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Section Title Page

Integrity 3
Excellence 4
Professionalism 4
Interpersonal Relations 5
Communication 5
Managing Performance 8
Developing People 8
Managing Change 9
Conflict Management 9
Problem Solving and Decision Making 10
Strategic Management 11
Critical Thinking 12
Professional Expertise 12
Risk Management 13
Technology Proficiency 14
Accounting Proficiency 15
Aircraft Maintenance 15
Architectural Design and Planning 16
Attention to Detail 18
Benefits, Compensation, and Welfare Management 18
Budget Administration and Control 19
Budget Preparation 20
Cash Management 20
Engineering Design and Planning 21
Engineering Implementation and Monitoring 23
Financial Acumen 24
Financial Management 24
Influencing and Building Relationships 25
Internal Audit Planning and Management 25
Learning and Development Planning 26
Learning Facilitation 27
Learning Measurement and Evaluation 27
Managing Data and Information 28
Performance Management 29
Principles of IT 30
Procurement 31
Program Course Delivery and Administration 31
Program Course Design and Development 32
Program Management 33
Property Management 33
Records Management 34
Recruitment, Selection and Placement 35
Research and Analysis 36
Rewards and Recognition 37
Strengthening Employee Relations 38

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The ability to speak, act, and perform all tasks and responsibilities with fairness and accountability, devoid
of any personal interest and undue influence and to remain steadfast in honesty even amidst challenging
situations. Adheres strictly to the AFP core values and Norms of Conduct for Public Officials and
Employees as embodied in R.A. 6713 also known as the “Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for
Public Officials and Employees”
Knows the established Complies with the Internalizes CSC rules Promotes and sustains
CSC rules & established CSC rules & & regulations, AFP and application of
regulations, AFP & regulations, AFP & DND DND policies in all established CSC rules &
DND policies policies transactions always regulations, AFP and
DND policies in all
transactions always
Performs tasks Exhibits behaviors that Proactively and Shows highest sense of
objectively and foster priority for consistently prioritizes fairness and
according to priority as organizational interest organizational values accountability not just
instructed by the above self interest over self gain or self within AFP but also with
superior interest external stakeholders or
other government
Knows and understands Practices the 8 norms of Internalizes & integrates Influences subordinates
the 8 Norms of Conduct Conduct for Public the 8 Norms of Conduct and peers to sustain and
for Public Officials & Officials & Employees in for Public Officials and promote adherence to
Employees the workplace Employees to the the 8 Norms of Conduct
existing culture of the for Public Officials &
organization Employees always (at all
Uses office materials Takes responsibility and Embodies responsible Makes a profound
and resources ownership of one’s planning & difference that will
responsibly decorum and actions management of benefit the whole
including use of office resources for the whole organization by
resources organization’s benefit or manifesting and
progress upholding the AFP core
values & Norms of
Conduct for Public
Officials & Employees to
inspire transformational
Considers the privacy of Develops sensitivity to Applies existing Maintains confidentiality
others the needs of others confidentiality policies in by formulating policies
the workplace that promote high level
of secrecy and
Believes in honesty and Acts in a way that Talks and acts/behaves Practices and teaches
truthfulness when matches his speech; consistently in all integrity to others and
talking about a fact or walks his/her talk in a situations, whether in ensures being a positive
situation number of situations private or public places role model of
mostly in public places impeccable integrity
Fulfills his obligations Voluntarily fulfills Consistently fulfills Proactively fulfills
upon prompting from obligations with obligations on time, with obligations ahead of
his superior occasional request for high quality output time, whether submitting
more time to complete considering the a report or taking action
them advantage for the to preserve the
organization organization’s assets
and resources

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Provides needed Occasionally volunteers Consistently provides Volunteers reliable,
information for decision- information useful for reliable, accurate, and accurate and complete
making whenever decision-making complete information for information as basis for
requested to decision-making decision-making;
teaches and urges
others to do the same
Still needs supervision Requires minimal No supervision or Anticipates potential
often supervision to fulfill his direction needed; takes danger with utmost
obligations appropriate acts concern in the workplace
voluntarily and promptly and initiates action to
prevent its occurrence.
Encourages others to
cooperate accordingly
when danger occurs

Setting high standards of performance by being responsible for work results through continuous
improvement and cost-efficient process, and delivering superior quality results at prescribed timeline that
meet or exceed organizational goals of AFP
Understands and Strives to perform Ensures the Serves as the model of
accepts the norms and assigned tasks under performance of duties excellent performance
processes of excellent supervision and with with accuracy, and coaches others to
work performance minimal errors timeliness, and less do the same
Knows by heart what it Applies the appropriate Assesses quality and Formulates a system to
takes to be able to procedures at work load of work; prioritizes deliver quality output
achieve high quality whenever given an tasks according to and institutionalizes this
work results by reading assignment urgency of need; for implementation in the
the manual of checks and provides whole AFP organization
procedures constructive feedback
on results
Shows willingness and Performs one’s job Performs one’s job Performs one’s job
readiness to perform promptly and with high ahead of schedule with proactively and
one’s job promptly and quality while behaving quality output that excellently ahead of
according to prescribed according to AFP- consistently meets schedule; sets high
standard of quality prescribed code of standard, accompanied standards of
whenever assigned to conduct under minimal by proactive performance to be
do so supervision observance of AFP followed AFP-wide;
code of conduct; initiates programs on
explores ways to continuous
improve processes improvement toward

To conduct oneself in a manner that depicts the respect for the AFP organization through service above
self, patriotism, fairness, duty, dedication, perseverance, persistence and compliance to processes and
procedures; being resourceful and flexible in providing responsive and timely service to stakeholders; being
mindful of the dignity of one’s profession by committing oneself to continuous learning, growth, and self-
Ability to display proper Ability to adhere to AFP The ability to question The ability to initiate
decorum and and other government and/or improve the AFP relevant AFP policies
deportment under laws, policies, rules and policies and to engage and procedures and
guidance and regulations with in continuous learning, create a culture of
supervision patriotism and development, and self- continuous learning,
nationalism mastery growth, and self-

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mastery; serves as a
positive role model to all
Ability to follow AFP Displays moderate Has earned and Models the ability to
and other government commitment and demonstrates distinct implement strategies
laws, policies, and dedication to service professional status and and reflects on one’s
regulations whenever above one’s self consistent service improvement in both
reminded reputation personal and
professional life
Demonstrates Shows fairness, Expresses personal Demonstrates a high
foundational dedication, and developmental goals level of patriotism,
competence and basic persistence when faced and engages personal responsibility,
knowledge of subject with difficult situations or consistently in activities and dependability that
matter challenges to achieve them inspire others in the AFP
Fulfills commitments, Modifies behavior and Acknowledges others’ Proactively exhibits the
observes proper work performance as desire for development values, attitudes, &
processes, meets appropriate in order to and creates a nurturing positive culture of the
prescribed deadlines, meet the expectations of team atmosphere organization toward
and achieves desired the position and specific towards mutual providing a healthy AFP
results situation improvement climate and a lasting

Develops and maintains effective relationship with officers, enlisted personnel, civilian workforce and
stakeholders of the organization to promote teamwork and solidarity in achieving the mission of AFP
Understands and Acknowledges one’s Behaves confidently Fully grateful for his/her
accepts one’s self in weaknesses and acts about one’s personality, strengths and uses
terms of both personal on them by striving to capitalizing on his/her these to advance his
strengths and areas for correct them through strengths and improving relationship with others;
improvement; resolves deliberate efforts, on his/her weaknesses helps others overcome
to improve himself seeking help from by engaging in team their weaknesses by
through his/her own superior or peer activities and soliciting coaching and mentoring
efforts feedback people
Understands and Demonstrates Inspires and motivates Serves as a role model
recognizes the harmonious people to display in sustaining the ideals
importance of interpersonal relations harmonious of solidarity and unity in
harmonious with people within and interpersonal relations the work place that will
interpersonal outside the organization in any given achieve the mission of
relationships in the work in order to achieve the environment that will the AFP.
place mission of the AFP support the mission of
the AFP

The ability to convey a message and idea accurately, clearly, and concisely in oral or written form, or other
modes of communicating to an individual or group; The ability to effectively present information through
logical sequencing of ideas, converting raw data into an organized correspondence, document or report
using a variety of media and language that suits the reader’s needs and characteristics
Oral Communication: Uses appropriate words, Gives interesting and Performs the role of an
language, volume, well received formal and “expert speaker” who is
Has working knowledge pace, tone, and informal presentations frequently invited to
on the principles of inflection of voice to suit to small or large groups deliver lectures in
basic communication the target audience’s inside the organization conferences outside the
number, needs, organization
characteristics, and

