches that lead us to the path of knowledge. Books are the medicine for the soul. A
truly alive mind seeks books because books are a key for confronting our problems, searching
for solutions and making pathways to the future.

“A good book is the best of friends”

“Books are the light-houses created in the great sea of time”

A library has a large collection of books and is a place where any individual can walk in
and make use of those books. Libraries are the places where one learns manners, discipline,
methods of working and concentration. since all types of people flock to libraries one gets to
indulge and communicate with different people. One learns culture, etiquette and ways of
dignified and elegant behaviour from other people. People learn remarkable habits and
marvellous qualities in such a civilized environment.

“A library is thought in cold storage”

Libraries provide an atmosphere of deep concentration and study in perfect calm. They
help us in building up concentration. They give us glorious flashes of knowledge. A reader
feels indulged in the books. For students, libraries provide the suitable environment in which
they can study properly without any kind of disturbance and interferences. Libraries are
stocked with academic books and text books for students. Libraries also assist the needy
scholars and students who cannot afford to buy expensive books. Libraries become a
tremendous advantage for those students who can easily borrow books from here and study
them at home.

“Books are the over burning lamps of accumulated wisdom”

“Books are the window through which the soul looks out”

Reading is regarded as one of the most enriching habits. It’s not just a hobby or a pass time
that entertains us but it’s also an educational activity. Reading brings us a vast reservoir of

knowledge. Reading inspires people to gain more information. Thus, a library is a treasure of
valuable books for people who want to use and gain from it.

“The reading of all good books is like conversation

with the finest man of past centuries”

A library is such a place where people of any age group, any status and all types and
culture come. Libraries contain several books that are associated with various topics such as
business, health, travel, food and careers. Some people go to libraries to read books before
taking important discussions in their lives. A library has a good collection of encyclopedias,
dictionaries, and maps. They also contain books that are a source of entertainment for us like
fiction books, novels, comedy, thesis, suspense, horror or drama.

“I go to the library and the knowledge of the world enrolls before me”

If a person needs a specific book he can simply go to a library and borrow it instead of
purchasing it. He can either read it at the library or take it home. A person can search for
different books on a certain topic in the library. He can read the latest novels, magazine and
this way, he can get any book issued at any time.

“Nothing sickens me more than a closed door of a library”

The need of the hour is that the government should make efforts to maintain libraries
that have a good quality. Libraries should have vast range of books on every topic. So that
people will be interested to come and read those books. The libraries should have new
editions of books so that the visitors would be more satisfied and interested to come to the
library. The atmosphere should be comfortable so that the concentration of the visitors does
not break. People should also follow the rules and regulations of the library. In this way we
will be able to create a more civilized and prosperous society.

“Make thy books thy companions”

An hour spent in library is worth than a month spent in a laboratory.

“Health is wealth”
It is a well known proverb often quoted by our parents and teachers. When
people meet, they usually ask one another “How are you?” “How are you getting
Health is precious and certainly a great blessing of Allah Almighty. Hygienic
environment, personal cleanliness, wholesome food and a regular way of life are
conducive to health.
We should take every possible care of our health. We should go to bed early,
get up early and take exercise daily. It is rightly said:
“Early to bed and early to rise,
makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”.
We should keep our body clean, wear neat and clean clothes, keep our nails
clean and pare them regularly. We must take meals at regular times, brush our teeth
twice daily and be sure that it makes us healthy.
A healthy man enjoys the beauties of nature. He leads a happy and delightful
life. Nothing can rejoice or relax an ailing man. Such a man loses all the charms of life.
Life becomes dull, drab and dreary for him. He himself becomes an unbearable
burden on others. Sometimes, he desires to die to avoid the pangs of such a painful
life. Therefore, nothing is more precious than health. It is rightly said:
“Health is better than wealth”
Man should pay an utmost heed to the maintenance of his wealth. He should
take nutritious food and live in an environment conducive to health. Good food, pure
water, fresh air, calm atmosphere, regular physical exercise and better sanitary
conditions are the bare essentials of health, young people, who have plenty of
energy, need to take vigorous athletic exercises in the fresh open air. Someone said:
“He that wants health
wants all”.
Balanced diet is absolutely necessary for health. Human beings require food to
grow, reproduce and maintain health. Without food, our bodies cannot stay warm,
build or repair tissues. Good food helps us to prevent certain diseases or recover fast
from illness. Our food contains certain chemical substances called nutrients. These
nutrients help our body to perform its important functions. They are classified as
carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water. Carbohydrates, proteins
and fats provide the body with the energy it needs to maintain its functions.

Regular physical exercise makes a man healthy, fit, active and smart. It is as
important as good food. Therefore, we should participate in all good physical
activities. Sports, games and morning walk are such activities. It is rightly said:
“Health and gaiety foster beauty”.
In case, we are run down, overworked or dreadfully sick, we consult a good doctor.
He gives us a tonic, or prescribes a special diet. “You are working too hard”, he
may say, “That’s what the trouble is. You cannot go on burning the candle at both
In order to maintain our health, balance in games, work and rest is necessary.
Eating fresh air daily is better than all the tonics in the world. We should avoid stale
fruits and stale vegetables. Less food and more fruit is good for health. As everyone
“An apple a day,
keeps the doctor away”.
Sometime staying at one place, year in and year out, tends to make us weary and
stale. It is a signal that what we need is a complete change in our environment.
Eating out is generally avoided by health-conscious men and women. Home-made
cookies are the safest and the best in the world.
“He who has health,
has hope;
and he who has hope,
has everything”.
--Thomas Carlyle
It is a fact that only healthy people can work properly and lead the nation to the
heights of glory. Only such people can break new grounds and cause national
progress. We know well that if health breaks down, we are good for nothing. Then
we realize:
“Health is not valued till sickness comes”.
The improvement of health of the entire population is the first and the foremost duty
of the government. The government should protect the public from environmental
and health-related hazards. Better sanitary conditions should be ensured. Good food
and pure water should be ensured. The government should educate the public about
health. It should provide the people with high-quality health services.
“It is health that is real wealth
and not pieces of gold and silver”.
--Mahatma Gandhi

