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_ Unlock the Hidden Characters * Find the Bangle of Time |

74470°99126 | ” Challenge Dante Must'Die’ Mode ° All Twelve Secret Missions »
Pe ,
Written by
Casey Loe
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Craig Keller
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7539 ee Devil Cry ASEM

Lae) CAPCOM CO., ane
is a trad CLE ‘kof relat ee
Pas? santa Clata Ave VERSUS™, VERSUS BOOKS™, PERFECT GUIDE™, alldEMPIRE 270%
Alameda, Ca. 94501-4634 Entire Contents ©2001 Empire 21 Publishing, Inc. May not beLosec) est
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Basic Training 004

Mission 1 O12
Mission 2 016
Mission 3 O18
Mission 4 021
Mission 5 025
Mission 6 027
Mission 7 029
Mission 8 O31
Mission 9 033
Mission 10 036 '
Mission 11 037
Mission 12 040
Mission 13 042
Mission 14 043
Mission 15 045
Mission 16 047
Mission 17 052
Mission 18 055
Mission 19 057
Mission 20 059
Mission 21 .. 061
Mission 22 064
Mission 23 066 |
Bestiary 070
Blue Orbs 090
Secret Missions 094
Secrets 102

« ad ~
—— Sg =

' There are actually four different game modes in Devil May Cry, but
only Normal Mode is initially selectable. As is usually the case, you need
F to beat the Normal Mode before you can gain access to the harder modes.
But the game’s easiest mode, Easy/Automatic, also needs to be unlocked.
To do so, you'll need to use a Vital Star in Mission One, or die and use a f
Yellow Orbin Missions One through Three. You’ll need to then complete
: y the mission to unlock the new mode.
Easy/Automatic has the usual easy Sod pe
| mode tweaks: You start with more Vital
} Stars (three instead of one), more Devil Bar Te acoe Stetioeire ne
letters (six instead of three) hard enemies | in Mission 1, 2,or3, this screen
appear much less frequently, and bosses are | will appear afteryou get your Rank.
j easier to beat. There are also a few new _
twists: Your guns are automatic (so they have built-in rapid fire), and there
is a new “Action Button.” The Action Button automatically switches
e 7 er ea between your gun and sword, depending on your proximity to enemies, and s
collin slashaoe offhis coo dishes out cool combos without you having to do anything tricky, including
a tolling slash that is impossible to execute in any other mode, Fe

Devil May Cry is divided into 23 Missions, each of which has a clear objec-
EAl tive. This sounds like a major change, but you have as much freedom to
explore as you do in any other Survival Horror title (like the Resident Evil_
| series), the game simply stops to give you an opportunity to save, shop fone
ii new items, get ranking bonuses, and see your new objecti : L
as often as you want; the game keeps track, but you’re not penalized. You'll—
| start each mission with a full life bar, but your Devil Bar will carry ov from |
the last mission.
The new mission structure doesn’t prevent you from. backtracking,*
which is a good thing, since that’s how you uncover the 12 additional Secret
Missions. Secret Missions always appear when you revisit an area that isn’t a part of the main mission. —
Most Secret Missions can only be accessed during one specific mission, and frequently only after a condi-
tion is met, like defeating a boss. For this reason,
we've included them at the point in the walkthrough
where they first appear.
Many of the Secret Missions are designed to
teach you new tactics, such as scoring Critical Hits
or jumping off of enemies, but some are simply dif-
ficult enemy battles. We’ve ranked the difficulty of : : cn
each mission in the walkthrough, and listed whether § eis Se ements
or not you can retry it if you fail. The prize for suc- gas Bl cece
cessfully completing each of the first 11 Secret Beating the first boss Gn Mission 3 See the door ee to
= Missions is a Blue Orb fragment. The twelfth gets | the castlé. But if you instead head back to the broken bridge
7 5 and jump into the water, you'll end up in Secret Mission 1.
you an entire Blue Orb and a cool new item. :
Cry, you'll collect a wide variety of Orbs. The most com-
mon, Red Orbs, act as a form of currency. Between levels, and wherever you find a
Statue of Time, you can spend your Red Orbs on items and moves for your two forms.
Many of these moves are the key to victory in the game’s later stages, so you’ll want to collect
as many Red Orbs as you can.
Every level has several Red Orbs waiting to be found: Either in plain sight, in smashable
objects like desks or armor, or in hidden Orb spots that we’ll reveal in the walkthrough. Every enemy
: y you lull gives up Red Otbs as well, and the amount varies depending on
q) the ranking of the combo you used to kill them (More on this later). The
big jackpot is the bonus that you’re awarded at the end:of each Mission.
E| The amount varies drastically, from as few as 50 to as many as 6,000,
depending on your performance in the level. That amount dwarfs the
amount of Orbs you get from all other sources, but since your Mission-end @
bonus is partially ; dependant
on the amount of Red Orbs you got within the } a
* 4 level, those are just as important. So leave no stone unturned, leave no BX
5 |enemy un-ldlled, and do everything as “stylishly” as possible.

Il receive a letter grade ranking of S (the

best), A, B, C, or D (the worst). As we discussed above, this ranking has
a huge effect on the game, since it can
be a significant source of Red Orbs.
The formula that determines 1000 to S
your rank is based on three things: The
] amount of time it took you to beat the [99 ¢o a
Bm level, the amount of Red Orbs you
| acquired within the level, and the [599 ie B “ae
EEE re amount of damage you took. If —
; , : 5 you do at least two of these | Oto E ee
three things perfectly, you'll

S - ; i 6 ae 700 Leow
all three perfectly, you Il get an | thanO | Rank ee ua
Dank S Rank and a Special Benus of e
. - 2,000 Red Orbs! If you beat a boss quickly, stylish- [RO Ges
ae ly, and without sustaining much damage, you can 400
; es —| also score a Boss Bonus of 500 Orbs. hese ive
oe Each level has a preset number of Red Orbs, :
5 cre 9 and a preset time limit, which you'll find listed on [Reams pau
5 pain. nee Soe the charts on the side of each page, as “S Rank 2000
gies Polis | Camas Oe Orbs” and “S Rank Time.” If you get that amount SohNTe
Orb Points Treat Penance of Orbs or more, you'll get 500 points. If you beat 3 (12)
it under that time, you’ll get another 500 points. If
you go through the level without getting hit, you’ll
or More | Points AWE Points | get another 500 points. You get less points if you {
of a take longer, get less orbs, or get hit a few times too a
reset units ee om J many. You also lose points for using items, but can| This chart, on
50*% of | 200 Vital) 300 | gain back 100 to 200 points for beating Secret |the side of every
Preset | Points Star Points Missi fee heen f e walkthrough
= j issions (check out the charts for more details). age, lists the S-
resetof |
| Points
100 Yellow
| Points
300 | You only need 1,000 points to get S Rank, but it| Rank require-
er oll S00 18 cces Rank ments and Orb
Less 0 Untouch} -500 a S Penuses poeta
than:30%|, Points able Points eae 2
ey e e ee

As you play Devil May Cry, you'll have

moves. But what many people don’t
realize is that Dante begins the game with
a wide variety of useful attacks. Any sword
attack can turn into one of three different com-
bos, as shown in the chart on the right.
The difference is the speed in which you hit the
sword button. If you hit the button rapidly, you'll do |
the basic 3-Hit Combo. This is the fastest one, and
good when dealing with multi-
ple enemies. The 4-Hit Combo
is a little fancier: If you hit the
button more slowly, roughly at
mid-swing of the second hit, you'll }
do an upward thrust that can
launch an enemy into the air
before you go to the final downward s ash.
The Hundred Hands Slash is slower still. Hit
the button at the apex of the second hit, and Dante will do
a forward thrust. Then start hitting the button rapidly and
Dante will do the same forward thrust up to 20 times in a f
row! This is a fairly tricky move to pull off, but it can get
you easy combos, does a good chunk of damage, and is the
coolest way of flipping wall switches.

about Dante’s other moves. All three of these

If you check the “Action” section of your menu, you can read
are an integral part of Devil May Cry strategy. like “High Time.”
When it comes to getting Stylish combos, nothing “lights up” the battlefield
your foe when you slash -
This is actuall y several moves in one: If you hold Ri and press the stick away from
can thenz
with any sword, Dante will launch the enemy into the air. You further
° Stay on the ground and juggle the enemy with handgun shots or
High Times.
© Hold j down the slash button : to travel along with the enemy, and then
¢Zeheniy Saaz)wi : :
©} release it at the apex and press it again to hit the enemy on the way down.
High Time. the enemy, hit Jump to double
* Hold down the button to travel along with
2 your handgun in mid-air
| jump off of the enemy, and then blow it away with
: Devil May Cry. Don’t over-
The Roll is the only defensive move in
look this move; not only can you use it to get out of the way of impending
frames of the
enemy attacks, but you’re actually invulnerable for the first few
attack withou t getting
See| roll. So if you time it right, you can roll through any
To do a Kick Jump, simply hit the
Jump button again when Dante brushes up
against a wall, pillar, or even another enemy.
: A This is the only way to jump up to many of
“| the game’s areas. There’s one other special
'/ jump move, the “Hyper Jump,” which
yan Garett cone ty i)Dante will automatically do when you stand
tlecacots eae) against the edge of a long chasm and hit the
SS ; jump button.
] Dante’s most powerful ability is the ability to summon
| his demonic nature and transform into a halédemon
creature. When in Demon Form, Dante is faster, does
more damage, is tougher on defense, and regenerates health
=| constantly. Devil Form Dante has access to a different set of
powerful attacks (sold separately, listed on the next page), as well as
powered-up versions of all of your Human-Form attacks.
So what’s the catch? When you’re in Devil Form, your Devil
y Bar gradually fades. When you run out of
Se BO cy eet ae letters on your Devil Bar, you’re back to
ace human Dante. And you can’t hit your Devil
Trigger again (ie, hit Ll to turn back into
Demon Form) until at least three letters of
your Demon Bar fill up again.
Outside of using a Devil Star item, there are two ways to fill your B
Devil Bar. One is to hit enemies, with either swords or guns. Note that you
don’t need to damage enemies to fill your bar; even if your shots are blocked
or do no damage, your bar will fill. The other way is to taunt. At any point
in the game, Dante can hit the R2 button and make a crude hand gesture. Even your basic handguns become
The longer you hold the button, the more Devil Bar energy you’ll recover, ama ey powerful when you’re in
Devil Form.
but you’ll be momentarily vulnerable.

As you hit enemies, you'll notice the game ranking your performance in the upper-
Combos & Orbs right hand corner of the screen. There are five different comments, the first letters of
D. . which mimic the game’s D-C-B-A-S ranking structure. These combos aren’t just for
show; the better the combo that kills an enemy, the more Red Orbs you'll get for it.
The more Red Orbs you get, the better your overall ranking. The chart to the left
‘eon shows how many orbs you get for killing a marionette at each combo level, and the dif-
rbs ferences are certainly significant.
iGOus Every time you hit an enemy, your combo grows. It doesn’t matter if you’re hitting
one enemy repeatedly or alternating between multiple foes, the combo grows all the
rf 25 Orbs} same. When you’ve gone about two seconds without
getting a hit, your combo will flash white, indicating
that it’s over. Your next hit will start a new combo at “Dull.”
Some weapons and skills are great at getting combos, but others are |
horrible. Sword attacks are the best, and while regular handgun shots won’t
add to a combo, they will sustain it when the enemy is in midair. When ene- fj
mies are far apart, a great way to link them is to juggle one enemy up, shoot
ft with your handguns as you walk to the next foe, and then quickly start
attacking the next one, adding it to your combo. Juggling hits (with High
Time) are the best way to do combos—every juggle takes you up a rank, and
it keeps the enemies occupied and unable to counter-attack.
Other moves that aré great for combos include the Hundred Hand
Slash, which is a combo all by itself, and your Devil Form handguns. If you
hit your Devil Trigger and start firing into a crowd of enemies, you’ll quickly
be in Absolute territory. They can’t make it all the way to Stylish, but if you
approach an enemy and hit it with a different attack, you can continue the
combo. We'll discuss other combo tactics throughout the walkthrough, but
those are a few to get you started. Just remember, this isn’t Resident Evil,
where you’re supposed to find a safe spot and slowly blow enemies away. The
path to financial rewards in Devil May Cry is constant, frantic, stylish action.

Devi May CrY seoucee Guide

Hlaqma Drive Kick13
500 Red Orbs Level 1 - 700 Orbs
Magma Drive is unusually cheap for an Ifrit move, Level 2 - 2100 Orbs
but you might be better off saving that cash for In Human Form, Kickd3 is just the Ifrit equivilant
Kickl3, Inferno, or Rolling Blaze. This move allows of Stinger. But it has a second, unlisted ability that
Human or Demon Form Dante to do an uppercut can only be done in Devil Form. Use it to start off a
. the same way you do combo and Dante will JR ;
() the High Time move. do a super-quick 4-hit
It can be used to jug- combo that is the
gle enemies, but that game’s best anti-boss
strategy isn’t as effec- attack. It’s the first
tive as it was for Ifrit move you
should buy.

“sR olling Blase 3450 Red Orbs

* Pricey, but oh-so-good, Rolling
* Blaze*turns every jump in either
Form into an attack. Rolling
Blaze doesn’t do much damage, but
allows = .
ay you to
with a jump,
hit airborne ene-
mies easily, and charge
your Devil Bar quickly.

Level 1 - 900 Orbs

4850 Red Orbs
Level 2 - 2700 Orbs Inferno turns what would have been a Devil Form
>\ Why, buy a projectile when jump kick into a massive xpos that can all just
you're packing guns? about any regular ; ;
Well, Meteor does stun enemy in the game.
foes, an attribute that Tt does obscene dam-
| makes it very useful age, but takes 3 letters |
against Angelo and off of your Devil Bar
in the Dante Must every time you use it.
Die! Mode. But Too bad the price
until you get there, it’s hurts almost as much
not a priority. as the move itself.

DEvit MAy Cry Perfect uide

i iit 1

r( urse of the Bloody Puppets |

Break the evil spell and open t e
cursed door.