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Provides information in Commands attention Changes tactics or Responds articulately
a clear, concise and and manages group strategy when with finesse to
logical manner process during something is not unrehearsed comments
presentation. Keeps the working while delivering and questions being
audience engaged a presentation posed by the other party
through the use of or the audience
techniques such as
analogies, illustration,
humor, an appealing
style, and voice
Establishes Uses a variety of Presents and conducts Presents competently
communication presentation methods to self in a credible and and confidently to
objective/s that clearly establish rapport with approachable manner to internal/ external clients
reflects the needs of the participants and to an audience consisting e.g. other government
audience maintain group focus of AFP senior managers institutions,
effectively stakeholders, etc.
Prepares a Purposely uses verbal Uses a variety of Evaluates the use of
communication plan to and non-verbal techniques, aids and language, tone,
enable him/her to communication that is media to establish grammar and general
deliver the message free of bias (e.g. sexual, rapport, elicit audience message delivery during
objectively and elicit racial, religious, cultural, participation, and presentations to provide
audience participation and age) to promote enhance their learning guidelines in ensuring
audience engagement and understanding that language and tone
used are suitable to
target audience
Observes generally Encourages questions Organizes key concepts Uses summarization,
acceptable standards of and uses different and covers key points bridging, and segue
physical preparation in questioning techniques clearly and concisely, techniques
order to appear decent to check if objectives of simplifies complex appropriately; Maintains
and credible; Responds presentation are concepts, ideas and continuity among
to ordinary inquiries achieved information sections of the
using standard presentation
techniques appropriate
to the situation
Written Communication: Organizes subject Reviews, edits, critiques Approves detailed and
Writes concise, clear, matter and data in a correspondence, precise correspondence,
and coherent sentences logical and progressive document, and report report, document and
which address a manner to ensure that based on accepted formal communications
defined purpose message is accurate, standards of business ready for transmittal to
complete, and easy to writing the intended audience
Uses correct grammar, Captures both Translates and Gives inputs and
sentence structure, and qualitative and simplifies technical constructive feedback
style in writing business quantitative data in the information to simple prior to the finalization of
correspondence and report. and understandable report
report form
Drafts standard memo Reviews and edits Creates design formats, Performs final evaluation
and letters using standard memoranda or or communications on accuracy, clarity and
appropriate and letters drafted by lower materials that optimally completeness of the
complete information level staff convey intended memo, letter, report, and
messages to target other communication
audiences with clarity materials
and precision
Correctly accomplishes Drafts summary reports Anticipates the Conducts final review of
pro-forma documents. and other documents data/information needed the information needed
Follows the standard related to one’s tasks, by the management or by senior management
format in recipient and captures or external audience and

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correspondence and duties, and these on the report and provides suggestions on
report writing responsibilities other communication the content as well as
materials the format of the
Starts to learn how to Validates accuracy and Aligns content of the Gives a sense of mutual
produce simple and consistency of data report with the agency accountability in
short business gathered prior to policies/guidelines, reviewing the content of
correspondence or inclusion in the thrust, and direction of report. Calls the
reports with close correspondence or the program. attention of those
supervision report with minimum Consolidates and involved in reviewing
guidance summarizes data to documents when
supplement the report discrepancy is spotted

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The ability to set performance targets, monitor and evaluate subordinates’ performance, sustain high
performance and provide the needed intervention to address poor performance. The ability to create an
enabling environment that promotes civilian workforce effectiveness and efficiency in setting goals and
attaining outputs aligned with the organizational targets tracked through established performance
measures within a specific timeline
Sets goals & targets of Reviews alignment of Validates alignment of Approves aligned targets
individuals based on the individual set goals individual set targets vis-a-vis the
established to job description and (IPCR) to organizational organizational goals
performance measures performance goals (OPCR, DPCR)
(quality, quantity, and commitment
Monitors and tracks Evaluates outputs and Implements a system/ Designs, improves and
subordinates' provides constructive mechanism to track institutionalizes a
performance based on and continuing feedback performance against monitoring system to
prescribed standards on performance to unit goals and the track performance
improve delivery of practice of appropriate against AFP goals in line
outcomes behaviors, knowledge with established
and skills performance measures
and existing procedures
as well as best
Identifies and discusses Evaluates individual’s Recognizes Integrates and practices
individual accomplishment and accomplishment of consistently the key
accomplishments of discusses in detail the subordinate/staff principles supporting a
staff/ subordinate appropriate through equitable performance-based
development modes to rewards and culture for rewards and
address areas for recognition, and recognition.
improvement provides mentoring and
coaching to
subordinates to improve
Plans for training and Provides information; Demonstrates Establishes a
other development implements and helps commitment in mechanism to capacitate
opportunities for administer enhancing overall job key personnel in the
improving performance developmental activities effectiveness by organization to develop
to enhance ensuring that mentoring and coaching
staff/subordinate mechanisms to improve skills. Serves as a coach
competencies individual performance and performance
are in place development partner

The ability to develop people by planning for, designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating training
programs, coaching, and other development interventions in order to improve performance and meet the
customers’ expectations; The ability to understand the needs, interests, strengths and weaknesses of
subordinates and to enhance their capacity by motivating, guiding and providing training to reach the full
potential of the AFP workforce
Able to identify Able to assess the Able to plan and design Able to implement,
development needs of identified developmental appropriate monitor and evaluate the
subordinates based on needs of subordinates developmental impact of developmental
Training Needs and prioritize those programs to address programs
Analysis results and needs the needs of
other data sources subordinates

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Helps the subordinates Identifies the ideal or Implements a Communicates
identify their desired competencies successful Learning and expectations clearly and
opportunities for for the position and the Development effort for regularly in order to
learning and gap between the ideal his/her work unit develop a culture of
development within and present level of continuing learning and
AFP competency development
Encourages his/her Plans jointly with Continuously assesses Sets the direction
staff to take every subordinates/staff results of learning and towards which all
opportunity available to learning and development programs agency-wide efforts for
improve their development activities and uses lessons continuous learning and
competencies that will bridge the learned to improve improvement will focus
competency gap future programs
Identifies specific ways Assesses continually Uses data to analyze Provides constant
to develop incremental results by the results of the encouragement to
competencies in order identifying evidences of learning and employees to develop
to achieve performance improvement in development programs and sustain a culture of
improvement performance and determines whether continuous improvement
these made a difference in performance and in
or not organizational results

The ability to anticipate, accept, advocate, initiate, influence, and champion change as an essential means
to improving the agency’s systems, processes, and resources that lead to organizational effectiveness and
employees’ satisfaction
Understands and Consistently remains Uses change as an Assesses organization’s
accepts the principles, open to new ideas, opportunity to advance readiness for the change
types and stages of supports positive ideas, business objectives and and builds the change
change and prepares including change, in to improve plans and key messages
himself/ herself to order to solve problems organizational health in accordingly
experience the and address issues his/her respective unit
inevitable change
Knows the tools and Assesses employees Communicates and Clarifies direction and
methodology to draw on readiness for change manages effectively the facilitates the process of
when facilitating change and competently applies costs and benefits of change. Rewards
the behaviors and skills change with due employees’ efforts to
in managing change consideration of the change for the better
agency’s strategy,
structure, systems,
shared values, etc.
Anticipates and Initiates and advocates Applies any appropriate Influences and
welcomes changes that changes in order to change that may be champions change to
are meant to improve improve the systems, warranted to enhance achieve significant
his/her immediate processes and the systems, processes improvement in the
environment or own unit resources of other units and resources of systems, processes and
within the Department different Departments resources of the entire

The ability to prevent, contain, manage and resolve conflicts and issues in the work place, while protecting
confidentiality, in order to continuously maintain harmonious working relationships and professional ethics
Recognizes the Addresses conflicts as Introduces innovative Creates an environment
existence of conflict they arise to ensure that strategies for dealing where conflict is
between two or more the conflict does not with conflict like resolved appropriately
individuals or groups stand in the way of mediation, collaborative by anticipating and
meeting work unit goals and “mutual gains” identifying where
and commitments approaches potential conflicts could

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emerge and putting in
place mechanisms and
procedures to avoid/
reduce them
Recognizes differences Asks open-ended and Refocuses individuals Models constructive
in personalities and objective questions to and teams on work and approaches to solving
opinions when understand the different end-goals and away issues and conflicts and
addressing conflicts and viewpoints of both from personality issues coaches and
issues parties encourages others to do
so as well
Is diplomatic and tactful Listens emphatically to Works and negotiates Resolves conflicts
in discussing the both sides pointing out with both parties to arising at the
issue/conflict with areas of agreement as a arrive at win-win organization level due to
concerned individuals starting point to outcomes/ solutions by competing objectives,
and/or groups resolving the bringing out the different limited resources or
issue/conflict viewpoints and differing perspectives
consistently focusing on
issues at hand and not
allowing secondary or
unrelated issues to


The ability to come up with solutions and courses of action to situational problems or issues in the work
place by analyzing the problem or issue. Makes fair, sound and timely decisions based on problem
analysis taking into consideration the possible impact or repercussions of possible courses of action and
taking accountability for results
Identifies problems that Identifies the problem, Identifies Anticipates and
affect one’s work, or issue in one’s work interconnected recognizes problems
acknowledges it and unit and directs staff to problems or issues that affect the whole
deals with it take appropriate action affecting one’s work unit organization and
and other work units develops solutions to
and works together with mitigate impacts
the other units to find a
solution beneficial to all
Collects information Looks for new sources Develops new data Allows access to
from different sources of information to collection techniques sensitive and
through different address gaps in data and uses statistical confidential information
methods and verifies and weeds out biased methods to ensure necessary to solve a
accuracy of information and unverified data consistency and problem and determines
reliability of data what information may be
shared and with whom
Analyzes information, Analyzes information Analyzes critical Uses a systems
identifies observable and identifies components of complex perspective to analyze
connections and trends connections and trends problems or issues to problems and issues to
to determine causes of in seemingly unrelated determine root causes uncover new dimensions
common problems or data to determine of the problem or issue of the problem and
issue underlying or hidden detect causes and
causes of common triggers of complex
problems or issues problems or issues
Decides on and Collaborates with other Leads cross-functional Considers present and
implements solutions at units to generate, teams to select and future consequences
one’s level of authority decide on and implement solutions to and implications of
using information that is implement solutions complex problems and possible courses of
clear and adequate even when information issues when information action. Balances