A Rainy Day / The Monsoon
“I always like walking in the rain,
so no can see me crying”.
--Charlie Chaplin
Monsoon is the wind that changes direction with the change of seasons. The
monsoon prevails mainly in the Indian Ocean. The summer monsoon blows from the
southwest, generally from April to October. It blows from ocean to land. The winter
monsoon blows from the opposite direction. It blows from the northeast, from October
to April. It blows from land to ocean. The summer monsoon usually causes heavy rainfall
in areas of the East Indies, India and Pakistan. It is the dominant climatic event of the
area. The pouring rain continues with the summer monsoon. It is called the rainy season
in this area. It is rightly said:

“It never rains

but it pours”.
Pakistan is an agricultural country. Its agriculture depends upon the availability of
fresh water. Rain is the main source of fresh water of this country. It fills our dams and
reservoirs with water during summer. We use this water throughout the year.
Moreover, we use the dam water to produce electricity. It helps us in running our huge
hydroelectric power stations.
In the first week of July, sky was heavily overcast and rain clouds swept across the
sky. Strong south-westerly winds that blew over the Indian Ocean, brought the monsoon
clouds which caused a lot of rain.
“A rainy day is a special gift
to the readers”.
--Amy Miles
South westerly monsoon is refreshing cool and it brings relief to the gasping,
heat-stricken people. So it did in July when the temperature rose alarmingly high.
Newspapers carried reports of deaths by heat-stroke or exhausting and the death-toll
was mounting every day. A night before it had been oppressively hot and humid.

It was dazzling sunrise and the moist dew on the grass glittered in the sunshine,
surprisingly the wind rustled through the swaying tops of trees. That was just splendid.
The humid heat was gone in no time. We saw the rolling mass of black clouds across the
sky. There was a flash of lightning, quickly followed by a clap of thunder. Large rain
drops began to fall. The moment they fell, the dry earth sucked them. It was followed by
a heavy shower and I was happy and …….
“I always feel my best when
it’s raining outside”.
In the soothing shadows of dark clouds the streets were turned into streams. The
high walls were drenched, the leaves sparkled in glee. Low-lying areas were flooded. The
young and the old alike ran up and down the flooded streets. They splashed at one
another, floated paper-boats and ate mangoes. A wise man says,
“Anyone who says that
sunshine brings happiness,
has never danced in the rain”.
There were scenes of jubilation all around. It rained for about one hour. The
fierceness of the weather finished. A cool breeze began to blow. A new current of life
ran everywhere. The birds began to sing and dance in ecstasy. The atmosphere became
pleasant and clean. It is rightly said:
“Rain before seven:
fine before eleven”.
Light vehicles broke down on the flooded roads. Motor-cyclists slipped and fell in
pools of water. Nobody felt sorry.You know it does not rain every day. Does it?
“Keep calm and love rainy days”.
“The sound of rain needs no translation”.
The scene after the rain was supremely superb. The dry leaves turned green and
glossy. The high tops of trees were swaying in the whistling wind. Life revived
everywhere. Children played wildly like merry roe deer. Everything looked fresh and
clean. All were happy and thrilled.
“I like people who smile when it’s raining”.

A Scene at a Railway Station
“If a train doesn’t stop at your station,
then it is not your train”.
--Marriare Williamson

The British invented the railway and the locomotive. The rail-track was laid for
the trains to connect different towns and villages on the route. The train, drawn by
heavy engine, would stop briefly for the passengers at places called railway stations.
There are obviously typical scenes at a railway station. The smart, uniformed
stationmaster and his staff hurriedly move about when some train arrives or is about
to leave. The platform is thronged with passenger, men, women and children. Some
stay close to their piles of luggage; others just walk about looking at colourful ads.
The vendors do a roaring trade. Their brightly-lit stalls or carts at different points
attract passengers. There is noise and clamour all around.
“Most men who have really lived have had,
in some share, their great adventure.
This railway is mine”.
--James J.Hill
Meals, fruits, books, magazines, souvenirs and knick-knacks sell like hot cakes.
The prospect of long, arduous and tiring journey ahead worries the passengers. In
summer pitchers and fans are in great demand. Water coolers and taps are the
busiest spots.
Such a bustle follows when a train pulls in at the platform. Some people pick
their way politely along the crowded platform while others bump into one another as
they go hurriedly from one compartment to another.
“My first career ambitions
involved turning into a boy;
I intended to be either
a railway guard or a knight errant”.
--Hilary Mantel

