Power BI Questions and Answers

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Power BI interview Questions:

Question: SSRS?
Answer: SQL SERVER reporting server is really nothing more than a website that host webpage
report if you want to show basic tabular report, graph report in web browser SSRS is the best
Question: Is it any alternate of tableau?
Answer: Tableau and Power BI is the alternate of SSRS
Question: Where is the data stores in Power BI
Answer: It depends it may be cloud, in your desktop. It's usually depends on channels that you
used to import the data
Question: Is there any limitation of data?
Answer: Yes, if you bring the data import more than two users it is up to 1GB and for kind user
10 GB instead of that if bring direct query mode no limitation will be there. Only things are every
data of report exit 1 million of rows.
Question: Is there any performance impact if you switch to direct query?
Answer: Yes, here in direct query you are just creating a connection with a data source you ae
not bringing it to the Power BI Desktop directly. So, Whenever Query will be bringing in Power BI,
it will not find the solution of the cache memory of the power BI but its directly go to the data
source so it will take time. So yes i can say it will impact your performance.
Question: Is there any way to improve the performance of this query?
Answer: Yes, we can improve the performance of direct query by using group by or applying
most respective filters or by limit base of report or evaluating custom base performance of Power
Question: Have you heard about aggregation?
Answer: Yes.
Question: Can we aggregate the data to improve the performance?
Answer: Yes, Group by simple columns, Use sorted input, use incremental aggregation, Filter
data before you aggregate it, Limit port connections.
Question: Have you worked with Microsoft SQL Server?
Answer: Yes
Question: Can you tell me what is join?
Answer: Join are commonly used to combine two or more tables based on specified common
field between them. or we can say Cartesian product between two or more tables. When we are
selecting data from multiple tables with the relationship we used the joins.
Question: What is merge?
Answer: Merge is basically used to handle insert and delete on a single transaction without
having to write separate logic. we can say Merge try to compare with source table with the data
table based on the key field and to sum of the processing.
Question: Is there prerequisite to appending rows?
Answer: yes, yes, prerequisites are the columns name are the same. Column position does not
matter .it can be any query. If you have different number of columns the state would be same it
still appends the table
Question: If you have a table of 3 columns and another table have the 8 columns. Can you
append ?can append both of them?
Answer: Yes.
Question: What are the different types of Joins?
Answer: So, In Power BI 6 different types of Joins are there. Those are left join, right join, inner
join, full outer join, left outer join and right outer join.
Question: Have you heard about self-join?
Answer: Self join that can be used to join a table with itself.
Question: What is T(Transaction) SQL merge?
Answer: T SQL is a set of programming extension from Microsoft that add several features to
Structure query language like transaction control, exception handling, error handling, row
processing, and declare variable and all
Question: What is view?
Answer: It is a virtual table it does not exit physically rather it is created by query joining one or
more table or we can say a few contain row or columns it’s just like a real table instead that we
can also say filed in a view or field from one or more real table in a database.
Question: If you update a view it will affect the table?
Answer: Yes, it affects the table.
Question: can we update the view?
Answer: Yes, we update the view.
Question: is same syntax we use the update the table?
Answer: Yes, same syntax
Question: Tell me the syntax for the update the table?
Answer: update table name then we use set column 1 equal to V1 after that we can use where
clause i.e. Where condition
Question: Can we like similar an instead of table name like a can we say update view?
Answer: Yes.
Question: ok, once the update a view let’s say data is puling from a table A so table A
column also will have updated?
Answer: Yes.it will update.
Question: What is trigger?
Answer: Trigger is a special type of store procedure that automatically runs even when occurs in
the database server.
Question: Have you configured any settings power BI input after deploy to power BI
Answer: Yes
Question: Is there way to setting configurable so without even being published report
again you can change the configuration and refresh the report to see the different output
on the same report. Is that possible?
Answer: yes, this possible.
Question: Briefly say what is the process of creating a power bi report?
Answer: So basically, Power BI report is a combination of multiple visual elements that can bar
charts, text and etc. in a particular that may or may not be interrelated to each other’s. To create
a report, we need a data so first go to the data tab and bring the data from different data sources
and clean the data using power Query and create a modelling using power pivot and load in to