ARNE: 400
BeRESie 200

Hear wiel

oe iin ines
This simple area has no enemies, but to jump onto the bridge above the path and ~*
does contain two useful items. The first is stand in the covered tower at the end to
the Yellow Orb in front of the statue. make it appear. Blue Orbs are the Heart
Yellow Orbs are Pieces of Devil
basically one- May Cry; for
ups and, while every four frag-
8 rarely found, ments you col-
# are always wel- lect, your life
come. The bar will grow a
Blue Orb frag- bit.
ment is a bit
trickier to
find—you’ll need

oe eee
T¢’ll take 45 Red Orbs to open the red door hiddén orbs by jumping, very carefully, onto
'in this room. In a fortuitous coincidence, the statue of the horse and standing at the tip
there are exactly 45 Red Orbs scattered around of its lance (1). To get there, jump onto the
this room’s three levels. If you’re in.a,hurry, horse’s reat, jump again to the head, then turn
you can skip the scavenger hunt and score 100 to face.the lance and,jump to the tip.
Y Ferrect Guide
Leap to the top of the lance in three well-timed
moves, as shown below:

The weird
statue with
lass on the
second floor
(3) will take
you to the
game’s shop
if you hit it
with your
Swi Ls
a There’s no ig
Don’t miss another Blue Orb fragment in the northwest corner point going <
of this room (2). You’lLnéed to double jump along the west there now, since you have nowhere near Rep Ors. ~
wall to get to the crumbled ledge where it lies , enough Red Orbs to afford anything. BONUSES

The disem- smashing each

bodied hand of the two
that blocks the weapon baskets.
red door will Before you go
shatter if you any further,
have at least 45 open the door
Red Orbs in and enter a
your possession. large blue-tint-
Past thatis a edroom. This
room witha atea has noth-
closed porteullis, ing to do with_
where you can this mission,
smash a tow of but if you jump
empty armor to into the water
uncover five directly to
Red Orbs and Dante’s left as
ae Blue - : he enters, you’ll
rb fragment j 5 : find another
4). After tha, —= ae hidden Blue ;
you'll want to head through the brown door Orb fragment (5).
and then tush into the stairwell:
The staircase
You can smash * to the third
a wide variety of floor is blocked,
items on the but you can
bottom level of jump up from
that three-story the purple cabi-
area, uncovering net onto the
10 more Red third floor.
Orbs in the There are two
process. Climb - Red Orbs here,
up to the:second ~ * and a glowing
floor, whére you can get five more Orbs by Rusty Key in the Marionette’s hand (6).
Petes ton
Taking the key will ani-
mate the marionettes scattered
throughout this room. They’re
the game’s easiest enemies, the
zombies of Devil May Cry, if you
will. Use your sword to vanquish
the two that immediately attack
_ (you can juggle them easily if
you're aiming for a high ranking),
then drop down to the cabinet on
the second floor and gun down the
third marionette before it can turn around and defend itself,

Go back to the main hall and use your bos, you should
Rusty Key to unlock the blue door to the manage to hit
Armory. This odd room hasa ton of stuff three or four of
.ES ou can break, a them with every
06505 taethe hidden stroke. Toss in
RSE Raic 800
items are else- a juggle or two
where. If you and you’re sure .
Foe Arad 400 double jump to score a
onto the air- "Stylish",
Besar 200 plane wing,
you'll find the Things get
Bees fifth Blue Orb trickier as new
fragment of this Marionettes
mission (7; map enter the field
on next page). from the three
Stand at the doors, since the
edge of the new arrivals
wing over the will throw their
propeller and blades from.
ress the jump across the room
utton to step if you stay tn one place for too long. As
down onto the ong as you keep moving perpendiculat to
cockpit and col- them, they’ll never get a clean shot. One
lect 40 hidden of the marionettes in the last batch may
Red Orbs (8). have a shotgun, so if you see-one that’s
packing, take it out quickly. Or leave it
Smash ‘the two statues in the southeast alone:and just make sure there’s always an
corner and use your sword to stab the seal enemy between
until all of the letters light up (9). That it and you.
will activate an elevator that will take you oo Yous
down to a small underground Arena. gigele with girl-
You'll have to fight about a dozen mari- ih delight as it
onettes there, so give in to’the frenzy of accidentally
blood-letting and charge right into the blows away its
group of five marionettes that awaits in the friends.
center of the room. Using basic sword com-+
Victory in the Arena will reactivate the the air-
elevator, and net you your first Green Orb, ~ plane,
a life recovery item. You'll also get a pile you'll be
of Red Orbs; the exact amount depends on able to gun
how the game rated your combos. down most
of the ene-
Back in the Armory you'll face a half mies from
dozen of the cleaver-wielding Marionettes, the wings
led by a : and cock-
Blood Mari, Bey pit. The
a knife- r mari-
wielding * onettes will
Marionette try to throw their blades, but can never
that has a seem to hit Dante when he’s above them.
bit more Drop down to finish off the stragglers, and
health than when the room is clear, you can enter the
the others. blue door and complete your first mission.
If you make |
a jump onto
the top 0

Castle- Lebel 1Ff

Co Arntorp

~vIL MAY Cry Perfect Guide

| Fea 2

Judge of Death.
®pen the door of the cathedral.


AKAN) 400.

BRS fict P4010)

[One tele}

You'll start moves (2). Dante will equip it automati-

PBCIAD BOR CS this mission in cally, and you can then enter the door to
~ 2000 the southeast his left. -+
corner of a long
“L6) The Library
provides several
more opportu-
nities for Dante
. exercise his
eep animosity
you can smash to Giles a large Red Orb towards furni-
and a Blue Orb fragment (1). ture. Smash
the one by the
You'll return door to collect a
to find the hall- few Red Orbs,
way full of mar- then head
ionettes. For upstairs and
now, it’s easiest destroy the desk
to simply run directly opposite |
through the the suspicious
hall, jumping ainting (3).
over the nag your nifty
Marionettes as new Shot res
they appear. At the BA you il find the ine pull ¢ 2
Alastor Sword, a new weapon that allows gle
wing ae Ker outCar thé panne (4).
Dante to access his Devil Form and<for oodbye Ebony & oe hello M:
which you can buy several powerful new Boomstick. ‘
Go out the way you came in and carefully your Devil Trig ger and tearing into a pack
traverse the hallway until you get to the of Marionettes. To use it, charge your
brown door in : Devil Bar by hitting the enemies in this
the center of room (with any weapon), or by taunting
the hallway. _ them with the R2 Button. When it’s full,
Marionettes will hit L1 to
attack you on double :
the way, and your spee
= you can either and dam-
continue to age, power-
dodge them or up your
use this oppor- guns,
tunity to try out The Marionette- obliterating increase
Alastor’s new Shotgun is lots of fun, but your
that’s no reason to neglect
Devil Bar. Ebony & Ivory. When in defense,
Devil Form, your handguns and regen-
A large court- are now an amazing offensive erate
force (and one that lets you
yard is just rack up high-paying combos health for
through the with ease). as long as Sec ele)
brown door. If : the Devil
ou’re done playing with your new Bar lasts. ARAN 400
ney hotgun, sword, and Devil Form, you can
easily dodge the When BRAN Ave)
meandering you're done
Marionettes playing,
fee Leu 100
here, but if jump onto
you're going for IBY URN 50
the top of
combos, take the foun- > ke S- é ‘i She ie Oss
the opportunity tain to
to aS Ow reveal a bushel of Red Orbs (5). Ignore the
quickly you can lion statue for now, and jump up to the dou-
score a Seylish ble doors in the northwest corner of the see-
by unleashing ond floor.

()\ RES Eo Ne

Ignore the statue at the end of this hall- tough, but

way, and stop at the suspicious golden altar they’re each
in the middle (6). If you knock it aside just one point-
with your sword, oul reveal a trap door. blank Shotgun
Hop down into < blast away from
a hidden room, oblivion.
where you can
pull the Staff of Squish some
Judgment from _ spiders on the
the relief to other side of
open a hidden the door, and
doot back to drop your Staff
the Library. into the relief
where you got
Try to leave Alastor to
the Library, but don’t expect the door to reveal the hid-
open on the first try. A trio of Sin Scissors den door that
will appear, and the door won’t budge until leads to
they’te all dead. These*enemies seem Mission 3.

Y Perfect rete
es Se
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a ==
=F ee
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Ak ‘ i 400

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(Gi elu SomeCash on New Moves

r Vorte
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add another lettercorre

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This is easiersaid

RS 800

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: hamaahe{Ineedlava quem i
Lee a —
Be |
Devi May-Cry Pertect Guide
? Killing the boss unseals the blue door, but if you
instead head through the brown door and jump into
the water beneath the broken bridge, you can uncover
the first Secret Mission. To beat this one, you'll need
to score a Critical Hit on a Sin Scissors enemy. To do
s0, use your sword to parry his scissors snip, which
will throw him off balance for a second. Rush in and
hit R1 to raise your Shotgun and blow his ethereal
brains out before he can recover and raise his blade
again. To get the critical hit, you have to be so close
: : that your gun appears
to be sticking out the
other side of his head,
so this can be tricky to
set up. Fortunately,
you can try again i
you fail, but you may
need to hit your Devil
Trigger to regain some
health before you
jump back in.
Bisplap one’s aaah to the npand open thehath
Acquire the "Melancholy Soul".

Central Courtpard-
5 eueb Le

South Courtyard -
Level 2F

re Kereyemrely ites A ae ins, you a enter as ee ina Sout i: ae Secret

Missions by stepping righfate k into the boss room. This one’s fun: All you need to
do is kill 100 baby spiders in 30 seconds. The best strategy is to use your handguns
and fire eed as you walk around crushing spiders with Or feet. There are
two groups of he on :
either side of the door, and
Oat Retr erae tan eek
If you’re having trouble with
this mission, cheat—use your
Devil Hs to increase oe
speed when runnin
Hee automo ae alee
As always victory will get you
a Blue Orbral at will
cee pote bandas oe
Se eee ag MO —tinaecemcr,

= We aeare Sloot vee omcov Nye

Aaast as
é res josethe s | 8),and
a then

Bo ¢
Se Soom |
rec] 00
| {00
Ree Ore
ol The door at the
=aei orn
Z end of the hall
now contains Dante ee
Secret Mission 3. taunts ma]
Once again, you spiders:
bab Colerain a sil
have to smas reesetors
100 spiders, but peeves se
with only 20 sec- ri¥
onds on the bedi

clock. The only

A whole new recipe for mak- weapon you can use is your eee so blow orn this
ing wine. Shh! Don’t tell mission byhitting your Devil Trigger and zooming Po—
your guests; the joke will be
around the room at demon speed. If you don’t have

on them.
ree - the jee taunt the spidersretell you do.

¥ DBThe!Pride of eee oe
c= :Shadows
ofLion on ttheth :
‘theli atue (2).

h “black Tu etbox bars disappear. youve

Se = : = got (Stinger is the bes
_ Standard Shadow-slaying tactics involve _ have it). If you do enough damage,
running, jumping and rolling around the —- Shadow will :
field, firing with either gun to fill your i
Devil Bar (the Shotgun fills your bar faster, —
but can only be safely fired from mid-air),
The guns don’t do much damage unless = Shadow is
you're in Devil Form, but the hits add up about to die,
and the Rte a * and intends to
_ Shadow will 7 a; 4 take you with
soon melt away [& S.: SS it. It will focus”
: 1 abbing you
with its bite and swallow
exploding when y
away from it (the upper floor : e
) “ae i ~~] place to hide) but don’t forget to pick up
and goa : the pile of Orbs after it detonates.
orb with every- : J : ee

Yeesh! If you had problems with the solo Shadow, you won’t have an easy time bat-
tling three at once (and with no retries!). This mission takes place back in the
Arena where you fought the Marionettes in Mission 1 (>), and can be attempted
any time after you kill the Shadow in the courtyard, and before you complete this
_ Mission. If you don’t care ; s
, about your ranking, cheat
RD otra Cua deteontte] esa og
dropping into a shop and
| buying a Holy Water. If
you’re intent on doing it
PecvidyalCrotty stele veltid
_ chance at an S ranking),
(eta| Gatccem cone) eure aie :
~ gle Shadow and take it out : :
Sater ra lees eae at
Erols Boda 1c Pakate oreseas1 comm DDSe Stang eect
| ter if you take a few hits, fo
Bicece tector eh ens
' for killing it. With one _ and two-star jokes, or karmic
down, you can Teloyeloxe raat | retribution for Dante’s various
| other two while you refill flags re ase oe
~, your Devil Bar and prepare he
| to repeat the process.


Devit May Cry Perfect Guide

; re in: €
ready to jump o Olt the side the instan thing
the black letterbox bars disappear. you’ve mace ©
zs z got (Stinger is the best move if you —
Standard Shadow-slaying tactics involve have it). If you do enough damage,
mning, jumping and rolling around the Shadow will
field, firing with either gun to fill your “begin to glow
Devil Bar (the Shotgun fills your bar faster, red. This
_. but can only be safely fired from mid-air). _—- means the
The guns don’t do much damage unless Shadow is
you're in Devil Form, but the hits add up about to die,
and the s ‘ *
and intends to
Shadow will take you with
soon melt away it. It will focus
to reveal a spin- on grabbing you =
ning black with its bite and swallow attack, and
its vulnerable exploding when you’re in its mouth.
heart. Hit your away from it (the upper t e
Devil Trigger | place to hide) but don’t forget to pick up
and go at the the pile of Orbs after it detonat "
orb with every-

Yeesh! If you had problems with the solo Shadow, you won’t have an easy time bat-
tling three at once (and with no retries!). This mission takes place back in the
Arena where you fought the Marionettes in Mission 1 (3), and can be attempted
any time after you kill the Shadow. in the courtyard, and before you complete this
Mission. If you don’t care '
about your ranking, cheat
your way through it by
dropping into a shop and
buying a Holy Water. If
you're intent on doing it
fairly (and improving your
_ chance at an S ranking),
-} you'll need to isolate a sin-
~ gle Shadow and take it out
quickly. Use your Devil Bar Come heavy, or not at all. You
have no chance here without a
and go wild. It doesn’t mat- cle Darl Dsrvamypotccocanterty
‘ter if you take a few hits, excruciatingly difficult Secret
| since you'll get a Green Orb Mission is the punchline to the
_previous Secret Missions’ one-.
for killing it. With one and two-star jokes, or karmic
down, you can dodge the retribution for Dante’s various
pec oomtC Kem tba ttayere
other two while you refill A
, your Devil Bar and prepare
to repeat the process.