There are a few policemen roaming about on the platform. A few ticket
checkers dressed in white uniform also come into view. Some passengers are seen
requesting the ticket checkers for the booking of seats. There are other people who
have come either to receive their friends or to see them off. They are seen to be
embracing each other.
The porters in their red shirts are seen bustling about. A hawker hurries from
door to door, crying, “The Jang”, “The News”, “The Nation”, and “The Nawa-i-Waqt”.
“I lived at home and I cycled every morning to
the railway station to travel by a train to Johannesberg”.
--Sydney Brenners

Suddenly, the train whistles. The guard begins to wave the green banner. The
passengers rush towards their compartments. The train begins to creep slowly.
People begin to run with the creeping train. They try to get on the running train.
Those who have come to see off their dear ones stand on the platform and wave
their hands. Their faces are sad and depressed. As soon as the train disappears, they
begin to leave the station. Soon, the activity, which started so rapidly a little while
ago, ends so suddenly. The station is deserted at last.
“I like trains. I like their rhythm,
and I like the freedom of being
suspended between two places,
all the anxieties of purpose taken
care of for the momentI know where
I am going”.
--Anna Funder

Such are some of the scenes at the railway station.

A Cricket Match
“Cricket was my reason for living”.
--Harald Larwood
A cricket match between the two leading teams is an event of great charm. I
happened to see a cricket match last Friday. It was played between Pak Fighters Club and
Eleven Stars Club. The umpires with the two captains entered the ground. The captain of
Eleven Stars Club won the toss. He decided to bat first.
Both the openers of his team entered the ground with dignity. The fielding team also
came up running to take their positions in the field.
“Many continentals think life is a game;
the English think cricket is a game”.
--George Mikes
The commentary on the match was very exciting. In the beginning, the match was a
bit slow in tempo. It was 25 overs match.
In the first ten overs, the batting team could score only 30 runs for the loss of four
wickets. In the next ten overs, they lost three wickets more but the score was then one
hundred and one. Last five overs were the most exciting, for they scored 57 more runs in
them. The total reached 158 runs in 25 overs for the loss of nine wickets.
After the first innings, there was a short break of 45 minutes. During it, the vendors
appeared with various eatables. The spectators began chatting, eating and drinking tea and
cold drinks.
“Enjoy the game and chase your dreams.
Dreams do come true”.
--Sachin Tendulkur
Soon the match resumed. In the first seven overs, the Pak Fighters Club easily scored
seventy runs without losing any wicket. But the next three overs proved to be crucial. They
lost four important wickets one after the other.
“No cricket team depends on one or two players.
The team always plays to win”.
--Virat Kohli
The match was even till the last over in which the batting side was to get only nine
runs and the bowling side was to take only a wicket to win the match. Every ball created
suspense and excitement among the crowd. At the last ball only two runs were required.
The batsman hit a boundary and the Pak Fighters Club won the match. Some excited
spectators ran towards the winning team, some started leaving and some kept sitting to see
the prize distribution ceremony.
“I tend to believe that cricket
is the greatest thing that
God ever created on earth”.
--Harold Pinter

A Hockey Match
“Every day is a great day
for hockey”.
--Mario Lenieux
Last year, Inter-board Tournament was organized in our school. The team of our
school lost the match in the semi-final. The final match was played between the teams of
Govt. Model School D.G Khan and Govt. Model School Rajanpur.
“People who love to play hockey
are always the best people”.
Exactly at 9am, the referee blew the whistle. Both the teams had already entered the
playground. The match started with a great excitement and thrill. Both the teams looked to
be determined to win the match. It was a wonderful competition. All the spectators were
enjoying the match. They were shouting slogans in favour of their favourite team.
“A hockey team is like a puzzle.
Every piece is vital”.
--Bob Hartley
First ten minutes, Rajanpur team remained dominant. Their centre forward was quite
a fast player. He just intercepted the ball and reached the opponents’ D area. But the goal-
keeper of D.G Khan Team defended well. In the remaining time of the first half, both teams
played well. Only a minute before the end of the first half, the Rajanpur Team made a
superb move. Their centre forward succeeded in hitting the ball into the goal. After it, the
referee blew the whistle to declare the end of the first half.
“Believe you can achieve your hockey
goal and you’re halfway there”.
--Felicity Luckey
In the second half, the D.G Khan Team attacked well to equal the score. At last, they
scored the equalizer with only ten minutes to go. Now the match was in full swing. Each
team was trying to score the winning goal. But no team could succeed in its efforts. At last,
the normal duration of the match ended.
After it, an extra time of 15 minutes was given to the teams to decide the match. But no
team could succeed to score any goal during this time also.
“A good player plays where the puck is.
A great player plays where the puck is going to be”.
-- Wayne Grehtzky
Now the match had become very sensational and suspendeful. Finally, each team
was given five penalty strokes to decide the match. Both teams scored four out of five
attempts. Now the death penalty stroke started. The first one was blocked by the
goalkeeper of D.G Khan. Then they succeeded in hitting the ball into the goal. The people in
favour of the winning team shouted and clapped. It was a wonderful match.
“Ninety percent of hockey is mental
and the other half is physical”.
--Wayne Grehtzky

A True Muslim
“The best religion is the most tolerant”
--Delphine De Girardin

Religion has been of pivotal significance since the start of civilization. Islam is a
true religion. It is also a complete code of life. The followers of Islam are called the
Muslims. A true Muslim is one who follows the principles of Islam fully.

