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/AKAR UNIVERSITY ANYIGBA KOGI STA ’ FACULTY OF EDUCATION SS SC 6ot266 5744 yl 60 Weioln just be on the alert for any inoreen since ad these lectures before now we will be very quick so as fo forestal uuture encumbrance because second semester has commenced already. Hil keep posting lecture notes any time they're ready. Keep reading and do not fail to ask questions to gain clarity. Wishing you all the best of all your time. We will begin with SENTENCE STRUCTURE, } SENTENCE STRUCTURE Basically, a sentence is divided into two parts which are the subject and predicate. A subject is the person or thing that is being spoken about. A predicate is what is said about the subject. These are captured in the examples below: > Nature is the best physician. ne sun > The earth revolves round Aguilty conscience needs no excuse. j Nature, The earth, and A guilty. conscience are all subjects of the sentences above, while the other parts are the predicates. A The full division of @ sentence structure is Subject, Verb, Object, Complement, and Adjunct. SUBJECT This is the performer of an action or tl aléo known as the cl hief word ina sent Which must have a noun or pronoun. 7 |. Manisa social animal. (Noun) 1], _ We returned homein the evening. (Pronoun) il, The old should be respected. (An adjective used as a noun) IV, Afriend in need is a friend indeed, (Phrase) VERB he theme or main idea of a sentence. It is tence. It consists of a word or several words | verb is a word usédlto describe an éctlon pérformed by the subjeck I. ji), Mrs. Johnson s jv, Mandy is dancing: OBJECT ie girlate the food Jept inside her ar. A nas the receiver ofan action or the thing which receives th the adion , ject: byt the su performe’ ©” the food: This is know! This is sim, imply used to complete a sentence construction. In this co kind of verbs v sed are kr . became, sounds, etc. rnown as linking verbs such as appears; smells 2 |. The food tastes delicious. Il, Her father appears nice. Ill Lois sounds funny. ADJUNCT I. This tells about the time, place, manner, etc. Of anaction. It performs the function of an adverb. 1. Eva read her book last night. Il), She ate the food hurriedly. IV. _ His uncle sleeps every 2pm. With the examples for each part above ¥ complex sentence patterns: w carefully ¥ Study the examples bel -To further tits topic is'simply to be able te construct various sentences according ich as: SV, SVO, SVC, SVOA, ASYO, ASYG ‘ASVOO, to various sentence patterns sv and ASVOA: vy SV |, John slept. 11, The baby cried. The movie ended. vy svO |. Miranda slapped i, Musa bought 2 house. i, Deborah stole the oranges. her brother. ¥ svc . 1, Janeisa good mother. I Chucks is 2 policeman. mM. The foods tastes SoU" ould be abte te constturt simple and 1 \\ wvoman killed a snake, ther drove his car ©n the table Esther kept her books, * Abhrase 84 B'OUb of words Wwhict Means that a phrase depen, The beautiful gin I. for his courage Ml. about my success NW. at the bus station S with incom » The above examples are Phra: have to add another 8TOup of wo; * The beautiful girl js my sister © His friends praised him fo, his courage She Was very happy about ny Y Success, * Musa was waiting at the bus station, © TYPES OF PHRASES * Noun/Nominal Phrase ° Adjectival phrase ° Adverbial phrase ® Prepositions! phrase THAT OUR COUNTR THAT OUR COUNTRY 8 UNDER TH STORE EEE > ADJECTIVAL PHRASE Apr group of words that does the work of an adjective, An ae iT noun, so also Is the adjectiva sisal eter ijectival phrase, See examples below with the phrases! The girlIN THE WHITE DRESS Is her elder sister. The king WITH A POWEI RFUL ARMY tried to defeat his enemy. The man WITH HIS WIFE ANID CHILDREN are dancing: ADVERBIAL PHRASE 1 group of words which also perform the work of an adverb He was driving the car WITH GREATSPEED: She frequently went to the cinema IN TH DAYS. Y can pay the amount to you AT THIS VE RY MOMENT. > PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE ade of» preposition anda noun phase) and talso ositional phrase Is ma! “sentence. See examples Below: Aprep' does the job of a preposition IN THE GARDEN ouTsipe MY ROOM AT THE JUNCTION UNDER MY TABLE sth incomplete meaning: For a phrase sitional phrases preee fe must be added such as below: these are all F plete meaning ‘another phras to have comP! Her mothe! stoo mW. john waited iy. Rsther vg found ‘aner wrist gasaverb. ase isa group of verbs functionin = ples below: ‘By 6pm she WOULD HAVE DANCED for two hours. The girl HAS BEEN EATING heavily since last week. ‘The man WAS BEING PRAISED because of his kindness. Phrasal verbs are a combination of a compulsory verb, a preposition and/ae anadverb. The meaning of a phrasal verb is idiomatic. This means that ts ‘meaning cannot be got from the individual words. See examples below and their meanings: ASK IN: invite somebody into your house or room. ASK OUT: invite somebody to a meal (CK OUT: withdraw or refuse ACK UP: support moi WOULD HAVE BEEN DANCING. But a this means that it does not havea literal er. This means she resembles her ‘al meanings, they are idiomatic. You cannot .b by simply looking at the individual elf the insults she hurled at me. AY her BACK fo! o word that contains finite verb and makes cone i OF complex sentence. A clause Is made of a sul ination of phrases to have a cor ’ mplete meaning, A clause is basicalh cus is beselly divided into two whieh are: Subordinate clause MAIN CLAUSE It is also knows wn a5 principal clause or independent clause, The main clause can a ake complete sense. It doesn't neec clause. See examples below: — Heft the office early, Lawal was very afraid Joseph and Esther decided to go home. SUBORDINATE CLAUSE Ibis also known as.a dependent clause because it has no complete meaning But depends on main clause for complete sense, A subordinate cause is alWaYs such as: because, when, While, 25 soon introduced by a subordinate conjunction -xamples of subordinate clauses are: ‘ough, before, after, if, since, etc. & as, alt 1. Since my sister was sick iant renhe saw the ti, Because they were hungry that the group of words abo above as these Take note ye have incomplete senses until you merge h the main clause them wit Heft the office early since my sister was sick. as very afraid when he saw the giant ded to go home because they were hungry. several sentence patterns to.accommodatea main Lawal ¥ Joseph and Es These imply th clause MC and a sul sther deci fat you can have ordinate clause SC such as: 1 mc+MC ue mc+sc mn, sc+MC . mc+MC+ sc wy SCH mc +SC vi Micemcrmicest vil. Try them yourselves 7 The sentence re MOS Imcortane o pao BUcture isthe sentence, Mast ofthe other TM Atical unig ae ee Hitt go:togetherta tama sentence, However, that v8! YS With the ‘Stestion Whatis a Sentence?’ and there has been some Mlspute abou 'e definition, 1 Lumping-of oY 2 Unit of language that an stand alone and make ae "B22 all complete jn themselves, make sense and are, therefore, a Sentences; ThE boy kicked the ba They played f, d ard and they won, * Ook over there) The following conan 28° all compete themselves and mate sense rnd are, therefore sentences They are known as minor sentences or sen latseftehcesthayare cacy ‘minor sentences because they lack Fi oe other usual grammaticas features ofa sentence. For example, a Minor Sentence often lacks epee #4 apreticate, Minor sentences ane res emtenin spoken English and in Conversation in literary fiction, They nre also common in certain kinds of written English such and adverts, The fol aS notices, labels nes: examples of minor se What a view! ° ntry, * Well done! e © bitten, © Twic Major sentences oth sentences. Sentences are known as my A major sentence usual (see 2). The folloy nejor sentences or regular ly has a subject (see 1) and predicate ‘ng are examples of major sentences iC Waditional view of the sentence seems as good a se In the followi enone aa he ued wo ‘Aheatwave has been forecast. Several