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is incomplete. Adapts is unclear, limited competing priorities and
decisions to new and and/or contradictory. interests of internal and
changing data and Makes tough decisions external stakeholders.
situations that may not be readily Decides on multi-level
accepted by others solutions and strategies
to solve complex and
unprecedented problems
and issues
Uses clear criteria, pre- Makes decisions where Makes complex Makes difficult high risk
defined options and some criteria, policies decisions where there decisions that have
AFP policies and and procedures are are no set guidelines, significant
procedures in making partially defined and/or policies or procedures consequences on the
decisions subject to different future of the AFP
interpretations and organization
Takes personal Takes responsibility for Takes responsibility for Takes responsibility for
responsibility for own team and/or work unit decisions made across organization-wide
decisions decisions teams and/or work units decisions

Analyzes and interprets the long-term direction of the AFP organization. Formulates goals and objectives,
develops policies and implements plans that are consistent with long-term directions and aligned with the
AFP’s vision, mission and core values. Allocates resources to implement strategies to meet organizational
Understands and Explains to staff the Analyzes changes in Provides a clear and
supports the organization’s charter the operating exciting vision of short
organization’s charter statements and strategic environments and and long term strategic
statements [Vision, objectives and guides identifies risks to the objectives of the
Mission, Core Values] them on how to relate organization; organization that
and sets goals their scorecards as well Recommends plans motivates employees
[personal scorecard] as the work unit and solutions as to how and stakeholders to
that are aligned with scorecards to them AFP can respond transform the vision to
them positively to risks reality
Updates oneself on Tracks new Directs the alignment of Analyzes long-term
local and national technological, socio- scorecards of different implications of national
events that may economic and political work units to overall and global events,
influence one’s job trends that may impact strategic objectives and developments and
work unit goals charter statements trends to the AFP and
revises strategies and
directions accordingly
Suggests improvements Leads work unit in Develops and Foresees and develops
and/or shares designing plans and implements new and necessary infrastructure,
information on possible programs and alternative strategies systems and processes
barriers in one’s work to encourages staff to think when usual strategies to support the vision and
achieving the AFP ‘outside the box’ to are no longer effective strategic direction of
strategic objectives achieve unit goals. to achieve goals across AFP
Recommends policy different work units;
changes as necessary Develops new policies
to conform to changes
in work goals

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The ability to see the big picture, look at situations from multiple perspectives and understand the various
components involved in an activity or undertaking, cognizant of the resulting linkages, interactions and
consequences of different courses of action
Understands, supports Explains alignment and Directs the alignment of Sets strategic directions
and tries to link tasks coaches others how to roles and performance based on analysis of the
and responsibilities with link roles and commitments to overall wider context in which
the vision, mission, performance strategic goals and the organization
values [charter commitments to the charter statements of operates and builds
statements] and goals organization’s charter the organization collaborative
of the organization statements and goals partnerships with
internal and external
stakeholders to deliver
or enhance outcomes
Gathers and analyzes Analyzes information Analyzes large amounts Adopts a systems
information by and identifies links, of information and perspective in analyzing
identifying observable patterns, trends and makes intelligent vast amounts of diverse
links, patterns, trends interactions that are not assumptions when information and
and interactions obviously related information is unclear, identifies multiple
limited and/or relationships and
contradictory disconnections in data to
make deductions
Open to alternative Expands one’s Seeks clarification on Asks specific and
viewpoints perspective by the viewpoints of others pointed questions to
consulting subject in order to identify gain more information
matter experts in order biases and and get the missing facts
to examine information unsubstantiated when sources are limited
in a different way assumptions and come and others are hesitant
up with more objective or reluctant to divulge
conclusions information
Receives information Evaluates whether Explores other elements Balances logic and
and makes initial information is current, that could be of intuition in a systematic
conclusions up-to-date or accurate influence instead of just manner to fill in ‘gaps’
prior to making sticking to information and sense whether
conclusions presented to reach a something is right or
conclusion wrong prior to reaching
sound conclusions
Decides on courses of Decides on courses of Selects courses of Considers current and
action within the bounds action when information action in complex future consequences
of one’s authority and is incomplete; Secures situations when and implications of
responsibilities when higher level support information is unclear, courses of action and
information presented is when necessary in limited and/or balances competing
clear and sufficient choosing the right option contradictory priorities and interests of
internal and external

Mastery and skillful execution of one’s field of specialization to perform of one’s duties and responsibilities
and contribute to the attainment of organizational goals
Possesses the Possesses relevant Possesses broad Is recognized by peers,
academic qualifications working experience of working knowledge of fellow professionals,
and basic technical the technical functions one’s job or profession AFP colleagues and

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skills applicable to the and responsibilities of and is updated on the partners and other
job or chosen the job latest trends, stakeholders for in-depth
profession developments and best technical knowledge and
practices in the local expertise and trains
and international scene others in the profession
Consults with technical Accomplishes routine Accomplishes complex Directs technical teams
experts and superiors technical tasks technical tasks in a to accomplish highly
as needed independently variety of situations technical tasks and
independently and in solve complex technical
conjunction with other problems or issues in a
work teams variety of difficult
situations and contexts
Strives to improve Sets personal Predicts areas for Models self-
knowledge and skills developmental goals development based on improvement behaviors
needed to perform one’s and continues to changing goals of the by constantly developing
job effectively and broaden knowledge and Agency and one’s technical
contribute to the expertise through technological competencies to meet
attainment of work unit research and post advancements in the the changes Agency’s
goals graduate education in field and continuously strategic directions;
order to contribute to upgrades knowledge Creates an environment
the attainment of and skills to keep up that encourages and
department goals with the times and provides opportunities
effectively take on new for continuous
assignments professional
development in the AFP
to meet changing goals
and technological
Gives feedback on Resolves technical Ensures that processes Provides technical
technical issues and issues promptly by conform to quality support to AFP
concerns and makes identifying and standards. Trains management and serves
recommendations to addressing problems others and acts as as consultant to both
address work problems and concerns subject matter expert in internal and external
and issues cross-functional stakeholders and
committees and teams partners on complex and
providing advice on controversial matters
technical issues and
Applies new skills, Conducts research and Develops manuals, Encourages and
techniques and works with others to policies, guidelines and rewards exemplary
procedures in own area improve work processes revises them regularly performance of AFP
of work and outcomes and to improve employees in terms of
implement new organizational efficiency quality, precision, safety,
procedures and and continuous
techniques improvement

The identification, assessment and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical
application of resources to the development and implementation of risk management plans to minimize,
monitor and control the impact of such risks
Identifies potential Designs and puts in Prioritizes risks and Provides directions and
sources of risks and place internal controls in develops a risk resources for the
probabilities of risk one’s work unit to management plan to improvement of
occurrence contain and address mitigate and contain the processes and
risks taking into effects of risk should procedures to mitigate
they occur risks and the continuous

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consideration feedback upgrading of the risk
from staff management plan
Identifies possible risks Analyzes and assesses Regularly evaluates and Realigns organizational
in the performance of events that precede the reviews existing risk objectives, goals and
one’s duties and risk occurrence and management plans for resources to manage
responsibilities and identifies possible interrelated projects and risks and responds
modifies work causes to recommend activities of various AFP proactively to changing
processes to mitigate procedures and work units and partners needs of the
them. Reports noticed measures to avoid or taking into organization
and potential hazards to lessen the effects or consideration feedback
the appropriate consequences of from various
individuals foreseen risks stakeholders
Complies with safety Analyzes existing safety Ensures that Makes work safety a top
requirements and procedures and emergency supplies priority and ensures that
procedures in the requirements and and safety equipment the organization has
performance of one’s makes the necessary are adequate and adequate health, safety
work adjustments as needed sufficient for the current and security measures
working environment and processes
and any recognized or
associated risks
Participates in required Inspects work area, Analyzes risk warnings, Assigns responsibility for
safety training and notices when others are events or safety safety and risk
maintains a safe and acting in an unsafe concerns and develops management plans and
hazard free work area manner and works with preventive measures or works with stakeholders
them to ensure action plans to ensure that all
compliance with proper employees and work
safety practices and teams are accountable
procedures for work safety

Uses technology such as knowledge, equipment, machines, tools and techniques in one’s respective field
to accomplish one’s job more efficiently and effectively
Uses basic Uses technological Uses technological Uses technological
technological knowledge and skills to knowledge and skills to knowledge and skills to
knowledge and skills to accomplish routine and develop new methods teach and train others
accomplish routine complex work and procedures for and serve as resource
tasks. Requests for assignments doing one’s job person/subject matter
assistance for tasks independently expert
requiring more complex
knowledge and skills
Uses tools, machines Uses tools, machines Makes innovations on Trains others in the use
and equipment required and equipment required existing tools, machines of new and existing
in one’s job with in one’s job skillfully and and equipment to tools, machines and
minimal supervision gives feedback on the accomplish one’s work equipment to improve
effectiveness of tools, more efficiently work performance and
machines and productivity
equipment being used
Open to new Continuously upgrades Analyzes strengths and Foresees trends and
technological resources one’s knowledge and weaknesses of current developments in
skills in the use of new technologies. Keeps technology and includes
technological resources updated on new them in future thrusts of
technologies in one’s the organization; Leads
field and implements the organization in
them in the organization technology transfer
projects and activities