To be a Muslim is a great blessing of Allah. It is indeed His Mercy to make us

believe in Allah and His prophets (A.S), the final one being the Holy Prophet
Muhammad (Peace be upon him). The hallmark of a true Muslim is the magnanimity
of heart.
A Muslim has a firm faith in Allah, His prophets, angels, books and the Day of
Resurrection. He also believes in good or bad fate. After having a firm faith, he
performs the prayers five times a day. He pays Zakat and performs Hajj. He fasts
during the whole month of Ramazan.
“We walk by Faith,
not by sight.”
A true Muslim believes that Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. He
remains conscious that Allah knows all the facts –even the innermost secrets of
hearts. He believes that man can grasp only that part of His knowledge which Allah
wills. He spends good, worthy things in the name of Allah. He knows that if he gives
alms to the poor secretly, it will be, hopefully enough, atonement for some of his
“As water quenches a flaming fire,
so alms-giving atones for sins.”
--Sirach 3:30
The life of a Muslim reflects the true spirit of Islam. He shows faith in his
doings. He never violates the golden principles of Islam. His dealings and conduct
with the people are always even-handed and fair. His manners and behaviour with
the people are always exemplary. He holds high standards of morality.
“Morality is a private
and costly luxury.”
--Henry Adams
A true Muslim always remains polite and never harms others. He performs his
duties magnificently. He meets all his obligations in respect of his parents,
relatives, family and country.

A true Muslim is neither a miser nor a spendthrift. He maintains balance
between these two extremes. He is thankful to Allah in prosperity. He shows patience
in adversity. It is rightly said.
“Patience is a virtue”.
A true Muslim knows that the joys and sorrows of this world are temporary. He
knows that the purpose of his life is to please Allah.
A good Muslim is ever eager to seek knowledge. He learns from the lap of his
mother to his grave. He is always broad-minded. He ponders over the secrets of
nature. He ever struggles to discover the hidden treasures of the universe. He never
feels hesitant in adopting and utilizing the modern technology. The Holy Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him) said,
“Seek knowledge, even if
You have to go as far as China.”
“Muslim is the one from whose tongue ad hands,
the other Muslims remain safe.”

A true Muslim establishes friendly relations with others. He meets everyone

with a smiling face. Everyone is attracted to him. He is an embodiment of the
A true Muslim is clean, brave and pure. He does his duty well. He tries to attain
excellence in every field of life. He believes that only good deeds endure for rich
rewards in the hereafter.
In short, a true Muslim possesses all the positive and constructive qualities. He
is beneficial and useful to his family, society and humanity. But in doing all this, he
never ignores the true spirit of Islam. It is indeed a great privilege to be a Muslim. The
Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said,
“A true Muslim is the one who does not defame or abuse others;
but becomes a refuge for others, their lives and their properties.”

The Quaid-e-Azam
“With faith, discipline and selfless devotion to duty,
there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.”
--Muhammad Ali Jinnah
History is determined by great men. Great men are not born daily. Humanity
has to wait for centuries. Great men are found all over the world.
The bright star of the history of Pakistan is Muhammad Ali Jinnah. It was the
will of Allah that the physically weakling son of Poonja Jinnah would one day be the
founder of Pakistan. He was born in Karachi on December 25, 1876.
He got elementary education from a local Maktab. At the age of 16, he passed
the matriculation examination. After his matriculation, he was sent to England for
higher studies. He distinguished himself over there as a keen and upright student. As
a student he struggled very hard. He had been a brilliant student throughout his
academic career. His motto was “work, work and more work”. He knew that
“A man without education is like
a building without foundation.”
He qualified from the Lincoln’s Inn as a brilliant barrister. On his return to
India, he started practice as a lawyer in Bombay. In the beginning, he could not
become a successful lawyer. But he did not lose heart in face of the adverse
circumstances. He went on struggling for years. At last, his dedication and diligence
brought him the sweet fruit of success. He became one of the leading lawyers of

“A dream doesn’t become reality through magic;

it takes sweat, determination and hard work.”
--Colin Powell
Then he took interest in politics. He joined the Indian National Congress and
worked sincerely for the freedom of India. He was an ardent supporter of the Hindu-
Muslim unity. But the narrow vision of some communal leaders disappointed him. He
decided to join the Muslim League.

“I do not believe in taking the right decision,

I take a decision and make it right.”
--Muhammad Ali Jinnah

He devoted himself fully for the welfare of the Muslims of India. He inspired
the Muslims of India with his glorious vision. He worked hard for a separate
homeland for the Muslims of India. The odds were against him. The Hindus, the
British and a section of the Muslims were hostile to him. But he grappled with every
problem. His aim was high. He soared like an eagle. He organized the party. The
Muslims rallied round him. The hostile forces had to be at a retreat.

“Victory belongs to the

most persevering.”

His arguments against or in favour of a matter were always concrete and

convincing. He proved that the Muslims and the Hindus were poles apart. They could
not live together like a single nation in the subcontinent. He warned the British if
they tried to keep the Muslims and the Hindus together in a single country, it would
result into worst disaster. Therefore, he demanded an independent country for the
Muslims so that they might live according to their own Islamic tradition and culture.

The Quaid-e-Azam was an incarnation of sincerity, selflessness, sympathy and

sacrifice. He worked earnestly for the establishment of Pakistan.

The Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a shrewed politician. He quickly

perceived the evil designs of the Hindus and the British. He is a guiding star of the
Pakistanis. He worked very hard. He believed in “Unity, Faith and Discipline”. He is
our national hero. A poet has rightly said,

“The lives of great men all remind us,

We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing leave behind us,
Footprints on the sand of time.”
August 14, 1947 was the day of his triumph. Pakistan appeared on the map of
the world. He took oath of office as the first Governor General of the new country.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the Quaid-e-Azam in the true sense of the word. His
health had been breaking down under a heavy pressure of work. His doctors pleaded
with him to pay attention to his health but they could not succeed in persuading him
to do so. He died in Karachi on September 11, 1948. But founders and heroes like him
never die. Do they?

Life in a Big City
“Man’s course begins in a garden,
but it ends in a city”.
--Alexander Maclaren
A city is a vast build-up area where a large number of people live and work. Here we
find high buildings, vast roads, big parks, crowded bazaars and government offices.
The city life is an easy life. It provides the people with all sorts of facilities.
Schools, colleges and universities are the main center of education there.
“Knowledge is power”.
--Francois Bacon
Hospitals provide the people with medical facilities cinema houses and
theatres are there to provide people with every kind of fun. Fast communication and
transportation are also there to serve people. About all sorts of eatables are available
in a city. There are provision stores, hostels, canteens and utility stores to fulfil the
needs of people. Usually the streets and roads in the cities are clean and wide.
Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) said,
“Cleanliness is half of the faith”.
Sanitary conditions in the cities are really wonderful. Clean drinking water is
accessible all the time. Daily life in a big city like Lahore is every so busy and exciting.
The busiest parts of the day are called peak hours. The rush of traffic in the morning,
at midday and in the early evening is at its peak. The big urban transport buses,
wagons, cars, coaches, private transport vehicles, taxi cabs, motor cycles, tongas and
rehras pass up and down from morning till late at night. At peak hours, the noise of
the passing traffic is so high that two persons cannot hear eachother. The busiest and
terribly noise spots in Lahore are the Minar-e-Pakistan, Badamibagh, Ichra, Laxmi
Chowk, Bhati Gate, Mochi Gate, Multan Road, Railway station and Regal crossing.
“As a remedy to live in society
I would suggest the big city”.
--Albert Camus
Important buildings like the Lahore High court, G.P.O, Museum, Jinnah Hall,
Punjab University(old campus), the Assembly Chambers, Masjid Shuhada, Al-Hamra,
Governor House, Wapda House, Aitchison college, the Zoo, Quaid-e-Azam Library,
Foreign Banks,Shopping centers are situated on the Shahra-i-Quaid-e-Azma(the
This main avenue is remarkably clean and green. There is practically no dust
and its pavements are crowded with people hurrying to and fro. Traffic policemen
are always on duty here and they regulate the heavy traffic efficiently. Well over a

hundred thousand vehicles and half a million people pass up and down this busy
thorough-fare in a single day.
Local and foreign tourist traffic to ancient sites like Badshahi Mosque, the fort
of the Jehangir and Noor Jehan Mausoleums and the Shalimar Garden is also quite
heavy. Gadaffi Stadium, Wahga Border and Allama Iqbal International Airport are also
some important places in Lahore.
“A great city is not to be confounded
with a populous one”.
Life in a big city like Lahore is a whirl of activities. On the other hand, broken
streets, stray dogs, ill-smelling slums, sloppy administration, soaring crimes and
sickening pollution are the sore signs of city life as well.
Approximately, all sorts of evils can be found in the city life. People are selfish
and proud. They do not take heed to what is happening around. They have their own
interests and desires. They lack the qualities of generosity, hospitality and simplicity.
They do not care to help the needy and the ailing people. People living in cities do
not enjoy pure and fresh air. They inhale in the polluted air. The atmosphere in cities
is dusty and smoky. Mehmet Murat said,
“If you live in a dirty big city,
it means that you surely need a
pastoral life to make yourself clean!”.
Some suitable steps can make the city life worth-living. First of all, steps
should be taken to provide fresh air and clean water. The food supplies should be
checked. Trees should be planted to ensure clean atmosphere. The moral sense of
people living in cities should also be awakened.
“City life is millions of people
being lonesome together”.
--Henry David Thoreau

A Village Life
“God made the country
and man made the town”.
It goes without saying that countryside is less artificial and more natural than the
city. As compared to city life, village life is more calm, quite, pure and peaceful than
city life. There is an abundance of natural scenery, refreshing greenery and pure light
In our country, the most of the population live in villages. These villages have
different atmosphere due to their different races, culture, climates and social
standard. But one thing is common all over the villages of Pakistan that there is
original culture. These culture, natural beauty and their cheerfulness and playfulness
cannot be overlooked. Life in transparent in villages as every thing is what it depicts.
“A village is a life of glass where
nothing unobserved can pass”.
Village life is most of the time remarkably quiet. A village is made up of
farmhouses, mud-houses, uneven dirt lanes and ponds. There are dung-hills, heaps of
rubbish and rows of dung-cakes.
Inside the village, there is practically no vehicular traffic. Occasionally, there is
a whirring tractor or squeaking bullock cart in some of the outer lanes. In some of the
big courtyards there are clusters of shady trees. Outside the village, there is usually a
big Bunyan tree along the pond. Village folks and some of their cattle take rest under
its ample shade in summer. The minarets of the village mosque rise high above the
low skyline of a village. The ‘Azan’ is the welcome, familiar sound in the quiet village
five times a day.
“A village life is close to nature”.
There are cattle and cart-sheds, dark and ill-smelling, where cows and
buffaloes are kept. There are a couple of stables for horses and a few poultry houses.
The chickens, ducks and geese are free to run about in the open spaces as they
please. When all the animals and birds make their cries, the village is a somewhat a
noisy place for a while. The donkeys bray, the cocks crow, the hens cackle and cluck.
The ducks in dirty drains quack, the horses neigh, the bulls bellow, the cows low. The
dogs bark and growl, the cats mew and the owls screech at night, it is rightly said:
“When village begins other arts follow”.
The villages lead a rough, difficult, poor and simple life. They work in their
fields to make both ends meet. Sometimes, they have to suffer a lot due to natural
calamities. But, it is the dignity of the village that they know how to compromise with

