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Name: Jessa Mae DC.

1. What are motor skills?
- A motor skill is a function that uses particular muscle movements to carry out
a specified activity. These activities could involve biking, running, or walking.
The neurological system, muscles, and brain of the body must all cooperate
to achieve this talent.
2. Define the 2 types of motor skill.
- The two types of motor skills are fine motor skills and gross motor skills. Both
must be mastered for a person to develop steady mobility. The ability to move
the big muscle groups in the arms, legs, and trunk of the body is referred to
as gross motor competence. These abilities call for full-body motions. Daily
activities like walking, running, or playing sports make use of motor skills. The
neurological system must be used in combination with gross motor skills.
From birth until late childhood or early adulthood, gross motor skills continue
to improve. All facets of a person's everyday life might be impacted by
underdeveloped gross motor abilities. Low gross motor abilities can affect an
individual's self-esteem and make daily tasks like working and attending
school challenging. The use of small muscle groups, such as those in the
hand or wrist, requires fine motor skills. Using pencils, scissors, building with
Lego or Duplo, button-doing, and opening lunch boxes all require the smaller
hand muscles that make up fine motor skills.

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