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Advances in Civil Engineering

Volume 2018, Article ID 3081783, 15 pages

Research Article
Effective Negative Mass Nonlinear Acoustic
Metamaterial with Pure Cubic Oscillator

Ming Gao ,1,2 Zhiqiang Wu ,1 and Zhijie Wen 2

Department of Mechanics, School of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China
College of Mining and Safety Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Zhiqiang Wu; and Zhijie Wen;

Received 4 May 2018; Accepted 11 July 2018; Published 30 September 2018

Academic Editor: Fengqiang Gong

Copyright © 2018 Ming Gao et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Acoustic metamaterial, which can prohibit effectively the elastic wave propagation in the bandgap frequency range, has broad
application prospects in the vibration and noise reduction areas. The Lindstedt–Poincaré method was utilized to analyze the
dispersion curves of nonlinear metamaterial with a pure Duffing oscillator. The first-order perturbation solutions of acoustic and
optical branches were obtained. Both the starting and cutoff frequencies of the bandgap are determined consequently. It was found
that the soft/hard characteristics of pure Duffing oscillators could lead to the lower/upper movement of the starting and cutoff
frequencies of the bandgap. By further researching the degraded linear system, the conclusion that actual nonlinear metamaterial
bandgap region is wider than effective negative mass region is drawn and that both mass and stiffness ratio effect on the starting
frequency is obtained. Effective positive mass can also lead to the vibration attenuation in bandgap. For nonlinear metamaterial,
the translation effect of the external excitation amplitude on the bandgap range and the zero mass at the nonlinear bandgap cutoff
frequency were discussed, and all above conclusion are identified by numerical analysis.

1. Introduction waves and studied the attenuation effect of seismic waves by

using finite periodic lattices of mass-in-mass barriers [17].
In the last ten years, a significant attention is directed toward Effective negative mass metamaterials come from mass
so called metamaterial, a kind of artificial structures, which is effective ratio, an artificial parameter, which is calcu-
composed of small substructure that behaves like a continu- lated analogically as the parameter of electromagnetic
ous material. The most remarkable property of metamaterials metamaterials [18, 19] and has not only positive but also
is the bandgap in which the acoustic/elastic waves propagate is negative values. Based on the idea of locally resonant mi-
prohibited [1]. With this unique characteristic, metamaterials crostructure, Liu et al. [20] designed the first effective
can be applied to the wave filtering [2–4], vibration attenu- negative mass metamaterial in certain frequency region.
ation [5], acoustic isolation [6, 7], and sonic transmission Subsequently, Liu et al. [21], Milton and Willis [22], Willis
[8, 9]. In civil engineering, acoustic metamaterials with the [23], and Huang et al. [24, 25] proposed various analytic
band characteristics were also created to replace the tradi- models to analyze the related effective negative mass
tional seismic designs for isolating seismic waves from mechanisms. Yao et al. [26] realized effective negative mass
buildings. Shi and his coworkers [10–14] proposed a novel and zero-mass phenomena in a 1D mass-spring system
concept of foundation, periodic foundation, to isolate civil experimentally. Other different types of acoustic meta-
structures from seismic wave with frequencies that might materials with negative effective mass have been proposed
resonate with the structures, which has been investigated in [27–32]. From the existing literatures, the starting frequency
a number of comprehensive theoretical, numerical, and ex- bandgap of metamaterials is defined by local resonance
perimental studies. In particular, Brûlé et al. [15] carried out frequency where the effective negative mass just began.
the large-scale test of seismic metamaterials [15] such as However, the bandgap starting frequency will change with
seismic metawedge capable [16] capable of creating seismic outer spring stiffness when the local resonance frequency
2 Advances in Civil Engineering

remains unchanged [26], and actually the starting frequency Mu€j,1 + K􏼐2uj,1 − uj−1,1 − uj+1,1 􏼑 − 2k􏼐uj,2 − uj,1 􏼑
is lower than resonance frequency in experimental research. (1)
Nonlinear acoustic metamaterials also deserve special − 2εΓ􏼐uj,2 − uj,1 􏼑 � 0,
attention. Vakakis and his coauthors [33, 34] utilized the
multiple scales perturbation method to analyze nonlinear where overdots denote derivative with respect to time t.
chains subjected to external forcing and ground springs and According to the load on the oscillator in period j, its
developed nonlinear dispersion relationships that exhibit differential equation of motion is
amplitude dependence. Chakraborty and Mallik [35] studied 3
the cubic chain and the effect of nonlinearities on the mu€j,2 � −2k􏼐uj,2 − uj,1 􏼑 − 2εΓ􏼐uj,2 − uj,1 􏼑 . (2)
propagation constant and natural frequencies. Then Lazarov
and Jensen [36] considered a linear chain with attached Rewrite Equations (1) and (2) into a matrix
nonlinear damped oscillators by balance approach. Marathe M 0 u€j,1 2(K + k) −2k uj,1
and Chatterjee [37] looked at a damped nonlinearity and 􏼢 􏼣⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ + 􏼢 􏼣⎡⎣ ⎤⎦
0 m u€j,2 −2k 2k uj,2
used harmonic balance and multiple scales to uncover the
decay rate in the propagation zone. Narisetti et al. [38] 3 (3)
K􏼐uj−1,1 + uj+1,1 􏼑 ⎦ −􏼐uj,2 − uj,1 􏼑 ⎥⎤
developed a Lindstedt–Poincaré perturbation technique and −⎡⎣ ⎤ + 2εΓ⎡⎢⎢⎢⎣ ⎥⎥⎦ � 0.
analyzed monoatomic cubic chains to capture dispersion 0 􏼐uj,2 − uj,1 􏼑
and bandgap shifts. However, their models are not based on
effective negative mass, and Duffing oscillator is often Define the external/internal spring rigidity ratio as
a damped one. The damp may have great influence on the α � K/k, the shell/oscillator mass ratio as β � M/m, and� the
starting and cutoff frequencies of bandgap [39]. As a result, linear natural frequency of oscillator as ωn � 2k/m by
in order to investigate how effect of the nonlinearity on the introducing dimensionless time τ � ωt and dimensionless
effective negative mass nonlinear metamaterial dispersion nonlinear coefficient Γ � Γ/mω2n . This way, we can non-
curves, the pure Duffing oscillator, which is no damped pure dimensionalize Equation (3):
Duffing oscillator is adaptive
d2 uj,1
It is worth mentioning that, there is no literature dis-
β 0 ⎢⎢ dτ 2 ⎥⎥⎥⎤⎥⎥