RY Fertect Guid
Hisstow i


Killing the Shadow in the Courtyard Enter the creepy bedroom and jump on
unlocks the small door on the second floor. top of the bed to find 80 Red Orbs. Then
This leads to a tower where you'll find a stab the statue through the heart with the
few scattered Marionettes, but no serious Sword of Judgement, and pick up the Orb
opposition. Go all the way to the top, and of Melancholy (6). A new enemy, Angelo,
make a blin : — , will reveal him-
jump to the i self in a brief
Sword of event, and chal-
i Judgement (4). lenge you to fol-
If you miss, you low him out to a
can hit the seal | larger courtyard.
at the bottom
to activate an
elevator back to
B the top (5).



as) eC ie As soon as hits, but itll charge your Devil Bar all the ~
the battle same. Be ready to jump or counter with a
Lich begins, unleash quick attack (Stinger works well here) as
your Devi soon as his sword glows blue. By alternat-
‘Trigger and go ing defensive nee in your human form
eae to Het and go-for-broke offensive tactics in your
with Angelo ° Devil Form, you'll kill Angelo quickly and
with simple relatively painlessly, earning yourself-an
sword combos. easy Boss
When you're i = Bonus.
in your Devil Form, you can easily punch
through his defenses and negate his-special After Angelo tele-
ports. away. from
attacks, so his blocks and counters won't - the éastle walls,
matter much. Two quick and dirty combos you'll need to leap
should knock him down to nearly half his this chasm “and
double jump onto
life before he the castle’s’ third
F teleports away. level for the final
You'll need
to jump onto
i the castle wall
hase two
of the fight.
am Be ready to
dodge the
instant you
land, because
Angelo will be
Pepe with a
ower swipe.
tay close to
him, swinging
He'll block
most of the
y Cry Perfect Guid
Misstonw 5

Guiding of the Soul

@o to the destination before the power of the
"Hlelancholy Soul" fades away.

South Courtpard-
Level 35

Sop Oi)
SPRANK = 800

A-RANK | 400

Central Courtyard - boewnicct = 74010)

Level if /2F
C RAN 1003

D RAGE 50,

Salles eihgts
This mission Don’t let the Siacian Howe
begins with clock rush you 2000
another out of this area
Shadow battle, quite yet—if you 1 (3)
and three min- run to the top
utes on the of the castle,
clock. The where you had
door is sealed your final con-
and the clock is frontation with
ticking, so Alastor, you can
ou ll need to double jump
ill the Shadow across to the
quickly. central tower
Immediately and pick up 20
- your Devil ca _ Red Orbs and
rigger, gun an Untouch-
down the able. If you
Shadow with have Air Hike,
electric blasts, Air Raid, or
and then take Vortex, youcan ~~
down the heart with furious sword combos. then double jump or fly over to the smaller
If you have at least five letters in your tower, and pick up the Blue Orb fragment.
Devil Bar, you can easily kill the Shadow If you’re going for the time bonus, you can
within 20 or 30 seconds. save this till the next mission. (continued
next page) :

erfect Guide
‘From the third floor of the
castle, drop down the pit to get
to the balcony outside the room
with the mitror Cross through
there into the tower, drop down to
the bottom, and put the orb in the
door (1). If you can beat this mis-
sion in under two minutes, you’re
likely to score an obscene cash
bonus of 2,000 Red Orbs.

If you ran out of time, you'll immediately Take the large

start the Retry mission. You can still score doorway on the
an S Rank at this mission with no damage second floor to
to-your permanent record, but you can kiss return to the
fF that Special Bonus goodbye. sunlit hallway
HS Oy that Dante vis-
BONUSES This time, take the door in the second ited in Mission
RANTS 800 floor of the tower out to the courtyard (2). 2. Drop your
This area will be full of Sin Scythes, a Melareaele
EO 400 deadlier version Soul in the stat-
of Sin Scissors ue to recharge
Bs uc 200 that use... get it (3), giving
this...scythes! you another
Their swing is three minutes |
be: laste wider and to get it back to
uicker than the door in the
the swing of the tower. If you
Sin Scissors, fail yet again
and they can (sigh), you can es
throw their : repeat this ?
blades as well. Fortunately, they still crum- rocess as necessary. Oh, only one catch:
ble like rice paper when you shove that When you cross back through the court-
Shotgun down their throats. Kill them yard, you'll be forced to fight another
forthe cash or quickly run to the Shadow. Have fun with that!
door. 2
10 aOe

Evil of the Waterways


‘Defeat the evil quardian and acquire the

"Guiding Light".

SCAG Fc 0)0)

aeeanq —-\00)

BRAN = #200

ee soo
Castle Bedroom Sewers - uel Sa
(From Courtpard)- - Castle Sublevel
Level 3 Ste One

Run to Dante’s right as soon as you begin damage it, the more you'll get, so use your
this mission and stand in the dark alcove at thrusting combo or the Round Trip move.
the end (1) until ;
a Blue Orb frag- That Rusty
ment drops. Key sure gets
There’s a door around! This
down the other time you’ll find
way, but if you it in the sewer
go past it a bit- room past the
you can duck metal door (3).
into a short pas- & Picking it u
sage with a trio . will also unleash
of large Green a swarm of giant
Orbs. You’ll bugs, calle
also find a glow- Beelzebubs,
ing red’pedestal, which fly
which will around trying to
pump out Red vomit maggots
Orbs as you hit onto you.
it with your-
sword (2). The (continued next
faster you can page)
5 |
Pritccatin 6
The weapon of choice here is the Shotgun, which can
F cll most of them ina single shot. But if they manage to
cover Dante with maggots, he’ll have to switch to his sword
to shake them off.. T ese guys are pretty easy, but they can
do some damage if they manage to get you from behind.

Blow away’a few more Beelzebubs in the when the mask

main tunnel, and use the Rusty Key to grows back,
unlock the door at the end» The next tun- repeat the
nel contains only a single enemy, Death process.
Scissors (4). To kill him, you need to
smash his skull mask three times. This is Grab the
easiest to do with simple jumping slashes, Guiding Light
and since this move auto-targets, you at the end of
shouldn’t have much trouble getting the the tunnel (5),
hits to connect. When the mask breaks, and this brief
his head will mission will
start to grow come to an end.
red, which
means he’s
Spend a few
seconds dodg-
ing his annoy-
ing screw
attacks, and
tSston ie

Slats |

ey WEN fed St
Li sa

—_—~ inet Se

al eR, to the Bedroom as Fast as You C holy

SS S's ‘pects cement




||| |

Devir May Cry Perfect Guide ~
BW rrerrosrecarey dere rec
CoomCMO melmanyo)
Kyklops to kill each other. So stand righ’
between them, wait for them to shoot tl
boulders, and jump out of the way. Ai 5
really useful here, as it keeps you out of danger
that much longer, so use it if you got it. The
Blue Orb fragment will appear as soon as the —
first spider dies, and you’re then free to slaugh-
ter the remaining spider. ;

RY Perfect Guide
ie col


= oy ae, ee
3 st a
eel ab2 ieee a sale
|P =

—__Devit May Cry Perfect Guide —

apdoor on
the other
| side
of the

edge with a Blue Orb frag-

= through the ale in the
| Grenade La
‘up in a new room Good.
g orb with your. word to lower the

trapdoor leads to the blue room on Tf you’re quick.

nd floor that you visited baetly.oe neath the gate (6
you'll nee
me. Stick your time, you can head ba
t into the i b te time that takes
inery on Instead, you
ee Teeeas to doub

. he portculli:
main entrance, and wi
, you’re ni
be too. asty...
jump over the i
Urry, $0jump
ver the railing,

Nene) Ne





Se ene an po
Se pat eens

Free Stuff Near the Co liseum. Gates

ws See

Sv words

_ Devit May Cry Perfect G iuuide

HMissiow 9
To the right you'll find a
of the door small concrete
where you bunker. The
entered this door is locked
room, you'll find from this side,
a hidden passage but if you jump
that leads to a ae on top, you'll
gravestone (3). ei Ja find a free Holy
Solve this riddle = Water.- This
the way Dante ] nifty item will doa hefty chunk of damage
solves every rid- S| to everything in the area, but it could drop
dle, by whacking your rank if you use it. You'll also find a
things with his bunch of scattered Orbs (including a
sword, and reveal §f Yellow Orb) if you explore the other side of
a Blue Orb frag- fi this area.
ment. Across
from that path,

There are a million doors in this area, whole other form, like Alastor. As of right
but a series of ephemeral fairy flames will now, it offers little more than a four-hit
always indicate the correct path. In the combo that-can be done quickly for stan-
next room, jump up to the third floor, dard damage, or slowly (by holding down
where you'll find = the buttons
a Devil Star and before releasing
another Yellow them) for
Orb at either end increased dam-
of the parapet. | age. Ifrit’s
Activate the seal jumping attack,
in the center of while not 6ver-
that floor (4), ly powerful, is
and aseries of
floating plat-
The beauty of the
forms will Tfrit jumping attack
appear. is that it will auto-
Carefully jump matically locate the |
across to your “next enemy and
"New Strength," send you right into
its lap, so the
Ifrit. This is far lalling can continue
from just another without any inter-
weapon—This is a tuptions.

Back at the coliseum gates, a new boss plenty of time

will be waiting. Griffon is pretty much the to see its
only boss in the game that guns are effec- attacks coming
tive against (and by "guns," I mean "the and dodge
Grenade Launcher"). Use it to charge your appropriately. i
Devil Bar from far away, where you'll have Dodging the V-,
A lt Tt

‘Light the Way to the South Garden =


e to the nextcourt-
e jump over thevwall to
e and lone
M of —

oe aa
ae she

Tone eS H
want to. Breaking

| ona
_ Devi May-Cry rom

0000, , —_L_ _<<<69°&£& j=

Misstow LO

Canyon of Mist
Come out of the labyrinth canyon alive.


Rn 1500
Double jump over the first gate (1) for 50 rect fork, and you’ll end up inthe same
AURANK do Red Orbs, then fight your way to the grave area again, but with Sin Scissors instead of
at the fork. After you read the grave (2), a Marionettes (if you stand in front of the
fey RUANIK 350 F white light will appear, and lead you down rave this time, you'll find 50 Red Orbs).
one of the two paths. If it runs into an ill the Sin Scissors to free the light orb,
HO Base 200
enemy along the way, it will enter that and follow4t to a third room, populated by
Ey et enemy’s body, and you'll have to lull that Blades, where you must repeat the process.
enemy to free it. Follow it down the cor-

For the first on Kyklops,

time since the because if you
Secret Mission hit L1 to go back
in the sewers, to human form
you'll run into after you kill it
A a pair of (but before the
Kyklops ene- Orbs appear),
mies, If you your Devil Bar :
have a fu will be complete- §
Devil Bar, go ly refilled. If you
ahead and run around the When these orbs appear, turn
unleash it on the first one (Alastor’s perimeter of this off your Devil Bar.
Stinger works well here, otherwise), You room you'll find
can always afford to waste your Devil Bar two Green Orbs and a Holy Water (3).


As soon as this mis-

sion begins, step right bh heh dia
back through the door
| behind you. The point
i of this mission is to
| jump off of the Sin / : [
Scissors to get to the ; Pe s a |
Blue Orb fragment float- ° Ki : |
Ping in the sky. The most ‘ie |
challenging aspect of :
this mission is figuring !
out where exactly the stupid Orb is. If you stand at the spot shown, about 3/4 !
of the way from the door to the large weed on the path, you'll be right under- }
neath it. Keep jumping straight up until a Sin Scissors ends up in just the right J
position above you for an easy enemy jump.
Beets. ; A
~ Devi May Cry Perfect Guide
This area ride is the only
contains a sin- way to get some
le Death of the Red Orbs
cythe enemy. in this area, but
| As you might it doesn’t lead
expect, it’s basi- to anything
cally a Sin more than that.
Scythe with the This area also
a fortitude of a has a Devil Star
Death Scissors. on a floating
It does have one new move that you ledge near the
haven’t seen before: Black disks that door (1), anda
appear beneath Dante and hurl him way up Blue Orb frag-
F into the air. Ostensibly, this is some sort of ment in the lat
"attack," but really it just sets Dante up for ticed area that
an easy jump slash or kick. Like the was to Dante’s
hed Was
sox 6055 Kyklops, jgia this enemy will refill your left as he
| Devil ar, so if yours is full, you might as entered this
Roatanic 1500 well just unleash it and blow this guy away area (2). To get BZ
A RANK isi) with Air Raid. there, jump up
the shadowy pillar and drop down through.
Pe sey When you kill him, a floating disk will the three levels of latticed greenhouse.
appear near the far door. Taking that for a

- When you’re done here, drop down the cracked wall (4), and jump up through the
well into an underground room (3). This other side of the well. You'll appear in the
is a tight area full of Blades, but your sealed part of the first area, where you can
Grenade Launcher still works wonders get yourself a big ol’ laminated brain (5).
here. Of course, it’s more fun to wade into What that has to do with "chastity" is,any-
the:middle of 3 one’s Suess. On
the melee and your way back,
kill them all make sure to kill
with Inferno or j all the Blades in
Tfrit combos } the underground >
(which is a good ff assage again—
way torackup f& ‘ou'll get a Blue
some Stylishes). Orb fragment for
Punch or blast H it:
through the

aoe et
te renee a
= Take your throbbing brain and go Tf you don’t have a full Devil Bar, an easy -
through either door on the opposite wall of way to charge it is to jump up on one of
the main’ area (the top one will give you the balconies to either side of the room,
easy access to one of two Green Orbs in and wait for Angelo to teleport up after
this area, if you need it). Set the Sign of you (you may have to dodge a few projec-
ee in the plaque before the Chalice tiles in the meantime). en he gets
6),and prepare for Nelo Angelo, Round there, drop down below the balcony, and
wo. j fire Grenade Launcher blasts through the
roof at him. They won’t do any damage,
but the blasts will hit, and your Devil Bar
will charge. damage, and counter his attack, If he
slumps over, you can go to town on him,
When you're ready, go head to head with but otherwise you should never attack until
him as Ifrit. Use Ifrit’s basic combos, but he makes a moye against you. If you do it
hold down the button to charge the hits right, you can finish him in one single,
until Angelo moves his sword to prepare Stylish Devil Trigger. Then drop your
an attack. Then immediately release the ne in the Chalice spot (7) and get out
button, and you’ll hit Angelo for a ton of of here.

