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indochina former name of southeast asia under the French Colony

stupa burial place of Kings, monks and nuns

wat Thai Buddhist temple or monastery
East direction where entrances of temples face towards
phutta wat temple complex
sangha wat living quarters of the monks
suwanna chedi
prang shaped like a corn cob standing on top of a square or cruciform building, with an entrance of one side
prang Thai pagoda/temple during the Khmer empire
ubosot/bot most sacred area in a Thai Buddhist complex
viharn assembly hall in a Thai Buddhist complex
singha pair of lions guarding the entrance of a viharn
chofas horn or bird-like finials seen on the roof ridges of temples
kuti apartment building with small rooms for the monks

Wat Pho temple in Bangkok, Thailand where the reclining Buddha can be found
rumah gadang
style dramatic curved roof found in traditional Indonesian structures/palaces
chorten Tibetan stupa
13 storey palace in Lhasa, Tibet. Contains the principal halls and chapels and shrines of past Dalai
Potala Palace Lamas
geometric configuration of symbols. Used as a map that represents the spiritual journey in Eastern
Mandala religions
Bindu interaction of the priciples / state of creation in a / space itself
Sikhara rising tower in Hindu temples
Mojenjodaro and
Harrapa One of the earliest and largest urban settlement of the ancient Indus valley civilization
Garbhagriha /
Womb House the innermost sanctum of Hindu temples where only the priest can enter
Gopuram a monumental tower or Hindu entranceway/gateway
Vimanas structures over the sanctum of temples
Torana buddhist gateway/entranceway
Stambhas monumental pillars in Buddhist religion
Dagoba mound-like structure used by Buddhist monks for meditation
Kudu cave window
madrasah Islamic school
minaret derived from the Arabic word for lighthouse or beacon
musalla central area for prayer inside a mosque
ornamental, semi-circular indentation in the wall of a prayr room of a mosque that marks the direction
mihrab of Mecca
minbar raised platform in the front area of a mosque prayer hal
ablution area where Muslims wash their feet in preparation for praying
mashrabiya wood latticework common in Arabic buildings
Museum of
Islamic Art in
Qatar 5 storey building designed by I.M.Pei, located in the Arabian Gulf in Doha, Qatar.

Jean Nouvel designer of National Museum of Qatar and Louvre Museum in Abu Dhabi, UAE
Faisal Mosque largest mosque in Pakistan
originally a Greek Church, then became a mosque during the Ottoman empire, then a museum and
Hagia Sofia now a mosque

three types of
stupa dome stupa
terrace stupa
tower stupa (pagoda)
six types of
architecture mosque
Wat Rong Khun The White Palace

Angkor Wat

Bodhi Tree

The Great Stupa

of Borobudur

Palcho Monastery
Prayer wheels

Ashoka Stupa


Keshava Temple

Great Stupa of
Lotus temple

The Dome of the

Rock, Jerusalem,

Taj Mahal

Sheik Zayed
Grand Mosque,
Abu Dhabi

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