⎢ 1 + α −1 uj,1
cussion whether positive effective mass phenomenon exists 2⎢
ω⎣⎡ ⎤⎥⎦⎢⎢⎢ ⎥⎥⎥ + ⎡⎢⎣ ⎥⎤⎦⎡⎢⎣⎢ ⎤⎥⎥⎦
⎢⎢⎢ 2 ⎥⎥⎥
in the nonlinear metamaterial bandgap based on effective ⎢
0 1 ⎣ d uj,2 ⎦ ⎥ −1 1 uj,2
negative mass. (4)
In this paper, effective negative mass nonlinear metamaterial dτ 2
mathematical model is given firstly, and Lindstedt–Poincaré 3
α uj−1,1 + uj+1,1 ⎤⎥ −􏼐uj,2 − uj,1 􏼑 ⎥⎤
perturbation method is utilized to calculate metamaterial dis- − ⎡⎢⎣ ⎦ + 2εΓ⎢⎢⎢⎡⎣ ⎥⎥⎦ � 0,
2 3
persion curves. Then, the precise expression of both starting and 0 􏼐u − u 􏼑 j,2 j,1
cutoff frequencies is deduced consequently. After that, the result
is obtained that positive effective mass phenomenon exists in the here ω � ω/ωn is a dimensionless frequency. Now we are
nonlinear bandgap. Finally, the numerical calculation verifica- going to find the first-order perturbation solution of ω by
tion results agree with our theoretical analysis. Lindstedt–Poincaré method.
Using the asymptotic expansion below:
2. The First-Order Solution for the Dispersive ⎨ uj � u(0)
⎧ (1)
j + εuj + o ε 􏼁,

Curve of Acoustic Metamaterial of Effective ⎩ (5)

ω � ω0 + εω0 + o ε2 􏼁,
Negative Mass with Pure Cubic Oscillator
where the superscript and subscript 0 and 1 are the linear
Consider an acoustic metamaterial containing a pure Duffing and first-order asymptotic expansion alternatively.
oscillator, illustrated as Figure 1. The shell mass is M, the Substitute Equation (5) into Equation (4):
rigidity coefficient of the spring connecting the two shells is K,
and the mass of the internal oscillator is m. The internal os- d2 u(0)
j,1 d2 u(1)
j,1 ⎤
⎡⎢⎢⎢ + ε ⎥⎥
cillator is a pure Duffing oscillator whose force is proportional β 0 ⎢⎢⎢ dτ 2 dτ 2 ⎥ ⎥⎥⎥ 1 + α −1
ω0 + εω1 􏼁
⎡ ⎦
⎤ ⎢

⎢⎢⎢ ⎥⎥⎥ + ⎡⎣ ⎦⎤
to displacement and the cubic of displacement, and the linear 2 (1) ⎥

0 1 ⎢⎢⎣ d2 u(0) j,2 d uj,2
−1 1
rigidity coefficient of the spring connecting the oscillator and +ε
the shell is k; the coefficient of the cubic term is Γ. dτ 2 dτ 2
In the case of period j, for instance, uj,1 and uj,2 are the u(0) (1)
j,1 + εuj,1
(0) (0) (1) (1)
displacements of the shell and the oscillator in period j; uj−1,1 ⎢
· ⎡⎢⎢⎣ ⎤⎥⎥⎥⎦ − α ⎡⎢⎣ uj−1,1 + uj+1,1 + ε􏼐uj−1,1 + uj+1,1 􏼑 ⎤⎥⎦
and uj−1,2 are the displacements of the shell and the oscillator
u + εu (1) 2 0
j,2 j,2
in period j−1; and uj+1,1 and uj+1,2 are the displacements of
(0) 3
the shell and the oscillator in period j + 1. Next, we are going −􏼐u(0)
j,2 − uj,1 􏼑
+ 2εΓ⎡⎢⎢⎣ (0) 3
⎤⎥⎥⎦o􏼐ε2 􏼑 � 0.
to discuss kinematic modeling of this system. 􏼐uj,2 − u(0)
j,1 􏼑
From the load on the shell in period j, its differential
equation of motion is (6)
Advances in Civil Engineering 3

uj–1,1 uj–1,2 uj,1 uj,2 uj+1,1 uj+1,2

k k k k k k
… m m m …
d d d

Figure 1: Metamaterial effective negative mass with the pure Duffing oscillator.

