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The Housing Situation Is Dire. But Progress Is Still Possible.

-Michael Kimmelmen

The article is a critical and disheartening commentary on the housing crisis

in the United States. It highlights the urgency of the affordable housing
crisis, its implications on various societal aspects, and tragic incidents that
have occurred due to overcrowding and inadequate housing conditions.
Kimmelmen's writing style employs a combination of informative analysis,
emotive language, and anecdotal examples to convey the gravity of the


The article begins with a straightforward and intriguing statement about the
challenges in the housing sector, setting the tone for the discussion.

Background and Arguments:

It follows with a series of interconnected arguments, supported by data
and anecdotes, that underline the severity of the problem. It expands from
the expiration of the eviction moratorium to rising home prices, the growing
concern about affordable housing, and its connection to broader disparities
as well as tragic incidents exemplifying the crisis' dire consequences.

Drawing parallels:
Followed by specific examples of policy shifts in New York City.

Personal experience:
The author then transitions to a personal experience of visiting affordable
housing projects in the South Bronx. The narrative concludes with
reflections on the potential for progress and equitable futures.

The article concludes
Writing Techniques/Tools:

1. Anecdotal Examples
The author uses specific examples, such as the ADU legislation in
New York and the rezoning efforts by Bill de Blasio, to illustrate
policy changes and their implications.

2. Contrast/ Comparison
Through the juxtaposition of NIMBY opposition and the dismantling
of exclusive single-family zoning regulations, the author accentuates
the gradual transformative process that is unfolding.

3. Expert Opinions
The author cites Casey Berkovitz of the Century Foundation to
provide an expert perspective on the emerging groundwork for a
"more equitable future."

4. Personal Reflection
The author shares a personal experience of touring affordable
housing projects, adding a human element to the narrative and
creating a sense of connection with the topic.

5. Historical Background
By incorporating references to past urban development and housing
policies, the author contextualizes the matter within a historical
timeframe, thereby shedding light on the evolutionary trajectory of
the issue over the years.

In conclusion, Michael Kimmelman's article employs a narrative structure

and various writing techniques to discuss policy changes and their impact
on affordable housing.

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