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Some Terminologies

In the Properties Tab, the selected

object is an Open Surface ( trimmed or
untrimmed ).
Some Terminologies

In the Properties Tab, 2 or more JOINED

surfaces will yield an Open Polysurface.
Some Terminologies

In the Properties Tab, ALL surfaces JOINED

together will yield a CLOSED POLYSURFACE.
This means it’s a SOLID and therefore is
WATERTIGHT ( no gaps or holes ).
Therefore you can use it for rapid
prototyping for example, or measure its
Draw Points Draw Lines Draw Curves

Familiarize yourself with these functions from The Main Toolbar

Draw Circles Draw Ellipses Draw Arcs
Chamfer Adjustable Blend Curve

Fillet Match

Offset Curve

Curve from Extend Curve


Draw Rectangles Expand the Fillet Curve Icon, you

can edit a curve in different ways.
This is the Curve Toolbar.
Adjustable Curve Blend

Allows you to create an intermediate curve that can be either constrained in position ( G0 ) ,
tangency ( G1 ) , curvature ( G2 ) or even G3 ou G4 between the two selected curves.
Match Curve

This function will force the first selected curve to be in either position ( G0 ), tangency ( G1 ) or curvature (
G2 ) continuous. You can also make an average of the 2 curves in either G0, G1 or G2 continuity by checking
Average curves in the Match Curve menu.
G0 = Position Constraint

G1= Tangency Constraint

Kink G2= Curvature Constraint

In G1 and G2, the transition from one curve to the next will become smoother
In G0 no point aligned with the end point of the other curve

In G1 1 control point aligned with the end point of the other curve

In G2 2 control points are aligned with the end point of the other curve.

This principle is applicable as well with control points on a surface.

Dividing a sphere with a surface using Trim or Split

Trim eliminates a part of the sphere Split will divide the sphere in 2 halves.

Trim Split

The Trim & Split functions allow you to divide either curves, surfaces or
You can also Split to a point ( or multiple points ) on a curve as well as split by choosing the
isocurve option on a surface found on the command line.

With Project=on the drawing will be projected ON the active construction plane while snapping
on your geometries’ endpoints
With Project=off the curves will snap AT the endpoints of your geometries
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