When You're Feeling Like A Failure

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When You're Feeling Like A Failure:


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Destiny S. Harris
Table of Contents
When You're Feeling Like A Failure
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
The End
Thank You Note
About Destiny S. Harris
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When You're Feeling Series
Mental Rescue Series
Self-Care Affirmations Series
Post-Incarceration Series

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When You're Feeling Like A Failure:
Chapter 1
I Am Winning

1. I am winning at life.

2. I am winning in my career.

3. I am winning in my relationships.

4. I am winning in my health.

5. I am winning in my finances.

6. I am winning in my emotions.

7. I am winning in my goals.

8. I am winning in my family.

9. I am winning in my attitude.

10. I am winning in my habits.

11. I am winning in my thinking patterns.

12. I am winning every day.

I am winning.
I am a winner.
How will I win in my life today?


Chapter 2
I Am NOT A Failure

1. I am victorious.

2. I am mighty.

3. I am resilient.

4. I am persistent.

5. I am a winner.

6. I am progressing forward (no matter how slowly).

7. I am focused.

8. I am determined.

9. I do not look back.

10. I only look forward.

11. I might fail, but I am not a failure.

I am not a failure.
I am a winner.
How will I win in my life today?

Chapter 3

1. I am confident.

2. I believe in myself.

3. I love who I am today.

4. I have a healthy relationship with myself.

5. I have unconditional love for myself.

6. I am for me.

7. I take care of myself every day.

8. I prioritize my wants and needs.

9. I think positively about myself.

10. I have healthy boundaries.

I support myself.
I believe in me.
How will I win in my life today?

Chapter 4
Winning Is The Only Option

1. Winning is the only option I choose.

2. I am dedicated to following through on my commitments and goals.

3. I will fight for me, my desires, my dreams, my goals, and my purpose.

4. When life gets tough, I stay focused.

5. When life beats me down, I stand on my two feet.

6. I am enjoying the journey to victory.

7. I never give up on myself.

8. I am dedicated to believing in myself no matter what.

9. I am winning at life.

10. I am winning today.

I am a winner.
I am winning.
How will I win in my life today?

Chapter 5

1. I accept who I am today.

2. I accept who I was yesterday.

3. I do not take breaks from accepting who I am.

4. Self-acceptance is more important than the acceptance I receive from


5. As I accept others and myself, the people I attract will accept me as well.

6. I dare to show the world who I am.

7. There is nothing wrong with who I am today.

8. I have the power to show true love to myself and others; so, I do this

9. Self-acceptance is a gift I give to myself every single day of the year.

10. To love me is a courageous act.

11. I accept me for me.

12. I forgive myself for anything I hold against me.

13. I love me.

14. I am okay with me.

15. Who I am is perfect.

16. I don't have to change who I am for anyone.

17. I accept not only myself for who I am but others for who they are.

18. I accept all of me.

19. I am worthy of self-acceptance.

I am embalmed with self-acceptance.
I accept myself.
How will I win in my life today?

Chapter 6

1. I am confident.

2. I make decisions confidently.

3. I exude confidence in my communication.

4. I exude confidence wherever I go.

5. Confidence looks great on me.

6. I am self-assured.

7. I am my confidence boost.

8. I walk confidently.

9. I inspire others to be more confident.

10. I am confident and humble.

Confidence is within me.
I am always with confidence.
How will I win in my life today?

Chapter 7
Mentally Strong

1. I am mentally strong.

2. I am mentally capable of anything I commit my mind to.

3. I am mentally well.

4. I am mentally dominant.

5. I have mental prowess.

6. I am a tough cookie to chew down.

7. I have grit.

8. I am relentless.

9. I never let others dominate me mentally or get inside my head if it serves

me unproductively.

10. I am mentally ready to tackle anything.

I am winning.
I am a winner.
How will I win in my life today?

Chapter 8
I Am Worthy

1. I am worthy of victory.

2. I am worthy of another chance.

3. I am worthy of acceptance.

4. I am worthy of support.

5. I am worthy of kindness from myself and others.

6. I am worthy of a win.

7. I am worthy of acknowledgement.

8. I am worthy of unconditional love.

9. I am worthy of validation.

10. I am worthy of having my dreams come to fruition.

I am worthy.
I am worthy.
How will I win in my life today?

Chapter 9
I Affirm Myself

1. I affirm myself.

2. My opinion of myself far outweighs the opinions others have of me.

3. I view myself positively. I do not ignore areas I can improve upon; I

acknowledge them, accept them, and work to improve them.

4. I only lift myself.

5. I believe in myself.

6. My confidence in myself grows daily.

7. I validate myself daily through positive affirmation.

8. I validate myself daily through self-love.

9. I validate myself through positive thinking.

10. I choose to believe in myself even when others don't.

11. I am enough.
I validate myself daily.
I believe I am worthy of victory.
How will I win in my life today?

Chapter 10
I Am Enough & I Am Worthy P2

1. I am good enough.

2. I am enough.

3. I am worthy.

4. I am worthy of blessings.

5. I am worthy of love.

6. I am worthy of experiencing good in my life.

7. I am worthy of a win.

8. I am worthy of good days.

9. I am worthy of a great career.

10. I am worthy of experiencing great relationships.

11. I am worthy of happiness, peace, and joy.

12. I am worthy of good health.

13. I am worthy of quality transportation.

14. I am worthy of quality housing.

15. I am worthy of respect.

16. I am good enough.

I am worthy of good in my life.
I am good enough.
How will I win in my life today?

