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Name: Jerick S.

Villanueva BSIT 2D

GEL 2: Commonly Used Herbal Plants in the Philippines

1. English name: Sugar Apple

Common name: Atis

Scientific Name: The scientific name remains Annona squamosa.

Usage as Herbal Remedy: Various parts of the Sugar Apple tree, including the leaves, roots, and bark, have been used in
traditional herbal medicine in the Philippines.

Preparation: Herbal preparations from Sugar Apple may involve boiling, drying, or extracting the active components from
different parts of the tree.

Application as Herbal: In Filipino traditional medicine, Sugar Apple (Atis) has been used for its potential health benefits,
including the treatment of dysentery, diarrhea, and fevers. The leaves and bark are often used to make decoctions,
infusions, or poultices for these purposes.

2. English Name: Sappan wood

Common name: Sibukaw

Scientific Name: The scientific name of the Sibukaw tree is Caesalpinia sappan.

Usage as Herbal Remedy: Sappan wood is known for its red heartwood, which contains natural dyes and medicinal

Preparation: To prepare Sappan wood for herbal use, the heartwood is typically harvested, dried, and then processed into
various forms, such as chips, powder, or extracts.

Application as Herbal: In traditional Filipino and Southeast Asian herbal medicine, Sappan wood has been used for various

purposes. It is believed to have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties. Sappan wood is often used to
make teas, decoctions, or infusions for treating ailments such as fever, digestive issues, and skin conditions.

3. English name: Aloe vera

Common Name: "Sabila" or "Aloevera"

Scientific Name: Aloe barbadensis miller

Usage as Herbal Remedy: Aloe Vera is well-known for its various therapeutic and medicinal properties.

Preparation: To utilize Aloe Vera for its medicinal properties, you typically extract the gel from the inner leaf of the plant.
This gel can be used directly or processed into various products like creams, gels, and juices.

Application as Herbal: In the Philippines, as in many other parts of the world, Aloe Vera (Sabila or Aloevera) is used for its
soothing and healing properties. It is often applied topically to treat burns, minor wounds, and skin irritations. Aloe Vera

gel is also used in cosmetic and skincare products due to its moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties.

4. English name: Jute

Common Name: Saluyot

Scientific Name: Corchorus olitorius

Usage as Herbal Remedy: Saluyot has been traditionally used for its potential health benefits.

Preparation: Saluyot leaves are typically harvested and can be used fresh or dried. They are often boiled, sautéed, or used
in soups and stews.

Application as Herbal: In the Philippines and other countries, Saluyot (Jute) is used as both a culinary ingredient and a
traditional herbal remedy. It is believed to have various potential health benefits, including being rich in fiber and nutrients.

It has been used to alleviate symptoms of digestive issues and as a mild laxative. The leaves are also consumed as a
vegetable and are considered a nutritious addition to the diet.

5. English name: Mangosteen

Common name: "Mangostino"

Scientific Name: Garcinia mangostana

Usage as Herbal Remedy: Mangosteen is known for its potential health benefits and medicinal properties.

Preparation: The edible part of Mangosteen is the sweet and juicy pulp found inside the thick purple rind. It can be
consumed fresh, and Mangosteen products like juices and supplements are also available.

Application as Herbal: In the Philippines and other countries, Mangosteen is revered for its high antioxidant content. It is
believed to have potential health benefits, such as anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to boost the immune
system. Mangosteen is often consumed to promote general well-being and address various health concerns, including
skin conditions, digestive issues, and even as an anti-cancer remedy, although scientific evidence for some of these
claims is limited.

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