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Copyright © 2020 by CLARA CRUISE

All rights reserved.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any
similarity to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and
retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Sneak Peek!
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Also by Clara Cruise

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H e’s as clean-cut as they get.

She grew up with bikers.

The attraction is strong, but can he truly accept her?

A lawyer who grew up with bikers, Rayne basically inherited being in an MC. The loud machines
they were riding, the loudness radiating from the tough men, none of that has ever scared her. That’s
just her life, what she’s used to. And if a man can’t keep up with her life? Well, that pretty much
describes every man she’s been with so far, and while she isn’t happy about it, she doesn’t want to be
with a scaredy-cat, either.
Or that’s what she keeps telling herself, until she ends up in the Hazelview Memorial Hospital and
meets someone she really doesn’t want to scare off.
An oculoplastic surgeon who helped her when she got hit over the head with a glass, Ethan is
probably the most clean-cut man she has ever met, and yet, the mutual attraction is instant. But, does
she dare to show him who she truly is? Yes, of course – she’ll just obscure it slightly.
For as long as she can.
But what happens when that is no longer possible? Will Ethan be able to accept her and everything
about her, or is he going to leave like everyone else before him?


THE MUSKY ODOR of smoke hangs in the air around me as I take my seat at the bar. I sent Faye off to
her guy; hopefully, that works out for her. I make eye contact with the bartender; he catches on quickly
as he brings the bottle of whiskey over and refills my drink. There’s nothing better than the bite of an
oaky whiskey.
“What the hell are you doing here?” I turn around as I hear the nasal voice. It doesn’t surprise me
when I see a blonde with her hands on her hips. There has never been a time I didn’t piss her off. I
roll my eyes in irritation as she stomps over to me.
“What do you want, Francine?” I turn my back to her. Not caring at all what she wants. There’s
nothing she can do to me. She sits beside me, and I groan internally. I don’t have the mental strength to
deal with her right now. Is it too much to ask for that I get to be left alone in peace?
Her unnaturally full lips turn into a sneer as she looks me up and down. I arch my eyebrow in
challenge. “What do you want?”
Her wide eyes look crazy as they move around my face. “I want a higher position in the motorcycle
I shake my head, laughing bitterly. “You know it doesn’t work like that.”
She slaps her hand on the table, looking like a toddler throwing a fit. Why do I always have to deal
with this type of shit behavior? “No!” she cries out.
I wince; her voice is very high pitched. I place my glass down on the table with more force than I care
to admit and give her my biggest stink eye. “Why is it that you’re here harassing me?” I emphasize
each word, ensuring that she knows that I am still a lawyer and will sue the hell out of her if she so
much as dares to look at me the wrong way.
Her shoulders scrunch up, her eyes twitching at the sides. She is unnerved. “I want in.” She leans
closer to me and I lean back, not wanting her anywhere near me.
“You are not getting in.” I grit out the words. “Are you crazy?” I inquire. I must have struck a nerve as
she looks like I just hit her in the face rather than just asked her a question.
“You’ll regret that.” She storms off. I am relieved as I hear her heels clicking away. The bartender
clearly listening in on the conversation gives me an apologetic look as he refills my glass. “On the
His eyes widen as he looks behind me. It is too late for me to turn around as I feel a blow to my head.
There is a crunching sound. My ears are almost ringing at the impact. What the hell? I turn around
slowly; Francine looks between her bleeding hand and my head.
There are glass shards stuck in her hand and it doesn’t take much for me to figure out that she used my
head to smash her glass on. I give her an icy look, feeling lightheaded. “You’ll regret this.” The words
are choked out as my body slumps to the floor.
I can see people moving around to look my way, but I can’t see much more as my eyes close in

I SWAT the man’s hand away, glaring at him. He still keeps a very composed look on his face. He is
what I aspire to be, cool, and collected in all situations. “She has trauma to the head; there are glass
shards left.” He wheels me off into the hospital.
