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1. Do you think migrants dominate a city that is a global city and neglects the existence of
local residence?
• I do not think migrants dominate a global city and neglect the existence of
residents. Migrants contribute to the diversity and dynamism of a global city, which
are some of the criteria of the Mori Foundation. Migrants also bring skills, talents,
and cultures that enrich the local economy and society. However, migrants may
face challenges such as discrimination, integration, and access to services and
opportunities. Therefore, a global city should promote social inclusion and
cohesion among its diverse population.

2. How does demographic changes negatively impact a nation's economy?

• Demographic changes can negatively impact a nation’s economy in various ways.
For example, an aging population can increase the dependency ratio, which is the
ratio of the number of elderly people to the number of working-age people. This
can put pressure on the public finances, social security systems, and health care
services of a nation. An aging population can also reduce the labor force,
productivity, and innovation potential of a nation. On the other hand, a declining
population can reduce the domestic market size, consumer demand, and
economic growth of a nation. A declining population can also create labor
shortages, skill gaps, and human capital losses for a nation.

3. Why is the old age dependency ratio increasing?

• The old age dependency ratio is increasing because of the combination of low
fertility rates and high life expectancy. Low fertility rates mean that there are fewer
young people entering the working-age population, while high life expectancy
means that there are more elderly people surviving beyond the retirement age.
This results in a higher proportion of elderly people to working-aged people over

4. What do you think are the PULL FACTORS the Pasig City have that encourage the people
to choose Pasig rather than other places?
• Some of the pull factors that Pasig City has that encourage people to choose Pasig
rather than other places are:
i) Pasig City is a smart city with a green heart, which means that it integrates information
and communication technology (ICT) systems and environmental promotion in its
urban development.
ii) Pasig City is a prosperous and competitive city, which means that it offers a large and
growing local economy, a diverse and skilled workforce, a vibrant and innovative
business sector, and a high quality of life. Pasig City has ranked among the top cities
in the Philippines in terms of local economy size, local economy growth, local economy
structure, productivity, and financial deepening.

5. Name 3 cities in NCR you can consider as Global City according to the criteria of Mori
Foundation? Explain Why?
• The three (3) cities that I consider as a global city according to the criteria of Mori
Foundation are:
i. Manila: Manila ranked #32 in the overall ranking, with its highest scores in
Cultural Interaction (#14) and Livability (#20). Manila is the capital and the
largest city of the Philippines, with a rich history, culture, and diversity. Manila
is also a major center of commerce, education, entertainment, and tourism in
the country.


ii. Makati: Makati ranked #38 in the overall ranking, with its highest scores in
Economy (#19) and Accessibility (#24). Makati is the financial and business
hub of the Philippines, hosting many multinational corporations, banks,
embassies, and shopping malls. Makati is also known for its skyscrapers,
green spaces, and cultural attractions.
iii. Quezon City: Quezon City ranked #40 in the overall ranking, with its highest
scores in Research and Development (#28) and Environment (#30). Quezon
City is the most populous and the largest city in the Philippines, with a diverse
and vibrant population. Quezon City is also a major center of education, media,
health, and government in the country.

6. According to FAO, 1996, global food production has grown rapidly over the past 30 years
managing to surpass population Growth.
a. Carter, 2001
b. IMF, 2012
c. FAO, 1996

7. It defined as the “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising
the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
a. Sustainability
b. Food Security
c. Global Sustainable

8-10. There are 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that aim to achieve a better and
more sustainable future for all by 2030. Three examples of SDGs are:
i) SDG 1: No Poverty. This goal seeks to end poverty in all its forms and dimensions
and ensure that all people have access to basic services, social protection, and
economic opportunities.
ii) SDG 4: Quality Education. This goal aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality
education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, regardless of gender,
age, disability, ethnicity, or location.
iii) SDG 13: Climate Action. This goal calls for urgent action to combat climate change
and its impacts, by strengthening resilience, adaptation, mitigation, and cooperation at
all levels.

11. Give one of the 4 key pillars of food security.

• On of the four (4) key pillars is the food utilization. This pillar refers to the way the body
makes the most of various nutrients in the food and determines the nutritional status of
individuals. Utilization depends on factors such as food preparation, diversity of the diet,
care and feeding practices, and intra-household distribution of food.

12. How does sustainability differ from stability in an economic sense?

• Sustainability differs from stability in an economic sense in that sustainability focuses on

the long-term viability of an economy, while stability focuses on the short-term consistency
and predictability of an economy. Sustainability involves balancing economic, social, and
environmental factors to ensure that the current and future needs of people and the planet
are met, without depleting or harming the resources or the environment.

13. What are the three pillars or dimensions of sustainability, and how do they contribute to
preserving the earth and ensuring the survival of future generations?

• The three pillars or dimensions of sustainability are environmental, social, and

economic. They contribute to preserving the earth and ensuring the survival of future
generations by:


i) Environmental sustainability: protecting the natural resources and biodiversity that
support life on Earth, and reducing the environmental impacts of human activities, such
as pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and deforestation.
ii) Social sustainability: promoting human well-being, health, and dignity, and ensuring
that all people have equal access to basic services, rights, and opportunities,
regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or other affiliations.
iii) Economic sustainability: fostering economic growth and development that is
inclusive, equitable, and efficient, and that provides income and livelihoods for people,
without compromising the environment or social justice.

14. How Global Citizenship related to Cosmopolitan?

• Global citizenship is related to cosmopolitanism in that both concepts imply a sense of

belonging and responsibility to a wider human community that transcends national or other
boundaries. Global citizenship and cosmopolitanism both emphasize the values of
respect, tolerance, and solidarity among all people, and the recognition of the common
humanity and dignity of all. However, global citizenship and cosmopolitanism may differ in
their scope and implications. Global citizenship may be seen as a more practical and
political concept that involves the exercise of rights and duties at the global level, such as
participating in global governance, advocating for global justice, and supporting global
causes. Cosmopolitanism may be seen as a more philosophical and moral concept that
involves the cultivation of a cosmopolitan outlook, attitude, and identity, such as being
open-minded, curious, and empathetic towards other cultures, perspectives, and

15. Are you a global citizen? If no, what are the steps you will make in order to become one? If
yes, what are the actions you do as a Global Citizen?

• My answer is Yes. I am a global citizen and the actions that I do as a global citizen are:
i) I read and watch news and media from different sources and countries to keep myself
informed and updated about global issues and events. I try to be critical and discerning
of the information that I consume, and to avoid bias and misinformation. I also try to
engage in constructive and respectful dialogue and debate with others, and to listen
and learn from their perspectives and experiences.
ii) I learn and practice foreign languages and cultures to enhance my intercultural
competence and communication skills. I try to immerse myself in the language and
culture that I am learning, and to appreciate its beauty and richness. I also try to be
respectful and sensitive to the cultural norms and values of the people that I interact
with, and to avoid stereotypes and prejudices.


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