Bese peo ey
Pe esses

Santer eby0/0)

A RAS 800
PeOUAic| 550)

Devi May Cry Perfect uLde


Ghost Ship
Go to the deck and head to the Captain’s cabin. |

into the first water area and kill the Blade,

snuff a few Marionettes and thrash a Red. but if you do you'll be able to blast a bunch
Orb statue. When you’ve had your fill of of naderwatee barrels with your Needlegun.
fun, jump into the water and swim into the and reveal a few Red Orbs.
ship’s breached
hull, After getting
HW the Necdlca a
you can dive into
. Be e\6559
You'll find a
swimming | anothemunderwa-
Blade here, but | ter area between
you'll need to the two short
go up top and stairways.
climb the stairs There’s another —
to the next Blade down there
room to geta (he always starts
gun that can be A right behind you,
used underwa- so turn around
ter. On your | immediately),
way up to the’ and a few more
surface, investi- crates and barrels
gate the chest to shoot, There
just to the right isn’t too much
of the hole you # point in going
entered, and ZA Sz there now,
though, sin¢e you
ntouchable. On the surface, kill two have to go there later to get’a Blue Orb
Blades with standard attacks, and grab the fragment anyway. When you’te ready to
Needlegun, a new weapon that only works progress, head upstairs to thé main deck.
underwater. You don’t need to jump back

The ship’s mast closest to

main deck is | the.bow of the
huge. There ship, stand right
are three masts, | in the middle, ~
Bf and if you care- and use Stinger
fully search to glide over tg
them all for the front of the
both hidden | ship. The Blue
and visible Red ! Orb fragment will
Orbs, you can appear as you fall
score about 150 (see shots 1 and 2
soul samoleons.. There’s a well-hidden on the next page). When you’ve had your
Blue Orb fragment here, too. Get én the fun, try to open the door locket by the
ae :
Death Scythe will .
appear, but he’s _~ ee es if"
ta warm-up.for | : The Griffon has a bizarre new move
main attrac: ~ ji where he shoots out a glowing red
tion. As always, — that tethers itself to you witha ban
feel free to i green lightning. You can blow this crea-
unleash your Devil ‘ture away with guns, but you'll need t
_ Trigger,
s “cause
a 4 watch out for when it snaps back at you, Way : ;
you'll get it back if So you can
ou switch to
human form right
before he dies.
Check the door
again, and good mast (at the —
ol’ "flock-face" will | “point shown ~
appear. | in the lower
right photo) —
andusing |
Ebony & —
| y are as”
| good as any-
thing for get-
ting rid
I red b

shot at the Griffon,

-and fire a Devil Bi ¢ r
handgun bullets from the safety of
mast. A full Devil worth of that will
. end this battle quickly, = =

e ‘ —
AY CRY Perfect Guide :
Come J ee

Find an exit and escape from the ship.
Take a minute. J an optional room
to enjoy the in the last mission.
grandeur of this THere are three
room before you Blades here, one
grab the Staff of in front and two
i Hermes and sneaking up from
send this ship to 4 ) behind. There's
Broiesss ‘the bottom of | also a Blue Orb
CRASS 1500. the sea. Escape fragment, and you
through a small 5, can smash some
Puig <\0/0) ventilation shaft B| chests and barrels
BRAN near the floor, | for items if you
and prepare to H| didn’t get them
shoot down two. | earlier. Head back
swimming to the mid-deck,
Blades in the i] and take the other
now sunken M exit to the room
main deck. where you entered
Search the chest the ship. Kill two
near the stairs for a Devil Star, and then more Blades, grab a few Red Orbs, and swim
swim into the pit between the stairs that was — back out through the hole in‘the hull.
DBTeoem KOte Noes
the Mission 14 title, head
back into the ship and
swim all the way through
the main deck and into
the ventilation shaft that
leads to the Captain’s
Room. Examine the .
_ captain’s body and you'll —
be sucked into a mysteri-
ous underwater nether space ae contains nothing but eight swimming Blades.
I don’t know what you expect to hear in the way of strategy... Kill them all. Try
not to get hit. Focus your attacks on the same enemy until it Peta eeeen
as fancy as it gets. The "escape" part consists of nothing more than grabbing the
Blue Orb fragment that appears when the last one dies.

@rionetics ae if you search the open

chest, a Holy Water. ( ntinued next
in harder 1 on:g tun el | is fu €
mies, but in Normal Mode, you can run ti ht
through it. At the end of the tunnel, you. I find
an impaled skeleton holding the
]. Emblem Shield. If you choose to
activate the switch after grabbing
the shield, it will open the gate
that blocks the elevator. It will
ew also make this area get all India
ee 4 Jones-y, with a spinning floor and
retractable spikes. It’s easy
‘There's sonethipg written,
enough to jump over the spike -
holes, So just keep your eyes on
the floor and run for the elevator.

3‘Leg: Btresttreeem Nears the Wate

ator will take you up to a giant rocks across from the shop). You'll finda
tha waterfall and a Statue of ‘Blue Orb fragment there. Next, Air Hike
inder the waterfall or Vortex to the Red Orbs atop the el
-to get, but this area’s tor gondola, and again across to the gra:
other hidden items are a bit tricky to find. ledge just to the left of the waterfall. Ho
i ike up to the ledge across from up a series of ledges to the very top of th
e if you don’t have Air Hike, waterfall, where you'll find < Yellow Orb,
you can double jump off of one of the and a Red Orb on the way. *

i f face area. The enemies

wll find here are actually random:
ath Scythe, a pair of Shadows, or a.
trio of Blades (including one of th
slightly tougher Dark Blades), I you here, and while yo
like the assortment of enemies Fate has . them, they’ll get in the yd as you
chosen for you, enter and leave thecliff this area for hidden items. You ca
face area until you get the one you want. the logs on the ground to reveal 10 Red
Orbs, and ifyou jump over the retaini
Drop down two ledges, dnd you'll wall to the right of the st:
another small cave. Double jump 20 more. Double jum
e with the Green Orb, crossa. the opposite wall, and
ek Star. Opening pee
the door to the ©
statue. On the next room will
other side of cost you 100 Red
the ledge with — Orbs, 20 of-
the statue, you which-you can
can jump down recover in the
‘toa ledge with next area.
Orb :
Ba eas s

Devit May Cry Perfect Guide

TT - = . - —

Vheel of Destiny
‘Gse a shield and a patr of lances
to conquer the coliseum.

Run back to the eleva-

tor and take it to the
room where you got the
Emblem Shield. G :
mission begins when you
look at the skull aes jae
pictured here. Once
again, you have to kill -
three Shadows, but this “> ooo cs
time it’s a little easier. ——
Roll away from Shadow
#1’s opening strike, and immediately use your Devil Trigger. Hit it with flaming
Shotgun blasts until the orb appears, then break out the it power combo. If
oe Reymtcetartanaete eae where the mission begins and kill e first one quick-
, you can take out e enemies one-by-one and avoid dealing with the spikes.

‘ popula with Blades : above the door for 20 hidden Red Orbs
or Kyklops, but there isn’t any good rea- 2 j ~
son. to fight them. Instead, head into the Downstairs you'll find.a shop statue,
‘ed area outside the coliseum, and — some Fetishes, and a conspicuous crack in
use your Emblem Shield on either one of the wall. Smash through the wall, and the 3
_ the sealed doors. The order doesn’t mat- _ barrels behind them, and you'll find a
{ ut for the sake of simplicity, we'll _ Green Orb, some Red Orbs, a Holy Water,
anda Blue Orb = aimee a
fragment. :
That’s definite-

parts, and then

_ double jump (contintied ne
EVIL May CryPerfect Gui
On the other side of the metal door you'll find a
revolving floor and a wall of spikes. Kall the Sin
Scythes quickly with your Shotgun and dash down
the spinning hall. If you go through
] the first passage on Dante’s left
you'll find 30 Red Orbs and a glow-
ing platform that will couplets y
recharge your Devil Bar. If you’re
| low on health, use your Devil Bar
to regenerate, fill it up again, and
] repeat. At the end of the rotating
4 floor, double jump off the wall to
the ledge, and from there to the
Pair of Lances on the altar.

J =

The Pair of Lances, yet another frustrat- rotating floor. The twist this time is that
ingly cool-looking weapon that Dante can’t you have to hit the seals to open the gates
equip, will open the main door to the coli- _ that block your progress. When you get to
seum. But if you want to get the game’s the altar at the end, you'll find the
SS final weapon, : , Nightmare-beta,
Revo ou’ll also have * H the game’s pecu-
| BONUSES to open up the | liar final weapon.
Sf ed@ red door on the | But before you
right. That grab that, fall
Bois 00M area is basically into the pit and
: E7 identical to the ouble jump
20% one behind the under the plat-
Fogg blue shield, ( form where the
with the same Nightmare-beta
Red Orbs on : : lies. That will
the ledge above the door, the same cracked make a Blue Orb fragment appear on the
wall. (a Yellow Orb this time), and the same pedestal too.

When you step

Lances to open into the center
the double ring of the
doors that lead ground floor of
to the coliseum, the coliseum, the
and head’ Griffon will
straight to the attack. You have
glowing spiral e's y two options here:
Ba tie teres :
that will tele- : you can utilize
port youtothe == ee . = the same tactics
stadium’s upper [=F : you used against the Griffon the first time,
floors. If you refilling your Devil Bar with frequent #-
run through the taunts and primarily attacking with Devil
erimeter, you'll Bar enhanced handguns and Tait combos
ind two Green when he hits the ground. Or, you can try
Orbs and one out the new Nightmare-beta, and concen-
» Yellow Orb. trate entirely on dodging while your heat-
Run down the seeking lasers do all the work and rack up
path through unearned Stylishes. Every Nightmare-beta
the middle and shot casts a letter of your Devil Bar, so
ause in the center to make a Blue Orb you'll still need to do plenty of taunting
apt appear. Make sure to do all this | when you get a break between Griffon’s
Orb stuff before you fight the bosss‘cause _ lightning attacks.
you can’t go back afterwards. 2 . oe
Devit May Cry Perfect Guide
Be tats
Nightmare of Darkness
| Gnravel the mystery of the "Staff of Hermes".


Sec) ico)

Pa ent



Die coe

5 (36)

: se
When the post-Griffon intermission entire Blue Orb located by the elevator.
ends, jump onto the stone pillar that . Our destination isthe castle where the
crushed the game began,
boss and take ut if you want
the elevator to challenge the the next Secret
coliseum’s base- | Mission, you'll
ment. Pick up have to head
the Wheel of back into the
Destiny, and coliseum right
Mission 16 will after you leave.
begin with an


To complete this
Secret Mission, you'll
need to jump up the
Se aVeN AOeg
se and
a up the Blue Orb
agment at the top. ral
take four quick hops,
and then jump bac
from the top skull, since
the Orb fragment is
actually located above
the second-to-last one.


When yo
vate it, the first
Plasma enemy will appear.
' shape-shifters are

~ DEVIL “AY CRY Perfect Guide


Investigate enemy. When the Sargasso die, Phantom

the glowin: will appear. When you kill him, you’ll be
puddle in the freed from hell
center of and Nightmare
Phantom’s old will take a big
chapel (5), and chunk of dam-
the Nias age. Since
boss will make you'll get your
its debut. & Devil Bar
When it pik refilled if you
appears, it’s just remember to
a puddle of goo, but if you hit the switches shut off your
in the comers of thé room, Nightmare will Devil Form,
freeze into a solid shape that you can dam- and you always
age until the switches run down. You'll get a Green
want to activate the switch again before Orb for killing
that happens, though, or you'll be vulnera- - Phantom, 4
ble to some deadly goo-form attacks. skilled gamers
will leave this BONUSES.
Nightmare’s strangest attack can only be underworld _ ReUSiep il50)0}
done while it’s x area better off
in goo-form, than they were Pac ANG ¢5}6)0)
It’s a little blob when they
of muck that entered. But if you don’t want to deal with 350
appears around this attack at all, you’ll need to make sure
Dante and pulls one of the switches is always active. You
him down to a can even activate a switch before you look
dank under- in the puddle so it'll go into solid form
world populated immediately at the beginning of the fight.
by the Sargasso (continued next page)

MAY RY Perfect pseslere

al Ey you whack at
Z the orb.
Bios like orb
ppears. This
pops in and out
arious body
arts at random, :
and the area ‘yhereit ap re in a hurry). Not only is hittin
its next attack. If the or orb your only opportunity to damage
f htmare usually rel boss, ‘ou leave the orb alone,
of heat-seeking black icicle proj ; e ucking letters off of you
can reflect these back with your handguns, _ n then di
lace to be is right in front
with: Ifrit ombos

frontal beam, -
which you can
easily avoid by
staying on top—
of Nightmare as

iG Sotieccabtanm cont ecrviyelCl(meclelsary Peonicices defeating Nightmare, this mis-

sion will begin. The objective is to hunt down and eradicate the four Shadows
on the ground floor of e castle. Two are in this room, crouched on the ee
of the airplane. Once you lure them off the plane, jump back up there and fi
_ your Devil Bar with taunts or cheap shots. The next is in the main lea uetons
‘ou found that second
{ Biue Orb fragment way
back in Mission 1. The
last is in the portcullis
room, through the red
door. When all four are
dead, you'll get the Blue
Orb fragment.
ee TT
( LiKnow the PiecesFit,iSap tien eal = se= |

DEVIL May Cry Perfect Guide
ea |


Devit May Cry Perfect Guide —

Go right back through the portal and make it across the bridge without falling
into the water (easy if you use Vortex or Air Raid). I like this Secret Mission
because it’s the only one you can totally cheat at. I guess you’re supposed to
use the Death Scythe’s special ability to hurl yourself up in the air underneath
the Blue Orb fragment, but that’s an awful lot of work to set-up. I prefer to
kill the Death Scythe, “3
charging Dante’s Devil SA , 25
Bar in the process. 2 pa
Then hop up onto the : is
bony canopy, and just
Vortex across. If you
fail, the only way you
can retry is to ee the
warp out of here, and
cross the bridge again.

(2) Dancing en per ae ae Weenten =

physical attacks. Inferno is especially —
good here. soos oe
_ A horde of Marionettes ar
awaits in the next
down the hall, smashing th
alors = As :
for Red. soe
Orbs as
i progress
1 Cas ee 2) towards
2nd floor (3). ht : H the —

< Cari
DEVIL May Cry Perfect omnes
Switch to Alastor here,
since you can’t reflect the
dragon’s fireballs with Ifrit. -
| Stand directly in their path,
time your swings right, and
the skeletal dragon will
explode after three shots.
Then turn the crank on the
mirror by rotating your ana-
log pad until it reflects onto
the ceiling and makes the
Quicksilver pepe If you have Air Hike, you can lea
right onto the aleony to get it, but if you don’t, you
need to jump across the series of semi-transparent plat-
forms. efore you leave, make sure to visit the balcony to
the right of the second mirror, where you can find a hid-
BONUSES den Blue Orb fragment: :
NAN pelo)

Fats slelele)


Go back to the hallway combo of your

passage to the giant wooden door (7). Set choice—even if
the Cae in the*slot, and Horepare for he blocks it, it
your final battle ta Angelo. His massive fills the ol’
sword does double damage and has roughly Devil Bar.
double the range. His sword attacks-are Repeat this ;
basically the same; but he has a new. pro- until your bar is §
jectile, a series of spirit blades that he full enough to
throws from mid-air. Wait till these are use your Devil
about to make contact, then jump with Trigger, and
Rolling Blaze to smash them all before they then switch to
hit you. If you your Devil
don’t have Form immedi-
Rolling Blaze ately after the
(and really, jump kick and
what are you do your Ifrit
thinking?) Kick13 combo.
you'll have to
do a lot of
rolling (the
| non-blazing Meteor, Ifrit’s lone
kind) to get out long-distance
move, is incredibly
of their way. useful against
Angelo. If you
Angelo is too quick, so we'll have to mod- have this move,
os can use your
ify the strategy we used last time. Stay just evil Bar to hit
out of his sword range, and wait for the him from afar
glow that signifies an impending attack. without risk of
Then quickly do an Ifrit jump kick to
knock him out of it. Follens it up.with a
Rees (e-F-1ianee

Spirit Stone, “Elixir

. @ é¢ e @ 99 )

Chrow the "Philosopher's Eqg" tnto the fire

and transform it tnto a Spirit Stone.