Separate the ε0 and ε1 coefficients and order them to be (0)

u (0)
zero. Then, we get,  j,1   A1  1 iqaj iτ
     e e + c.c., (9)
ε0 coefficient: (0) 2
j,2 A 2
d2 u(0)
j,1 

 
β 0  

 dτ 2   1 + α −1  u(0)
j,1  (0)
    u (0)
ω0 
  

 

 + 
   

   j±1,1    A1  1eiqa(j±1) eiτ + c.c., (10)

 
 2
0 1   d2 u(0)

 
 −1 1 u (0)
j±1,2 A(0)
dτ 2 where a is the periodic unit size, qaj is the j periodic phase
u(0) factor, and A(0) (0)
1 A2 are the steady-state amplitude of shell
 uj−1,1 + j+1,1   0. and oscillator, respectively. c.c. stands for the conjugation of
− 
2 0 the equations above.
Substitute Equations (9) and (10) into Equation (7):
ε1 coefficient: qa

 −ω20 β + 1 + 2α sin2   −1  A(0)
d2 u(1) 
 2 
 1  1eiqaj eiτ + c.c.  0.

 j,1   

 
β 0 

 dτ 2 
1 + α −1  uj,1  α u(1) (1)
j−1,1 + uj+1,1 

  (0)  2
2 
   
 
 
 
 

 −   A2
ω0 
 

 +  
  −1 1 − ω20
0 1 
 
−1 1 2
 2
 d uj,2 
(1) (1)
uj,2 0 (11)
dτ 2
In order for Equation (11) to have nonzero solutions
d2 u(0)
A(0) (0)
1 A2 , the determinant of its coefficient matrix must be
  (0) 3 zero. Hence,
β 0  dτ 2  

j,2 − uj,1  
    
 −2ω0 ω1 

   − 2Γ .
 1 2 qa
0 1  d2 u(0)  (0) (0) 3 ω20 β + 2   2α sin  2 , (12)
j,2 uj,2 − uj,1  1 − ω0
dτ 2
(8) and A(0) (0)
1 and A2 have the following relation:
A(0) (0)
1  1 − ω0 A2 . (13)

2.1. Linear Dispersive Curve Equation. The steady-state so- By finding ω20 in Equation (12), we get the dispersive
lution of Equation (7) is expressed as curve equation of the two frequency branches:

2 ββ + 1 + 2α sin (qa/2) − (β + 1)2 + 4α sin2 (qa/2) α sin2 (qa/2) − β + 1 
0  ,

2 ββ + 1 + 2α sin2 (qa/2) + (β + 1)2 + 4α sin2 (qa/2) α sin2 (qa/2) − β + 1 
opt (15)
ω0  ,

where ωaco
0 and ω0 stand for the acoustic and optical branch is a high-frequency dispersive curve. On this
frequency branches. An acoustic frequency branch is a low- basis, we can obtain linear dispersive curve Equations (14)
frequency dispersive curve while an optical frequency and (15).
4 Advances in Civil Engineering

2.2. Nonlinear Dispersive Curve Equation. Next, let us We get

consider the first-order perturbation solution which, for 2ΓN(0) ω0
Equation (8), is expressed as ω1 � . (23)
2 + A(0) 2
1 β 1 − ω0 􏼁
⎢ uj,1
⎡ ⎤⎥⎥⎥ ⎡ A1 1

⎣ ⎥⎥⎦ � ⎢

⎤⎥⎥⎥ iqaj iτ
⎦ e e + c.c., (16) So, the perturbed solution is expressed as
(1) 2
j,2 A 2 2ΓN(0) ω0
ω � ω0 + εω1 � ω0 + ε + o􏼐ε2 􏼑. (24)
A(0) (0) 2
2 + A1 β 1 − ω 0 􏼁
(1) (1)
uj±1,1 ⎥

⎣ ⎣ A1 ⎤⎦ 1eiqa(j±1) eiτ + c.c.
⎤⎥⎦ � ⎡ (17) Considering the relation between the A(0) and A(0)
1 2
j±1,2 A(1)
shown in Equation (13), Equation (23) can be written as
􏼌􏼌 􏼌􏼌2
Substitute Equations (16) and (17) into Equation (8): 3Γω0 7 􏼌􏼌􏼌A(0)
2 􏼌
qa ω � ω0 + ε 2 + o􏼐ε 􏼑.

⎡ −ω20 β + 1 + 2α sin2 􏼒 􏼓 −1 ⎤⎥ A(1) 2􏽨1 + β 1 − ω20 􏼁 􏽩

⎢ 2 ⎥⎥⎥⎢ ⎡ 1 ⎥⎥⎤⎥ 1 iqaj iτ
⎢ ⎥⎥⎥⎢

⎣ ⎥⎥⎦⎢
⎣ ⎦ e e + c.c. opt aco
By substituting ω0 and ω 0 shown in Equations (14)
(1) 2
−1 1 − ω20 2 and (15) into the equation above, we can obtain the
dispersive curve equations of the first-order asymp-
−2ω0 ω1 A(0)
1 + 4ΓN
(0) totically expanded acoustic and optical frequency

⎡ ⎤⎥⎥⎥ 1 iqaj iτ

⎣ ⎦ e e branches:
(0) (0) 2 􏼌
opt 7 􏼌
−2ω0 ω1 A2 − 4ΓN 3Γ􏼐ω0 􏼑 􏼌􏼌􏼌A(0) 􏼌􏼌
opt 2 􏼌
ωopt � ω0 + ε 2
, (26)
opt 2
2􏼨1 + β􏼔1 −􏼐ω0 􏼑 􏼕 􏼩

