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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Catagbacan Elementary School
Burauen North District


I. Name of Activity: Determining Learner’s Numeracy Level
II. Date: September 23, 2022
III.Venue: Classroom by grade level
IV. Participants: Learners and teachers

V. Description:
Determining one's level of numeracy can be helpful in identifying areas where
one needs improvement and in setting goals for further development.
There are several ways to determine one's level of numeracy. One common
approach is to take a numeracy assessment test, which typically includes a series of
questions or problems that evaluate a person's understanding of mathematical concepts
and their ability to apply them in real-world situations. These tests can be found in
various academic and vocational settings.
Another way to determine one's numeracy level is to self-assess by reflecting on
one's ability to perform everyday mathematical tasks, such as calculating, reading and
interpreting graphs and charts, and managing personal finances. By identifying areas
where one feels less confident or skilled, a person can create a plan to improve their
numeracy skills and knowledge.
Improving one's numeracy level is a continuous process, and it requires
dedication and practice. However, by identifying areas of weakness and using available
resources to develop skills, one can increase their confidence and effectiveness in using
numbers in various contexts.

VI. Objectives:
1.To evaluate current numeracy skills and knowledge
2.To create a plan for improvement
3.To increase confidence in mathematical abilities
4.To demonstrate competence in mathematical skills

VII. Highlights:
Here are some of the activities that were taken in determining the pupils
numeracy level in Catagbacan Elementary School. The teachers conducted an assessment
of the pupils current level of numeracy skills. After which, the math coordinator interpreted
result and transpired to the parents. The teachers developed an individualized plan that will
help the pupils improve their numeracy skills.
VIII.List of Issues for Resolution:
Determining one's level of numeracy can be complex and may involve
various issues. Some of the common issues include:
Reliance on standardized tests: Many numeracy assessment tests rely on
standardized test formats, which may not accurately capture an individual's
mathematical abilities or problem-solving skills. This can result in an incomplete or
inaccurate assessment of numeracy level.
Limited scope of assessment: Numeracy assessments may not cover all
aspects of mathematics or may only focus on specific skills or concepts. This can result
in an incomplete assessment of numeracy level and may not capture an individual's
overall mathematical abilities.
Limitations in self-assessment: Individuals may not have a complete
understanding of their own mathematical abilities, and self-assessment may be biased or
incomplete. This can result in an inaccurate assessment of numeracy level and may not
capture areas where improvement is needed.
Lack of access to resources: Individuals may not have access to the
resources needed to improve their numeracy skills, such as quality education, tutoring,
or practice exercises. This can limit their ability to improve their numeracy level and can
lead to ongoing issues in using mathematics effectively in various contexts.

IX.Participants Feedback:
Teachers: Well done on taking the numeracy assessment. It's great to see you taking
responsibility for your own learning and wanting to improve your skills.
Pupils: (Regino).I found the numeracy assessment challenging, but it helped me
understand where I need to focus my efforts to improve my skills.
(Elly Jean) It was helpful to see a breakdown of my results by topic, so I
know which areas I need to work on the most.
(Mike John) I appreciated the opportunity to take the assessment and
receive feedback on my numeracy skills. It has given me a clearer sense of my
strengths and weaknesses in this subject.

X.Design of the Event:

The objective of this event is to help individuals determine their level of
numeracy and provide them with resources to improve their mathematical skills.
Target Audience: This event is suitable for grade one to six of all ages who need
improvement of their numeracy skills.
Duration: The event can be conducted over a period of one to three hours, depending on
the level of engagement and activities planned.
• Whiteboards, markers, and erasers
• Worksheets and practice exercises
• Prizes for participants
• Evaluation forms for feedback
XI.Logical Arrangement:
Here are the logical arrangement in determining pupils numeracy level. First, Assess
the pupil's current level of numeracy. Second, set appropriate goals and objectives for the
pupil. Third,Developing a plan to help the pupil reach those goals.

Prepared by: Noted:

Teacher III Head Teacher II

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