unhappy employees h nagenen have complained to the m The large black dog pe up tothe child. ae affected many peopl ‘Those terrible floods iy people. Repnesentatives, 5s fromthe fir have issued o statement 0 sf Jai Si has just died. a ‘SERRE of a sentence refers to what the sentence 1s abi vias out the action ofthe verb, The subject usually give 8 cleat ‘lea of ct.can be a noun —either a fj out, often the person OF thing what the senteace §S. about. | The subj a ompR, a pronou, a subor an infin tn the following sentences the underlined words form the subject of the sentence and the subjects nouns: Dogs need a lot of exere'se Ghlldren play in the park Froney is extremely imporiar to him rot for him, he Say von is expensive im that ance g to leave. Marriage ‘Accommodath sple are beginnin ane is giving 2 Pa” “Fim has resigned. paris is the “tapital of France: pountaineerind 6" be dangerous: write pastime aneing is her faYOurE pas oa ting can be 2 form of relaxation. nt e i centence and We Jotiowing sentences the underlined words form the gunject of the senlenee e She lost her weaaie has broken don iho she was remained « mystery, : Ww he left has not yet been revealed What he says isnot true When he will go has not yet been decided, ‘ In the following sentenices the Object Var ften the predicate contains an SUE EEE The object ofa sextenc GEE ERED, The object ofa sentence is he par ofa sentence dat js acted upon orisafected by the verb. sally followste veo woolen eee = t There are two possible foSectna sentence oclawe—a det objet or anindret beet | Direct object | A ERTEEEETER CRED eters person or ing dais dec alocted bye atin deseo by da Todo that would be unforgivable. To get there is going to be very difficult. To marry young is her main aim. To get through your exams should be your principal concern, auneu @ snake. 4 jects are The direct object can be a not and inthe sentence The girl hit the ball. the word ball js a noun and the direct object. the word him is a pronoun oe NS pours ten noun phrase she Greet eet A direct object c the phra: A direct object can be a noun clause, wae : de direct object. ons forma direct abject pe deveds chem + indirect objet sRURNTTT SE obigct see NiwDE ect ant ateeet bib ae omen susathahe st enindireet objec in be preceded by the word to or for, rope eteace St be preceded by Attd in this case the direct object wou Hd come beiore the indirect object Complement Tha sentence wh Predicate is ou oe? 83 TIE act, &d notan object, bur 25 be, becone, seem, "etc, what follows the verb in a i ‘omplement of the sentence \ \ Hined words form a complement i; aur xed a snake. Punctuation of sentences amie’ veers With s conta et a . cThns, the following are all sentences: ‘They dd not like the house He lives in the country. He designed and built the house d We will leave when he gets here Where did he go? Why did she leave? Get out of here! Help me! pa) ‘Types of sentence a ese ae eee ET sentences any Hv chmtns Tradition statements ses a acon : Chand AD 220 serene Aesigned to s tis is amplif 15 the house a occup) ied just nowe Has the doctor arrived yeep Us He's just arrives Ae © ready 10 be Let's et started. Yes Tag questions Some yes-no questions a 8 The followirgare exanples of He’ not here yet, is he? You won't tell her, will you? Wh- questions WIRGEEEHORY begin with a word beginnin Kinds of sentence Simple senten main clause and a sentence with sentence. The The boy langhed njoyed the trip. e liked the play « Jer son is ill ry much. saursmied a snake. " eek a reply in the af following are examples of simple led in soa way in 's in the with the toge in bold with wh, such 38 why, where, when, who, ces Short sent tences often co; just one main sentence: Clause is called a sek iormton ft lind ey lowe yay nvolv te ivesin of he subject an SS | mative or negative, whether the reply fs ju tag at the end and whet, as in: nitain one simple Piney Gave ie RpFecant 7 ‘Where did he go? ‘Wen dd you last see her? “Who gave