“I am fine; you don’t have to wheel me in. I’m sure there’s someone that needs it more than I do.”
The paramedic just shakes his head before walking off.
A nurse wheels me into a room. “The doctor will be with you shortly.”
“Thank you,” I whisper. It is only my ego that is bruised, nothing more.
The nurse is at least nice as she smiles at me brightly. “You’ll be out of here in no time.”
I give her a small smile, trying not to give off my usual intimidating vibe. “I have no doubt about it.”
She nods, and walks off, having other patients and things to deal with. I take my phone out of my
clutch. The screen looks very blurry and it is a gamble to dial the right number.
“Hey, Rayne.” Her voice is light, a big contrast to how it was earlier, and I know that something great
must have happened.
“Hey, Faye. Look, I need you. I am in the hospital.”
There is a pause before she answers. “Why?”
My best friend is panicking, and the guilt sets in as it is selfish of me to pull her out of whatever she is
doing to come down here for moral support. “Oh, you know, the usualll.” I slur out. “Someone hit me
with a glass over my head. I am at the hospital . . . will you come, please?” I pride myself in never
begging for anything, but this one time, I will allow myself to be vulnerable.
The phone call ends, and I am left with the loudness happening around me. I can’t see anything as the
curtains around me are closed, but it doesn’t mean that I can’t eavesdrop. I shuffle around on the
gurney, getting comfortable on the elevated bed.
I can hear a little kid crying, his worried parents cooing at him. It sounds like he has a Lego stuck in
his nose. My grimace is instant. I like kids, don’t get me wrong, but them putting toys and weird
objects into their noses is something that I would rather not see or hear about.
I concentrate on another conversation. It is a couple; they are fighting over the fact that she found him
cheating and threw her high heel at him; now he needs stitches. If I were her, I would have rather left
him to get here on his own and not driven him here. Call it getting even.
I am pulled from my thoughts as the curtains push to the side. Now, it takes a lot of effort to make me
speechless, and when I tell you that the doctor staring at me is hot enough to make me feel shy, you
better believe it.


I YAWN ; it is difficult to stifle the tiredness as I have been on my feet for at least seven hours now,
dealing with very high-pressure decision making. “You have another patient to see, doctor. She is in
room 203.” I look over at Kelly. She looks just as tired as I am. That’s the price of working in
healthcare; it takes a toll.
“The job of miracle workers is never done.” She smiles as I pat her on the back. The bags under her
eyes are very prominent in the very bright and white light of the nurse's desk.
“That it is.” I give her one last encouraging look before I walk off to where my new patient is.
I open the curtain. The sight I am met with makes me feel like I’m not the professional that I claim to
be. The woman here is something that dreams are made of. I don’t know how long passes as I stare
into her very expressive blue eyes.
“Do I look that bad, doc?” Her voice is soft, but I can hear that she can hold her own. She has an
authority to it that I like. I like a strong woman
“Not in the least,” I subtly flirt. It is probably more subtle than I think as she just stares at me. She
looks adorable as her nose scrunches up.
“Are you flirting with me?” She purses her lips; her facial expressions are giving nothing away as she
waits for me to reply. I ignore the question and look at her chart, nonchalantly.
“How is your head feeling, Miss Whitmore?”
The beautiful woman sighs, which sends a shiver down my spine and to my groin. She is wearing a
skin-tight dress that is leaving almost nothing to the imagination. Her boobs are big; they look to be a
D cup. They sway with every movement she makes, the V cut neckline making my hands itch to tear
her dress apart.
I close my eyes tightly, trying to eradicate such inappropriate thoughts from my mind. This is not the
time nor place to be a pervert with one of my patients.
“Do you look at all your patients like that?”
I shift my weight on my feet, feeling uneasy at the question. Her blue eyes shine with delight as she
gets the reaction from me that she sought after. I shake my head as I move in closer to her. “What do
you mean, Miss Whitmore?” I try to keep my voice as cool as possible, without sounding too aloof.