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Systematically recording, measuring, classifying, verifying, summarizing, interpreting and communicating
financial information of the AFP and preparing mandatory financial reports required by regulatory agencies
and other related institutions
Encodes entries and Examines and verifies Consolidates and finalizes Develops and
updates records in journal entries and financial implements AFP
subsidiary ledgers other records involving statements and all related accounting and financial
cash advances, reports of the organization policies, processes, and
accounts receivable, for submission to the systems and reporting
accounts payable, and leadership and regulatory procedures including
other accounts agencies documentation of the
same, in line with
general accounting
principles and
government financial
and accounting policies
and procedures
Files accountable Prepares bank Studies and analyses Safeguards the AFP
forms and business reconciliation and reports on status of financial papers
documents schedules for various appropriations and trends
accounts of expenditures and
identifies causes of
Processes vouchers, Analyses and verifies Identifies irregularities/ Circulates and explains
purchase details of various loopholes in AFP to all concerned parties
orders or claims for accounts accounting and financial new or updates on
payments and practices and accounting and
prepares journal recommends remedial finance policies/
entries action procedures
Performs work in line Checks compliance to Monitors and follows
with acceptable general accounting through compliance
general accounting principles and government with all applicable rules,
principles and accounting and financial regulations and
government financial reporting policies and standards in the
and accounting procedures classification of
policies and accounts and in the
procedures preparation of financial
statements and reports

The ability to undertake the overhaul, repair, inspection or modification of an aircraft or aircraft component
in compliance with relevant technical standards and regulations
Performs diagnosis for Performs diagnosis for Performs diagnosis for Performs diagnosis for
routine repair and routine repair and routine repair and non-routine repair and
maintenance issues maintenance issues maintenance issues under maintenance issues
under supervision under moderate moderate supervision independently

Page 15 of 38
Undertakes repair Undertakes repair Undertakes repair works Performs trouble
works for routine repair works for routine repair for routine repair and shooting for highly
and maintenance and maintenance maintenance following set critical and technically
following set following set procedures under complex aircraft
procedures under procedures under moderate supervision systems independently
supervision moderate supervision
Undertakes Preventive Performs diagnosis for Performs diagnosis for Undertakes critical
Maintenance works non-routine repair and non-routine repair and maintenance works
following set maintenance issues maintenance issues under following routine
procedures under under supervision moderate supervision procedures employing
supervision resourcefulness and
Performs record Performs trouble Performs trouble shooting Ensures preventive
keeping on shooting for highly for highly critical and maintenance is
maintenance logs and critical and technically technically complex accomplished by the
other relevant complex aircraft aircraft systems under team in compliance with
documents systems under moderate supervision relevant practices and
supervision procedures
Undertakes Preventive Undertakes critical Undertakes mentoring
Maintenance works maintenance works and training of the team
following set following routine for maintenance works
procedures under procedures employing
moderate supervision resourcefulness and
Performs record Able to identify and Performs checking and
keeping on assess with potential risks inspection of the work of
maintenance logs and and conforms to required team members
other relevant procedures to minimize
documents risks
Undertakes preventive Plans and supervises
maintenance works the work of the team to
following set procedures ensure efficiency
Ensures compliance to Ensures potential risks
set of standards that may are identified and
be contained in technical assessed as well as
manuals and other conformity of the team
documentation with required
procedures to minimize
Performs record keeping Ensures compliance to
on maintenance logs and set of standards that
other relevant documents may be contained in
technical manuals and
other documentation


Ability to apply architectural design principles and best practices in the design and planning of construction
Observes established Checks/ evaluates Coordinates with other Interprets engineering
standards and feasibility analysis and architects and engineers standards, codes,
procedures in conceptual design and involved in the project to regulations and provides
conducting feasibility determines if project avoid or resolve design guidance and checks the
analysis, conceptual approaches selected conflicts application to designs and
planning, initial are appropriate, and work plans
analysis and design compliant to

Page 16 of 38
construction principles
and standards
(tolerances, strength
of materials, etc.)
Applies technical Interprets and Evaluates if engineering Designs and implements
principles, standards, evaluates design and methods and techniques a disciplined approach for
codes, methods and architectural plans, are exhausted to project planning and
techniques in validates assumptions optimize the design in its communicating project
preparing detailed through a pre- use of material quantities scope from conception to
plans and designs construction site to provide maximum turnover
under close inspection vis-à-vis capacity at minimum cost
supervision physical/natural (design efficiency)
environment, project
objectives, process
and design scope,
construction execution
plan and computation
of cost estimates to
confirm project viability
Uses standard Check accuracy and Checks if design and Seeks processes and
assumptions and completeness of construction work plan architectural best
computations in detailed architectural are aligned across the practices (e.g. design,
determining cost plans, cost estimates, phases of construction modeling, testing), tools,
estimates design that includes (scope of work, materials, machines, technology that
documentary construction and delivery add/ deliver value, and
attachments in schedules etc.) customizes to suit
compliance to organizational processes
prescribed format, (e.g. lean construction)
codes, standards and
governing regulations
Evaluates if design Evaluates construction Identifies and evaluates
requirements control options and techniques, key issues in the design
throughout the checks if risks, practice and best
construction process constraints and practices and measures to
are considered contingencies are address such
properly including the considered and value
sequencing of engineering concepts are
construction activities applied
vis-à-vis the supply
Keeps updated on Promotes and provides
available technology to guidance in designing for
facilitate design maintainability for less
project rework, smoother
project startups, lower
maintenance investment
and lower life cycle cost
Leverages on available
technology and seeks
customization to suit the
needs and capacity of the

Page 17 of 38
The ability to report accurate information and spot errors in documents and other forms of written
communication in a timely manner
Double-checks the Sets up procedures to Provides immediate Establishes a system to
accuracy of ensure high quality of feedback to team ensure that all areas
information and work work members on reports and are covered
product to provide written communication
accurate and that need to be revised
consistent work
Provides accurate and Monitors the quality of Gives specific instructions Organises information
consistent numbers on work by setting up to team members on what or materials for others
all paperwork procedures needs to be revised
Gives information on a Acts to verify Monitors progress of Takes necessary
timely basis information revisions to ensure that actions to produce work
output reaches the that requires little or no
desired level of accuracy checking
Monitors carefully the Maintains checklist Reviews and checks the Informs affected
details and quality of and calendar to ensure accuracy of information in internal/external clients
own and other’s work that small details are work reports and partners of
not overlooked changes in a timely
Completes all work Suggests a system to Proofreads own work to Follows up regularly to
according to monitor progress of identify errors or ensure that the project
procedures and work or project omissions is progressing as
standards planned
Notices errors in work Develops ideas Develops and uses Devises systems to
before it is distributed thoroughly and systems to organise and monitor and control
meticulously into an track progress of work detailed information
effective plan of action accurately and
Keeps track progress Checks and evaluates if
of the work or project output is in accordance
with the given instructions
Follows instructions on
how to go about a task


The ability to develop, implement, evaluate and enhance policies and programs on benefits,
compensation, rewards, incentives, health and wellness to improve employee welfare
Collates data/materials Computes leave, Conducts information Establishes and
from the conduct and salaries, salary awareness on benefits, develops a
evaluates adjustments, loans, compensation, and comprehensive
organization-wide medical health and wellness employee benefits and
programs (i.e. health reimbursements/entitle programs to employees welfare programs for
and wellness ments of employees CSC
programs) and prepares vouchers
Maintains and updates Monitors and reviews Conducts survey, FGD, Reviews and
employee records office reports to ensure research, policy studies, recommends proposals
(HRMIS, leaves, compliance with and benchmark on for enhancements and
absences and existing policies, benefits, compensation changes of existing
tardiness, medical, processes and systems and welfare of processes and systems
service records, etc.) of benefits, employees on benefits and welfare
compensation, rewards, of the organization

Page 18 of 38
incentives, health and
wellness mechanism of
the AFP
Prepares certifications Coordinates with central Prepares organization- Formulates operational
such as compensation, and regional office wide reports on policy policies and guidelines
service records, leave representatives in the implementation and on the benefits and
balance, attendance implementation and program administration welfare of employees
and other employee evaluation of programs
welfare transactions of
Writes simple pro- Prepares replies to Evaluates existing Develops
forma communications queries on benefits, policies, processes and communication and
relative to benefits, compensation and systems on benefits, implementation plan on
compensation and welfare management compensation, wellness the benefits and
welfare of employees mechanisms and employees welfare
proposes enhancements programs of the


Disbursing funds and processing claims based on approved budgets and following processes and
systems that promote transparency and accountability in public spending
Processes purchase Disseminates Checks and reviews Exercises accountability
orders and approved Annual Plan Annual Plan and Budget for the processing of
obligation requests and Budget and for schedules of specific budget and all related
National Expenditure projects or activities transactions
Program to offices
Checks completeness Checks financial Prepares monthly budget Approves requests
of documents as to status reports certifying as to the
required support accuracy and existence of
documents conformity with the appropriation of all
approved budgets financial claims
Receives and encodes Prepares certification Validates requests for Reviews and finalizes
financial documents needed payments and other budget reports for
documents such as by parties for the similar transactions packaging and
vouchers, purchase purpose of availability presentation to
requests and other of funds to support concerned authorities
financial documents request for
augmentation and
other purposes
Transmits documents Provides technical Liaises and coordinates
to approving and assistance to the with DND, DBM, AFP
concerned offices concerned offices in officials/ concerned
reviewing the approved personnel on additional
budgets and justifying fund requests and other
budget items budgetary concerns
Maintains files of Exercises control in the Coordinates and
important documents processing of payments provides consultative
inputs to AFP officials
on budget reforms and
Attends budget related
meetings with AFP, DND,
DBM officials and other
concerned agencies/