Right Castle -
Submerged Arena


Hight Castle - 4
Level 3f Stairive
Stai ll ap

S RANK 2000



Pint Castle -
Level ig .

This mission begins with Dante gaining his last new weapon, Sparda. The good news
is, Sparda has several of Alastor’s moves (the juggles, a super-long range Stinger, and
Round Trip), and does as much damage as Alastor’s Devil Form attacks. The bad news
is, you have NO Devil Bar when you use Sparda. Is the trade off worth it? Sometimes,
but not often.
& Angelo’s room is large and beautiful, be
B there’s nothing hidden here. So take the— _ room, turn.
® warp in the center of his floor and return right, and then
to the warp room at the beginning of the left through the
last mission. Take the other warp, and ~ next rusty gate,
Dante will end up in an underwater prison . -and shoot the
(). Swim - an : arrel fora
through the - Blue Orb frag-
ment (3). Go
it the =
ullway and turn left, then right t
~ jeave this area. You'll end up ina smal
‘arena with three Death Scis$ors. Gun
them all down and the door

| te runieeenieee Eeg i

‘Dante will door that lead

find himself in- i to the courtyard
a small corridor in the last ver-
that leads to sion. of the cas-
the tower. Hit: tle. Itstill
the switch to althoughi
fill this tower __ very different
with water, and | courtyard. As
then swim up_ | the switches on
tothe small — he walls sug-
ledge on the “gest, you'll be
first floor, — underwater, you ¢ getting a visit
where a Blue — over the ledge shoy from
Orb fragment ;
will'appear. Let the water drain, then hit ©
the switch again and swim as high up as
ou can, so when the water drains, you'll be
ove a nice high ledge. You can swir Egg into the
he way to the Philosopher’s Egg at the very flame.where the
top if you’re quick (4). 4 a

Make your way to the green and brown

Same old Nightmare, except the b t you'll fight in the hellish nett
ol’ Griffon, none too please that you sent him there in the first place. Fi
hell-suck attack is a lot easi to avoid than it was last time.
Also, he has one new atta <: He can detach one of his arms
and send it flying around th om. It flies ina pre-deter-
mined are, so you can dodge i
Despite those two new twists,
last for one reason: Sparda. It
and you don’t have to mess aro
When Nightmare is finished,
: you'll €get theee
ae from the
flame, and the mission ad.
Bait “
DEviL May Cry Perfect Guide
‘Enter the Corrupted Work
Open the gate to the Gnderworld.
¢ fa , a

Hight Castle
Rooms- Levels
ls and 2
a eAnnict ©20)0)0)

Pight Castle- ee A RANK 1000

Level if :



Jump up to , Lhis will activate the final warp in the

the oubie doors bridge area (4).
on the second
floor of the That leads to the bedroom, where you'll
eourtyard, and find an Untouchable, and a Blue Orb frag-
enter the short ment. Head through the. mirror, and you'll
2¥ Hallway that end up in the mysterious anti-world con-
leads to nothing. § sisting of the bedroom and, through:its’
You'll find a =) window, the courtyard area where you once
Blue Orb frag- fought Angelo.
ment there, and y Ignore the
a large Red Orb shiny object for
worth 100 (1). now; we'll go to
Take the warp in | the rooftops for
the courtyar ] 2 pair of Blue
back to the blue- j Orb fragments
tinted room (2), § first. Jump up
and run all the | to the tower,
way to the warp (continued
downstairs (3). next page)
Us cleatae (| sae es
and over the edge to get the
we Blue Orb fragment. Then
get back to the tower and Vortex
across to the othér tower for the sec-
ond Blue Orb fragment. If you don’t
do themiin this order, the second :
one won't appear.

] Return to the
you can grab =| bedroom area and
the shiny go back through
Philosopher’s the looking glass.
Stone, which Take the warp out
makes a trio of of the bedroom to
E f Nobodies the warp in the
: hs /appear. These _ bridge, jump-or fly
& t Tae twisted, across the broken
E / Ets demonic mon- chunkssand enter
Se ee key dogs throw mi the room where ~
Rd focm CXPlosives (and you once fought
leave them Phantom. Now .
fe) 500@ behind when that you have the
} they die) in Philosopher’s
$C RARE 250 addition to 5) Stone, you can
their physical jump through that
attacks. They puddle into the
can also remove their mask, which ake. sieht world (5). Drop through oné
them nearly double in:size, health, and more weird portal thing, and this mission
power. Sparda is sqod here, although Ifrit’s will end.
Inferno -attack is better if you have a Devil
Bar, especially if-you can use it to kilfthem
before they grow. ~

_Devit MayCry Perfect Gui

Showdown with Nightmare
| Dead to the place of sacrifice.

The Gnderworld -
Grea One


SRA 2000

ARAN 1000

nec 500

Jump up to the the extra damage you do from Dante’s lit-
hallway ad rip j tle underworld foray is probably worth it.
through the
membrane with ‘| prefer to use Ifrit against Nightmare
your sword. The this time, since Nightmare is much more
mext area con- aggressive. Its heat-seeking attack is par-
— tains nothing ticularly dangerous: If the first-one hits
more than a pair 4 you, the next
of Frost enemies | five will too,
(use Ifrit) and a guaranteed. So
Statue of Time. it’s nice to be™
Ignore them if able to turn
you want, and into your Devil |
cut through the Form after the
next membrane i first hit to
to proceed. absorb some of it
Waiting on the the damage
other side is 4 and regenerate
Nightmare. the rest. You
can then jump
The underworld boss this time is the old onto the orb
Round 1 Angelo, a and let loose
who you can beat W with the
pretty easily with Kickl3 combo
the Ifrit combo a couple of
strategy, so you times.
may as well let
yourself get (continued
sucked down. ) next page)
This Nightmare
is extra-sturdy, so”

Perfect Guide
To charge up your Devil Bar, just let Nightmare
revert to its goo form, and jump
i back and forth in the goo, charging
1 your Bar with Rolling Blaze hits
(they do no damage, but charge it
all the same). When Nightmare
| does its net attack, jump out of the
way, and attack the net with Rolling
Blaze to fill your bar at super-speed.
4. Even if you don’t get out of
the net’s way, you can easily ee rea
tear a hole through the net :
‘ and escape in time, since Rolling Blaze
does a ton of damage. Then freeze
\ WNightmare,/and take him down
) with a full Devil Bar.



A RANK 1000)

Bs) Ase

ertect Guide
Mission 21

Living Cave
sJulsate the heart and open the last gate.



YO )\i6)e
S RANK = 2000

A Rank = 1000



Che Gnderworld -
Area Tio

This mission begins in the room

after Nightmare, but if you cut
through the gray membrane you
can return to that room and grab
¥ an Untouchable (1). In the room
where you started, you can snag.a
i) Holy Water, and open the door to
the final Secret Mission (2).

Mission is tricky. You
need to press the
gun/search button at the
spot shown here, as if it
were a door. You'll enter ii
‘a hidden labyrinth where

you'll be forced to fight
Tae1a mn
three one-on-one battles
with Nobodies. In one of
them; you'll find a Blue
: Orb (yep; an entire four-fragment Blue Orb), but
} that isn’t the prize for this mission. To make it
Wr eee reromderg elo zotoreorapeciey Ce arte (tlcom ByVolicase
| Hae and hug that wall as you run through the
Bre: | labyrinth. It’s easy to get turned around during the
Beeler ati riaclonaa eas if you get lost...the
100 labyrinth isn’t that big, and if you stick to one side,
you'll find the door to the next area sooner or later.
There’s a giant dragon here, and if you hit the mas-
| sive orb between his legs (um....) you'll et a ton of 7
| Red Orbs. This guy doesn’t breathe fire
\ there’s nothing to reflect, but you can get in his face
and beat the crap out of him. Just step to the side LSS

\ after every few hits to avoid his breath. A bunch of

| Frosts wil then appeat on the bottom, but you can
\ ignore them and continue upwards to get to the
ae Jump from ledge to ledge, and then take a
ride on the first two giant eye-things. Ignore the
\ third, and jump across to the glowing item: The
?- Bangleof Time.

| Use the Bangle of Time like
| a weapon to freeze time for
‘as long as your Devil Bar
| lasts.

ae av YNaeva
; ry yal |

Go through the door opposite the one grab you if you stand too long in one place,
where you started. There’s another glow- and weird wrigeling things that come out
ing orb thing here (3), and if you smash it, of the walls. ‘To deal with those iridescent
it will open the - 7 . , tubeworms, you
claw-wrapped _ B) can progress
door back in the B) slowly, slashing
ast room. i them with
Head through Alastor, or
that door and uickly jimmy
you'll end up in through with,
a squiggly maze H Ifrit’s Rollin
that has two lit- | Blaze and risk
tle detours (nei- taking a few
ther contains _ light hits. You’ll
anything, so B] alternate going
just head through fields of i

straight). wriggling worms ee :

There are two eefi‘htin BONUSES
new enemy-like Nobodies three See, 70lee)
things here: j times before you”
Hands that i get to the end. Pawlet = 110)0)}
reach up from
the ground to - aS) RUAN} = 5jCle}

ing across
room has a ledges and plat-
of Plasmas that forms to the
like to stay in top, where
Bat-form. ou'll get to one
Shoot them ast membrane.
down with Rip that open,
guns, jump hyper jump
across the lava, across the gap,
and activate the and hit the final
switch (4). A single pillar will rise, and switch (5). The seal on the giant door will
you'll need to jump onto that and wait a break, and you can enter to face your des-
second before the second one rises. Wait tiny (6).
on that fora _
second, and the
third will
appear. Jump
across to anoth- |
er glowing orb
(which just
elves you Red
rbs); and
another switch.
Continue jump-

Perfect uide

The meteors he throws can be dodged or

destroyed with your normal attack. en
he makes a circle of white letters appear,
he’s going to do
a laser attack,
either up to
tle orbs that sur-_ } down of right to
round Mundus, left. Stay in the
BONUSES since they stop lower left hand
SERANIC 2000 ou from hitting corner so you'll , fi
is weak spot have plenty of
ARES 21000 the glowing orb time to see
in his chest) and where it’s going
and get out of
He ie the way. The
red lasers fired
Piss by the smaller
grey orbs can
easily be dodged
efore you use by flying in a
your Devil Bar, -; wide circle
pce he'll bring the orbs back after you do around the
that. . screen. Keep in
mind that your
You have a completely new Devil Trigger Devil Bar will
now, which shoots a flying dragon at cancel any of
Mundus. It can damage him at any time, his attacks, so
even when he’s blocking or has his orbs save it up and
defending him. The more letters you have use it whenever
in your bar, the more damage it does. So if he does an
you want to beat attack that you
this guy easily, have difficulty
just use a couple dodging. You
of Devil Stars. can also dodge :
But if you want any attack with a well-timed roll (done the
a decent rank- same way you did it as ground-bound 2
ing, you’ll have Dante).
to practice dode-
ing his attacks.
ae ee him, Round 2begins, old- even the middle distance platforms.
school style. You'll start with a full Devil When Dante is forced back to solid
Bar, so jump right up the floating platforms ground, charge your Bar by blowing
until Mundus’ —
| you're on | orbs away
the one ~ - with your
closest to. Shotgun,
him, and or shooting
j bit your the big
| Devil man him-
Ti self with
» Sparda your
finally has Grenade
fa a Devil Launcher.
5 which mas-
i sively :
its range a 5
and dam- c with Sparda.- Not only will this:
‘kill the dragon, but it will get you a sweet, sweet
| Green Orb. - =
AAR you can — With the
with stan- ability to
dard refill‘your life
attacks, several times
= : and hit L1 throughout
up the rest of*your Bar when he ‘the course of
your platform and sends you back
you can’t get
m, you can still _
ip ability
for a ton
a ee
NE Pe < zi
ra nepe HMa ll po t We
t Ss
Cs r a a l l e

NN q


| ya
is eau
| Aad
) ious

aah B590:8 aio 11 rr
e Mallet Island. Take a direct route through the
Underworld, avoiding any enemy you don’t have to fight. The battles you can’t avoid are
a pair of Nobodies in the Underworld (1), and a pair of Blades in the hallway outside of
Phantom’s old room (2). After you kill them, head out the door in the middle, to the
airplane room, where:Dante will be sent plummeting into the sewer. Mundus’ final form

Ay 5h0(C10)

A RANK 2000

Killing crawls to BRAS 1000

this guy is the far side
SO easy if Och
of the
you have room.
Rolling When you
Blaze. Just et his life
et in his ar down,
ace and an inter-
jump from mee
| side to side. will appear
Then, when he
f when your runs out of
Devil Bar is life ia
full, start in explains
with the what to do.
Ifrit Kick13 All that’s
combos. If left to do
not, you'll next is hop
have to on your
charge up plane and
your bar get away.
with This part
Grenade is just for a
Launcher hits virtually no damage. fun, but the controls are surprisingly deep.
You have plenty of time, buit don’t dawdle: Experiment with all the buttons an the
The battle will end instantly when Mundus right Analog Stick as well.
ENT ee
As you im the various enemies in Devil May Cry, new tips will be unlocked in your File
screen. These tips are usually unlocked when you stumble upon a successful strategy, or are
hit by an unusual enemy attack. We have collected them all and reprinted them in our enemy
gallery for your gaming convenience.

re e Peer evil spirits who borrow ents they catch foe they will Bey!let go so
isbodies of sae Tamers : to a ina ea instead, they will try to slash and gash
ysical s fae p le the Left Analog Stick to
your neck. Wi; ele
— Teatro
kee a attack: before
miloal atta)
: ny parent ctar tee the e a habit of nas Marionettes will make a on ieg evil
twirling Sta aac ae spinning sounds. nets ¢ry to immobilize those near them: gs
become immobilized, quickly wiggle theie
Cieroby a ito meeleOarea rraWee) ence Pwr llesmels(o arom ux pate
direction. If you can see the enemy move
eraresesa attack, you should be Fe to ae Since ne as as physical entities, ee et8)
Joyesbotem ovum A deter Use guns,
be destroyed by ph:
swords, and ie ways to send them into
BBito willalso nee eee blades __ oblivion!
that curve around objects to attack you. Keep a
Sg eye on their oaueee

om e "
“DeviL May Cry Perfect’ Guide ~-
BLOopy MarI
Like Marionettes, Bloody Maris are low-class Once they catch you, they will not let go so
evil spirits that borrow the bodies of puppets in _ easily; instead, they will try to slash and gash
order to exist in a physical state. Their red out- your neck. Wiggle the Left Analog Stick to ;
sotmeh (cre myataemotertetel ee somehow increases eel oman Moye F
their evil powers. “7
Bloody Maris will also make a screeching evil :
Sometimes they use guns to attack: before they war cry to immobilize those near them. If you
fire their guns, theyfave a habit of twirling become immobilized, quickly wiggle the ee
their wrists, making spinning sounds. Analog Stick to free yourself. :
OD melon domo mech Ree Mec (ed Niieccm esto cme Coen csel ana accom ot me-vel .;
direction. If you can see the enemy move before be destroyed b physical means. Use guns, "
ee attack, you should be able to avoid being swords, and other ways to send them into obliv- i
vi ion! 1
They will also throw crescent-shaped blades
that curve around objects to attack you. Keep a
sharp eye on their movements.