⎡ ⎤⎥⎥⎥ 3iqaj 3iτ

⎣ ⎦Ce e + c.c.,
2 􏼌 􏼌
7 􏼌􏼌 (0) 􏼌􏼌2
(18) 3Γ ωaco
0 􏼁 􏼌
􏼌 A 2
(0) (0)
ωaco � ωaco
0 +ε , (27)
2 2
where N(0) � (3/4)(A2 − A1 )(A(0) 2 − A1 ) .
(0) 2
2􏼚1 + β􏽨1 − ωaco
0 􏼁 􏽩 􏼛
To remove the secular term, considering only the
equality between the eiqaj eiτ coefficients on both sides of These are the dispersive curve equations of the
Equation (18). Then we have acoustic and optical frequency branches that include
qa for nonlinear factors. We can see that these dispersive

⎡ −ω20 β + 1 + 2α sin2 􏼒 􏼓 −1 ⎤⎥ A(1)

⎢ 2 ⎥⎥⎥⎡ 1 ⎤ curve equations are relevant to nonlinear small pertur-

⎢ ⎥⎥⎥⎥⎢⎢


⎣ ⎥⎦ (1) ⎦
⎣ bation ε, coefficient before nonlinear term Γ, and steady-
A2 state vibration amplitude of the pure Duffing oscillator
−1 1 − ω20
(19) |A(0)
2 |.
At α � 5, β � 3, ε � 0.0135, the influence of coefficient
−2ω0 ω1 A(0)
1 + 4ΓN

⎡ ⎥⎥⎤⎥ before the nonlinear term Γ, on the dispersive curve is

⎣ ⎦.
analyzed as presented in Figure 2. Here, Γ � 1 represents
−2ω0 ω1 A(0)
2 − 4ΓN
a hard Duffing oscillator, Γ � −1 represents a soft Duffing
Order C1 � −ω20 β + 1 + 2α sin2 (qa/2), and consider oscillator, and Γ � 0 represents linearity. From this dia-
Equation (12). Then, we have gram, when the local resonance oscillator is a hard Duffing
1 oscillator, its two dispersive curves will translate toward
C1 � . (20) the high band relative to the linear oscillator; when the
1 − ω20 local resonance oscillator is a soft Duffing oscillator, on
Through linear transform of the augmented matrix of the contrary, its two dispersive curves will translate to-
Equation (19), we get ward the low band relative to the linear oscillator. Also,
under the same conditions, nonlinear factors make greater
C1 −1 2ω0 ω1 A(0)
1 + 4ΓN
differences to the dispersive equation of the optical fre-

⎛ ⎠.

0 0 􏼐2ω0 ω1 A(0) (0) (0) (0) quency branch than to that of the acoustic frequency
2 − 4ΓN 􏼑C1 + 2ω0 ω1 βA1 + 4ΓN
In order for Equation (19) to have nonzero solutions
A(1) (1) 2.3. Rediscussion on the Starting and Cutoff Frequencies of
1 A2 , the rank of its coefficient matrix must be the same
as that of its augmented rank. Hence, a Corresponding Linear System. For acoustic frequency
branch ωaco0 in Equation (14), when qa � π, the bandgap
(0) (0) (0) (0)
􏼐2ω0 ω1 A2 − 4ΓN 􏼑C1 + 2ω0 ω1 βA1 + 4ΓN . (22) starting frequency is
Advances in Civil Engineering 5

1 2
ω01  2ββ + 1 + 2α − 4α2 − 4αβ + 4α + β2 + 2β + 1 ,

1 1.5
 β + 1 + 2α − 4α2 − 4αβ + 4α + β2 + 2β + 1 ,

  ω 1
 β + 1 + 2α − (−β + 1 + 2α)2 + 4β ,

 2β +(−β + 1 + 2α) − (−β + 1 + 2α)2 + 4β ,

 –π –(3π/4) –(π/2) –(π/4) 0 π/4 π/2 3π/4 π

(−β + 1 + 2α) − (−β + 1 + 2α)2 + 4β qa
 1+ , Γ=1

 Γ = –1
2 Figure 2: The influence of nonlinear factors on the dispersive
 1− ,
(−β + 1 + 2α) + (−β + 1 + 2α)2 + 4β curve.

It is easy to prove that, in Equation (27), −β + 1 + 2α+

(−β + 1 + 2α)2 + 4β > 0. Hence, the bandgap dimensionless
starting frequency is smaller than 1. Namely, the bandgap
starting frequency is smaller than the resonance frequency ω0 .
Furthermore, ω01  1 is the start area of effective negative
mass. In the literature [26], ω01  1 is used to define the
bandgap starting frequency. Comparing with the ω01 value, 0.9
we can see that it is higher than the actual starting frequency. 0.8
It is relatively conservative for bandgap design, but does not 0.7
reflect the influence of spring stiffness of the shell. 0.6
Figure 3 shows how the starting frequency changes when 0.5
α and β are defined differently. From Figure 3, the variation 0.4
of the nondimensionalized starting frequency ω01 is not only 0.3
relevant to the shell/oscillator rigidity ratio α, but also to 0.2
their mass ratio β. Hence it is inappropriate to simply define
the bandgap starting frequency as a resonance frequency. 1 1
Literature [26] offers a good example supporting our ob- 3 3
servation with resonance frequency of 6.35 Hz and the 5 5
starting frequency at 5.8 Hz. β α
opt 7 7
For ω0 in Equation (15), when qa  0, the bandgap
cutoff frequency is
Figure 3: The influence of α and β on the starting frequency.
ω02  1 + . (29)
mass in bandgap and the phenomenon that cutoff frequency
From Equation (28), the bandgap cutoff frequency is is effective zero mass should also exist in the nonlinear
only relevant to the shell/oscillator mass ratio β and de- system However, none of the above has been reported. Then,
creases when the mass ratio increases. And the cutoff fre- verify them by numerical methods as mentioned in the
quency is corresponding to the effective zero mass. following.
Considering the dispersive curve equations of the first-
order asymptotically expanded acoustic and optical fre- 3. Numerical Simulation and Validation
quency branches shown in Equations (25) and (26), for
nonlinear acoustic metamaterial with weak nonlinearity (ε is The bandgap characteristics of infinite acoustic metamaterial
small), nonlinear system characteristics depend on the can be assumed by the finite one (the periodic number is less
corresponding degraded linear systems. As a result, in linear than 5) [40]. In order to validate our theoretical analysis
system the phenomenon that both effective and negative above, we are going to build a model of an effective negative
6 Advances in Civil Engineering