Page 19 of 38
Coordinating preparation of the budgetary plans for the different AFP offices and units and consolidating
these into the AFP budget
Prepares and Makes preliminary Reviews and checks Attends Congress and
distributes necessary review of office office budgets as to Senate budget hearings
forms and documents budgets by checking accuracy and conformity as AFP technical
related to the budget individual items & to existing budgeting resource
process/ cycle accurateness of figures laws, rules and
regulations and directives
from DBM, DND, GHQ
and other concerned
Provides administrative Provides information Analyzes and Checks the correctness
services during Budget on budgetary consolidates the budget of and
hearings/calls to processes, forms and submissions from the compliance to statutory
facilitate conduct of guidelines based on different offices to prepare requirements of the
activities and directives from DBM, the Annual Plan and Annual Plan and
consolidation of data DND, GHQ and other Budget Budget
concerned offices
Follows up on budget Communicates Counter-checks Presents the Annual
submissions as assumptions/ computations of Statutory Plan and Budget to the
directed considerations and and Mandatory concerned authorities
guidelines to different Obligations submitted prior to finalization
offices and specific
Encodes budget Computes for Statutory Prepares forms, orders Revises the budget
proposals, data and and Mandatory and circulars based on the directions
information into the Obligations related to budgetary and of the concerned AFP/
budget system appropriation matters DND officials and
results of Congress
Recommends Submits periodic
improvements in budgetary reports to
budgeting processes, Department of Budget
policies and procedures and Management
Analyses and presents
historical pattern of
budget utilization as
basis for strategic
planning and decision

The ability to accelerate collection of receivables, handling and usage of cash and instituting proper
internal control system
Adheres to standard Observes standard Adheres to procedures Observes and conducts
procedures procedures in and guidelines in meetings and
in receiving and conducting routine identifying, classifying and consultations to review
issuing payments, review and processing recording collections and processes in managing
releasing salaries and of allotments based on funds to identify
wages; handling and vouchers or claims for sources (local, national measures and
processing cash and payments government, other mechanisms for
agencies); and verifies improvement including

Page 20 of 38
check transactions; that these are posted areas needing policy
handling cash accordingly enhancements
and checks; and
issuing receipts and
appropriate documents
Checks for accuracy Checks for accuracy Conducts actual count; Verifies report on
and completeness of and completeness of tallies all cash disposition of local
information and information and and check transactions; government funds and
documents when supporting documents and verifies supporting checks compliance
preparing financial when preparing and documents and reports to to prescribed format for
documents like deposit keeping the be sure that all presentation to
slips, vouchers, financial reports transactions are government officials
liquidation reports, updated accounted for and and publication to the
report of disbursement recorded properly general public
and the like; and
organizes them in
updated files
Checks the accuracy Leverages on good Verifies validity of Keeps abreast with
and completeness of working relationship transactions and regulation updates,
information, amounts, with the employees of completeness of emerging best practices
documents and the depository bank for information and in public fund
records of monthly easier bank supporting documents management and
remittances to GSIS, transactions like cash/ when authorizing check reviews performance
Bureau of Internal check deposits, and cash payments results towards
Revenue, PhilHealth, checkbook identifying measures to
and others; and remits requisitions, bank build capabilities to
such payments on time statement generation, improve systems
etc. and processes and
enhance policies
and procedures
Maintains and updates Checks and validates
official check transactions
register/official cash and records regularly to
book make sure that
transactions are compliant
to policies and procedures
and reports are up to date


Ability to apply engineering principles and best practices in the design and planning of construction
Observes established Checks/ evaluates Reviews design and plan Interprets engineering/
standards and feasibility analysis and and checks if engineering construction standards,
procedures in conceptual design and and construction work, codes, regulations and
conducting feasibility determines if project scheduling, and progress provides guidance and
analysis, conceptual approaches selected measurement are all in checks the application
planning, initial are appropriate, and place to designs and
analysis and design compliant to construction/ work plans
construction principles
and standards
(tolerances, strength of
materials, etc.)

Page 21 of 38
Applies engineering Interprets and Coordinates with other Designs and
principles, standards, evaluates design and architects and engineers implements a
codes, methods and construction plans, involved in the project to disciplined approach for
techniques in validates assumptions avoid or resolve design project planning and
preparing detailed through a pre- conflicts communicating project
engineering plans and construction site scope from conception
designs (including inspection vis-à-vis to turnover
program of works) physical/ natural
under close environment, project
supervision objectives, process
and design scope,
construction execution
plan and computation
of cost estimated to
confirm project viability
Uses standard Check accuracy and Evaluates if construction Seeks processes and
assumptions and completeness of methods and techniques engineering best
computations in detailed engineering are exhausted to optimize practices (e.g. design,
determining cost plan, cost estimates, the design in its use of modeling, testing), tools,
estimates design that includes material quantities to machines, technology
documentary provide maximum that add/ deliver value,
attachments in capacity at minimum cost and customizes to suit
compliance to (design efficiency) organizational
prescribed format, processes (e.g. lean
codes, standards and construction)
governing regulations
Uses approved Evaluates if design Checks if design and Identifies and evaluates
technology (software, requirements control construction work plan key issues in the design
databases, etc.) in throughout the are aligned across the and construction
preparing plans, engineering process phases of construction practice and best
designs and cost are considered (scope of work, materials, practices and measures
estimates properly including the construction and delivery to address such
sequencing of schedules etc.)
construction activities
vis-à-vis the supply
Applies engineering Considers/ Evaluates construction Promotes and provides
formulas for calculating incorporates routine options and techniques, guidance in designing
the amount of stress safety and risk checks if risks, constraints for maintainability for
on a building and the mitigation components and contingencies are less project rework,
design tolerances in design and work considered and value smoother project
requires to withstand plans engineering concepts are startups, lower
environmental applied maintenance investment
conditions under close and lower life cycle cost
Keeps updated on Leverages on available
available technology to technology and seeks
facilitate design and customization to suit the
construction planning needs and capacity of
the organization

Page 22 of 38
Ability to evaluate and apply engineering principles and best practices in the construction implementation
and monitoring of construction projects
Conducts site Checks accuracy and Reviews design and plans Ensures the conduct of
inspections for status completeness of and checks if engineering review of design and
monitoring and detailed engineering and construction work, plans and the
reporting under plan, cost estimates, scheduling, and progress formulation of
guidance of the design that includes measurement are all in construction work,
supervisor documentary place scheduling, and
attachments in progress measurements
compliance to
prescribed format,
codes, standards and
governing regulations
Prepares proper Evaluates if design Checks if design and work Interprets engineering
documentation with the requirements control plan are aligned across standards, codes,
necessary level of throughout the the phases of the project regulations and
detail for construction engineering process (scope of work, materials, provides guidance and
works required for are considered construction and delivery checks the application
status reporting properly including the schedules etc.) to designs and work
sequencing of plans
construction activities
vis-à-vis the supply
Initiates documentation Conducts site Facilitates resolution of Serves as subject
and facilitates approval inspections for potential quality issues matter expert and seeks
of construction project identification of and risks and constraints processes and
changes following potential quality issues in the different phases of engineering best
prescribed procedures and risks and construction execution practices, tools,
constraints in the machines, technology
different phases of that add/ deliver value,
construction execution and customizes to suit
and proposes tested organizational
solutions processes (e.g. lean
Applies engineering Checks if project specific Identifies and evaluates
formulas for calculating safety and quality key issues in the design
the amount of stress standards are observed and construction
on a building and the and measures are in practice and best
design tolerances place to minimize/ control practices and measures
requires to withstand defects and rework to address such
Considers/ Keeps updated on Leverages on available
incorporates routine available technology to technology and seeks
safety and risk facilitate construction customization to suit the
mitigation components implementation and needs and capacity of
in design and work monitoring the organization

Page 23 of 38
Applying appropriate and accepted financial management principles in the execution of processes and in
making decisions that are fiscally sound and responsible
Complies with standard Checks conformance Analyses pros and cons Aligns finances to
government and to rules and and calculates the organizational priorities
generally accepted regulations in order to risks of financial decision
financial framework, avoid anomalies and options
rules, regulations and drain in financial
guidelines when resources
performing basic and
procedural financial
related tasks
Looks for ways and Spots opportunities Interprets and analyses Analyzes impact of
adopts work practices where cost effective financial financial decisions on
that optimize use of approaches and information to verify facts the bottom line
financial resources measures can be and/or substantiate
Implemented issues at hand
Explores least-cost- Validates whether Checks the overall
option when making proposed purchases financial health of the
purchases, without and expenditures are organization
sacrificing quality and necessary and/or add
performance value
Promulgates AFP
financial policies and
procedures that
promote transparency
and fiscally sound

Directing and controlling the mobilization and utilization of funds in the AFP to ensure the institution’s
financial sustainability
Complies with standard Checks conformance Analyses spending Monitors the overall
government and to rules and patterns of the AFP financial performance
generally accepted regulations in order to and its offices and utilizes of the AFP against
financial framework, avoid anomalies and findings to support plans and targets
rules, regulations and drain in financial forecasting and budgeting
guidelines resources
Looks for ways and Spots opportunities Analyzes financial risks of Offers advice to the
adopts work practices where cost effective proposed AFP leadership and
that optimize the use of approaches and actions and decisions; operating units on how
financial resources measures can be and provides fiscally financial resources can
Implemented sound advice to the AFP be realigned to meet
leadership and AFP objectives, within
operating units the bounds of the
government financial
framework, rules,
regulations and
Tracks own expenses Explores least-cost- Recommends strategies Develops strategies/
to ensure s/he stays option when making the AFP can adopt to programs to improve
within budget purchases, without improve its financial the AFP financial
sacrificing quality and resource base or to standing
performance improve its financial
resource use practices