“Call me Rayne.” Her eyes are very intense as she tells me to call her by her first name. I put on my
gloves, trying to distract myself from the sexiness that she is hiding under her red dress.
She clears her throat, her eyes following every movement I make. “Like you want to devour them.”
I choke on my spit. “You’re not afraid to speak your thoughts, are you, little one?” I put a bit of
authority into my voice, trying to gain some control back. She backs down, and I smile in victory. She
gives off a very tough vibe, but it makes me wonder if that is just her way of coping with life.
Maybe looking strong is what keeps her from feeling exposed and vulnerable. Rayne is like an onion,
where you have to work past multiple layers to see who she is and what is going on with her. I get this
feeling that there is way more to her than what she lets on.
Her shoulders move up and down as she bites her full bottom lip. The sight of it alone is enough to
make me hard. I am thankful for my white coat. “It comes with being a lawyer.” Impressive. She’s not
only beautiful and confident, but she’s also a lawyer. Could she be more perfect?
“May I?” I ask as I point to her head. She nods, her blue eyes very wide as I step closer to her. I take
the tweezers in my hands and get to work on pulling all the shards of glass out. “What happened?” I
frown, who would do this to her?
“There was an angry woman at the bar I went to.” Her answer is short and curt, like she is trying to
avoid telling me something.
“And why would she want to hurt you?” I feel protective over Rayne. It is unexplainable, but I feel
like I want to keep her safe from this, to never let her get hurt again. I shake my head, keeping my
hands steady as I work on her.
“Oh, you know. She runs in the same . . . uh . . . circle as I do and she has had beef with me for a
while now, and decided tonight to hit me with a glass over my head while I was unaware of her still
being at the bar.”
I stop what I am doing. “You need to report that to the police.”
Rayne tilts her head upwards; the grin she is sporting makes me shiver. She is one scary woman when
she wants to be. “Don’t worry; retribution will be mine.”
I shake my head, trying to clear it of the bombarding sexy ideas of her in a catfight with the woman
who hurt her.
Rayne winces, her hand clutching onto mine. I can see tears streaming down her eyes as she looks up
at me. “That hurts.”
Knowing that I am hurting her is making my chest constrict with guilt. “I am sorry, little one.” I pull
away from Rayne as someone pulls the curtains apart rather forcefully and walks in without an
invitation. Rayne smiles at Faye, the girlfriend of my friend and fellow doctor, Logan.
“I am so glad to see that you are okay and in good hands.” Faye is hugging the little woman, careful
not to hurt her.


I ADMIT IT . There is a part of me that wants to cry even more and sink into the very comforting arms
of my best friend, but as my eyes roam to where Doctor Lewis is standing, I try to keep myself
collected. I pride myself on being a strong woman, but the truth is that I am also very vulnerable
sometimes despite looking like I could arm-wrestle a bear.
“It is true,” Logan chimes in as he pats Doctor Lewis on the back. I smile at him, trying not to look at
the bulge in his pants. He appreciates the body of a beautiful woman. Is it weird that I like that he is
all hot and bothered for me? I guess not, being as I am a woman who also has needs.
I squeeze my thighs together as I think about the things we could do together. “I don’t doubt it.” I
breathe out. “Doctor Lewis has proven to be nothing but competent.”
“Ethan,” he coughs out, clearing his throat. “Call me Ethan.” I smile brightly at him. His blue eyes
shine with mirth as he smiles back at me. We are the only two people in the room; everyone else
melting away.
“Ethan.” His name rolls off my tongue like sweet candy. “He’s been a great help to my injuries.”
Faye goes on her toes to look at the damage and sighs in relief as she sees that it’s not that bad.
“Good.” Faye looks pleased by the whole scenario as she goes over to Logan. I am happy as I see
him wrapping his arm around her. I guess they made up already.
