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IJHESM: ISSN: 2582-8169, Vol.

03 (1), June, 2023



Somnath Gupta
Research Scholar
Department of Education
Ram Krishna Dhramarth Foundation (RKDF) University, Ranchi
Received: 9th January, 2023; Revised: 6th February, 2023 Accepted: 09th May 2023
Science is a common part in the curriculum of school education and it is also subdivided into many
wings of science such as physics, chemistry, Bio
science and soon after the secondary level of school
education of the Bengali medium students in West Bengal. The present study is based on the
effective teaching strategies followed by the school teachers at the higher Secondary level for
specifically teaching of the subject physics. The study will try to investigate the strategies and their
fruitfulness in relation to the stakeholders (learn

Keywords: Science, Teaching strategies, stakeholders

gather required practical knowledge for the
purpose of defining various events
Introduction: A learner who wants to have
phenomena occurring continuously around
science teaching at the very beginning he/she
their daily life style. It is true that all the
doesn’t come to a science classroom without
ideas acquired by them not be always as
any knowledge of science
ence that is like a blank
perfect as scientific ideas because of various
slate. Rather basedd on their daily experiences,
unscientific misconceptions prevailed
observations, worked activities and so on they
around them from earlier. But a science
*Corresponding Author: Somnath Gupta
teacher however will not less interested
person in listening their primary
IJHESM: ISSN: 2582-8169, Vol.03 (1), June, 2023

nces rather he/she will be int
interested  To increase the communication power
in listening and will be able to make them to of learners to relate
relat the physics with
be suited in accepting the proper scientific physical world exists in the society.
ideas in replacing their prior knowledge  To foster creativity to cultivate new
based on their experiences
iences which had been scientific ideas.
constructed through prevailed  To acquire adequate scientific
misconception in society. So, it may be knowledge to establish generalisation
stated that a teacher must follow the most of any scientific experiment and then to
effective strategies during his/her teaching apply that
hat in solving daily life
in the classroom as learning is viewed as an problems.
vigorous interaction between the learner’s
Innovative strategies frame work:
experience and his/her
is/her learning
environment. Here the prior knowl
knowledge acts
as the born give basis a new effective
knowledge. Here
ere the present study will be
involved to find out effective teaching
strategies in teaching physics and to
evaluate its specific values in developing
the quality of teaching physics sso that the
subject be interesting and helpful for
Constructivism: In constructivism learners
learners as well as our society.
construct knowledge through active
Objectives of the Study:
engagement in learning situation and try to
 To develop strategies in teaching
compare that knowledge with the theoretical
Physics in relation to observation,
bookish knowledge. These are mainly two
classification, communication,
types of constructivism present in our
measurement along with its destina
psychological domain, one is cognitive
and prediction.
constructivism of Jean Piaget (1977) and
 To built up in scientific attitude with
the other is social constructivism by Lev
development of the skills in problem
y (1978, 57). In cognitive
solving ability.
ivism knowledge is constructed
 To built up logical thinking ability to
through mental negotiation, schema
draw conclusions of any scientific
expansion through conservation of thought,
experiment among the learners.
logical thinking and concrete reasoning.
IJHESM: ISSN: 2582-8169, Vol.03 (1), June, 2023

Hence the new knowledge is being another phenomena happened in their lives.
assimilated to the existing schema of Grouping learners through entry
ent level
knowledge which is experience base
based prior knowledge gaps:
knowledge hence a teacher must support As the learners of a class possess varying
and guide his/her
her students to expand their amountss of knowledge in separate stages of
existing schema through assimilation as the physics syllabus so a teacher must
well as required accommodation. evaluate that gaps to conduct post tests
In social constructivism, society has a great before his/her teachings of that material.
role to construct knowledge. Pioneer of this Peer Group formation
formation: Peer group
thinking, Lev Vygotsty, instead of being a learning is very effective and
cognitivist he denied to accept the theory of comprehensive concept in teaching physics.
Piaget & Perry that construction of Relatively better students can play role of a
knowledge of learners was possible without temporary guide to one of his/her friends.
any kind
ind of interaction of society. H
He As a result in this two –way process both
opined that all intellectual cogn
cognitive members of the group will be benefited.
thinking come out from the societal Joyful class room: In
n teachings physics a
interactions that is knowledge is socially teacher must
st prepare teaching learning
cultivated then mutually negotiated. So, it s materials in such a way that the learners be
necessary for a teacher of physics during motivated to be involved in teaching
his/her teaching in class room that he /she learning process and be en
engaged in
must support the learners to be well preparing improvised apparatus related to
acquaintance with the surroundings where the content taught. In a word the
they can interact with various learning environment of the classroom will be joyful
situations exist in their society. In this way a in nature.
learner must be able to construct his
his/her Laboratory method: This is very effective
knowledge needful for structuring and and suitable teaching method in teaching
restructuring knowledge. physics and other science subjects in
Effective pedagogic strategies
trategies for relation with observation, patience and
teaching physics: experimentation with objects, materials.
m So
Using Analogies: this method is suitable one for teaching
During teaching physics a teacher must physics.
provide examples to support learners to Simulation: It is one kind of roll playing
built up the effective ideas so that a learner teaching strategy that helps learners to
can relate the objectives of the teaching to realize the ground reality into classroom. It

IJHESM: ISSN: 2582-8169, Vol.03 (1), June, 2023

helps learner to think over a matter in most different social, economical, psychological,
logical ways which help to learn physics. geographical background. After that a
Team teaching strategy: This is very teacher will enclose the suitable strategy in
ctive teaching strategy in teaching teaching physics. He/she must try to
physics. Here a two or more teachers act as correlate the prior knowledge of learners
a group to satisfy a common oobjectives of a with new content knowledge through active
specified content for a specified groups. engagement of the learners rather than only
Project Based teachings strategy: transmission of knowledge and thus a
This teaching strategy helps learners to go learner must be able to find out the way to
into deeper of a given content of topic be enriched as well as a self knowledge
through active engagement in preparing creator.
journal, student podcast,, science based Besides these all strategies, there are many
poster, writing research journal and so on
on. effective strategies in physics’ such as brain
hrough the strategy a physics learner can storming, experiential learning,
lear co-operative
reach at his/ her optimum potential that and collaborative learning, flipped learning,
helps him/her to carry on with the subject. discovery method, anchor instruction,
Programmed learning strategy: assignment based teaching learning and so
This is a very effective and research based on which all are more of less competent in
learning strategy which has been ddeveloped teaching physics too. As a teacher of
in consideration with Skinneri
Skinnerian principal physics, one can follow the discussed
of operant conditioning. In this process a strategies according to the learner’s need,
learner can go forward through small steps, choice, knowledge
ledge gap, thinking and
active participation with simultaneous problem solving ability etc.
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