Page 24 of 38
Disburses funds Pinpoints loopholes in Simplifies complex Promulgates AFP
according to agreed the financial processes financial data to be financial management
priorities and recommends easily understood by non- policies and procedures
strategies to institute financial officials that promote
check and balances transparency and
fiscally sound practices
Monitors that AFP
purchases and
expenses are within


The ability to persuade, convince and influence others in order to gain support in forming an association,
or get buy-in from others
Applies appropriate Persuades Uses power, authority, Builds long term
techniques and management, partner and influence relationship
approaches to find agencies, appropriately to achieve
mutually beneficial stakeholders to goals
solutions to problems commit to a course of
and conflicts action
Listens actively to what Sells ideas to Meets with key Builds on common
people are saying and stakeholders people/leaders ground, faces conflict
responds appropriately individually in advance in and looks to resolve to
order to create ‘win-win’ mutual benefit
Establishes credibility Anticipates objections Identifies key decision- Acts as a trusted
and works or the need for makers or influencers and advisor and inspires
cooperatively with information from a one wins them over confidence to support
others to move things stakeholder/group of the objectives of the
people group
Develops a network of Understands other Builds strong alliance with Acts to promote good
contacts and builds people’s agenda and stakeholders to gain their working relationships
trust what is important to rapport, trust and and publicly credits
them confidence others’ contributions
Employs different Asks ideas to build
techniques and adjusts ownership and ‘buy in’
style to have the best


Formulating risk-based internal audit plan to undertake the following: 1) to evaluate management controls
and operations performance, 2) to identify weaknesses and develop appropriate recommendations, and
3) to determine the degree of compliance with laws, regulations, management policies, accountability
measures, ethical standards and contractual obligations
Adheres to standard Obtains knowledge on Organizes and distributes Reviews audit
procedures the matters/ activities auditing tasks and performance vis-à-vis
when conducting field to be audited through resources, tracks annual goals,
work and research and progress and reviews objectives, and
completing assigned discussions with auditing activities, performance
auditing tasks concerned personnel providing guidance as targets and makes
needed midterm adjustments as

Page 25 of 38
Checks the Identifies and evaluate Reviews and discusses Establishes internal
completeness and needs and refers to overall auditing standards,
accuracy of data/ appropriate regulations understanding on the guidelines, and
samples collected and standards when matters to be audited, procedures
per audit requirement preparing audit plans internal audit plans and
Conducts appropriate Observes regulations, Reviews written internal Reviews audit
test work updates and applies audit reports, performance; identifies
based on plan, knowledge of auditing verifying accuracy and areas for improvement
standard procedures systems and completeness of and opportunities and
and schedules processes and information and measures to update
principles when supporting documents audit systems,
performing and compliance to standards,
complicated audit work standard audit guidelines and
procedures and format procedures
Prepares test results Documents research Reviews performance Reviews and approves
based on findings and and identifies needs for internal audit plans and
prescribed format audit test results, improvement, providing programs that are
collecting and appropriate guidance, responsive and
organizing supporting coaching, mentoring and supportive of
documents and training to audit staff organizational thrusts
records and priorities
Drafts report on the Makes oral or written Checks and verifies
audit completed presentations at the compliance and
conclusion of the audit, accuracy of internal
discussing deficiencies, audit reports; holds
recommending corrective consultations and
actions, and discussions as
suggesting improvements necessary; and
in operations approves accordingly
Follows-up actions to
determine compliance
with audit


The ability to translate training/learning needs results into interventions and prioritize and schedule them
for implementation
Possess and applies Identifies and Develops training/learning Evaluates and analyzes
basic knowledge of prioritizes interventions with SMART implementation of
competency framework training/learning and criterion-referenced current Learning and
of AFP in the context of interventions using learning objectives Development Plan to
Learning & relevant criteria extract inputs for
Development succeeding Plans
Prepares Monitoring Prepares Monitoring and Assigns priority
and Evaluation Plan Evaluation Framework training/learning
for a specific based on four levels of interventions to
curricular/learning evaluation Facilitators, Training
Administrators and
Training Assistants
Identifies resource
requirements to ensure
proper implementation
of priority learning

Page 26 of 38
The ability to stimulate process, sustain learning through facilitation, formative assessment, and use of
various training/learning methodologies and activities
Distributes materials, Conducts standard Manages exceptionally Observes facilitator and
addresses simple program/course disruptive behavior conducts critiquing to
questions and manages opening and closing continually improve
group activities ceremonies facilitation
Implements energisers Synthesizes and Uses technology of Addresses exceptional
and ice breakers summarizes learnings participation to engage participant/training issues
and concerns
Specifies venue Introduces Customizes
arrangements program/course by training/learning
presenting learning methodologies and
objectives, soliciting activities
participants’ personal
learning objectives,
levelling off
expectations with the
participants and
establishing house
Establishes and Shares personal insights,
maintains learning experiences and
climate in accordance expertise on subject
with adult learning matter
Conducts and Presents content and
processes training/ process individual and
learning group learning
activities and SLEs
Links modules by Conducts formative
recapitulating previous assessment by asking
ones and segueing questions and using
way for the new activities to assess
modules learning


The ability to determine training/learning needs and evaluate training/learning effectiveness
Prepares materials, Prepares Learning Designs and develops Evaluates Learning
coordinates with Needs Analysis Plan data gathering Needs Analysis Plans
participants and and/or Learning instruments and and/or Learning
preserves outputs in the Evaluation Plan using methodologies taking into Evaluation Plans taking
conduct of Focus Group the four levels of consideration their validity into consideration
Discussions, surveys, evaluation and reliability appropriateness of the
interviews, etc. data gathering
instruments and
methodologies used
Administers pre- Applies statistical Designs and develops Reviews Learning
designed data and/or content assessment tool using Needs Analysis Reports
gathering instruments in analysis on the identified learning and/or Learning
accordance with their summarized data objectives as the test Evaluation Reports
domain ensuring that

Page 27 of 38
accompanying recommendations are
instructions properly implemented
Administers pre- Extracts Enhances tests by Identifies and allocates
designed tests and learning/competency conducting item analysis resource requirements
checks using pre- gaps from gathered to ensure proper
determined answer data implementation of
keys learning needs analysis
and/or learning
Tallies data gathered Formulates learning Facilitates Focus Group
using specified tally objectives, and Discussions and/or
sheets and/or matrices identifies learning administers,
interventions that will surveys/conducts
address gaps interviews, etc.
Prepares Learning
Needs Analysis
Reports and/or
Learning Evaluation


Obtaining, validating, updating data/information systematically and organizing, structuring, distributing,
sharing such according to specific purposes and standards following established protocols in order to
maintain confidentiality and integrity
Receives and evaluates Checks data for Checks data structure Establishes a system of
the request for outliers, errors, and how information is early detection for data
data/information and variances and organized and shared, to variances,
prompts appropriate corrective action suit stakeholder inconsistencies, and
parties for proper requirements and errors and formulates
disposition standards corrective actions
Prepares and provides Evaluates and clarifies Discerns what Processes and
accurate and timely requests for medium/media is best to interprets complex data
information (including data/information to share/archive and information from a
data, statistics, etc.) understand the data/information wide variety of sources,
based on established requirement and distilling essential from
parameters and provide value adding non-essential
protocols of information information
Extracts routine Safeguards the Delivers and packages Sets the standard for
data/information from integrity of data by information (including management reporting,
approved/authorized checking correctness, data, statistics, etc.) information packaging
sources and keeps data completeness and if according to the and supporting
base updated updated prior to authorized purpose and data/information
dissemination requirement of structure to ensure that
uploading stakeholder data/information are
accessible, reliable and
available when needed
Checks the accuracy of Employs validation Identifies and provides Develop a system for
data/information prior to and verification the information data storage and
release techniques to check requirements as input in retrieval that is aligned
the accuracy and the development of to the needs of users
consistency of functional reporting and compliant to
data/information from systems, for information security and
multiple sources management, project or data protection
performance reporting regulations

Page 28 of 38
Observes basic Reviews the Shares/explains the Assess and manage
principles of security data/information need/importance to share risks and constraints
and confidentiality of sources and seeks relevant information, and associated with use and
data and information alternative sources the limitations/ constraints sharing of data and
and ethical practice that are credible and within which information information and
reliable can or cannot be shared measures to address
Checks if Evaluates Manages a process to
data/information data/information, and access and
sharing and security sources to check for independently validate
procedures are integrity, and reliability external information
updated and observed, from multiple sources
prompts parties for on a regular and
variances consistent basis
Spots/checks for data

The ability to collect, analyze, review and report performance data and establish scientific basis for
performance targets and measures
Coordinates schedule Reviews submitted Conducts information Establishes and
of attendees to the IPCRs/OPCRs (targets awareness on the develops a
PMT Meetings and accomplishments) agency’s Performance comprehensive
and provides feedback Management System Performance
to offices Management program
for the agency
Monitors submission of Coordinates and Assesses the level of Reviews and
IPCRs/OPCRs (targets communicates with performance of recommends proposals
and accomplishment) to central and regional offices/employees for enhancements and
ensure compliance with office relative to the (Office/Individual changes on existing
existing policies on release/grant of PIB/ Performance Ratings) processes and systems
Performance PBB and or PEI and prepares on Performance
Management organization-wide reports
Takes charge of logistic Takes minutes of the Consolidates, evaluates Formulates operational
concerns for the PMT PMT Meetings during and analyzes policies and guidelines
Meetings such as but the review of OPCRs issues/concerns of on the agency’s
not limited to and appeals on offices/employees with Performance
presentation materials, employee rating respect to targets and Management System
equipment, and meals accomplishments
Maintains and updates Drafts memorandum Conducts performance Evaluates existing
database on per PMT instructions related studies (e.g. policies, processes and
Performance Ratings of for concerned offices/ Profile of top and systems on
offices/employees employees performers) Performance
including the list of Management and
top/Outstanding proposes
performers and those enhancements
with below satisfactory
Writes simple pro-forma Prepares statistical Conducts survey, FGD, Develops
communications such reports on the research, policy studies, communication and
as but not limited to top/outstanding benchmarking studies on implementation plan on
acknowledgment and performers and poor Performance the agency’s
transmittal letters performers Management System Performance
relative to performance Management System