“I think that you guys should maybe go so that I can finish up with Rayne.” Logan and Faye grin at
each other and wave at us before going on their way.
“It looks like they made up.”
“It seems that way, Ethan.” I am surprised that he knows about their relationship qualms; I guess that
is because he is friends with Logan.
“Well, I am done working on you. All the glass has been removed and I cleaned the wound, so you are
good to go.”
I struggle to get off the tall bed. Just my luck for me to slide off the bed and fall. I close my eyes,
knowing that I am not going to be able to catch myself. I brace for the impact, but it never comes.
Opening up my eyes, I am pleasantly surprised when I see a very handsome and strong Ethan holding
me in his arms. I moan lightly as I smell him. No, I am not weird, that is just what happens when your
face is pressed into the chest of a very handsome guy; you get to smell his deodorant.
“What is that? Is it English Blaze?” I feel embarrassed as Ethan looks down at me in amusement.
“It is.”
My hands are restless on his chest as I grip the material of the shirt he is wearing underneath his coat.
“Thank you,” I whisper out, the intensity of his eyes, almost sending me over the edge of insanity as I
have to refrain from kissing the doctor I met not even an hour ago.
“Anytime, little one.”
I narrow my eyes at him as I take a step back. “Why do you call me that?”
Ethan looks pleased with himself as he looks at me. I can see that I am amusing him, and I need to
place the feelings I have for him into feeling that I know won’t make my skin itch with uncertainty and
“Because . . .” he boops my nose. “. . . you are very little.” My insides melt. He is the first man to
treat me like I am fragile and I kind of like it. What is happening to me? The girly part of me wants to
see where things will go with Ethan.
He looks around the room and then at his watch. “I am finishing my shift now, but here.” He hands me
a card. “Here is my card; feel free to call me anytime.” His skin is hot underneath mine as he hands
his card. His number is written on it, along with his email and other information.
“And who said that I would want to call you?” I try to downplay the whole ordeal, a little bit
embarrassed that I let a man like him get this close to me.
“You will.” Ethan winks at me before he disappears behind the curtains. I sigh as I go to sit back on
the bed. What an emotional rollercoaster!

I GRIP my hair between my hands in frustration. It has been two days already and I have yet to call
Ethan. It feels like the longer time passes, the weirder it will be for me to phone. Even if I do know
that he doesn’t have the memory of a goldfish and that he would remember me.
I scream into one of the throw pillows on my couch.
“What in the hell has gotten into you, my friend?” I jump as I hear someone talking. “Ahh!” I throw the
pillow in the direction of where I heard the voice.
“What the hell, Rayne?”
I sigh in relief as I recognize the voice. My heart is beating almost out of my chest as I clutch space
above the thumping organ. “Sorry, Ellie; you scared me, girl.” My childhood friend glares at me,
rubbing her arm where I hit her. At least I never miss when I throw things at people.
“What that necessary, though? I mean, you knew when you gave me a key to your place that I would
pop in when I want.”
I go to lie down on the couch again. “I was just deep in my thoughts and didn’t hear you coming in, is
Ellie is not having any of it as she shakes her head. “I know you, and I know that something more is
going on.”
I let out a long exhale as I give in to it, her gaze too critical for me to ignore. “I met a guy, and he gave
me his number. I have had it for a couple of days and now it feels kind of weird for me to call him.”
Ellie rolls her eyes; “Just call him, already.”


IT HAS BEEN days since I met Rayne, and I am beginning to think that maybe she isn’t interested in me.
Maybe I misread the situation. I’m at a diner close to my home when my phone starts going off. The
number is unknown, so I just answer.
“This is Ethan speaking.” I try to keep the irritation from my voice. The last thing I want is someone
who has nothing to do with my frustration to be part of my mood swing.
“Hey.” It is a timid voice that answers; it takes me a second to figure out who it is.
