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MC1: Good evening, mga ka-party!

Welcome to our school's Summer Dance Party brought to you by the

English and TLE Department! I’m __________________ and I'm super excited to be your master of
ceremony sa gabing ito na punong-puno ng tawanan, kulitan at syempre sayawan.

MC2: That’s right, _______! I’m __________, one of your masters of ceremony. We've got an exciting
lineup of activities for you, including a sizzling samba presentation, a summer-lovin' fashion show,
games, social dancing, and more!

MC1: So get ready to put on your dancing shoes, magpa-burn ng calories, at let's create some
unforgettable memories tonight! Let's show everyone na pagdating sa pagsasaya, walang tatalo sa atin!

MC2: Before we kick off our party, let us first acknowledge the presence of the Almighty. May we call on
everyone to stand for our invocation and the singing of the national anthem.

[Invocation and National Anthem]

MC1: You may now take your seat. Now, to welcome everyone to our party, let's hear some opening
remarks from our Head Teacher I, Mrs. Paulina V. Argente.

[Opening Remarks]

MC2: Thank you, Mrs. Argente, for that inspiring speech. Now, to give us a message, let's hear from our
Principal II, Mrs. Saniata G. Hernandez.


MC1: Thank you for that uplifting message, Mrs. Hernandez. Let's all give her a round of applause for
that wonderful speech.

MC2: Now that we've heard some inspiring words from our school officials, let's all enjoy our dinner and
prepare for some exciting performances.


MC1: And now, without further ado, let's kick off the party with the opening of the dance floor. We have
an amazing performance from our G9 and G10 students choreographed by Ms. Jenny V. Cabungcal. Here
is the Summer Sizzle: Samba Presentation!

[Summer Sizzle: Samba Presentation]

MC2: Wow! That was an amazing performance. Let's give them a round of applause, everyone!

MC1: And the fun doesn't stop there. Next up, we have the Summer-lovin' Fashion Show. So while we
are busy with the opening of our program, judges are actually roaming around para mamili sa mga
nagagandahang binata at dalaga tonight.

MC2: We actually prepared 4 pairs of awards for our students namely: Summer Stunner – Male,
Summer Stunner – Female, Sun-kissed Beach Bae, Sun-kissed Beach Babe, Summer Sweethearts – Male,
Summer Sweethearts – Female, Summer Groove Master, Summer Groove Mistress. These awards will
be given later on and with prizes of course. But before that, let’s all see our candidates. This is it! Get
ready to see our students strut their stuff on the runway.
[Summer-lovin' Fashion Show]

MC1: That was fantastic! I'm sure our candidates are thrilled to see the smiles on your faces. Now, let's
move on to some games. It's time for some hulas. Limbos and random dance! Let’s go!

[Share mechanics of the game]

MC2: That was definitely fun in the sun! Now, let's take a break and enjoy some snacks and
refreshments before we continue with our social dancing.

[Snacks and Refreshments]

MC1: We hope everyone is enjoying the party so far. Let's keep the momentum going with some more
social dancing.

[Social Dance]

MC2: That was amazing! Now, it's time to recognize some outstanding performances done by our
students earlier. Let's proceed with the Awarding of Winners.

[Awarding of Winners]

MC1: Congratulations to all our winners! Now, to formally close this event, let's call on our Head
Teacher I, Mr. Jerome A. Cudiamat, for his closing remarks.

[Closing Remarks]

MC2: Thank you, Mr. Cudiamat, for your inspiring words. And with that, let's end the night with our last
dance. Thank you, everyone, for joining us in our school's Summer Dance Party. Have a good night!

[Last Dance]

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