Page 29 of 38
Replies to queries on Develops policies or
performance enhances procedures on
management performance

The ability to exemplify knowledge of Information Technologies (fundamental concepts, systems,
platforms, tools, and technologies), IT industries (hardware, software, and services), the widespread
application of IT in other industries, and the common roles of IT professionals
Differentiates Describes the role of Explains the importance Establishes IT program
information from data technology in of IT service level that will give value to
converting data and agreements (SLA) and the business’ mission,
information into their relationship to function, decision
organizational service provision making process, and
knowledge internal and external
Understands the role of Identifies and explains Assesses business Develops thorough,
number systems characteristics of the impact and modifies the realistic IT solutions that
Identifies the elements common types of system for better user support organizational
of the system application software impacts objectives
development life cycle
Understands concepts Demonstrates Coordinates department Interacts with hardware
of server, desktop, knowledge of IT needs to use personal vendors and manage
application, and procurement devices with IT’s vendor relationships
virtualization processes (services requirements to protect
and equipment) infrastructure and critical
Demonstrates Understands the Implements guidelines Consults with
fundamental potential for integration which require compliance stakeholders on how
understanding of and of system and reporting, including laws the IT Department can
skills on common software components and regulations which help improve the
operating systems, Keeps abreast of IT trends require accessibility of delivery of the agency’s
software applications, and new technologies information technology for services
and programming personnel
Differentiates between Demonstrates
systems software and knowledge of user-
application software centered design
principles and
practices, including
universal design as it
relates to users with
Understands different Understands major IT
types of information specialization roles
processing (real-time, and functions
event-driven, batch,
Demonstrates behavior Explains the
that reflects importance of good
professional business recordkeeping,
ethics (e.g., honesty, documentation, and
integrity, responsibility) institutional knowledge

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The ability to acquire supplies/ goods, services, or works from external providers at the best possible cost
within a given period of time
Follows procurement Seeks clarity in Monitors changes/ Provides guidance to
process and related specification updates in procurement members of Bids and
procurement laws in the requirements in law and processes to Awards Committee,
performance of tasks requests from internal implement necessary Advisory Boards, and
and duties clients and offers from adjustments other recommendatory
external suppliers bodies when evaluating
offers and awarding
and negotiating bids
Effectively prepares Observes honesty, Reviews the Ensures that systems
necessary documents transparency, and implementation of are in place for
related to the timeliness in procurement methods to promoting transparency
procurement process. coordinating with ensure transparency and and accountability in
Ensures documentation internal and external strict adherence to implementing the
of the entire process clients policies and procedures procurement processes
Identifies the needed
supply/ product or
service to be procured
complete with


The ability to plan, execute and report the implementation of training/learning interventions, courses and
Checks and confirms Procures Sources and recommends Reviews, approves and
registration of miscellaneous new SMEs monitors L&D/
participants, accepts materials and Program/Course
payments and/or processes petty cash Implementation
facilitates issuance of vouchers Checklists
Issues complete training Prepares and Formulates non-standard Identifies and allocates
kit (IDs, notebooks, executes Learning Service Level Agreements resource requirements
hand-outs, etc.) to and Development/ (SLAs)/Memorandum of to ensure proper
registered participants Program/Course Agreement (MOAs) delivery and
Implementation subject to the review of administration of
Checklists using the Office of Legal Affairs training/learning
predesigned template (OLA)/Legal Service interventions
Division (LSD)
Prepares and issues Selects, recommends Determines special Approves SMEs as
training paraphernalia and coordinates with learning and non-learning recommended by the
and other training and subject matter experts needs of stakeholders Training Administrator
office materials and (SMEs) such as agencies/other
supplies CSC units
Reproduces and Processes standard Prepares comprehensive Addresses exceptional
packages training/ Service Level Training/ Learning and participant/ training
learning materials as Agreements Development Report for concerns and issues
specified in the Training (SLAs)/Memorandum In-House Programs or
Activity Plan/Training of Agreement (MOAs) customized training/ L&D
Design Matrix programs
Gathers and preserves Checks if venue Ensures the Approves Training
workshop outputs as arrangement is in completeness of the Reports and ensures
required by the training accordance with the Implementation Folder as that all
administrator specifications required in the ISO 9001

Page 31 of 38
provided for in the Program/Course recommendations are
Training Activity Implementation properly implemented
Plan/Training Design Process/CBLDMS
Matrix (TDM)
Prepares status of Administers Level 1
payments of participants and 2 Evaluation
Instruments as
specified in the
Evaluation Plan
Prepares Training
Report in accordance
with the ISO 9001
Learning and
Management System


The ability to apply research skills towards identifying and developing learning objectives, sourcing,
selecting and sequencing content, designing training/learning methodologies and activities and
developing training/learning materials
Prepares and selects Sources, selects and Develops learning Identifies and allocates
energizers and ice sequences content in objectives (with resource requirements
breakers accordance with the performance, conditions to ensure proper design
specified learning and criteria) using the and development of
objectives SMART format and learning interventions
Bloom’s taxonomy
Reviews and Develops PowerPoint Designs training/learning Reviews and approves
determines slides and other methodologies and Course Brief, Training
appropriateness of learning materials activities Activity Plan/ Training
Course Briefs and given the content and Design Matrix,
Training Activity Plans/ other specifications Participant’s Manual,
Training Design Matrix Facilitator’s Guide and
submitted by external Evaluation Plan, in
Learning Service accordance with the
Providers identified needs as
specified in
Assessment Reports
and Annual
Training/Learning and
Development Plan
Reviews and Documents and Develops Participant’s
determines prepares own Course Manuals, Facilitator’s
appropriateness of Briefs, Training Activity Guide and Evaluation
Course Briefs and Plan/Training Design Plan and other
Training Activity Plans/ Matrix training/learning materials
Training Design Matrix
submitted by external
Learning Service

Page 32 of 38
Monitors, and coordinates the implementation of plans, policies, tasks and activities of programs and
projects being undertaken by the agency, and taking action to meet quality and performance goals
Oversees Sets up a visible Monitors compliance with Develops the overall
implementation of monitoring system to the program/ project policy framework and
activities and is on hand track the area/cluster Regional Work and the implementation
to address issues/ progress against Financial Plan by strategy for the
concerns specific requiring field teams to program, integrating its
program/project provide regular update on implementation with
performance metrics the status of resources other existing programs
and other measures and activities conducted of the agency
Analyses Conducts regular Regularly meets area Stands ready to update
Accomplishment/Progre meetings with on-the- supervisors to discuss plans and
ss Reports to identify ground employees and accomplishments against implementation
gaps and discrepancies partner institutions to program/project mechanisms to align
vis-à-vis the Work and discuss program performance metrics and with new government
Financial Plan status, and to surface to facilitate action policy direction,
issues that have to be planning for keeping sponsor requirements
managed performance on track and lessons learned
Complies with Adopts ways to cope Evaluates the impact of Sets up national level
established procedures with inadequacies on the activities in the program/ project
in addressing gaps resources to ensure area/region by conducting monitoring system that
and/or escalates these quality services are spot checks with compares progress
to the next level still delivered on time; beneficiary groups against baseline
authority when recommends to the performance targets
prescribed remedies next level authority
are inadequate ways to augment
Meets with on-the Explores alternative Checks functionality of Adopts a regular review
ground employees to solutions to issues other councils that plays mechanism to assess
secure feedback on and concerns which significant roles in the overall performance
issues and concerns in hinder progress of program implementation; of the program/project
the implementation of plans/activities, dialogues with them to against service delivery
activities outside of prescribed clarify expected targets and identifies
remedies; taps the deliverables, assess mechanisms and
help/intercession of performance and agree strategies to keep
higher authorities on action plans for performance on track
and/or external parties moving forward
Secures/organizes Develops a case for Assesses if emerging
resources and/or securing additional concerns or underlying
disseminates resources beyond the reason on gaps in the
information needed approved budget/ implementation are by
allocation to higher level reason of policy gaps,
bosses, and/or taps latent and consequently
sources outside the reviews policy to keep
agency in order to correct in step with current
lagging performance or to realities
fast-track delivery of
outputs as needed

The ability to effectively manage the acquisition, responsibility, maintenance, utilization and disposal of
properties, assets, equipment and supplies of the organization
Follows procurement Properly orients Reviews systems related Promotes/
process and related personnel on proper to the effective communicates across

Page 33 of 38
procurement laws in the maintenance of maintenance of properties units/ offices the
performance of tasks properties, assets and and assets to suggest different processes and
and duties equipment, and tools improvements activities related to the
assigned to them effective maintenance
of properties and assets
Keeps and updated Manages regular/ Considers occupational Supports systems/
records and makes a scheduled testing, hazards and safety and secures resources for
regular inventory of all inspection and check- operational concerns the effective monitoring
the properties and ups of properties, when making decisions of use, operations,
assets [current and assets, equipment, related to space, services control, repair and over-
newly acquired] and tools and cost of managing, all maintenance of
belonging to the utilizing, and disposing properties and assets
organization properties and assets
Ensures efficient and
timely disposal of old,
broken and unused
properties and assets