“Hey, little one,” I answer, beaming, “I thought you weren’t going to call.”
She clears her throat. I can hear someone talking to her in the background. “I was a little busy. I was
wondering if you’re maybe free to have lunch with me?”
I am ecstatic. There is no other word that would do justice to the way I am feeling. I think that this is
what any guy would feel if the woman of his dreams calls him. “How about now?” There is a pause.
Maybe it is too soon. I facepalm myself; way to go. Maybe I sounded too eager?
“That’s great; do you have any place in mind where we can meet?”
I fist-bump the air in victory. The people look at me weirdly, but I shrug it off. No one can ruin my
good mood. “Do you know where Ben’s Diner is?” I hear shuffling in the background. It sounds like
Rayne is getting up.
“Yeah, it’s around the corner from my house. I will be there in a bit.” The call disconnects, and I am
absolutely beyond happy. Who would have thought that today would be my lucky day?
S HE LOOKS flawless as she walks towards me. Her hair is in loose curls, framing her face and falling
down her back. She is talking to the waitress at the door, her back to me, before pulling her into a hug.
They must know each other. My mind is on one track as I look at her perfectly shaped ass. I know that
if I were told to hold it in my hands, that it would bounce as I slap it. It would be very tight as I can
see she works out. The best thing about Rayne’s body, the thing that makes my mouth water, is the fact
that she is very curvy. She has toned arms, her boobs are big, and then the wideness gives way to a
tiny waist. That leads to wide hips and thick thighs.
The breath is knocked from my chest as Rayne smiles at my way as she walks over to me. The
conversation she was having with the waitress, has ended.
I get up from the chair, pulling her into a hug. It takes a while for Rayne to hug back. As she does, I
pull away and place a kiss on her cheek. “I see you’re a social butterfly.”
Her cheeks are red as she sits down in front of me. “Yes. Marly is part of the M—circle I run with.”
My interest is piqued as she corrects herself. “And what circle is that?” I put Rayne on the spot, but
she shrugs, picking up her menu. My mouth waters as I see she’s not wearing a bra. Her nipples stand
hard on alert, I have never been more grateful for cold weather.
“So,” she trails off, her eyes sexily running down my body. Her face is hidden behind her menu. “Are
you a regular here?”
I nod, as I wave down the waitress. “I am; I live close by.”
Her eyes register something. “You were already here when I called?”
I smile in answer.
“I see that now; I mean, you already had a cup of coffee.” She looks at the mug longingly, and I slide
the half-full mug towards her.
“You can have a sip while waiting for your order.” I’m not someone who usually shares my drinks,
but, I think, now I can make an exception. I jump as I feel a foot traveling up my leg. I am grateful that
the tables here have long tablecloths so no one can see what she is up to.
She takes the cup and sips very seductively on it, keeping eye contact with me until she places the
mug back on the table.
I keep my cool as Rayne grins at me. She wants to get a rise from me. “Careful little one.” My voice
is hoarse as I warn her. I give her a pointed look as he foot travels up my thigh. “When you play with
fire, you will get burned.”
The little brat grins at me, not giving a care in the world as her foot draws circles on my inner thigh.
She puts the menu down. “Good thing I am a masochist.”
I grit my teeth as I feel my member harden even more. I am leaning over the table, our breaths
mingling. “Then you won’t mind me pulling you over my lap and pulling your panties down to spank
you for being such a tease?”
Her body shifts back as she bites her bottom lip. My words affect her as her breathing quickens, her
boobs jiggling lightly. “I thought you would be someone who just takes what they want.” Rayne looks
at me innocently from underneath her eyelashes. For someone as petite as she is, she has a big dosage
of defiance.
We are interrupted by the waitress I flagged over. “What would it be for you guys this morning?”
“I will have an extra juicy . . .” Rayne’s eyes dart to me, “. . . extra tomato sauce and garnish
cheeseburger with curly fries.”
