Introdctory Lecture

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NU FAIRVIEW GEETH0IX/ CM# 1 /WEEK# 1 (Aug.15-19)


 1. Philosophy and Ethics

 2. Branches of Philosophy
 3. The Nature of Ethics
 4. Morality, Human Acts, and Acts of Man
 5. Standard of Morality
 6. Origin of Morality
 7. Application of Summary
 8. Summary
 9. Assessment
 10. Assignment


 At the end of the lecture, you are expected to:

 1. Understand the meaning of ethics
 2. Differentiate ethics and morality
 3. Differentiate human acts and acts of man
 4. Identify the origin of morality
 5. Do a philosophical reflection on a concrete ethical situations.
 6. Realize the value of ethics in obtaining a broad perspective on life.


1. Siringan, H. (2011). Philosophy of the Human Person. C & E Publishing: Quezon City, Philippines.

2. Co, A. (1993). Ancient Chinese Philosophy: The Blooming of a Hundred Flowers. UST Publishing House:

3. Co, A. (2011). Across the Philosophical Silk Road: A Festschrift in Honor of Alfredo Co. UST Publishing House:

4. Crowell, S (ed.). (2012). The Cambridge Companion to Existentialism. Cambridge University Press: New

5. Ferriols, R (2002). Pambungad sa Metapisika. Office of Research and Publications, Ateneo de Manila
University: Quezon City.

6. Magill, F (ed.). (1991). Masterpieces of World Philosophy. Collins Reference: United Stated and United

7. Timbreza, F. (2002). Paghahanap ng Kabuluhan. De La Salle University Press: Manila.

Author: Janflor Mc.Louie S. Ullero/Date: August 14, 2022

NU FAIRVIEW GEETH0IX/ CM# 1 /WEEK# 1 (Aug.15-19)


 Ethical situation:
 It was Tuesday evening. You met with your friends in a mall. You were happily enjoying the company of
your friends when you saw your father dining with another woman. You did not react at first, but when
your father started feeding her, you were startled. You decided to follow them and you saw them
kissing. Days passed and you proved that your father has a mistress.
 You have two options:
 1. Keep the truth to yourself and pretend nothing happened.
 2. Tell the truth to your mom, but if you do, you know that it will greatly affect your family.

 Question:
 What is the right thing to do?


 Philosophy is the science of all things by their ultimate causes and principles, known in the light of
natural reason alone.
 Philo- love
 Sophia- wisdom

Branches of Philosophy
 Metaphysics- a branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of ultimate reality.
 Epistemology- the philosophical science hat deals with the validity of human knowledge and the
criteria for its certainty and truthfulness.
 Ethics- also called Moral Philosophy – the philosophical study of the morality of human acts and man’s
 Psychology – the science that dals with the mind and with mental and emotional process and behavior
of man.
 Cosmology- the philosophical search for a deeper understanding of the universe.
 Logic- the philosophical science of correct thinking.
 Aesthetics- the philosophical search on the nature of art and beauty.
 Philosophy of Man- the philosophical search for a deeper understanding of what man is and wat it
means to be fully human.
 Theodicy- the philosophical study of the ultimate being or God, its nature and attributes with the aid of
human reason alone.
 Theology- the philosophical inquiry into the existence of God, is nature, attributes, and relations to
man and all creations with the help of Revelations/religion/faith

The Nature of Ethics

 The term “ethics” from Greek word ethos is commonly used synonymously with “morals” or morality.
 Hence, being ethical is equated to being moral.
 Being moral is usually associated with one value system and the desire to be good.
 Being ethical has something to do with following certain rules or guidelines.

Author: Janflor Mc.Louie S. Ullero/Date: August 14, 2022

NU FAIRVIEW GEETH0IX/ CM# 1 /WEEK# 1 (Aug.15-19)

Moral Precept
 A moral precept is an idea which is driven by a desire to do something good.
 An ethical code is a set of rules that defines allowable actions or correct behavior.
 Correct behavior is not always the good behavior.

 Morality refers to the goodness or badness of a human act.
 Morality refers only to human acts, that is, actions which proceed from man’s rationality.
 These actions are done with:
 Knowledge
 Freedom
 Voluntariness

Human Acts

 Human acts are acts that are proper to human being.

