Acknowledgement Page Report

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First, I would like to thank my Internship Mentor from Hashed Bit Innovation
Mr. Rohan Saxena who helped me and motivates me throughout the journey.
Secondly, I would like to thank to my Head of the Department Dr. Sansar Singh
Chauhan for his constructive criticism throughout my internship.
I would also like to thank Ms. Eram Fatima for supporting me and correcting
me throughout the internship.
I would like to pay special thank to Dr. Praveen Kumar Rai, internship
coordinator for his support and advise to get my internship complete in very
efficient manner.
I would also like to acknowledge all the people that worked along with me at
Hashed Bit Innovation with their patience and opened working environment. It
is indeed with a great sense of pleasure and immense sense of gratitude that I
acknowledge the help of these individuals.
I am extremely grateful to my department staff members and friends who helped
me in successful completion of this internship.

Name: Sachin Sharma

Roll No: 2001920100245

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