The ability to apply and adapt records management standards related to the cycle of records in an
agency/institution which are conducted to achieve adequate and proper documentation of government
policies, transactions and effective management of the agency/institution operations
Maintains personnel Keeps updated with Develops procedures for Shares expertise,
records in a methodical current records quick classification, better lessons learned and
and organized manner management storage, protection and ideas with others for
using own initiative to technology and disposition of records to improvement of the
facilitate easy retrieval practices to provide integrity, records management
continuously improve reliability, efficiency and system for the
existing systems and effectiveness in records organization’s
practices for efficiency management functions productivity, efficiency
and effectiveness in and to respond to internal and effectiveness
records management and external clients’
functions needs and expectations
Quickly retrieves Applies and adapt Interprets best practice Critically assesses
employees’ records record management standards current procedures and
upon request and standards and best provides workable
willingly and practice effectively solutions for continuous
immediately responds improvement
to clients
Applies knowledge of Support others in the Applies locally and Develops and
records management development and provide accurate and implements record
software applications introduction of new effective advice and management policies,
and their use record keeping guidance to colleagues procedure and
practices and guidance, and provides
procedures advice on record
keeping issues
Checks accuracy of the Displays proactive Assesses current record
details of all approach to improving keeping systems and
transactions and record record keeping provides feedback on
keeping practices their strengths and areas
for improvement
Recognizes potential
issues in relation to
records management and
communicates these to
the relevant staff

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The ability to search, attract and assess job candidates and to guide the appointing authority in choosing
the best fit for the job at the right time, in accordance with legal requirements to achieve organizational
Prepares annual list of Sources internal and Facilitates the conduct of Evaluates accuracy of
projected turnover due external talents assessment center for assessment results
to retirement for through various Division Chief to Director
recruitment planning recruitment strategies Positions and prepares
assessment reports
Maintains and updates Checks completeness Reviews and evaluates Reviews strategic
database of vacancies, of application all appointments issued objectives and
applicants and documents and by the office scorecards of the
personnel actions reviews paper organization and
qualifications of recommends talent pool
applicants vis-a-vis requirements of the
the qualification Commission
Facilitates publication Communicates/inform Develops and enhances Reviews and
and posting of s applicants of the assessment tools and recommends
vacancies results of the forms improvements in
screening and recruitment and
assessment selection policies and
schedules processes
Coordinates with Administers Interviews applicants/ Develops
Personnel Selection assessment candidates to vacant communication and
Boards (PSBs) and instruments and positions implementation plan on
heads of offices/ prepares assessment the recruitment,
divisions on their results selection and placement
availability for meetings policies of the
and interviews Commission
Checks the veracity and Interviews candidates Conducts exit interviews
authenticity of the CSC using the behavioural to identify HR strengths
eligibility of the event interview and areas for
candidates by verifying method and prepares improvement and
with the IRMO/EAD reports prepares report
Provides new Prepares reports
appointees with the list based on background
of pre- employment investigation results
requirements and
endorses them to the
heads of offices/
Writes simple pro-forma Takes minutes of
communications relative meetings during PSB
to recruitment, selection meetings/
and placement deliberations
Prepares assessment
folders and a draft
memo for review and
approval by the PSB
Prepares resolutions
and appointments for
signature by the

Page 35 of 38
Commission/ Regional
Completes new hires’
employment related
Prepares replies to
queries on
recruitment, selection
and placement


Gathering, analyzing and interpreting data and information using appropriate tools and methodologies, to
arrive at a meaningful and valid conclusion, position or judgment
Recognizes the Defines the research Checks that research Establishes and utilizes
importance of clearly problem, scope, problem is clearly defined extensive criteria for
defined research parameters and and properly scoped and thoroughly evaluating
problem, scope and methodologies from a framed according to and validating
design clear understanding of established need, data/information and
the need, purpose and objective to data/ information
objective/purpose and add value to the sources
review of adequate agencies services
Locates and utilizes Evaluates/tests the Checks that Evaluates research
data and information data/information assumptions, limits and objectives and design
from credible and checking for delimitations are clearly and guides others
authoritative sources, adequacy, defined and established drawing out and
obtained using consistency, validity translating the
appropriate data and reliability using needs/gaps into
gathering techniques multiple sources and researchable
customary methods problems/questions
and techniques
Applies standard tools, Performs generally Seeks, evaluates and Evaluates and seeks
methods and accepted sampling applies pertinent best practices in
techniques in techniques and theories, principles and research (includes data
quantitative and multidisciplinary models in drawing out a gathering and analytical
qualitative analysis, approach and framework (e.g. methods, technologies
founded upon pertinent techniques of analysis theoretical, conceptual etc) to address current
theories, principles and suitable to the purpose etc.) to guide analysis limitations and improve
models as applicable of the research and interpretation of institutional practices
results suitable to the
purpose of the research
Recognizes and Employs appropriate Evaluates/tests research Evaluates the
establishes level and magnitude of design to ensure the implications of research
connections, patterns, analysis, evaluating confidence, validity, result in the broader
trends, relationships different angles, reliability and applicability environmental context
and interplay multiple facets, dimensions of results will be obtained including policy and the
factors and variables etc. applying pertinent potential
theories, principles changes/improvement in
and documented best practice guiding others
practices or on how to
experiences on the present/package the
ground results
Organizes and Evaluates/test Evaluates/tests results Encourages new and
presents conclusions conclusions and and findings and works innovative insights from
and recommendations recommendations if back to determine analysis
consistent with the consistent with the

Page 36 of 38
findings, evidences, findings, evidences, gaps/inadequacies and
analysis and purpose of analysis and purpose corrective action
the research of the research

Utilizes available Checks if referencing Checks for the clarity, Evaluates the agency’s
technology for data and ethical standards consistency and logical research capability and
manipulation, analysis, and intellectual flow and presentation of evidence base and
computation and property rights are findings, conclusions and anticipates/aligns to
models etc. as complied with recommendations future research needs
Observes/complies to Evaluates/Balances vast
referencing and ethical amount of
standards and data/information and
intellectual property distills pertinent,
rights to safeguard essential, and critical
integrity of research as information utilized in
applicable different stages of the
research (problem
definition, research
design, data gathering,
analysis, presentation of
results etc.), taking into
account data movement
and behavior


The ability to identify, develop and implement programs for the organization/bureaucracy to reward and
recognize outstanding performance and behavior
Coordinates schedule Conducts information Identifies and Reviews and
of meetings and campaign activities recommends awards recommends
availability of relative to the rewards committee composition enhancements to
committee members and recognition existing policies,
program guidelines, procedure
relative to the reward
and recognition
Takes charge of logistic Evaluates Collaborates with the Develops
concerns such as but documentary search committee/ communication and
not limited to the requirements of performance implementation plan on
venue, meals and nominees and the management team in the policies, guidelines
equipment for use appropriate category proactively identifying and issuances on
during meetings of award that may be possible nominees rewards and recognition
considered program
Receives nomination Prepares agenda Prepares the assessment Monitors and evaluates
folders and checks folder and takes reports and the conduct of the
completeness of minutes of committee recommendation of the awarding rites
requirements meetings committee to the
approving body
Prepares profile of Coordinates the Conceptualizes program Monitors and evaluates
nominees for conduct of capability collaterals in the implementation of
presentation to the building activities for collaboration with graphic the rewards and
committee validators designers or suppliers recognition program
Maintains and updates Coordinates with Facilitates conduct of the Conducts studies on the
database of the type of validators for the awards rites and impact of the program to
awards, nominees and conduct of background prepares post activity the performance of the
awardees report organization/unit

Page 37 of 38
investigation and
submission of reports
Writes simple pro- Verifies and Conducts comparative
forma communications consolidates feedback studies on the
such as but not limited on the candidates organization’s rewards
to acknowledgment and received from clients and recognition program
transmittal letters and stakeholders vis-à-vis the best
relative to rewards and practices of organizations
recognition from the private and
public sector
Replies to queries on Develops policies or
rewards and enhances procedures on
recognition rewards and recognition
Coordinates the Determines and
production/ recommends kind of
reproduction of award monetary and non-
paraphernalia (plaque, monetary rewards based
medals, certificates) on existing policies


Developing and implementing programs/ interventions that creates and maintains conducive employer-
employee working environment through various activities that promote and contribute to productivity,
motivation and morale
Refers to policies, Explains/clarifies Uses appropriate Translates Employee
issuances and employee relations mediation techniques in Relations (ER) goals
guidelines when memoranda and settling grievances into programs and
addressing routine issuances, guidelines activities and provides
employee relations and policies when guidance in the
inquiries and seeks addressing inquiries implementation of ER
guidance with programs
unfamiliar concerns
Refers and adheres to Observes appropriate Analyzes employee Develops the
appropriate policies, procedures and profile and other pertinent capabilities of staff in
guidelines and practices objectivity data to support implementing ER
procedures in when conducting recommendations on new programs including
implementing the investigations about Employee Wellness identifying needs and
provisions of the disciplinary cases programs and to support handling clarifications,
employee’s code of recommendations on inquiries, complaints
conduct and in dealing policy enhancements and grievances
with simple to moderate
employee offenses
Organizes the records Is firm when handing
of employee cases, and out disciplinary
keeps the sanctions to erring
database for all employees
employee relations
related documents and
activities updated
Organizes the Keeps employees
resources and informed about
schedules of activities wellness programs
to facilitate the and keeps records to
implementation of monitor level of
employee wellness interest

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