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"Can you pretend to be my boyfriend?

Tyler's eyes widened in shock
"B...but why?"
he stuttered, trying to make sense of the situation.
Tyler didn't understand where this was coming from.
"Because I have a dinner to attend and my ex boyfriend is hosting, so I need to
make him jealous"
Tyler was confused
"Are you using me?"
"No ,I'm not, am just trying to help you since you don't have money to pay, pretend
to be dating me and I will defend you without billing you"
Tyler hesitated.
"You know what? Why not. You're right anyway, but I still feel bad about all this
because am not gay"
Roden scoffed and said
"Are you sure about that?"
"Ye...No..I don't know "
"Let's close the deal first.."
"Mr Roden,I need to go home and think about this"
"Sure,call me when you have decided" Roden responded as he handed his business
card to him.
"Okay, thank you"
Tyler said as they shook hands and he left the firm.

He went home, took his shower and ate a light meal.

After cleaning everything up,he took time to think about what Roden told him
earlier that day and he called his friend,Katana.
Katana was his assistant and bestie.An athletic girl and a tomboy.
"Hello babe"
"Hey Ty , What's up"
"There is an emergency"
"Wowwwww,I love this,spill the tea boo"
He told her everything that happened that day.
"Hm..this is one tough nut to crack" Katana said
"Yeah ...I know right, I've been thinking, should I agree or not"
"You know there is nothing wrong with the suggestion tho,just that you will have to
give him conditions"
"What should I tell him?"
"Agree but tell him not to be too touchy with you .Send me his picture on MasApp, I
need to see this dude"
"Okay...Bye,Love you"
"Love you too boo".
Tyler sighed after the call ended and he decided he will go with Mr Roden's
suggestion at least it will save him some money. He took his laptop and watched a K
drama till he slept.

When Tyler woke up the next morning he felt refreshed and full of energy. His mind
finally clear from the worries he has been having.He looked around his messy room
to find clothes for the day, he picked out a shirt that says 'boyfriend' on the
front and black skinny jeans.
He quickly ate breakfast and got ready.
He called Mr Roden and they agreed to meet at a restaurant to talk about it.
When Tyler entered the building he found a sign in the lobby that said 'Reserved
for Roden'.
He walked through the entrance and saw Mr Roden sitting down, he waved at Tyler and
motioned him to sit opposite of him.
"Good morning Mr Roden"
"Please call me Roden"
"Okay Roden" Tyler replied and smiled
" called ,do you agree or not
"Yes I agree but I have conditions, one don't be too touc..."
Tyler was busy stating his conditions but Roden was not listening.He was looking at
Tyler, loving his features..his doe eyes,full lips,grey eyeballs,messy curly hair
and how his tongue moved,his neck and the motion it makes when Tyler talks and
gesticulates.He was mesmerized.
"Hey Roden, can you hear me"
Roden immediately woke up from his awake sleep and he noticed he was drooling
"Am so sorry,I zoned out"
"Oh..I was just saying you should not be too touchy with me,and we have to stick to
a planned discussion so you won't spill anything absurd.
"Alright alright, I agree"
They signed the contract and shook hands.
Tyler noticed Roden's hands was really cold but he shrugged it off.
"So the party is on Saturday,I will come to your place and pick you, alright?"
Tyler responded as he left the restaurant
He texted Katana asking if she wants to join him for the dinner.
She responded with yes.
It was already 4 P.M and he had finished work.
Tyler started packing some snacks and drinks.
He put on some music,went to his closet and picked the outfit he wanted to wear.
He wore a long sleeve shirt with some denim jeans,he put on some black sneakers and
grabbed his keys.
On his way to the car he texted Katana again
A few minutes later he arrived at her apartment.He knocked on the door and waited
for her to answer.
Soon enough he heard her unlocking the door
"Hey girl"
"Come on in Ty"
"Thank you,I brought some lasagna with me and wine"
"Woah...I made some baked beans,your favorite"
"Awww.. thank you".
They settled in and ate.After eating they watched a movie together and discussed
about Saturday.Tyler ended up sleeping in Katana's house.

Finally it was Saturday morning.Tyler called Roden to remind him and Roden told him
that the event was by 9pm
He had to go shopping and buy a new outfit.
The whole evening he spent searching for a perfect outfit.He ended up choosing a
black button up shirt,a tight high waisted pants which showed slim fit body.He also
chose a nice grey jacket.
At 8:30pm he was waiting outside for Roden. Just then Roden arrived and greeted
Tyler with a peck on the cheek.Tyler blushed and asked him not to do that again.
"Nice outfit"
Roden kissed his cheek again and they entered the car and zoomed off.
When they arrived the venue.Roden opened the door for Tyler.Tyler was shocked by
this gesture because no one has treated him like this.Rode held his hands and they
walked inside
"Remember, this is to make my ex boyfriend jealous.we have to make it realistic"
"Okay, as long as you defend me in court,I have no problem but remember my
"Yeah I do,"Mr don't get too touchy" " Roden teased Tyler.
Tyler chuckled and playfully slapped his arm
As they entered the venue,Tyler noticed everyone there had pale skin like Roden and
they were staring at him.He had goosebumps all over his body.
Roden noticed and held his hands tighter and whispered
"It's fine,am here with you, remember?"
Tyler nodded but was still a bit spooked.
"Hi there~" The man said while smiling flirtatiously.His name was Ryan.Ryan was
tall and muscular.He has a pale skin too with blue hair, perfectly slim waist,sleek
hair and blue eyes .He has his nails done.He was perfect.
Tyler felt insecre immediately.
" Lord" Ryan said as he hugged Roden
Roden did not hug him back but he didn't push him away either.
" Who is this" Ryan said starring at Tyler from head to toe, rating how cheap his
outfit was.
"This is my boyfriend ,Tyler"
Tyler's heart skipped immediately his name was mentioned.
"Wow, a human"
Tyler was confused
"Uhmmm...sorry what do you mean by " a human"
Ryan chuckled and said to Roden
" Oh you haven't told him"
Ryan laughed
"Calm down daddy~ ai know you like it rough but he will find out sooner or later"
He said as he left them
Tyler got more confused
Roden, what is he talking about"

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