F sin ωt
k k k k k k k k k k
m m m m m
d d d d d

Figure 4: Effective negative mass system models of the Duffing oscillator of five different periods.

mass system with pure Duffing oscillator in five periods as starting frequency gradually translates toward the high-
shown in Figure 4. By adding a simple harmonic exciting frequency region. When n is negative, the corresponding
force F sin ωt on the shell of period 1 and picking up the internal Duffing oscillator is a softened Duffing oscillator.
response in period 5, the steady-state displacements of the Hence, as n decreases, the bandgap starting frequency
shell and the oscillator are calculated at each of the excitation gradually translates toward the low-frequency region.
frequencies. This way, we get the vibration transmission The same method also applies to the influence of non-
characteristics of this finite periodic structure to analyze the linear factor n on the bandgap cutoff frequency. As shown in
bandgap and vibration transmission pattern of this struc- Figure 6(b), when n is positive, the corresponding internal
ture. When the coefficient before the nonlinear term is Γ  0, Duffing oscillator is a hardened Duffing oscillator. Hence, we
it represents the corresponding linear system. can observe that, as n increases, the bandgap cutoff fre-
quency gradually translates toward the high-frequency re-
gion. When n is negative, the corresponding internal Duffing
3.1. Influence of Nonlinear Terms on the Bandgap Starting and oscillator is a softened Duffing oscillator. As n decreases, the
Cutoff Frequencies. To validate the theoretical analysis result bandgap cutoff frequency gradually translates toward the
above, we may compare it effectively against experimental low-frequency region.
parameters provided in the literature [26] and establish As discussed above, existence of nonlinear factor affects
a periodic structure vibration system of five periods with the bandgap starting and cutoff frequencies of the structure.
shell mass M  0.1011 kg, internal oscillator mass The smaller the n value is, the smaller the corresponding
m  0.04647 kg, internal nonlinear spring linear rigidity starting or cutoff frequency is; the larger the n value is, the
k  37 N/m, external linear spring damping coefficient larger the starting or cutoff frequency is. Under the same
c  0.05 NS/m, and rigidity coefficient of spring linking the conditions, nonlinear factor makes greater difference to
external oscillators K  117 N/m. If the nonlinear pertur- cutoff frequency than it does to starting frequency.
bation term is taken as ε  0.01, to facilitate expression, we
Γ  nk. (30) 3.2. Influence of the Shell Rigidity on the Bandgap Frequency.
As analyzed above, existence of a nonlinear term makes
When n is positive, Duffing is hard rigid; when n is a little difference to the bandgap starting frequency of the
negative, Duffing is soft rigid; when n is zero, the system has corresponding linear system; starting frequency is relevant
been degraded into a linear system. The vibration trans- to shell/oscillator rigidity ratio α and mass ratio β, and cutoff
mission characteristic curves of the corresponding system frequency is only relevant to mass ratio β. As α decreases, the
are calculated at n  0, 1, −1, 3, −3, 10, and −10 as presented starting frequency decreases, the cutoff frequency remains
in Figure 5. The vibration transmission can be confirmed by the same, and the bandgap width increases. Now, let us draw
the ratio of the fifth shell steady-state amplitude to the first the vibration transmission profile of the corresponding
shell steady-state amplitude. system by only changing the rigidity coefficient of the spring
As illustrated in Figure 5, existence of a nonlinear term between the oscillator and the shell, K, from K  117 N/m to
does not make much difference to the bandgap, mainly 37 N/m and taking the n value as n  0, 1, −1, 3, −3, 10, and
because the Duffing oscillator we selected is weakly non- −10 as presented in Figure 7.
linear. By enlarging the points of the bandgap starting and When the shell connecting rigidity K  117 N/m is
cutoff frequencies in the chart, we will see how a nonlinearity changed to 37 N/m, the masses of the Duffing oscillator and
factor affects the bandgap. the shell remain the same, and according to analysis results
When the longitudinal coordinate (i.e., transmission in Equation (27) and Figure 3, after the shell rigidity is
rate) of the transmission characteristic curve turns from changed, the bandgap cutoff frequency will remain the same,
positive to negative, the vibration in period 1 cannot be but the starting frequency will decrease. That is, the band-
transmitted to the shell of period 5. Then, a bandgap will width of the bandgap will increase, and the bandgap will
appear. Hence, we have to find the point where the trans- expand toward the low-frequency region. As can be ob-
mission curve runs across the horizontal axis, i.e., the served from Figure 5, the bandgap cutoff frequency remains
bandgap starting frequency, as presented in Figure 6. the same at 7.76 Hz while the bandgap starting frequency has
From Figure 6(a), when n is positive, the corresponding decreased to 3.76 Hz, proving our analysis result. Hence, if
internal Duffing oscillator is a hardened Duffing oscillator. we want a wider bandgap width, when other conditions
Hence, we can observe that, as n increases, the bandgap remain unchanged, the rigidity coefficient of the linear
Advances in Civil Engineering 7



Transmission (dB)



0 2 4 6 8 10
f (Hz)
n = –10 n=0 n=3
n = –3 n=1 n = 10
n = –1
Figure 5: Transmission characteristics with different n (n  117 N/m).