you that? Atternative ques sti ‘on 8 in t ‘Akternative questions reqalre a reply that refers to the options elven In the senfenese ‘onjuneen Sor The following are examples of alternative questions: Die you cone by bus oF train? ‘ Is he porty on Friday or Satur? sons h - Ys 5 Fuse pict are actually ed of questions bat tye <3 ex's aeanerk ai seve US ons: quests al Ory oT ave the ste se gustan: pee = st shevorical estion also called cosimanel (although they ae not all ac ering area lend a ie fe e H ts baste or Infinitive form, tn dip My ctr the ya SHES econ ce v1 tn ble ox eb sao baat TH lowing re ean eT ingertve work ‘Stand yp Help me, pleaser Have a piece of cake Tike 10 ofthese pis eter meals Turn left here Somme dlrectives begin with the yon or the word ‘do’, asin Lot me help Lets go, Do come in Don't worry, Exclamations BRUT are sontnces expressed ang Whe spss: exc or road by ont me nS SOmeties nk the fomn of are, ATES tty can nso be ways end wlth an exclamation mae Sentences, often beginning with The following are examples of exclanmigr, Oucht What a da How pretty you look! ke. saurxiied a sal Simple sentences Short senences ofen co 2 contin Tee in one ARRRETER anda sectencs with jst one mat ‘The followingare examples of simple semence The boy laughed, He enjoyed the trip. Wie liked the play very much, Her son is il Her daughter became a doctor. They gave me a pres yesterday, Multiple sentences enences which contain more tan ope danse are nown s maitpe sentences somes ates (o nmilti-sentences. These ean either be EOMpoimdSementad or complex sentences. She danced while he pl {ejt when they arrived. his ear b ‘The paragraph mene dana sentence eed SS re wt ed pres 1 oF rherible at 351 sider sally 2 co" end The SS of seve fonetaction.¢f find ita ficult fr re sos iuis best to comer off-puti s. as his can create? fe shorter paregr sto sat a sionally, W35 a ey, Tad Cally, Ne Ae ae y 0 Srence para > one advertisin or for a9 ae pe opering Poh should = closing Pe on “phe closing Pe beam ow paraer of felch aialogne are ibe rea Jike a major sentence, 1s a meaningful group of pies onal | However, unlike sentences, not all clauses can at a Teen et Ean tae alone and mole senses Jnown asa FTN, ery moj en at least one amo. ‘sel In each of the following gal underlined words forma main clase 18.0 the office when I arrived. Leaéw why he left We took the train because the car broke dov, Some Sentences consist of more than one main clause connected bya ia Such 25 and, but or or. Such senences are known ac SUNN ‘The following sentences consist of wo {RUMEN (UG \ 1y angry ond he kev it Yu con ether apologlee o Ihwas a sunny day but i ore thin two main clase: The follow Punctuation and main clauses separate mein clauses joined by a ETERAETTREONTREMEEERWY, be ists \ andthe coordinating conuneton sand. Wha A comma ra} al, especial a mater of, oto mark off the main clause fs mone the coordinating of con Subordinate clause stand alone a (Wall, Bf). A the underly nd make sense and Is dependent on sberdinate clause con come before or after a main claus, In A clause that ca called a Buboedinat each of the following sen He arrived oher-weh words form a subordinate clase, (ed the meal sere We went De ae to put than He falled he exam alheugh ner ete Noe aL ead i Ifyou by: thatcae yen wl ree eae ‘Wht sneha he walle T wonder haha eh ‘There are several types of autwetinte claims, Wu th exept ot Nes «DMN A replace evn of wn Ce weet a Adverbial clause A suibordinate adverbial clause jovi it thon a i 8 r Ive repel yan adverbial laa nis aver ean be tep REM An adjective word isa 2 ou of words tht work together to am 2 of stone word. "A lause or sentence can usually be broken down ito lease ties ts mune free the word as (ore secre, ‘Thos tn noun phrase a noun is te main adjective isthe main part of te seucare part of Ge strane of fe pirzse ad tan of the pi also called 3 nominal mctions like extremely frequently is an adverb phrase in whiet h the main word is the