Climate Change Action Plan

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Climate change has become one of the principal challenges with grave impact
on environmental, political, economic and social aspect of humanity in our day. Thus,
it is timely to ponder what we can do with the current situation. As what Pope Francis
has said, to quote “all of us can cooperate as instruments of God for the care of
creation as it is within our responsibility and duty towards nature”. It is in this context
that the author proposes the following climate change action plan in response to
Laudato Si goals:
As a Response to the Cry of the Earth. I believed it calls for a universal
acceptance that it is our responsibility to protect our common home and that is the
Earth. The crisis on loss of biodiversity and ecological sustainability is evident, hence,
it is timely to adapt sustainable action plan for climate change. Installation of solar
panels, buying renewable energy, sustainable waste management and planting trees
are the basic response to protect our mother Earth. On personal level, I could
contribute to protect our mother Earth by segregating waste materials as to their
classifications to bio-degradable and non-biodegradable. Also, I will not be burning
plastics and cellophanes and chose to placed them at their designated dumping sites.
I will consider to use transportation that emits less carbon dioxide as it is primarily
cause of climate change. Lastly, I will take a further step in valuing the diversity of
plants and animal species and be an advocate in saving it
As a Response to the Cry of the Poor. I believed that it calls for universal
action to protect all forms of life on Earth. Henceforth, ensuring access to clean water
and ensuring free of air pollution. Life is also protected by g.iving access to
education, ensures that basic programs and deliverables are given to address basic
needs. On personal level, I will be an advocate for ensuring clean air and water for
everyone and raise community awareness through distributing infographics and
pamphlets as to what actions that would avoid water and air pollution. Lastly, I will
endeavor kindness to people from all walks of life. I believed that when everything is
done with kindness it reflects our genuine efforts to appreciate life in general.
Ecological Economics recognizes that the economy is and has always been part
of human society. It plays an important role in our common home. To ensure making
progress towards it, it is timely to pay attention to building and supporting an economy
where recyclable materials are traded and appreciated as it is also a concept of solid
waste management. On the other hand, providing a better working condition as well as
giving liveable wages and benefits would also be a positive response in ensuring
economic values. On personal level, I would invest on equal opportunities for my
subordinates and advocate to provide a working condition that is beneficial to my
The concept of simple lifestyle calls out for the individual ways and means to use
the resources and energy. These entails set of action towards sustainability by making a
choice on eliminating the use of disposable plastic cups and Styrofoam or moving
forward to using paper bags rather than cellophanes and more so established a correct
recycling method as possible. On personal level, I will eliminate in my daily routines the
use of plastic cups and straws on my drinks. Further, I will continue to support activities
and campaigns on reducing the use of cellophanes in any establishment. Lastly, I will
make it to a point to ride my bike or take some walks rather than using my car.
The context on Ecological Education centered on any transformative action,
awareness and reforms on the value of ecology. This would change perspective on the
importance of our ecology and what it means to put value on it. Hence, educating the
community with the current situation, input on science and social dimensions of the
ecological crises would create an avenue of self-awareness and thus creates
opportunities of collaborative efforts in putting importance of our ecology as it is our
shared responsibility. On personal level, I will re-evaluate my knowledge on the
importance of ecology as it is part of our biosphere and will continue to educate by
attending seminars and forums on such concepts.
The context of Ecological Spirituality on the other hand centered on the fact that
ecology is part of God’s creation and that it would only be appropriate to celebrate its
existence in providing us home. On personal level, I would participate retreat and
forums so I could connect my spiritual endeavor on natural word. I would also try to
connect my inner spirituality by taking some fresh air and appreciate nature as it is.
Lastly, I will continue to remind myself that what the Earth has given us to eat and
breath is always been God’s creation that we need to appreciate from time to time.
Lastly, Community Involvement and participation entails that protecting our
ecology is a shared responsibility that we all need to address. This involves forming or
discussing policies and make it a culture to protect our home. It could be an avenue
also to come up with social and environmental policy that would ensure a wider scope
on plans and policies. On personal level, I will actively participate and held social and
ecological events as a response to the calling of protecting our home. Mainstream
technology has been an effective platform to raise awareness, hence, from time to time
I will post, comment and shares stories related to Laudato Si’ themes.
Laudato Si’ themes are a manifestation that protecting our mother Earth is an
individual, shared and collaborative effort that is greatly associated with our spirituality. It
reflects our own value of our home, it is also a group reflection of one’s value in the
community. Lastly, it is a manifestation that without God as the center of our life, we can
do nothing as everything is His creation.

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