Transmission (dB)
Transmission (dB)

0 0


–0.02 –3
5.6755 5.676 5.6765 5.677 7.6752 7.6753 7.6754 7.6755 7.6756 7.6757 7.6758
f (Hz) f (Hz)
n = –10 n=0 n=3 n = –10 n=0 n=3
n = –3 n=1 n = 10 n = –3 n=1 n = 10
n = –1 n = –1
(a) (b)

Figure 6: Starting and cutoff frequencies region (K117 N/m). (a) Starting frequency region. (b) Cutoff frequency region.

spring connecting the shell must be as small as practically positive mass below the linear resonance frequency
possible. constituted by the Duffing oscillator and the shell in each
period, and effective negative mass does not appear except
above the resonance frequency and below the cutoff
3.3. Responses of the Shell and the Oscillator on the Bandgap. frequency. Next, the responses of the shells and the os-
As can be summarized from the discussions on bandgap cillators of the system in the effective negative mass area
starting frequency above, existence of weakly nonlinear and the effective positive mass area within the spectrum of
factor results in some minor changes near the frequency bandgap are examined with rigidity ratio between springs
value of its degraded linear system, and that both the connecting external large oscillators K  37 N/m while
Duffing oscillator/shell linear rigidity ratio α and mass keeping all the other parameters unchanged.
ratio β make a difference to the starting frequency and that
the starting frequency is lower than the resonance fre-
quency of a linear oscillator In other words, generation of 3.3.1. Effective Negative Mass Phenomenon in Bandgap.
bandgap is not always resulted from effective negative From Figure 7, with bandgap between 3.7 Hz and 7.67 Hz and
mass. Within the spectrum of bandgap, it must be effective resonance frequency of linear oscillator at 6.35 Hz, analysis is
8 Advances in Civil Engineering



Transmission (dB)




0 2 4 6 8 10
f (Hz)
n = –10 n=0 n=3
n = –3 n=1 n = 10
n = –1
Figure 7: Transmission characteristics with different n (K  37 N/m).


0.005 0.2
Displacement (m)

Velocity (m/s)

0 0


–0.005 –0.2

1499.7 1499.75 1499.8 1499.85 1499.9 1499.95 1500 –0.01 –0.005 0 0.005 0.01
t (s) Displacement (m)
Period 1 Period 4 Period 1 Period 4
Period 2 Period 5 Period 2 Period 5
Period 3 Period 3
(a) (b)

Figure 8: Five periodic shells’ (a) displacement time history curves and (b) phase diagrams.

carried out under effective negative mass taking the external loaded on the shell in period 1 cannot be propagated in this
excitation frequency ω  7 Hz. Figure 8 shows the vibration periodic structure but is suppressed, which concurs with the
time history curves and phase diagrams of the shells in five characteristics of bandgap.
periods. Figure 9 shows the oscillators in five periods. Figure 10 shows the vibration time histories of the shell
From Figures 8 and 9, some time later, the vibration and the Duffing oscillator in period 1. Here, the dotted lines
amplitude of each shell and oscillator no longer attenuates are the time histories of the shell, and the solid lines are the
but has stabilized; the displacement-velocity phase diagrams time histories of the Duffing oscillator. As can be observed,
of the shell and the oscillator both consist of a circle, and all when the motion displacement of the shell M is positive
the shells and oscillators of this periodic structure have amplitude, the motion of the Duffing oscillator, m, is
achieved steady-state vibration. a negative amplitude; when the motion displacement of M is
Now, let us compare the shell vibration in each period. a negative amplitude, the motion displacement of m is also
From period 1 through period 5, the shell vibration gradually positive amplitude. This means that M and m always have an
decreases. This vibration is almost zero in the last period. The opposite motion displacement, and the vibrations of the
internal Duffing oscillator shows very similar vibration shell and the oscillator are reverse phased. Here, the black
characteristics to the shell. This indicates that vibration curves are the time displacement curves of m vibration of the
Advances in Civil Engineering 9


Displacement (m)

Velocity (m/s)


–0.15 0
1499.7 1499.75 1499.8 1499.85 1499.9 1499.95 1500 –0.1 –0.05 0 0.05 0.1
t (s) Displacement (m)
Period 1 Period 4 Period 1 Period 4
Period 2 Period 5 Period 2 Period 5
Period 3 Period 3
(a) (b)

Figure 9: Five periodic oscillators’ (a) displacement time history curves and (b) phase diagrams (effective negative mass).

0.15 phenomenon occurs, meanwhile bandgap in 3.7 Hz–6.35 Hz

should be the effective positive mass region. Analysis is
0.1 carried out under effective positive mass taking the external
excitation frequency ω  5 Hz. Figure 11 shows the vibration
time history curves and phase diagrams of the shells in five
Displacement (m)

0 periods, and Figure 12 shows the oscillators in five periods.