I am crazy. Even her order sounds sexy. I narrow my eyes at Rayne; she gives me a shrug, her eyes
shining with humor as I try to keep from losing my cool.
“I will have the same.” I can’t think of anything except that I’d rather devour Rayne. I can see it: her
boobs heaving as I bury my face between her thighs and take her to heights she has yet to explore. The
waitress walks away, and I reach for Rayne. Her little hand is engulfed by my much bigger one.
I squeeze it. “Wait twenty seconds after I get into the bathroom and then follow.” Rayne swallows
hard, her eyes shining in anticipation.


WHY DOES it feel like everyone knows what we are about to do? Okay, so I must say that Ethan isn’t
like I imagined him to be at all. He is sweet and all, but wow, the way he just took charge without
hesitation is something that has always turned me on.
Sue me, but I like guys who aren’t afraid of taking charge. Ethan winks as he walks into the bathroom.
I haven’t seen anyone going in there for a while, so I guess that if someone is in there, he will let me
know. I doubt he wants to get caught, although I won’t be opposed to it, it is on my bucket list. My
bucket list of all the naughty things I want to do.
My time is up. My legs are a little wobbly as I think about what he is going to do to me, I know that
whatever it is, I will like it.
I look over my shoulder and see that no one is looking my way. Oh, well, the excitement running
through my body wouldn’t allow me to bow out now. As I step through the door, I smash into
something hard that feels very warm and familiar. I’d run into Ethan.
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous.” I hold my breath as Ethan leans more into me. Our breathing is labored; both
of us are excited about what is going to happen now. The door behind me clicks.
Ethan’s smirk is devious as he pushes me into the door. He traps me between his body and the door.
There is no escaping, I feel like a little gazelle that is about to be pounced on.
His blue eyes pull me in closer and closer until our noses brush lightly. His eyes look up and down,
from my eyes to his lips, until I can’t take the suspense anymore. His hair is soft in my hands as I pull
his head into me.
Our lips touch, and it feels like fireworks are going off inside of my head. Every part of my body is
consumed by the drug named Ethan. He is my personal brand of heroin that I can’t get enough of.
His body is flush against mine, I can feel his hard member pressing into my stomach. I don’t need to
see it, to know that rod is sizeable. My hands have a mind of their own as they slip underneath his
shirt. His muscles contract wherever I touch him. My hands travel to his back, pulling him in closer.
Ethan groans into my mouth as he pushes me harder into the door. We are both looking for
gratification that will only come once we had that one thing. Release.
I moan as Ethan pulls away from me, he grins, “Fuck, you are beautiful when your lips are red and
pulsing.” He picks me up and places me on the counter.
I don’t care that the tiles are cold underneath my legs; my mind is consumed with ideas about what we
are about to do. My swollen nether lips contract in anticipation. My body is ready for whatever it is
he wants us to do.
My back arches into Ethan as he goes to stand between my legs, his hardness pushing into my core.
My tights and underwear are being a party pooper as they are hindering me from having Ethan where I
want him. “Please,” I breathe out. I cannot take much more of the torture.
He tugs at the back of my tights. “Lift.”
I nod at him, my voice very hoarse from the horniness I am feeling. I am about ready to explode as he
takes off my leggings and my panties. The cool air brushes against my sensitive folds.
Ethan looks at my little flower—like he has just won the lottery. A bright smile on his lips as he leans
closer to where I need something to happen. “Wow.”
I feel self-conscious as I lean more upwards. “What?”
Ethan shakes his head as his fingers caress my folds in wonder. “You are so smooth; there’s no hair.” I
shake my head, biting my bottom lip as his head draws closer. I shiver as his sharp exhalation flows
over my little coochie.
“I wax.”
Ethan’s fingers run from my little clit, down to my very needy little opening. His tongue darted out of
his mouth, licking and sucking on my clit. I am too wound up to pull away from him; my clit, being
ultra-sensitive, does nothing to deter what both of us need.