the circumstances and how to face time and tide. They believe in unity. That is why,
they stand with one another through thick and thin. They remain acquainted with
sorrows as well as problems of one another. Even the dwellers of the other end.
“If you would be known and not know,
vegetate in a village, if you would know,
and not be known, live in a city”.
Unlike cities, village life is free from din and noise of the cities. There is neither
bomb blasts nor modern diseases like tensions, strikes etc. In cities, people are
corrupt, servile and insincere, usually, hit below the belt to earn money while feelings
and emotions both are meaningless for them. There is neither peace nor help for the
suffering humanity. If one dies in one’s neighbourhood, one is unaware to this bitter
fact. People are so busy in cities that they have no time even for themselves.
“City life is a busy life”.
Whereas, the discussion about village life is concerned, the people remain in
touch with one another. They share their problems honestly, faithfully and sincerely.
Above all, they are selfless and devoted to one another.
The tough farmers ploughs his fields in the morning. The harvest time is very
busy. Men, women and children work together at seed and harvest time. A hard life
“The farmers are the founder of the human civilization”.
Village folks are really the backbone of our country. They are sturdy of hearts
and strong of limbs. They face harsh conditions in villages and around, but they
seldom complain. As compare with big city, they seem to have stepped back into
another century.
In cities, modern people have reduced to the level of beasts while the villagers
sacrifices for and another. In cities, people are leading an artificial life like machines
while the villagers enjoy the pure, natural and peaceful life. Which is the essence of
real life.
“Nature makes the
whole world kin”.

A Visit to a Hill Station
“The best part of the beauty is that which no picture can describe”

My love of adventure is natural to me of course, the degree of love varies from person

to person. My adventuresome nature promoted me and my cousin suggested me to

visit Murree Hills. Murree, a beautiful valley situated between the huge mountains of

Himaliya range.

It was almost mid of July when we all cousins left for Murree. We enjoyed the whole

journey from Lahore to Rawalpindi. We reached Rawalpindi at 10 o’clock. We rested

for a while in Rawalpindi and purchased many things of daily needs.

“Nature is standing in front of us in all its beauty and grace”

We put up at an old hotel “Sunny View”. After having rest there for a while, we came

out to have a view of Murree hills. The valley below hills looked like a great cup full of

flowers and flowing streams. The beautiful flowers of eye catching colours were

dancing in cool breeze and looking so beautiful, as the poet says;

“See how the flowers at parade, under colours stand displayed.”

Next day, we walked to Kashmir point and enjoyed ourselves with its scenic beauty

when it was dark, we made for our hotel. A gentle shower of rain began to fall. When

it stated tipping it down, it also created a musical sound and that was the beauty and

music of nature. After a while, it started raining cats and dogs and continued till late at

night, but when it was dawn, the rain stopped.

After our breakfast, we went out to see Salmi Sanatorium. Salmi is a beautiful spot

situated in a fine valley. There are fruit garden on slopes. On our way back, we crossed

two fast moving streams. Their silvery water was clear and cool. The number of glowing

colours looked as much beautiful as;

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.

They must be felt with heart”

Next day, we went to paitriata, early in the morning. We enjoyed to have a ride of

chair-lift. It was an interesting experience. Running clouds, blowing breeze and bird

eye view of Murree Hills, it seemed like a dream.

In our ten days visit of Murree Hills, we enjoyed hiking, and did a lot of shopping from

Murree Mall. These moments are unforgettable for me. Those days were most well-

spent days of my life.

Beauty of Murree Hills left a lasting imprint on screen of my mind. It will be

commemorating me of the enchanting beauty of Murree forever, because,

“A thing of beauty is a joy forever.”