From Figures 11 and 12, all the shells and oscillators of
–0.05 this periodic structure have achieved steady-state vibration.
The vibrations loaded on the shell and oscillators in period 1
cannot be propagated in this periodic structure which
–0.15 concurs with the characteristics of bandgap.
Figure 13 shows the vibration time histories of the shell
–0.2 and the Duffing oscillator in period 1. As can be observed,
1499.4 1499.5 1499.6 1499.7 1499.8 1499.9 1500
when the motion displacement of the shell M is positive
t (s)
amplitude, the motion of the Duffing oscillator, m, is also of
M the same positive amplitude. M and m always have the
same motion displacement, and the vibrations of the shell
Figure 10: Displacement time history curves of shell and oscillator and the oscillator in the same period are cophasal. Now, the
in period 1. system in every period must have a positive momentum,
and the system helps control vibration just as effective as
negative mass systems does. That is, effective positive mass
internal mass bock. This is because M has a larger mass than phenomenon also occurs in the bandgap of nonlinear
m, and under the same external excitation amplitude, objects metamaterial.
with a smaller mass will find it easier to change their velocity,
resulting in a larger displacement. Further analysis revealed
that the Duffing oscillator has a greater momentum than the 3.3.3. Discussion on Effective Zero Mass. As analyzed above,
shell. Now, the system comprising the shell and the Duffing when the effective mass gradually changes from negative to
oscillator in individual periods has a negative momentum. positive through a frequency point at which the effective
As the effective velocity is positive, the system possesses mass is zero, the place corresponding to zero mass is where
negative mass, and consequently the system helps control the bandgap cutoff frequency stands. Existence of nonlinear
vibration. factor, however, makes a minor difference to the frequency
point at zero mass, and it would be possible that the actual
cutoff frequency of bandgap cannot be found. To solve this
3.3.2. Effective Positive Mass Phenomenon in Bandgap. problem, we can closely sample the external excitation
Based on the above analysis, bandgap in 6.35 Hz–7.67 Hz, as frequency so as to bind the bandgap cutoff frequency of the
shown in Figure 7, where the effective negative mass nonlinear system, i.e., the point of zero-mass frequency.
10 Advances in Civil Engineering


Displacement (m)

Velocity (m/s)
0 0


1499.5 1499.6 1499.7 1499.8 1499.9 1500 –0.08 –0.06 –0.04 –0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
t (s) Displacement (m)
Period 1 Period 4 Period 1 Period 4
Period 2 Period 5 Period 2 Period 5
Period 3 Period 3
(a) (b)

Figure 11: Five periodic shells’ (a) displacement time history curves and (b) phase diagrams.

Displacement (m)

0.05 2
Velocity (m/s)

0 0

–0.05 –2
1499.5 1499.6 1499.7 1499.8 1499.9 1500 –0.2 –0.15 –0.1 –0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
t (s) Displacement (m)
Period 1 Period 4 Period 1 Period 4
Period 2 Period 5 Period 2 Period 5
Period 3 Period 3
(a) (b)

Figure 12: Five periodic oscillators’ (a) displacement time history curves and (b) phase diagrams (effective positive mass).

Finally, with a constant nonlinear factor n  10, shell mass From these charts in Figures 14 and 15, the shells of all
M  0.1011 kg, internal oscillator mass m  0.04647 kg, in- periodic units move in the same phase and with the same
ternal nonlinear spring linear rigidity k  37 N/m, and ex- displacement pattern, keeping the spring K linking the
ternal linear spring damping coefficient c  0.1 NS/m, we periodic units from deformation. If we ignore the motion of
found the frequency point at zero mass to be 8.2205 Hz. the internal Duffing oscillators from outside, the entire system
Figures 14 and 15 show the time histories of the shells and will appear to be a rigid rod. The entire system maintains an
the Duffing oscillators using this frequency point. From in-phase translation while all the internal Duffing oscillators
these curves, the shells and Duffing oscillators in all the move in the same phase but in the opposite direction to the
periods are moving. From the phase diagrams, both the shells, and there is no phase difference among the internal
shells and the Duffing oscillators have reached a steady state, Duffing oscillators. This is because a zero mass unit signifies
and the shells in all the periods have the same maximum that its inertia force is zero, making it appear that the entire
displacements as the Duffing oscillators in all the periods. system is composed of massless rigid bodies. It can be proved
Advances in Civil Engineering 11




Displacement (m)




1499 1499.2 1499.4 1499.6 1499.8 1500
t (s)
Figure 13: Displacement time history curves of shell and oscillator in period 1.

Displacement (m)

Velocity (m/s)

0 0
7999.7 7999.75 7999.8 7999.85 7999.9 7999.95 8000 –0.04 –0.03 –0.02 –0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
t (s) Displacement (m)
Period 1 Period 4 Period 1 Period 4
Period 2 Period 5 Period 2 Period 5
Period 3 Period 3
(a) (b)

Figure 14: Five periodic shells’ (a) displacement time history curves and (b) phase diagrams.