“I have been waiting for this since I saw you in the hospital,” he murmurs against me. I close my eyes
as I feel a heat building inside of my tummy.
My cunny pulls his digit in deeper as he pushes his finger into my pink wet hole. “Why?”
I try to keep my eyes open as he works his way in and out of me. He enters another digit, his eyes not
breaking contact with my face. He is gauging my reactions. Ethan’s fingers work into me with a steady
rhythm, each time he pushes them into me, I can feel that I am nearing my climax.
“Because you are the most beautiful angel I have ever laid eyes on.” Ethan kisses me hard. His tongue
battles with mine, sucking and flicking until he has me at his mercy.
There is a stirring inside of my body as my orgasm approaches and then in my chest, something weird
happens as well. It is like my heart is letting in a complete stranger to occupy it. Ethan has without a
lot of effort found a way to weave himself into not only my body but also my mind and heart.
My eyes start to tear up as I come to completion. My hips buck wildly, my nails dig into Ethan’s
clothed shoulders and everything in the world comes to a standstill.
My moons are aligning. At the back of my mind there is a nagging. I know that I will have to tell Ethan
about my life in the motorcycle club, but I am just afraid of losing him so soon already.


I AM HARD . My body is on fire with need as I look at Rayne. She is breathing hard, trying to catch her
breath as she comes off the high of her orgasm. I pull my fingers out of her, careful not to hurt her. She
is looking at me with eyes that hold so many emotions that it makes my head hurt.
“Let’s get you cleaned up.” I get some paper towels from the dispenser and wipe over her folds. Her
sweet taste is still roaming around in my mouth.
“Are you okay?” Rayne sounds timid; this is the most vulnerable I have seen her.
“Yeah, of course.” I grin at her, pulling her into my chest. “Why would you ask that?”
“Because you didn’t say anything.” Rayne’s words are muffled into my shirt. She looks up at me and
my heart completely flips as I see that she is crying. I get to work as I pull on her tights and her
panties. I want to make her feel safe.
“What do you mean, little one?” Rayne gives me her best puppy dog eyes as I hold her cheek. She is
the most precious thing in the world.
“I don’t know.” She shakes her head. I can see that she is pulling away from me emotionally. “I feel
“Please don’t,” I plead, “It pains me to see you like this.”
“I’m sorry.” Rayne’s voice breaks.
“Don’t be. You did nothing wrong. Did I do something?”
Rayne sniffles and shakes her head. Her blue eyes look brighter with the tears that are pooling in
them. “I just haven’t been with someone like this and it means something to me, and I would be gutted
if it means nothing to you.”
I rub her back. “It means something to me too.” I bite my bottom lip, contemplating whether I want to
tell her how I feel or not. What the hell, what harm can it do?
“I am attracted to you in a way that I have never been to anyone and I want to get to know you better,
because, little one, I can already tell that you are going to change my life.” I look around at the
bathroom. “You already have me doing things I wouldn’t have thought I’d do in a million years.”
She bursts out in laughter, and I join in.
Our moment is interrupted by a knock at the door. “Guys, I will need you to come out now,”
“Shit.” I step away from Rayne and help her down the counter. We are both red-faced as we open the
“I’m sorry, Marly.” The woman has one hand on her hip, the other holding a takeaway packet. I can
see she is trying not to smile at us.
“At least one of us is having fun,” the woman huffs. I already love the people Rayne has in her life. I
can see they all care deeply about her and that they also bring a lightness to her life.
“Hush; I am sure Diego is just busy with some work.” Rayne looks over at me, it is like she is careful
about what she is going to say around me, like there is something that I’m not allowed to know. Weird.
“Yeah. Yeah.” Marly rolls her eyes as she hands our packet to us. “I put it in a takeaway, I thought you
guys would appreciate the people not looking at you after what they heard.”