My Hobby
Hobby or pastime is an activity which a person performs in his spare or leisure
time. It is pursued for relaxation and pleasure and not as a main occupation. They bring
a feeling of joy and satisfaction to man, Hobbies help us to pass our free time happily
as when man has nothing to do, his mind is like devil’s one.
“Idle brain is a devil’s works-hop.”
Hobbies make us busy. They add zest to dull and monotonous life. They
stimulate the mind and leave an imprint upon character. Hobbies enhance creativity
and develop our skill, refresh our minds. These are a source of recreation for retired
people as well.
Hobbies indicate the versatility of the individual. Great men were well known
for their hobbies. Samuel Johnson, the famous eighteenth century suit and
lexicographer loved cats. George Lewis studied longevity. Gladstone, the prime
Minister of England often dived into Mathematics. Sir James Jeans was fond of music
and Sir Winston Churchill was fond of painting.
Hobby also provides us information and helps us to solve many problems. My
hobby is book reading. In my opinion, this is the best hobby. It provides us information,
gives us relaxation and helps us in passing our spare time joyfully. A person who adopts
this hobby infact, does not need any friend because.
“Books are your best friends”
I have this hobby since my childhood when I was quite young, only about six,
seven years old. In start, I was very fond of reading colourful story books and charming
poems. I had a great collection of story books.
But with passage of time, I stopped reading those books. Now I read all kinds of books,
historical books, Islamic books, books on science and technology, novels and poetic
books. Books of poetry have their entertainment value. Books of travel take us to
unknown lands, people and customs.
“Books enlighten our intellect and broaden our vision.”
I have a number of books. Mainly I am interested in literacy books. Urdu
literature is the most interesting. Poetry also appeals me especially poetry of Iqbal has
its own importance. I am also interested in study of books on latest research work in
science and technology as they increase our information.
I like my all books. I like most my hobby because it is not only a source of relaxation
but also a source of information. Whenever I am alone or have nothing to do, I take
out any book and start reading it and my spare time passes joyfully.
In fact all hobbies make life charming and add to our happiness. They bring us
new friends and make us social. But book reading is a great hobby because,
“Books are of greatest importance in our life.”

My Ambition
“A man without aim is like a beautiful worm

It can creep but it cannot fly”.

Aims and ambitions channelize our energies in a positive direction. They

increase our potential. Our abilities increase manifold. Our emotions gain momentum.
We make a start with a new aim to build and rebuild our lives. We proceed to serve
mankind on individual as well as collective level.

Being a student of science, I am as liberty – loving as any other student of science

could be. In fact, I want to enjoy life and at the same time want to serve others. I have
been reading books since my early school days. I have the conviction that the study of
literature is the highest pleasure which a man can achieve in this world. So, I want to
do M.A. English and become a lecturer in English.

Lecturer in English has ample time to devote to her studies. Understanding

human nature through the wisdom of Shakespeare, experience of Yeats, philosophy of
Russell and Huxley, and views of G.B. Shaw is my cherished dream. The writings of these
writers would definitely open new horizons of mind for me.

“A good teacher is like a candle,

it consumes itself to light the way for others”.

A lecturer is not a slave of time. He has plenty of free time to spend as he likes.
He can travel near and far. He can write articles for newspapers. He can enjoy the world
of nature by spending the whole on month in Northern Areas during the summer
vacation. He can develop any hobby such as gardening, stamp collecting, book reading,
interior or exterior decoration and like that. Really, it would be a nice period of relaxed
life in a hectic and mechanical world.

Since I have passion for writing, I would write down articles and books during
my lecturership. Usually I like to write on social issues, language problems and academic
issues. In this way, I would be able to inculcate new and positive ideas in the readers.
In reality, it is writers and teachers who can build up a strong nation. Therefore, I am
ready to shoulder that responsibility usually expected from a teacher. Moreover, I
would write helping books for the students of English.

After becoming a lecturer in English, I would do my Ph.D. that is my cherished

dream. I have observed that Pakistani students face a lot of problems because of being
present in a society where they are exposed to at least five different language i-e,
Arabic, Urdu, English, Siraiki, Punjabi, Pushto etc. In English, they face a lot of problems.
I want to invent a Pakistani variety of English in which our students do not face the
problems of “has, have” or “s” and “es” and like that. I know that many of our students
cannot jump over the obstacle of English and hence fail. I would try to help such

As a lecturer, I would get a chance of building the character of my students giving

them liberal outlook in life. It is perhaps the highest honour to influence, educate and
train the students and prepare them for their future life. I would also try to guide the
young generation through my books. I would also be able to make a comparative study
of religions and different civilizations as a true and dutiful teacher, I would make my
students noble, gentle, chaste, humane and helpful because they are the future of our

All discussed, I love this profession of teaching from the core of my heart. That
is why I have devoted most of my study time to English. I know that wishes are realized
only through hard work and determination. Therefore, I am working consistently and,
Inshallah, I will achieve my aim.

“Life is a house of desires, wishes and hopes,

I am happy that my aim is useful for others”.

My Best Friend
A friend is the elixir of life and panacea for all ills. The world looks gloomy in the
absence of a true friend. Man by nature is a social animal. A man who lives alone is
either an angel or a beast. Friendship makes our life full of joys and pleasures. We need
friends to console us when we are sad. They encourage us when we are discouraged.
They cheer us when we are in need. A true and sincere friend though very rare in this
world is a blessing of God.

One may have as many friends as one likes but Henry Adam’s advice is,

“One friend in a life time is much, two are many, three are hardly possible”.

Benjamin Franklin is sight when he say,

“Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing”.

I am on friendly terms with a large number of people, but the best of them all is
_________________. She has been my class fellow since my early days. Other students
called us inseparable and gave example of our friendship to others. She comes of a
respectable family. Her father is a famous businessman of our city. She is my next –
door neighbor also. She is a studious student and always stands first or second in the
class. She is also interested in games and debates. She is an early riser. I feel she herself
is an ideal student. To me she is no less than a guiding star. She is an excellent speaker
and always wins prizes in debates. She always readily offers her books and other things
of daily use whenever I need them.

She possesses all qualities of head and heart. She is endowed with sweet
temperament. She loves all but hates none. She always acts as a peacemaker in the
class. Whenever some girls wish to create any disturbance in the class, she forbids
them to do so. She is very kind and merciful. She shares weal and woe of her friends.
She always fulfils her promises.