Chapter 11
Low Days

1. I am making a comeback.

2. Today is not the end for me.

3. I might be experiencing a setback, but I am ready for my comeback.

4. I never stay down for long. I stand up and run forward!

5. I accept my low feelings.

6. I choose to hold onto optimism through the dark and low moments.

7. I am putting one foot in front of the other. I can't be stopped.

8. My emotions will not get the best of me.

9. I am in charge of my life. A moment, a mistake, a failure, and a mishap

do not define me.

10. Quitting is not in my vocabulary.

I choose to maintain a positive attitude.
Today, I will encourage myself.
How will I win in my life today?

Chapter 12

1. I choose joy.

2. I choose optimism.

3. I choose to be encouraged.

4. I choose to motivate myself.

5. I choose happiness.

6. I choose jolly and glee.

7. I choose to believe in me!

8. I choose the most positive attitude and positive perspective.

9. I'm going to wear a smile on my face.

10. Me and joy are best friends.

I have joy.
I am an encouragement to myself.
How will I win in my life today?

Chapter 13
The Ultimate Love & Care

1. Today, I am caring for myself without limits.

2. Today, I will love myself without limits.

3. Today, I am accepting myself without limits.

4. Today, I am encouraging myself without judgement.

5. Today, I am praying/speaking strength for myself.

6. Today, I am for me.

7. Today, I am my best friend.

8. Today, I am my motivator.

9. Today, I am holding my heart in my hand with the utmost care.

10. Today, I will remind myself that I am not a failure but a winner. I am a

victorious, relentless, strong, and powerful winner. Nothing and no one will

stand in my way.
I am loving myself today.
I remind myself; I am not a failure but a winner.
How will I win in my life today?

The End
Thank You Note
Thank you for taking the time to read this book, and I appreciate the

opportunity you have given me to invest in your life.

About Destiny S. Harris
Destiny S. Harris' ultimate goal is to positively inspire, cultivate, elevate,
and educate the minds of individuals across the globe through her writing
and fit lifestyle.

With over 100+ books published to date, creating (whether it is books,

articles, poetry, or music) has always been Destiny's thing, not to mention
health & fitness and all things entrepreneurial. Destiny published her first
book, "Beauty Secrets for Girls" at age 11 and her second book, "Don't Wait
Until It's Too Late" at age 12.

Destiny obtained three degrees from the University of Georgia in

Psychology, Political Science, & Cultural Studies. She also started her own
music teaching business at the age of 14, which she led for over ten years.
In addition, she has been teaching academic, career, and personal
development topics to thousands of students and readers since 2004.

Outside of writing, Destiny loves and enjoys a few other things:

bodybuilding, reading, traveling, dogs, food, classic movies, anime,
mountain and ocean views, plants, and nature.

Check out her work, leave a review, share your thoughts with your friends
and family, and be a part of a movement: helping people learn and grow
through means of self-education (books).

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When You're Feeling Series
1. When You're Feeling Depressed

2. When You're Feeling Lonely

3. When You're Feeling Like Sh*t
4. When You're Feeling Afraid

5. When You're Feeling Discouraged

6. When You're Feeling Broke

7. When You're Feeling Impoverished

8. When You're Feeling Unmotivated

9. When You're Feeling Discontent

10. When You're Feeling Sick

11. When You Feel Like Quitting

12. When You're Feeling Insecure

13. When You're Feeling Lazy

14. When You're Feeling Tired

15. When You're Feeling Stressed

16. When You're Feeling Unhealthy

17. When You're Feeling A Loss of Identity

18. When You're Feeling Rejected

19. When You're Feeling Like A Failure

Mental Rescue Series
1. Affirmations For: Depression

2. My Emotional Journey: A Workbook

3. Dealing With The Monday Blues
4. 31 Days of Encouragement for the Soul

5. 100 Ways To Improve Your Mood

6. Dealing With Loneliness

7. Escape The Drought

Self-Care Affirmations Series
1. Affirmations On Self-Care

2. Affirmations On Self-Care: Travel Size

Post-Incarceration Series
Destiny S. Harris created the Post-Incarceration Series to give back to those
affected by the correctional system. If you would like to support an inmate,
please purchase one or more of the books below for an inmate you know or
donate at paypal.me/supportdestiny to get one more books delivered to an

Post-Incarceration Series

1. An Inspirational Love Letter To The Incarcerated

2. Boost Yourself: Affirmations

3. Go For Your Dreams

4. I Believe In Myself: Affirmations

5. I Do The Hard Sh*T: YES I CAN!

6. Love Yourself: Affirmations

7. Self-Value Affirmations
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