Devit May Cry Perfect Guide
af Sin Scissors are one of the low-class evil If you attack at the right moment, you'll be able
acme mezyy ose by taking the shape _ to damage them critically. '
of physical objects. ‘These evil spirits have cho-
sen a deadly scissors-wielding body as their Their scissors are used to deflect your attacks.
PONTE oath If you are able to knock the scissors out of their
j E hands, they will become defenseless. This will be
These evil spirits are dependent on the masks your chance to blast them.
they wear. They cannot exist without them.
_If the gun is fired from a close range when their
Their capes are no g more than illusions tasks are defenseless, you'll be able to, eliminate '
created by the evil spirit: AUG uN ele tere them with one shot.
useless and easily blocke
Although it is difficult to evade the attack exe-
AVAaera! i ae withitheir scissoys*@here’s cuted after they circle you, don’t give up. There’s
a short montent of time wh@ye they - a chance to counter attack.
” hh

ae oo, ee
a aR KY ee “¢:
»Y Vi :


Devi May Cry Perfect Guide ~
Like Sin Scissors, these evil spirits are dependent nucleus that gathers evil spirits and converts Sh Te
on the masks they wear, but wield scythes them into their own energy -- this occurs they P
instead of scissors. become all even fiercer. oe
Their capes are nothing more than illusions They will stab the scythes and immobilize
created by the evil are All physical attacks their prey to steal their souls. Wiggle the Left
are useless and easily blocked. FANT OeMele Com Tero oltre mice) or E
BUM racm yoyo laIne Teaatie Mn Ceaaut
toe Tey The attack executed after they circle around is
expression of the Sin’s hatred and anger. deadly. Watch them sees tackif i they start
het in circles, do your best to avoid being
You have to be quick on your feet to evade the © vi
returning scythes of the boomerang scythes
attack. If you succeed in deflecting the scythes, you'll
be able to create an opening for attack.
The umbrella-like shape that appears is the


n we.
= neao ;

The scythes that fly at you can bé deflected - to blast them out of the air.
with your guns if you become a Devil Hunter.
Cte eine RSemer cmartermestcts
[GTR a moncanhyS Sage atone masks are down, you’ll be able to eliminate
spirits as they’ve only fought with ancient them with one shot.
knights who only used swords. Use your guns ee
Devit May Cry Perfect Guide
The part that looks like a cow’s bone is The weakest points are their horns. If you find
PaeiormurliM lc AMM crmou BC Brtoemscotiog a way to attack their horns, it’s the most effective
* and tougher than the Sins’. way to fighting them.
MMIC BET mcelscmrietslb rcoynMoleetocmo gerne Their capes are nothing more than illusions
mals and humans to create an evil barrier. This oa by the evil spirits. All physical attacks are
barrier is impenetrable. You must defeat the rit ie
enemy inside of it.
They will most likely counter Dante’s attack by
Their screw attacks are accurate and very deflection.
destructive. Dodge to escape.
When they concentrate evil in their heads,
It’s unwise to try to fight these evil spirits from their heads turn red and all of your attacks
the surface. Become a Devil Hunter and take the become ineffective. When you are caught in this
fight into the air. situation, do your best to dodge their attacks.
The head of the main body is their weak point.
But regular guns won’t have much effect there.
These are the strongest, most evil, and highest
ranking of all Sins. When extreme situations prolong, the Death
will risk their lives and start to attack fierce
Their deadly body attacks from above must be with their four blades. Attack and destroy them
avoided. If you are hit, critical damage will be as quickly as you possibly can. Don’t give them
inevitable. any time to get a en Cyt toteRad een
MWe ro uetVelocmaerimelojocclar leona nae ta eprom ais Their capes are nothing more than illusions
atmosphere that were forced to betes teem Ore lcre My mise tema Beyer eEeve cy
ways. The tornados will suck their prey into the are useless. Meaningless shee will only make
air, taking away their freedom to move. How them counter attack! Jump higher than the
you utilize these tornados to your advantage will enemy and attack with accuracy from above.
test your mettle.
When you attack and hit the actual scythes,
If you use the (seat of the tornado to your the enemy will flinch. Since it is rarely off
advantage, you should be able to jump to where guard, attack it with all you’ve got!
you want to go. /

It has evil spells covering its body, thus The true form is the core of its evil powers.
allowing it to deflect all sword attacks. It’s Firearms will not work against this core.
an evil spirit that takes form from its own
shadows. But they can also take on other Its spinning attack is very accurate. Watch out |o
forms by changing the spells on its body. for it when it jumps high into the air.

In its shadow form, all sword attacks are MU ease Tloh morte tountw etc Wrr veces octet
deflected. This is because it remembers the weapon, thrusting it toward the enemy! The
weapons from its fights with the ancient knights. spear is hard enough for the player to even stand
However, firearms seem to be an exception. on top of it! If you succeed in standing on top of &
it, there is a brief moment when the shadow can-
It releases magical powers instantaneously in” not move! This is when you can blast all the lead
order to deflect certain attacks. At the same ovem oreNiclt
time, the magical powers are shot toward its
enemy. It is very difficult to avoid being hit with The Shadow will go into a state of shock if you
this attack. RicccccmmjetscittRe ecko mcm Tem seca!
this happens the spells lose their barrier effective-
When you damage its surface to a certain point, ness a allow the bullets to go right in. In other
it will come to a point when it can’t deflect the words, if you are able to blast enough bullets dur-
attacks anymore, showing its true form. This is ing this state of shock, you can defeat the enemy
‘ when it is most vulnerable. SCNT mensre RCOn- cet ea Mco Komoricra NA


~ Devit May Cry Perfect Guide
ee ——
This evil spirit inhibits the body ofa fly. The green Beelzebubs eat the dead, absorb s
Their hideousness is not too difficult to imagine their evil powers, and become even stronger. g
from its appearance and movements, since it is After absorbing, they gain more agility and thus oy
apparent. become more dangerous.
What appear to be maggots that the blue Never turn your back to the Beelzebub. It will
Beelzebub vomits are not real maggots -- they use its frontal limbs to reach out and try to
are a form of evil power that will prevent your break your back. ;
gun from firing if they latch on. In this case,
you should switch your weapon to a sword. Beelzebub is most vulnerable when it’s on its
back. Blast it with an aerial attack. And watch
The large green Beelzebubs serve like an evil out for the poison it spurts out.
power bank for the blue airborne Beelzebubs.
They seem to be stronger since they have larger
physical mass.

DEvit May ei Perfect Guid

soe aig Ian eee ,
This is one of the servants of the Dark adSTK evil powers and unleash the
Emperor. Inside its exo-skeleton body hot molten sere oMo Mol Maeve its mouth. Rolling seems to
lava circulates. Not only is the shell ie but it work well in avoiding this attack.
Pivemcoecnnpmcconmn tel elec
When its anger is at its peak, it will shoot fire-
It uses its mouth to release its magical powers. balls from its back like a volcano eruption.
This orifice is the only vulnerable part of the Concentrate -- dodge this attack.
BUM ream ose OE omCR Cel guetelemm ed
The tail coiled on its back is a deadly weapon CRNA COR elm otto aC meaete Bagi
ee that will thrust its stinger with amazing speed. Rinccee occetMoemcscmortcrharritcm-Teetdqari
i _. You should keep your distance to avoid being from above!
Phantom can summon the dead by sticking its
_. head into the ground: the dead will awaken. in the
shape of fire pillars. The fire pillar strikes from
the places where the ground lights up. Run and
jump to avoid this attack.

f ais)
~ DEviL May Cry Perfect Guide ae — aoe

i &
Although they appear similar to the Phantom, Although their armor is made from rocks, it
they are still one of the low-class evil spirits. doesn’t compare to the armor of the Phantom.
However, since they take on earth and rocks as Use your Devil Hunter powers to bash the mon- © «
host elements, they have substantial durability. ster along with their armor.
Contrary to their appearance, they have superb
Peereteteaelorl eaten
Acer Meltaamn Cy Out mreld celina ty
mouths. They shoot these rocks out of their
mouths. Try to avoid standing in front of them
whenever possible. > ;


Devit May Cry Perfect Guide "3
ne a
The knight in dark armor is well versed in the The powerful attack executed after he takes his
same art of combat as Dante’s. Everything about upper guard stance is almost impossible to stop.
this knight remains a mystery. Everything. It’s unwise to go head to head with him. Use
your speed and agility to dodge this attack.
Light emission is always present before releas-
ing the energy that’s generated by converging the By determining which way the phantom blades
surrounding energy. Be ready for it when you see target, they can easily be dodged.
the light.
The phantom blades protect the knight by cir- *
His strength to wield a sword of this length is cling around him. Destroy the phantom blades
undeniably extraordinary. Keeping distance and and create an opening to attack. is
waiting for an opening is a wise strategy when he
starts to swing his sword viciously. If you time The pendant that the Nelo Angelo wore was
is sword swing with his, you'll be able to block the same as Dante’s. It brings back faint memo-
is attack creating an opening for attack. ries of his youth.
He uses a special displacement method to
instantaneously move from one place to another.
~ Determining where he’ll appear next is a difficult
thing to do. Keep calm and focus your attention
_on where he will appear.

Devit May Cry Perfect Guide ~
These are soldiers created by the Dark BW etoMar acmaxcnonslotem trie tetsd aaa Evatel
Emperor to take control of the surface. They their lower body strength is present in their
use a kind of reptile as host bodies, and thus underwater agility. Their spinning attack is a
possess many lizard-like characteristics. deadly one. 3
The round shield on their forearm is coated Possessors of superior agility, the Blades can
with “evil powers” and deflects most attacks. resume their body positions even when they’re
Their defense is good for the attacks that come struck in midair. Trying to defeat them wit!
from above, but it’s not as good for the attacks monotonous attacks will be a difficult task.
that come from the bottom.
Even the Blades equipped with their masks
The mask they wear protects them well and claws will not stand a chance once they are
against bullets. Either you can destroy the mask knocked off balance. Attack from behind and
quickly or perhaps more wisely go around the take them down face first. Then attack from the
enemy to attack it from other angles. air to finish them for good.
They can pressurize their blood, concentrate it BUsTorrer Como melee KOKcunm eC macorn mntena
to their claws, and shoot the talons out like mis- attacks... but un peer 4 the armor lie their
siles. When you see them take the fire stance weak points. Though there’s armor protecting
do your best to dodge them. most of their backs, some parts aren’t covered.
It is safe to say that by attacking these prone
When they notice that you, their prey, are areas can do a lot of damage. :
weakening, they will approach to finish you off.
Remember always to be on guard.
Relying on their superb agility, they are capa-
ia oftmoving freely underwater, almost as i
they were aquatic organisms. 081
Devit May Cry Perfect Guide —
Fe a aNAE y
This is another servant of the Dark Emperor. Similar to an air raid, he’ll drop many energy
It’s a gigantic bird-like monster that uses wind balls while gliding thr. ough the air. Diam tstoee
and lightning as its weapon. - pate where they will fall and avoid being hit.
Its electricity attacks can be dodged by jumping. WiC Oselecoral fers alae eM orto <cleMyet cero)tes
Watch out for this attack when the Griffon flaps ty to control wind power and it is very dangerous. ~
its wings and tries to keep distance. When he flies high into the air and out of sight, _
watch out. y
The “electric band” attack is very accurate.
Use the accuracy of the attack to your advantage The Griffon will release red energy wings that
to dodge. Using techniques like aerial attacks and can attack you from anywhere ignoring the :
hovering still in the air may help. objects in its way. Use the shape of the ground to
your advantage to dodge it.
He will shoot electricity that charges towards
you like a curtain. At first, it looks as if there’s MN eueltmorcd lowland Mayle talewaco
no way to dodge them. Keep your cool as a Devil the lightning to release a powerful electrocution
Hunter and you’ll find a gap between the electric- attack. When this attack is released, a wise coun-
sta ; termeasure is to concentrate on dodging. :

Just because the Griffon is far away doesn’t

mean you’re safe from his attacks. He will charge
formed you with his quick feet and damage you
with an intense beak snap.
They hide between the edges of the sea and They will move quickly and feast on the life-
the Underworld and wait on stray wanderers to _ form that a sense nearby. They will show
SMe MealseMdeye ee(Mo mcetay (carnal cee(ocean ont amantoanes only when they attack. 8S,
tined to wander the endless sea of the

Devit May Cry Perfect Guide
eh orm Cai Cota co Roratnnca ltrs ee oa their Sometimes they’ll grab the excreted eyeball and
. Pi item Peaasncoeic mrt iicmesyecemeot stat ol Ico) throw it towards the player. Keeping your dis-
survive is a force to be reckoned with. After tance away from them doesn’t mean you're safe.
all, they’ve made it through this extreme world
yattaa nel Movado blak secs emt eT arar dears KO Ae Tort}
their back. If you’re not careful, they’ll grab you
The strange dance they do somehow skews the with said arm and hurt you -- badly.
dimension and takes away your magical powers
(Devil Gauge). There is no real way to prevent Their jump kick attack is so fierce that if you’re
this. When you encounter these evil spirits, you hit, you'll fly back quite a distance. Especially be
Partie ove cclb mem (eletas enttie-1 6ro (oncn ee when they charge and dodge your attack.
~ ee your best to avoid being hit with this jump
uu destroy the mysterious mask they a
Ber will increase their body size along with
their strengths. You as a Devil Hunter will have When they die, they explode into pieces. Since
to decide which size of Nobodies you should elim- the Nobodies}, bodies are living toxins, stay away
reed first Foresime nner adatom dele arccaehabelsaabaa couet
ie J
Be Teenata their toxic flesh will hit


_ Their ultra-high, metabolism causes them to is iL ob vattecm (O}eE


drop decompésed, products off their bodies that be

appear like eyebaigs » Thes€ eyeballs will explode
Ryoteaanetemaaten ©
s 7
Although they appear similar to the Fetish will make an evil war cry to immobilize Shir
Marionettes, they have much greater evil pow- those nearby. When aprey is immobilized by wv.
ers. They are not the works of a man, but this attack, the others will relentlessly attack the «=»
appear to have been created by an evil entity. Pema Otea
The strange weapons engulfed in flames are The flames that shoot out from their mouths
projected like yo-yos. Even if you dodge the are difficult to avoid. Since they’re smarter than
first pass, watch out for the second pass. the Marionettes, monotonous attacks will only
el maou RAe LIEN yom dorsi eT tocn
Using their speed, they will grab Dante and
beat his head with their bird-like beaks. Wiggle
the Left Stick on the controller to shake them
Frosts are soldiers created by the Dark
Emperor to take control of the surface.
BD ecceteMco citadel meve metro roM
their kind. Their quickness is a definite
advantage in cornering prey.

is The cold honed claws actually act as an ice

blade. The air around the blades is somehow
beyond absolute zero temperature and the vic-
tims who are slashed will die without feeling
any pain.

