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Student’s Name: Student ID: Programme:

Place of Training: _______________________ Period of Training: ___________

Please award the correspondent mark to each category in the box provided

Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary

Irrelevant project with unclear problem A sufficiently relevant project with Substantially relevant project with Extremely relevant project with
statement and brief background of sufficiently clear and concise substantially clear and concise extremely clear and concise
Background of Study, Problem Statement, Objective study. Project objectives that are background of study and problem background of study and problem background of study and relevant
& Scope of Study insufficient, immeasurable, irrelevant statement. Project objectives are statement. Project objectives are problem statement. Project objectives /10
(CLO1) and unachievable within the time sufficient, measurable, relevant and substantial, measurable, relevant and are significant, measurable, relevant
frame achievable within the time frame achievable within the time frame and achievable within the time frame
(< 4) (4 to < 6.5) (6.5 to < 8) (8 to 10)
Critical analysis, relevancy & recentness of the Carried out an in-depth and up-to-date Carried out a comprehensive and up-
Content Carried out insufficient literature Carried out sufficient literature review
literature literature review and has done to-date literature review and has done
review and inadequate analysis and adequate analysis
substantial analysis critical analysis
(< 4) (4 to < 6.5)
(6.5 to < 8) (8 to 10)
Methodology and project activities are Methodology and project activities are Methodology and project activities are Methodology and project activities are
insufficient, unachievable with sufficient, moderately achievable with comprehensive, achievable with comprehensive, highly achievable with
inadequate methods adequate methods suitable methods extremely appropriate methods
(< 4) (4 to < 6.5) (6.5 to < 8) (8 to 10)
Identified milestones are sufficiently Identified milestones are mostly Identified milestones are highly
Identified milestones are unachievable
Project Activities & Key Project Milestones achievable and adequately relevant to achievable and relevant to the achievable, very satisfactory and
and irrelevant to the objectives
the objectives objectives extremely relevant to the objectives
(< 4)
(4 to < 6.5) (6.5 to < 8) (8 to 10)
Data presented is not sufficient to Sufficient data presented to meet Data presented is sufficient to meet
meet objectives, lack professional objectives but problems with objectives, presented professionally,
Major problems with presentation in presentation, significant figures are presentation, majority of significant significant figures are consistent,
content, data is poorly organized, inconsistent, figure captions are not as figures are consistent, effective figure effective figure captions used,
figures and tables are included but not effective in summarizing key results, captions used, presentation is presentation is thorough and complete
Result and Discussion
described in text, limited discussion of material is not presented in thorough, only important data with important data presented in the
Result and Discussion (CLO1)
theory or relevance of results, appropriate place, data is not critically presented, data is analyzed but does text, data is critically analyzed with
deviations from literature not analyzed with respect to the theory, not link to the theory, significance of respect to the theory, significance of
discussed significance is not clear, deviations results mentioned but not clearly results is clear and deviations from
(< 4) from literature mentioned but not described, deviation from literature literature are discussed in detail
analyzed thoroughly discussed but not in sufficient detail (8 to 10)
(4 to < 6.5) (6.5 to < 8)
Sustainability (CLO3)
Comprehensive discussion on
Discussion on • Environmental No discussion on sustainability Little discussion on sustainability Sufficient discussion on sustainability
Sustainability • Economy (<8.0) (8.0 to <13.0) (13.0 to <16.0)
sustainability /20
(16.0 to 20.0)
• Social
• Some of the conclusions are logical • Conclusions are logical, attempt to
• Conclusions are not logical or are
but are not necessarily related to relate them to objectives, attempt to • Conclusions are logical and related
completely unrelated to the
the originally stated objectives, evaluate significance and quality of to the objectives, clearly evaluate
Conclusions and Conclusions and Recommendations objectives, limited evaluation of
limited evaluation of significance results significance and quality of results
Recommendations (CLO1) significance and quality of results
and quality of results • Recommendations are clearly stated • Recommendations for future work
• Recommendations are missing or
• Recommendations attempted but not justified are clearly stated and justified
(4 to < 6.5) (6.5 to < 8) (8 to 10)
(< 4)

Fair understanding of the subject Average understanding of the subject Good understanding of the subject Impressive understanding of the
Technical and factual accuracy; Grasp of subject matter and answered some questions matter and answered most questions matter and answered all questions subject matter and answered all
Questions and Answers (CLO1) with uncertainty with certainty satisfactorily questions fluently and confidently /10
(< 4) (4 to < 6.5) (4 to < 6.5) (8 to 10)

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