A friend is very useful at the time of adversity. She proves to be really helpful in
the time of distress or trials and tribulations. She is never like fair –

weather friends, when one’s purse jingles with money, they flock, and otherwise they
run away. She is a loyal friend in true sense of the word. She is the friend that proves
the proverb,

“A friend in need is a friend indeed”.

She is an embodiment of knowledge, piety, and bravery. She never hurts

anyone’s feelings nor she gives a chance of complaint to anyone. She is very
sympathetic to the poor, feeds the hungry, and nurses the sick. She never banes any
stone unturned to help her needy friends. She has a religious bent of mind. She tries
to learn all good qualities of great people and tries to practise them. She serves
humanity for the sake of true pleasure. She is very devoted to her duties. She obeys
her parents and teachers.

My friend also becomes angry, if she sees some malpractice. She does not bear
any wrong or vice. She never tells a lie and does not like liars. To conclude my best
friends, she has such qualities as have compelled me to build and promote a good
friendship with her. I am very lucky person to have such a nice friend.

Morning Walk
It is said,
“Health is Wealth”.
Besides a good and balanced diet, morning walk is very necessary for human
beings. So it’s rightly said,
“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise”.
Early rising is a good habit. An early riser enjoys good and sound health and
works carefully, steadily and thoroughly. Moreover, he is always happy, fresh and
smart, where as a late riser finds his work dull and dry and does unwillingly. Morning
is the prettiest time of a day. Before the sun rises, the eastern sky becomes rosy and
crimson. The colour fades away gradually and the sun rises like a great crimson ball. It
illuminates hills, vales, trees, plants and everything in the world.
Before the sun rises, a cold breeze blows. It refreshes the body and the mind
and feels lonely. The morning walk itself is advantageous. It eases the stiffened joints,
brings all muscles into action, makes the blood circulated faster and makes the one
I get up early in the morning. I say my Fajar prayer, recites Holy Quran, till then
the sky becomes a little bright. My younger brother and I love the morning walk. We
start running from one home cross the graveyard and cover a mile. Then we stop
running and walk briskly fox one and a half mile up to a nearby park. There is peace
and calm everywhere. The cool breeze blows and gives freshness to my heart and soul.
There are green lawns and trees and beautiful flowers everywhere. Birds fly here and
there. Their chirpings sound lovely natural music to the ears.
I find many men, young boys and other fellows walking there. I love to walk on
the green grass. Dew drops on it look like pearls. I breath deep to fill my lungs with
fresh oxygen. After little walk, I start taking exercise. I band up and down. I take many
rounds on the running track. Regular morning exercise is an important balanced
nutrition. A person who exercises regularly, enjoys good night sleep, a good appetite
and a sense of well being throughout the day.
After exercise, I run about half an hour, I sit there taking little rest. Till this time,
the sun begins to rise in east. The rays soon spread all around. The darkness completely
turns into brightness. People start moving to their homes. I too leave the garden. I
reach my home with fresh and energetic mood.
Morning walk keeps me active and fresh throughout the day. I also suggest
morning walk my dull and dry friends.

“Television is a mirror in which

one sees the face of the society”.

Television is one of the latest inventions of our age. After the Second World War
it became very popular. The word “Television” is a combination of two words. “Tele”
means distance and “vision” means to see. Thus it means to see from a distance. On
the television, we can see from a distance. On the television, we can see people and
their movements from a very long distance. It is in fact, and improved form of Radio.
It is very common in western countries. It has some advantages and some

Television is of much value in the modern times. Firstly, it is a source of pleasure.

It brightens and freshens our existence. It promises to offer plays, operas, concerts,
games, matches, films and stories. It brings into our homes colour and life to dispel
gloomy hours. Special programs for students, children, men, women, farmers and
soldiers are a joy forever.

Secondly it is a source of information. Sitting in our rooms, we can know and

learn many things. It has made us independent of news paper, magazines and books.
We can be informed of all the happenings in the country in economics, industrial and
political affairs.

Thirdly, it is also a means of instruction. It has done great service in the field of
education and research. It is a very useful for audio – visual education. A teacher from
a single room can teach a number of students sitting in different rooms. Students can
observe difficult experiments and operations on television. Men, women, children,
students all can be easily guided and instructed on the television.

Lastly, it lessens the restlessness among the people. It keeps the people
perfectly content at home. They do not go out to gamble, to play, to drink or to drive.

Television has its disadvantages too. First, it has made our life passive and
inactive. It has confined us to home only. People do not like to go on picnics, tours and
visits. It has destroyed the social life of the people.

Secondly, it never allows a few moments of solitude. It is now the camera eye,
not the inward eye that is the bliss of solitude. Deep thinking about self has
disappeared. People do not study serious and thought provoking books. Much of their
time is wasted in television programs.

Lastly, it runs on commercial lines. People are persuaded to by more and more
new things and have created a buying lust among the people. Programs are made more
and more interesting to attract the attention of the people. Their instructive side is
often ignored. The more thrilling and interesting programs, it displays, the worse it

On the whole television is a good thing. It can be used to build up cultural

awareness. It also can help to create a sense of national unity. It can be employed in
propagating moral values. If used with caution and care, it is an important mean of
information, entertainment and instruction.

“Television has proved that people will

look at anything rather than each other”.

(Ann Lanners)


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