that the springs connecting the units will not deform, and the contrary, the system response is usually sensitive to and
entire system looks as if one massless rigid rod is translating. can vary with the external excitation amplitude. Hence, we
The lattice kymatology of the periodic system can also provide are going to analyze how bandgap changes with the ex-
an explanation. This phenomenon similar to zero mass is how ternal excitation amplitude.
electromagnetic waves propagate through a matching met- With a constant nonlinear factor n, we change external
amaterial with zero refraction index in electromagnetics. This excitation amplitude to examine how it affects the periodic
material also features zero dielectric constant and zero system again with shell mass M  0.1011 kg, internal os-
magnetic permeability and no phase difference in the elec- cillator mass m  0.04647 kg, internal nonlinear spring
tromagnetic field. linear rigidity k  37 N/m, external linear spring damping
coefficient c  0.05 NS/m, and rigid coefficient between
springs connecting external large oscillators K  117 N/m.
3.4. Influence of the Excition Amplitude on the Start and Stop If the nonlinear perturbation term is taken as ε  0.01,
Frequencies of the Bandgap. As is known to all, for a linear n  1, f is taken as 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 to calculate the vibration
system, the system response is irrelevant to the external transmission characteristics. The result is presented in
excitation amplitude. For a nonlinear system, on the Figure 16. When the external excitation amplitude changes,
12 Advances in Civil Engineering

Displacement (m)

Velocity (m/s)
0 0

–0.05 –4
7999.7 7999.75 7999.8 7999.85 7999.9 7999.95 8000 –0.15 –0.1 –0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
t (s) Displacement (m)
Period 1 Period 4 Period 1 Period 4
Period 2 Period 5 Period 2 Period 5
Period 3 Period 3
(a) (b)

Figure 15: Five periodic oscillators’ (a) displacement time history curves and (b) phase diagrams (effective zero mass).

40 decreases, the bandgap stop frequency moves toward the low

band. As the transmission characteristic chart is much more
20 separated than the previous two subsections, changing the f
value makes a greater difference to the starting and cutoff
Transmission (dB)

Through comparison above, we can see that external
–20 excitation amplitude makes a great difference to bandgap. As
the external excitation amplitude increases, so does the
–40 bandgap starting frequency of the metamaterial. This will
further reduce the bandgap width, which is negative for the
–60 application of vibration control. Hence, when a metamaterial
of effective negative mass with Duffing oscillator is used for
–80 vibration control, the external excitation amplitude must be
0 2 4 6 8 10 kept within a reasonable limit.
Frequency (Hz)
f=1 f=5 4. Conclusions
f=2 f = 10
f=3 In this paper, the Lindstedt–Poincaré method is utilized to
Figure 16: External excitation amplitude has changed the bandgap calculate the first-order perturbation solution of acoustic
width. and optical branches for effective negative mass nonlinear
acoustic metamaterial with pure Duffing oscillator. The
starting and cutoff frequencies of bandgap are deduced.
Then, the influence of mass ratio α and stiffness ratio β and
so do the bandgap start and stop frequencies and the
nonlinearity influence on starting and cutoff frequency of
bandgap bandwidth. Figure 17 shows enlarged areas of the
bandgap are discussed. The main conclusions can be drawn
starting and cutoff frequencies.
as follows:
As can be observed from Figure 17(a), the external
excitation amplitude makes quite a big difference to the (1) The nonlinear part of the dispersion curves solution
bandgap starting frequency. As the external excitation has relationships with coefficient of nonlinear item,
amplitude f increases, the bandgap start frequency moves steady-state amplitude of Duffing oscillator, and β.
toward the high band; when f decreases, the bandgap starting Both soft and hard Duffing oscillators have effect on
frequency moves toward the low band. the starting and cutoff frequencies. The soft/hard
Figure 17(b) shows an enlarged view near the stop characteristic of Duffing oscillator leads to the trend
frequency. From this, we can see that, as f increases, the that both starting and cutoff frequencies move
bandgap stop frequency moves toward the high band; as f down/up relative to the degraded linear system, and
Advances in Civil Engineering 13

both effective negative and effective positive mass

occurs in bandgap.
(4) Effective zero-mass phenomenon also exists in this
0.5 nonlinear metamaterial. This is corresponding to the
Transmission (dB)

cutoff frequency. On this frequency, there is no relative

0 motion for every shell of this nonlinear metamaterial,
and every Duffing oscillator also has the same char-
–0.5 acteristics. The phases of shell and Duffing oscillator in
every period are opposite, and the aggregate mo-
mentum of every periodic unit is close to zero.
–1.5 (5) The external excitation amplitude has influence on
bandgap. As the amplitude increases, the starting and
5.35 5.4 5.45 5.5 5.55
cutoff frequencies shift to the high-frequency band.
f (Hz)
f=1 f=5 Data Availability
f=2 f = 10
f=3 The data used to support the findings of this study are
(a) available from the corresponding author upon request.
Gao Ming now works in College of Mechanical and Elec-
tronic Engineering, Shandong Agricultural University in
Transmission (dB)

Taian, China.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
7.55 7.6 7.65 7.7 7.75 7.8 7.85 7.9
The authors acknowledge the State Key Research Devel-
f (Hz)
opment Program of China (Grant no. 2016YFC0600708),
f=1 f=5 the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant
f=2 f = 10 nos. 11172198 and 51605264), the National Basic Research
f=3 Program of China (Grant nos. 2013CB035402 and
(b) 2014CB046800), the Shandong Province Higher Educational
Science and Technology Program (Grant no. J15LH04), the
Figure 17: External excitation amplitude has changed the starting Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (Grant
and cutoff frequencies. (a) Starting frequency region. (b) Cutoff nos. ZR2018 and MEE001), and the State Key Laboratory of
frequency region.
Open Funds (Grant no. MDPC201601).

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International Journal of Antennas and Active and Passive Advances in
Chemical Engineering Propagation Electronic Components Shock and Vibration Acoustics and Vibration
Hindawi Hindawi Hindawi Hindawi Hindawi Volume 2018 Volume 2018 Volume 2018 Volume 2018 Volume 2018

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