the desktop and after that select the visualization different charts on single page or in a report.
Question: What is contain pack?
Answer: Contain pack is a package which contain dashboard, report and that relevant database
or that may be data sources. which can be shared across clients. I have never done as it can be
done by senior manager
Question: Contain pack and publish to app? what is that
Answer: Difference is that contain pack can be copied where power bi app cannot be. Instead of
that customized the things in power BI app but we cannot the customized the things in Contain
pack. These are the two things that i know.
Question: What is programming language used in Power BI?
Answer: It’s a M language
Question: What the M function we used?
Answer: I have used Differnet M fucntion like list, contain.list, district.list, combine.list, sort,list.
random and all
Question: Have you used DAX?
Answer: yes, I have used DAX.
Question: What is the Full form of DAX?
Answer: It means Data Analytics Expression
Question: Can you create dynamic columns using DAX?
Answer: yes
Question: Have you used variable inside DAX formula? Have you done that
Answer: yes, I have. You a defined DAX variable using VAR statement and using return
Question: Can you write syntax for me? for DAX I just want to added two columns suppose
you have a table name A and you have a two columns in A Columns B and column C i
asked you to write the DAX formula creating a new columns C where addition of Columns
B and columns C?
Answer: So for doing this we can write columns C =Table name ([Column B], + [column A])
Question: if I say A and B are not the datatype of integer?
Answer: you mean text format
Question: Write a text format. i can use concatenate function
Question: If I asked to summarize the data what function will you used?
Answer: to use the summarize the function i can use summarize function
Question: Anything apart form that?
Answer: I can use group by
Question: Can you give me an example of group by?
Answer: So, we have a table called as Cricket and its having 3 columns the m=name months
and scores my program to See the player name and terrier score. So i can use the group by to
fund the solution
Question: Different types of filters available in power BI?
Answer: 4 different types of filters in Power BI those are visual level filters, base level filters,
report level filters, drill through filters.
Question: What are the difference between drill down and drill through?
Answer: So the difference is drill down allow user to explore multidimensional data by navigating
from one level down to more detail level where as in drill through similarly to drill down report by
giving user the ability to navigate to different level of data by clicking on data element.
Question: If i tell that user has a requirements saying that specific report has two pages
first page’s user applying a filter and he wants the same filter second page as well? So
what types of filter you should use/
Answer: in that case i can use report level filter
Question: Now he says he does not want to expand the filter he wants filtering option on
report about chart is it possible?
Answer: Yes, it is possible .by using the bookmark
Question: What about slicers?
Answer: slicer is kind of filter with help user can have interaction report and dashboard
Question: Switch kind filtering right?
Answer: Yes.
Question: If you have slicer on page 1smae things like slicer in page 2as well by format
but now user is saying whenever select one of the values the goes to page 2 he says same
slicer is not getting applied. he says if I want to change slicer in 1 one the Same changes
should be in page 2?
Answer: Sync filter we can use.
Question: How we can refresh the report what are the options?
Answer: in Power BI desktop lever we can go to the refresh level or if we have already published
then we can set a scheduler refresh to refresh level.
Question: do you have experience Azure SQL?
Answer: no
Question: How would your language transition? have you worked with it in POWER BI?
Answer: Doing this simply going Power BI then an option on setting then click on option and then
select on regional setting and change the language you want.
Question: Do you know Power BI Q & A?
Answer: so basically Q & A visual allows you to ask a natural language question s and get the
answer in that case use Q & A
Question: Have you implemented any Dashboard?
Answer: for doing this first of all you have to login into power BI account then click on Publish
button presented top bar on canvas and you can also get another publish topping inside the fil if
click on the file the you can get the another option to publish report so click on any one of these
to then select destination where you want to publish by default it is my workplace otherwise login
into your Power BI. combo to workspace and create workplace there you want then gain go to
power bi desktop and click on publish your report and open you publish Power BI report has option
pick visual it will ask pin to visual let the dashboard where you want to pin
Question: When you pin the visual on dashboard what is that visualization is called
Answer: Key performance indicator or key processing unit
Question: what is the key processing unit?
Answer: I am not sure but I think it’s called tiles

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