 It utilizes knowledge, freedom, and voluntariness.
 It needs thinking before doing the act
 The act can be judged morally good or morally evil.
 Example:
 Act to vote Act to hate
 Act to decide Act to steal
 Act to love Act to kill
Acts of Man

 Actions which do not have a rational character can be considered amoral.

 They cannot be judged as morally good or morally evil.
 It is not a rational act
 Examples:
 Eating Jumping
 Drinking Walking
 Sleeping Breathing

Standard of Morality
 If human actions are to be judged whether they are morally good or morally evil, then there must be
something by which actions could be measured as good or evil.
 This is what we refer to as the norm or standard of morality.

Moral Philosophy
 Moral philosophy or ethics deals with the norms or codes governing our conduct or act. It serves as a
guide in determining what is good and right or bad and wrong.
 Hence, it does not only say that killing is evil, but also gives the reason why it is evil.
 There are acts that are ethically neutral, which means that they do not have a moral value or sense.
 These acts are called amoral.
 Some people can also be called amoral if they are indifferent to morality or the sense of right or
 Some aspects of reality simply out of the realm of morality are therefore regarded as non-moral.
 Inanimate objects for example are non-moral but our use of them can be moral or immoral.
 Example is a knife
 You can use the knife in stabbing someone
 Morals is concerned whether something or an act is right or wrong in the moral sense.

Author: Janflor Mc.Louie S. Ullero/Date: August 14, 2022

NU FAIRVIEW GEETH0IX/ CM# 1 /WEEK# 1 (Aug.15-19)

 Manners or etiquette is concerned with something or an act whether it is socially acceptable or follows
a certain social or cultural practice. It is more based on the matter of taste or social preference.
 Eating using hands may be bad manners for some but for others, it may be socially or
culturally acceptable.

Origin of Morality
 Morality can be considered as having a subjective or objective origin based on the origin of value.
 1. Objective Origin
 2. Subjective Origin
 As to Objective origin, there are three possibilities for the origin of value.
 1. Values are given by supernatural being. (Supernatural)
 2. Values are part of the fabric of nature. (Natural)
 3. Values are part of the “furniture” of the world, independently of human beings.
 These possible explanations of the objective origin of values are expressed in the “supernatural
theory,” the theory of “natural law,” and objectivism.
 As subjective origin, the origin of value is related to human beings.
 Without human beings, subjectivist theorists argue, there would be no value

Two Kinds of Morality

 There are two kinds of morality:
 1. Customary or traditional Morality
 2. Reflective Morality

 Traditional morality refers to the moral systems handed down through customs from generation to
 It is also called static morality.
 Example:
 Filipino values
 Filipino tradition
 Pagmamano
 Po and Opo

 Reflective morality requires that moral ideas are carefully examined.

 There are some parts of our value system that needed to be reflected, examined.
 We need to reflect some of our moral values.
 Traditional morality can become reflective and dynamic when those moral ideas that are simply
handed down and accepted are subjected to analysis and criticism.
 Morality may be applied to four areas.

Application of Morality
 1. Religion -Morality determined by relation between human beings and supernatural being.
 2. Nature- Morality determined by relation between human beings and nature.
 3. Individuality- Morality determined by relation the individual has to him or herself.
 4. Society- Morality determined by relation between human beings and society.


Author: Janflor Mc.Louie S. Ullero/Date: August 14, 2022

NU FAIRVIEW GEETH0IX/ CM# 1 /WEEK# 1 (Aug.15-19)

1. Differentiate ethics and morality

2. What is human acts? Give example
3. What is acts of man? Give example.
4. Differentiate objective morality and subjective morality.
5. Differentiate Customary/Traditional Morality and Reflective Morality. Give example each.
6. What are the applications of morality? Discuss each.


 Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the morality of human acts.
 Morality refers to the goodness or evilness of an act.
 Human acts are actions that need rationality.
 Morality has two origins: Objective and Subjective
 There are two kinds of morality: traditional and reflective.



 For next meeting, research on the topic

 “Man as a Moral Agent”
 Elements of Human Act
 Classifications of Human Act
 Sources of the Morality of Human Act

Author: Janflor Mc.Louie S. Ullero/Date: August 14, 2022

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