The claws will become icicles that shoot out

deadly projectiles. To dodge after they’ve
been fired is almost impossible. Anticipate
their movements to avoid being shot.

It’s unwise to think you’re safe just because

you’ve managed to sneak behind the enemy.
Remember that their claws don’t always fire
They will release their intense coldness
using the ground as a channeling medium,
Listen carefully for the freezing sound of t
ground and dodge to the sides.
They will freeze the moisture in the atm
phere with their radiating coldness and tra
form it into many sharp ice spears. You
should be able to sense this attack -- if yor PRT
don’t, you'll fall victim to their ice spear:

They can disperse their body at molecul:

levels which allow them to travel through
However, they can only travel in straight
directions. Anticipating where they will
appear may help you in winning the battle

Bemoetonttomer telco Ci rerdtaacre raat asexorsore!

body parts will shatter. Keep on damaging and
stop them from regenerating their lost parts.

They will try to regenerate their shattered

body parts by freezing atmosphere. Destroy
the ice formations as quickly as possible.

Although impervious even to volcanic fire,

_ | the Frosts are weak to higher realms of incen-
diary. Use the hellfire of Ifrit to counter them.

_, 086
Devi, May Cry Perfect Guide ~- menescete- t m
A bio-weapon created by the Dark Emperor. Wem atccm ie oradtrees c-tceb ironed tart
Its properties consist of inorganic substances. It [eeao elon tomantmconetete mantel ertem tela
loro muelRooretee Merwe choretterantali nel Dodging to the sides could be a dangerous
machinelike determination. Whether it has a move.
oyekra(oltseloc Mt eel uel
The black gel-like things that it releases will
Nightmare-Beta is a similar weapon to the wreathe themselves to the prey and freeze him.
INSeinen vecoe CattoSRGDER ertstow ECR OMT eer Wiggle the left Analog Stick to shake them off.
against this foe.
The homing projectiles can be shot back with
The embossed circles on the floor are tools your guns. Once the missiles lose their target,
used to restrain the Nightmare from overriding. }
they will return to the Nightmare’s core and 1
Osteo MN lature CbecceectetscMeteneall sete ToEVoneTe(on ad
itself in a hard armor -- but will show its core
from time to time almost as if it’s breathing. To When it changes to its net-like formation,
ee the Nightmare, it will have to be in this slash away at the stems and escape quickly.
royanen i
Critical damage is the fate that waits if you fail |
to scape.
When you are surrounded in its gel-like form,
you will be teleported into an evil dimension. The Nightmare releases its most lethal attack
PGB iibiate mates Ro tetemase marl ent i}
from the hatches on the ends. The intense cold-
dimension. The evil is a reflection of Dante’s ness is the gathered cries of the dead and it’ll
trauma that rests in his subconscious. saeco cadets mV teint tee Neen ere are)
open, do prelnny Lofrse KON LoyCe Mores
The round attachments on its body act like a
machine gun, firing small energy forces. The The Nightmare possesses several cores. Each
damage of each hit is small but when hit eoeliaes time a core is destroyed, its self-defense mecha-
tively substantial damage can be done. nism activates and its attack formation will
It can detach a part of its body and project it change. Watch closely for this.
Show daLeat-thal hI<M WM
oroloyertcrestetoama aT spinning blade SDN Reocme Can ool mol ode nersell
only travels in a routine trajectory so watch
ey its movement and opening to powers and it does not exclude Dante’s powers.
attack: ie aera RCO lcod meinthe cotati co ends
absorption. When it absorbs
Avoid getting close to its sides whenever ne enough magical powers, it
sible. Its defensive reflexes will activate and a ee a will activate its own .
spear-like. object will thrust out to eliminate Aé —— Devil Trigger and start
whatever is in the way. If peekmatena cota Nn ee Sat attacking with tremen-
with sufficient impact, you'll be able: Scone orcs
chance for offense.

Devit May Cry Perfect Guide ;

JUETSEMe recs canal RonylMyo)bela ar-Ve ce The Plasma will separate without warning, and
formed into the shape of bats. how they do it is unknown. Even after separa-
tion, they have identical abilities and fully recov-
When they are in the form of bats, they fire ered energy. The only way to stop them from
~ blades of electricity. Be ready to dodge when you multiplying is to eliminate all of them almost
see them start to charge up light. simultaneously.

They have the ability to copy and transform Plasma is an embodiment of evil electricity.
into the shapes of their opponents. Not only do Thus the use of Nightmare-Beta against it is use-
they copy their shapes but they also have the abil- less. Its ability to manipulate ambient energy will
ity to imitate their behaviors and actions as well. only bend the light, not damage it at all.

BU iremaarVesrcteMa) (tana (otnmmeettabatcecwecoyn manta io Alastor is the form of "Spirit of Lightning." It

is dangerous. The electricity travels horizontally only obeys commands of the chosen one. Hence
so if you sense danger, jump upwards to avoid the powers of the Alastor do not work effectively
being hit. against the Plasma.

~ DEVIL May Cry Perfect Guide
; a eee
Ruler of the Underworld, Dark Emperor bes
Mundus! You’ve been waiting for this moment. ee
Finish him once and for all!

phar cerstt nna nemo an i ciiodicoeten Aba WVEws Sus beau ce
Appendix: Blue Orbs
There are exactly 20 Blue Orbs in Devil May mae and if you collect
them all you’ll have two full life bars. Seven of the Orbs can simply be
bought in the shop, and two whole Blue Orbs can be found in the game:
One in Mission 16 (see Orb #24), and one in Secret Mission 12. That
leaves 11 Blue Orbs, which have been broken up into 4 fragments each
and scattered throughout the game. II of the 44 fragments are pee for eg
the first 11 Secret Missions, and the other 33 are hidden throug out the ten
game’s first 19 missions. eta ie }
You'll receive a Blue eeyd s ase NS
4) Orb fragment for each You can buy 7 full Blue Orbs,
of the first I Secret but the prices rise quickly...
Missions. The prize Blue Orb #1 costs 300.
i for Secret Mission 12, Blue Orb #2 costs 550.
however, is both afull Blue Orb #3 costs 1000.
| Blue Orb and the Blue Orb #4 costs 1800.
Bangle of Time item. Blue Orb #5 costs 3200.
Blue Orb #6 costs 4300.
Blue Orb #7 costs 5500.

This one is This one is a
easy to overlook. It’s little tricky to get to.
in the first part You'll need to jum;
| before the official along the west wal
begining of Mission in the ma.n hall to
if ae up onto the et to the crumbled
bridge and walk left edge where this Blue |
_ to the gazebo. Orb fragment lies.

(_) MISSION 1:Breaking Armor

Mission 1’s ee v Enter the sec-
third fragment is in ond level of the three
the room with the story tower. Walk
closed portcullis. through the brown
Simply smash the door and jump into
armor to the right of the water to the left
the door to uncover of the door.
_ the Orb fragment.

i This Blue At the start of ff

Orb fragment is easy Mission 2 enter the
enough to find. It’s door immediately in
right in the Armory front of Dante.
' on the first floor. Smash the desk fur-
Simply double jump thest from the door
onto the plane’s wing | for a Blue Orb frag-
| to get the fifth frag ment.
| This fragment | After the bridge
| appears after’ you fall breaks,oe mp on
Paez . a top of the canopy by
in the water and kill
the Sargasso. Jump the broken beige
across the remains of Then either ee
} the bridge, or teleport or Air Raid to the
from underwater to «|| chunk of bridge float-
“| ing in the air.

= After fighting When you

the Shadow,jjump up start this mission
to the tower in the head for the dark
corner above the alcove to the left of
door. Then Vortex, the door. Wait there
Air Raid or Air Hike fro a Blue Orb frag-
to the smaller tower ment from above.
for a Blue Orb frag-

(Cs MISSION 8: fe raatey a

After defeat- After you roll
ing Phantom, drop under the gate, don’t
down to the lower hurry through the
art of the room. door right away.
ow double jump off Turn and face the
one of the horses to door, then jump in
reach the ledge with the pool of water to
the fragment. your right for a frag-

4 MISSION 11: Latticed Wall

& As soon as After you q yer
you defeat the Blades defeat the Dean . ;
outside the coliseum Scythe go back to the J i
go back towards the entrance. Now fol
door where you low the left wall to
entered and follow this latticed area,
the left wall to this double jump to the
grave. Knock it aside 5 top and follow the
to reveal a fragment. path to the fragment.

ws After obtain- To get this

ing the Sign of fragment, get on the
Chastity, kill all the mast closest to the
Blades on your return | bow of the ship,
trip through the stand right in the
underground area. middle, and use
The last one to fall Stinger to glide over
will drop the frag- to fee front of the
13:LowerDeck| yg _MISSION 14: Sunken Mast
Swim Swim up to
into the pit the surface, and then
- between the stairs drop right back into
on the sunken the water where the
main deck in sunken mast is to col-
Mission 13, and lect your prize.
shoot through the

"19 _MISSION 14: Rocky Edge

i To get to the 7 E To get this
ledge where this Orb fragment, you must
| fragment lies, you follow the
_ must double jump off bridge to the cliffs
one of the rocks near §f edge. Jump downto —&
the gondola. If you collect your Blue Orb f
have Air Hike, use fragment.
- that instead.

Go into the
left Shield Door and right Shield Door.
follow the stairs to Follow the path until
the bottom. Break you reach de room. ;
the suspicious wall with Nigutmare-beta. BP
with cracks in it. Fall into the pit and
Inside will be a barrel double jump under
with an Orb Fragment the platform.

Use one of This easy-to-

the teleporters to get find Orb is a ful
to the top level of the four-fragment Orb.
coliseum. Run to the Just walk to the ele-
top of the bridge and vator platform and it
pause in the middle will be on your left
to make the Blue Orb side.
fragment drop.

This Blue . This fragment

Orb fragment is in is tricky to get. Place
the main entrance yourself by the ledge
where you began in in front of the main
Mission 1. Simply entrance’s Statue of f
walk to the right of Time and Air Hike to
the horse statue to the fragment. It may §
find it. take aBit of trial an
MISSION 16: Face Statue MISSION 17: A View
} Exit the main | After you’ve
entrance and, enter @) turned the crank
the hallway from and received the
Mission 2. Double Quicksilver in the
jump in front of the Gallery, go to the
| wall-mounted bust to balcony to the right
reveal another Orb of the second mirror
“| fragment. | to find a fragment.

In the under- Y Fill the tower

water area enter the with water, swim up
hallway and follow it | to the small ledge on |
down to the end. the first floor, and
‘Turn right through wait for the water to
the rusty gate, and drain. Or you can
shoot the barrel jump down onto it
inside to reveal the from the stairway
fragment. above.

Before You'll find an

entering the portal in | easy Blue Otb frag-
the courtyard, jump ment in the corrupt-
up to the double ed world version of
doors on the second the mirrored bed-
floor. Follow the room.
hallway to a Blue Orb §

” In the cor- Getting frag-

rupted world, make ment 33 makes this
our way up to the fragment appear in
edge were the the distant tower.
Untouchable and Red #2 pup back up to the
Orbs were in the nor- edge you were just
mal world. Simply on, and Air Raid or
fall off the edge to get Be Vortex over to it.
the fragment.
Killing the boss unseals the blue door, but if you instead head through the brown door and jump
into the water beneath the broken bridge, you can uncover the first Secret Mission. To beat this
one, you'll need to score a Critical Hit on a Sin Scissors enemy. To do so, use your sword to parry
his scissors snip, which will throw him off balance for a second. Rush in and hit Ri to raise your
Shotgun and blow his ethereal brains out before he can recover and raise his blade again. To get the
critical hit, you have to be so close that your gun appears to be sticking out the other side of his
head, so this can be tricky to set up. Fortunately, you can try again if you fail, but you may need to
hit your Devil Trigger to regain some health before you jump back in.

As soon as Mission 4 begins, you can enter

the first in a series of three Secret Missions by
stepping right back into the boss room. This
one’s fun: All you need to do is kill 100 baby
spiders in 30 seconds. The best strategy is to
use your handguns and fire constantly as you
walk around crushing spiders with your feet.
There are two groups of spiders on either side
of the door, and one near the altar at the end.
If you’re having trouble with this mission,
cheat: use your Devil Trigger to increase your
speed when running to the pack of spiders by the altar. As always, victory will get you a Blue Orb
fragment that will appear near the door.

Devit May Cry Perfect Guide
The door at the end of the hall now contains
Secret Mission 3. Once again, you have to smash
100 spiders, but with only 20 seconds on the
clock. The only weapon you can use is your feet,
so blow through this mission by hitting your
Devil Trigger and zooming around the room at
demon speed. If you don’t have the Trigger, taunt


Yeesh! If you had problems with the solo Shadow, you won’t have an easy
time battling three at once (and with no retries!). This mission takes place
back in the Arena where you fought the Marionettes in Mission 1 (3), and
can be attempted any time after you kill the Shadow in the courtyard, and
before you complete Mission 4. If you don’t care about your ranking, cheat
your way through it by dropping into a shop and buying a Holy Water. If
you’re intent on doing it fairly (and preserving a chance of an S ranking),
| you'll need to isolate a single Shadow and take it out quickly. Use your Devil
@ Bar and go wild. It doesn’t matter if you take a few hits, since you'll get a
| Green Orb for killing it. With one down, you can dodge the other two while
you refill your Devil Bar and prepare to repeat the process.

