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Dear youth of my generation I just wanted to send you personal message..

You are the future leaders, innovators, and creators of this planet. You have the
potential to make a positive difference in your communities and beyond. You have the
power to shape your own destiny and pursue your passions. You have the
responsibility to use your talents and skills for good and not evil. You have the courage
to overcome any obstacles and hardships that may come your way. You have the
vision to see the possibilities and the solutions that others may miss. You have the
voice to speak up for what is right and what is wrong. You have the heart to love and
be loved, to care and be cared for, to serve and be served.

But you also have the choice to use or misuse your gifts and abilities. You have the
freedom to follow or reject the guidance and wisdom of those who have gone before
you. You have the opportunity to learn from or ignore the mistakes and successes of
others. You have the influence to inspire or discourage those who look up to you. You
have the challenge to grow or stagnate, to improve or deteriorate, to excel or settle.

So I urge you, my fellow youth, to choose wisely and carefully. Choose to be the best
version of yourself that you can be. Choose to be a positive force in this world. Choose
to be a blessing and not a curse. Choose to be a light and not a darkness. Choose to be
a part of the solution and not the problem. Choose to be a message and not a mess.

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