adverb. frequently. ‘The words underlined in each of the following sentences are adverb phrases T used to play tennis fairly regularly I saw both of them 2 one T can’t stand this noise for much longer. ‘She greeted her guests extremely waznly. ‘The students are working really hard. They tive very close. Preposiiion phrase ‘A preposition phrase, also called a prepositional phrase, 5 2 group of related’ words in which the sword is a preposition and which functions ike a preposition in a sentence or clause. “Thus on the table is a preposition phrase hich the main ward isthe preposition” The words underiined in cach of the following sentences ar= preposition phrases: ye waited at ore us sto He placed the book They walked inte the room. Jou must stay nth r the Bech, thuht dep aout his problems ‘OF aust parte, as inthe sentence ‘ste yor treat, she ested tom er Job ‘The words underlined inthe following sentences are [SITE MN ARES CSC: PeRLethe nar, she went hone early hho was frequently tnely. paulGiedbe thane, he sited eo Hilahina hanolte, she went often ate, TREREM fits the house hal been dctned by hn, peteitabiter, the cnt nt broken toy, “ mbna he city ts now boing rebut Badd inured, che miners somehow mancged fo make their way to the surface. Dente touched iv the-aesture, the young woman wrote a thank you-rote Phrasal yerbs PUSSIES EIR, 8} is a vert cut consists followed by an adver or they can ox verb followed by an adverb an a peep of two or thrge words. They can conslat of a wet ist of a verb followed by a prepositan or they can tonne nee Samples of Phrasal verbs ate showntn the sentences below wilh the ph asal verb inderlined, oup of sentences the phrasal verte all consist of verb flawed by ah adverbs Ie time to go in ent to come round? Inkiller began to wear olf ain y plars have fallen throw ermonent job ond settle dav curled up and went to sleep. calter rang off before T got tothe phone of sentences the phrasal verbs all consist ofa verb followed bya preposition: In the next group of sente They walked through the forest Jou should alan sour ne neishour, The child faint the WOUer amore money. London. e workers asked ere rents at the tine, He oroinaly.came nom She 3 | Sailklled a snake. Se ee ‘You are bound to, ‘She Janke pta her ferent arene te cour i Ah ‘The children getup ta a lot of mischtey rae i vou rela hen te teh leaves ‘He ranoffwith his best friend's wife. bal Tt all comes.down to money tn the end, Position of objectin phrasal verbs of | Many phrasal verbs act ike intransitive ves (see IMUM: Some, Dow nd, a8 such, tke a EOHRONTE sto where to place ‘wena phrasl verb is wed in auoallveataon you sometimes mie 8 CHEESE” Econ od of the object Hit conslats of n short noun pra, the objet canbe placed cH 7 cies ‘or after the rst werd and before the secon wots tn te J resent ds obec: over, net Ite transitive VerOs ‘he phrasal verb, ‘undertined words, In different posltons, re hug with cold water ffom the Hitchen top We filled up the. ‘i tet sen a wo with cold water om the iehas ti a Ho'Nt never live down thisterriblescanda Ory never ive ths nie senda 4 rhe quarrel tore port the entrs am! dat ie ysl 60 vebefore te secon word of the BHTOSaL +t itsuay comes ih yen te objects a prornnm: 5 ‘nie following sentences the underlined words form phzazal verbs and Gir pronoun OUEOS {gave my letter of complaint to the manager, but she inmedtately handed it ayer to her assistant. ‘When sne troke off te engagement he wanted her to hep the ring, butte gave ack. 418 was Jim who thought of the idea, but it was Tack who put It forward to the commlttee. The litte girt was badly injured and police are trying find the driver vho kmacked Het eSE- ‘The young boxer wes knocked out and doctors took several minstes £0, NB: Danzling participle roe A danaling partieple ie a8 fasbeeumlplaced ina sem ig 6 sy cc meosoned otis psa N participle notto be celled (9 ary subject 331 sine since she had seen daylight daysseemed

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