Come heavy, or not at all. You have no chance

here without a full Devil Bar. Whether this excru-
ciatingly difficult Secret Mission is the punchline to
the previous Secret Missions’ one- and two-star
jokes, or karmic retribution for Dante’s various
fashion sins, we may never know.

Devt May Cry Perfect Guide

This Mission takes place in the room where you got the Rusty Key.
The point of this mission is to get the two Kyklops to kill each other.
So stand right in between them, wait for them to shoot their giant
boulders, and jump out of the way. Air Hike is really useful here, as
it keeps you out of danger that much longer, so use it if you got it.
The Blue Orb fragment will appear as soon as the first spider dies,
and you’re then free to slaughter the remaining spider.


As soon as this Mission 11 begins, step right back through the

door behind you. The point of this mission is to jump off of the
Sin Scissors to get to the Blue Orb fragment floating in the sky.
The most challenging aspect of this mission is figuring out where
exactly the stupid Orb is. If you stand at the spot shown, about
3/4 of the way from the door to the large weed on the path,
you'll be right underneath it. Just keep jumping straight until a
Sin Scissors ends up in just the right position above you for an
easy enemy jump.
Before you even see the Mission
14 title, head right back into the
ship and swim all the way through
the main deck and into the ventila-
tion shaft that leads to the Captain’s
Room. Examine the captain’s body
and you'll be sucked into a mysteri-
ous underwater nether space that
contains nothing but eight swim-
ming Blades. I don’t know what you
expect to hear from me in the way
of strategy... Kill them all? Try not
to get hit? Focus your attacks on the same enemy until it dies? That’s about as fancy as this area
gets. The "escape" part consists of nothing more than grabbing the Blue Orb fragment that appears
when the last one dies.

Run back to the elevator and take it to the room where you got the Emblem Shield. The mission begins
when you look at the skull relief pictured here. Once again, you have to kill three Shadows, but this time
it’s a little easier. Roll away from Shadow #1’s cheesy opening strike, and immediately use your Devil
‘Trigger. Hit it with flaming Shotgun blasts until the orb appears, then break out the Ifrit power combo. If
you stay right at the point where the mission begins and kill the first one quickly, you can take out the ene-
mies one-by-one and avoid dealing with the spikes.

prostitute |
Re-enter the Coliseum to begin the Secret
Mission 9. To complete it, you’ll need to jump up
the stairway of skulls and pick up the Blue Orb
fragment at the top. It'll take four quick hops,
and then jump back from the top skull, since the
Orb fragment is actually located above the second-
j to-last one.

If you return to the airplane hangar room after defeating Nightmare, this mission will begin. The
objective is to hunt down and eradicate the four Shadows on the ground floor of the castle. Two are
in this room, crouched on the wing of the air-
plane. Once you lure them off the plane, jump
back up there and fill your Devil Bar with taunts
or cheap shots. The next is in the main hall,
where you found that second Blue Orb fragment
way back in Mission 1. The last is in the
portcullis room, through the red door. When all
four are dead, you’ll get the Blue Orb fragment.

Go right back through the portal and make it across the bridge without falling into the water (easy if
you use Vortex or Air Raid). 1 like this Secret Mission because it’s the only one you can totally cheat

at. I guess you’re supposed to use the Death
Scythe’s special ability to hurl you up in the air
underneath the Blue Orb fragment, but that’s
an awful lot of work to set-up. Iprefer to kill
the Death Scythe, charging Dante’s Devil Bar
in the process. Then hop up onto the bony
canopy, and just Vortex across. If you fail, the
only way you can retry is to take the warp out
of here, and cross the bridge again.

Getting to this
secret mission is
tricky... You need
to press the
gun/search button
at the spot shown
here, as if it were a
door. You'll enter a
hidden labyrinth
where you'll be
forced to fight three one-on-one battles with Nobodies. In one of them, you'll find a Blue Orb (yep, an entire
four-fragment Blue Orb), but that isn’t the prize for this mission. To make it through the labyrinth, just pick a
side (like Dante’s right) and hug that wall as you run through the labyrinth. It’s easy to get turned around
during the Nobody battles, but don’t worry if you get lost... The labyrinth isn’t that big, and if you stick to
one side, you'll find the door to the next area sooner or later.
There’s a giant dragon here, and if you hit the massive orb between his legs (um....) you'll get a ton of Red
Orbs. This guy doesn’t breathe fireballs, so there’s nothing to reflect, but you can get in his face and just beat
the crap out of him. Just step to the side after every few hits to avoid his breath. A bunch of Frosts will then
appear on the bottom, but you can ignore them and continue upwards to get to the prize. Jump from ledge to
ledge, and then take a ride on the first two giant eye-things. Ignore the third, and jump across to the glowing
item: The Bangle of Time.

| Use the Bangle of

Time like a weapon
to freeze time for as
long as your Devil
Bar lasts.

Devit May Cry Perfect Guide

ix: Secrets
The only prize you get for b
1 Mode is the option to choose Hard Mode. If
you continue off of your saved file, you'll auto-
matically be in Hard Mode. Youevengetto | a
keep all your items and moves (all the Blue ' Dice
Orb fragments you already picked up will now
1 be Yellow Orbs). Beat that, and you’ll unlock 4
Dante Must Die! Mode. This mode isn’t sim-
ly harder than Hard Mode -- it actually hasa ,
ey new game concepts, which we'll discuss : ——
later on.

ec geen
There are two hidden characters.
When you beat Hard Mode, you'll
unlock The Legendary Dark Kenight
(Sparda, apparently), a foppish fel-
low who battlesI evild with a smoking
= d
ine! . PY
Now you can play as :
jacket, monocle, and a new swor

| Bara , (which is better than Force Edge, but

a not by much). This is one of the
; most rewarding costume swaps ever:
Sparda has new battle music, a cool
shadow (check it out!) and even dif
ferent names for his handguns!
If you beat Dante Must Die! mode,
you can play as Super Dante. This is
the same as regular Dante, except his
Devil Bar never goes down, so you
can play through the entire game in
Devil Form. That should make get-
} ting all S Ranks alot easier!
These characters are only selec-
table if you start a new game.

e an S Rank on every mission of

any one mode (except Easy/Automatic), you'll
receive this nifty picture. ifyou get an S Rank
on every mode, you'll receive...nothing.
There are two major changes in Hard Mode: Bosses are tougher, and the enemies are differ-
ent. The change in enemy placement forces you to fight difficult enemies much earlier and in
increased numbers. Dante Must Die! incorporates both these changes, but with the addition of
soins we call "the Red Lightning Effect” or "R.L.E." for short. A timer will appear in certain
areas, ani if you don’t kill the enemies before it hits 0, the enemies will crackle with red electricity
and become MUCH harder to kill. There are ways to deal with these super-charged enemies, like
Ifrit’s Meteor attack, but the best strategy is always to kill them before the time runs out.

them. If there are Blades here, it’ll be a bit tougher,

so use Bangle to beat the clock. The library also has
Sin Scissors with a 60 second time limit. Use the
Everything on this same strategy you used before.
mission is the same as
it was in Hard mode,
until you get to the
arena. The arena now
has a 40 second time After the bridge
limit, and if you don’t breaks, you’ll have 25
kill the Marionettes in seconds to kill the
the time allotted they Sargasso, or the Red
will get the R.L-E. and Lightning Effect will
be much harder to kill. transform them into
The easiest way to a the cyclopean leader
quick lull is to use Sparda's Stinger, which both plows Sargasso. Which only
through the enemies and gets to the other side of the means that they now
room super fast. There is one other option...remem- take two Shotgun blasts
ber that Bangle of Time you got way, way back? Well, to the head.
it’s finally going to come in handy. Activate it and go
for a group kill while the Marionettes stand stupefied Next we fight Phantom. The bosses in Dante Must
in a winter wonderland. The group kill is also the Die! have quicker moves and more vitality than they
safest way to slay enemies when in their R.L.E. forms. did in eae Mode. Use Air Raid to kill this mon-
strosity and charge your Devil Bar back up with the
Grenade Gun.

The hallway now

contains a random
selection of enemies: There is now a Death
Either two Shadows or Scissors in the courtyard
a bunch of where the Shadow used
Marionettes. You can to be, and a 60 second
utilize the strategy from time limit. You’re stuck
the arena on the in a confined space, so
Marionettes, but you'll jump up and sah down
need to take a different \ ee with Sparda to kill the
route for the Shadows. - a Scissors effectively. You
First lure one of the Shadows away from the other can also use the Bangle :
and go ctazy with your handgun until the Orb if he’s about to get :
appears. That’s your cue to use your Bangle to freeze R.L.E. Angelo is the same as he was in Hard Mode.
time. Kill the orb with Stinger or Ifrit's charge
moves, and repeat the process for the other one.
The Sin Scissors in the courtyard now have a 40
second time limit. There are now two
you don’t kill them Shadows here, so lure
ey they'll get the one away from the
.L.E. and change col- other and then use the
ors, but don't worry too same strategy as before.
much; though the
look cooler than their
old form, they’re just as
easy to kill. A couple
of good ol’ Shotgun
blasts to the head is
still all it takes to kal

Devit May Cry Perfect Guide

the same two tactics over and over again,
well...tough. Angelo is the same as he was in earlier

timed Plasma ene-

mies in the room
where you got the As soon as the mis-
™ Rusty Key. You'll sion begins, you have 15
meed to use the Bangle second to kill the mari-
or Inferno to take them onettes and unlock the
down within 30 sec- doors. On the main
onds, If you have any deck, you’ll have 60
Devil Bar left over, use ence to kill a pack of
the Bangle on the Frosts. Griffon is pretty
Death Scissors at the end of this mission. If you much the same, but we
don’t, use Sparda Jump Attacks. do have a few tips:
Always jump up to the ao ;
top mast and shoot down from there. When you're
dodging his lightning blasts, hold down the R1 button
so you won't fall off. We’re not sure why this works,
As in Hard Mode, there are now Frosts in the hall- but it does.
way. Hint: Ifrit.

The same as Hard Mode.

You have 1:30 to beat “4

Watch for falling rocks while in the Cliff Face area!
There’s a Death Scythe in the next room, and a 60
' the timed Blades out- second time limit.
side the coliseum, so
use your Bangle if nec-
essary. Next up is the
iant bucket of chicken
nown as Griffon. And the hot strate: keeps on flowing! Let’s start
you choose to fight him with the Red Shield a or... first fight the Fetishes
instead of running onto with, surprise, the
the next area, watch Bangle. ‘Then go into
out for his new criss- the next room and fight
cross electricity attack. It's harmless when it starts out the Death Scythe. Lure
as faded yellow, but you'll need to find a safe spot it to the hallway where
before it turns pink (and deadly). Now use the same the door is and kill it
strategy you used in the other modes. Kill the with an Inferno blast.
Marionettes and Fetishes off with the Bangle or, if You can also entice him
you don’t mind wasting time, just stand by the door into the room with the
and fire your Grenade Gun. Devil Bar recharger and
use that to refill your

This mission is the same as it was in Hard Mode.

Next up is the colise-
um battle with Foghorn
Leghorn. Use your
ee to build up
your Devil Bar. Use
Air Raid immediately,
I know you’ve heard and shoot while circling
it before, but you might behind him so he'll be
| want to use the Bangle too busy trying to catch
to kill the massive up to do much damage.
onslaught of Blades in Waen electricity begins to surround the Griffon, and
the underground area. the sereen darkens a bit, drop to the pound and pre-
_ If you want to shake pare to dodge his lightning blasts with rolls maneu-
_ things up, use Inferno. vers.
_ If you’re tired of using

Devit May Cry Perfect Guide
You get 60 seconds This should b g ¥
to defeat the timed life. It’s boring, but you’ll probably want to use
Fetishes or Nobodies in the Air Raid ed ightmare is down to
the hallway. You can 25% of his life bar. Then let him swallow you and
use the tried and true go down to hell. . His last form is incredibly dan-
Bangle/Sparda strategy gerous, but this will leave him virtually no health
on the Fetishes, but and you with a full Devil Bar to Air Raid his second
Inferno works better otb to pieces.
against Nobodies.
Fight defensively ver-
sus Nightmare. Hit the
switch and run along the wall, as far away from it as
possible, until you see the white tracer that signals his
ice beam. Then use Air Raid and keep flying back to
the door as you fire. After you burn out or he sucks
away the Devil Bar, start refilling it. Use the Grenade
Gun if he’s intact, or taunts if he’s in goo form. The strategy for beat-
ing Mundus’ first form
is the same, except for
two changes. You'll
need to use your roll a
There are four timed Frosts in the courtyard where lot more, and you'll
they were first introduced in Normal Mode. Use want to use your Devil
Inferno to kill the first and erase the R.L-E. timer. Bar as soon as you get
Then Inferno the next two to unlock the door. it because in this mode
the full thing doesn't do
For our final Angelo battle, we’ll start with a much more damage.
charged Meteor attack, and then follow it up with a
string of uncharged Meteor hits. Avoid his attacks Eguip the Shotgun for Mundus’ final form, since it
and watch him careful- can blow away two orbs at once, including the deadly
ly until he does his black ones in the back.
four-hits-then-laugh Target those, because
combo, his Ronee Mundus will use them
combo, or his upper to fire his magic mis-
cut/downward slash siles at you. If you
combo, all of which destroy them, he’ll only
end with an opportuni- be able to throw one
ty for Dante to get ina magic missile at a time.
combo of his own. Fill Tf he threw any more
up your Devil Bar than that, it would be
using this strategy, and impossible to dodge.
then spend it on more Meteor attacks. If he tries to
use his Stinger attack, cancel it with a jump kick. The number one rule of fighting Mundus is to
Bar is full, just use your Devil Form to hit him with
our meteor attack. When Mundus is near death,
e'll put his hand in the lava and rain columns of fire
The only difference in strategy for this level is not down on you. To avoid them, watch his hands and
to let Nightmare suck you into the nether world. start running and jumping to the left (so you're in
Griffon is just too difficult to be worth it. sync with hisorbs) as SOON as you see it move.

In the corrupted You still have to kill the two Nobodies in the sec-
world, you'll have to ond room, and now you haye to kill the Frost in the
fight three Nobodies at third room aswell. n thehallway outside the :
© (ae t ?
: Lo
once. Use your Bangle Armory, you'll have to fight Shadows instead of
to stop them in their Blades. You should still have plenty of time to make
tracks. Inferno is it to Mundus, who you can easily kill with the same
tempting, but they'll tactics you used in earlier modes.
steal your Devil Bar if
you're not fast enough.
eed ee
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