I chuckle quite hard with Marly as the innocent little human against side presses her face into me.
Hiding her embarrassment.
“Gosh, how am I ever going to live this down?” Rayne turns her gaze toward Marly, giving her a very
intense look. “Please don’t mention this in church; my father would kill me.”
Marly puts up her right hand, her left hand over her heart. “I solemnly swear not to out you to your
father.” Something is going on. I can see them talking with one another without saying words. It must
be a woman thing. “That reminds me, we have a meeting in two weeks, and you need to be there.”
“I will.” Rayne takes the food and we start walking out.
“Is there something you’re not telling me?”
Rayne stiffens, and I already got my answer even before she opened her mouth. “No, why?” She looks
up at me expectantly.
“No reason,” I lie through my teeth. It looks like both of us are liars, except I am keeping my
suspiciousness away from her so that I can try and get a feeling about why she is distant all of a
“Where do you want to go?”
I shrug as we start walking. There are a couple of people staring at us as we walk by. Rayne grows
anxious, so I pull her into my arms, picking her up.
“Why are you carrying me?”
I kiss her on her cheek as her arms wrap around my neck. The kiss is sweet. “Because people were
staring and it was making you uncomfortable, so now, if you feel like you don’t like it, just press your
face into my chest or neck and you don’t have to deal with them.”
She gives me her puppy dog eyes as she squishes my cheeks.
My lips pucker as she does this. She kisses me. My chest feels tight. It is like the earth is spinning in
the right direction for once. I could get used to this. I grip her butt harder as the kiss deepens. It is my
turn to pout as she pulls away. Rayne grins as she pushes herself up higher. “We can go to my house; it
is just down the street.”
I lift my eyebrow. “Are you already going to take me home with you?”
Rayne chuckles as I walk, rolling her eyes. She sticks her tongue out at me, “Yes, but we are only
going to eat, mister.”
We reach her house, and I am astonished by what I see. “Who’s motorcycle is that?” It is a blue
Bugatti. It still looks brand-new, upon further expectation, I see a name on it.
“It’s mine,” Rayne admits sheepishly.
“Wow, you are a mystery!”
Rayne shrugs and jumps out of my arms as I lower her to the floor. She opens the door and grins over
her shoulder as she leads me inside. “This is my humble abode.”
Every thought about her bike is forgotten as we settle into the cozy home.


THESE LAST TWO weeks have been the best. Ethan has been taking me on lots of dates. We have been
spending almost every day together, the only problem being that I am starting to feel guiltier about the
fact that I have to hide anything from him. It is starting to eat me up from the inside.
“No, you were the one that thought it would be a great idea to swim in the pond,” Jane bursts out.
Anne, her best friend, hits her on her arm as they both wheeze.
They have been telling childhood stories. I am meeting Ethan’s friends tonight, and it has been a blast.
I get along well with the two girls as well as with Stella; she is the girlfriend of one of the important
people at the hospital, Johnathan.
“Right, because I knew there was going to be leeches.” We all laugh and cheer about not making
stupid mistakes as they did. The men here are all decent. Jane is engaged to William; Anne is dating
Mason; and Faye, my best friend, is here with Logan.
By the end of the evening, I am thoroughly exhausted.
“Right guys, I think that I have to get this one in to bed before she falls over in exhaustion.”
I glare at Ethan as they all chuckle but understand.
The girls tell me goodbye, Jane being the last, “And please, do come to my wedding, I am sending out
the invites tomorrow. And Ethan,” Jane gives him a very intimidating look, “If you don’t bring this
amazing woman, I will have to place you at the kiddies’ table.”
Ethan’s eyes shine with mirth as we look at each other, happy about the way the evening is going. “As
long as they serve chicken nuggets, I am fine.”
I let out a squealing sound and slap Ethan on his shoulder. “Now you will be going alone.” I cross my
arms over my chest and turn away from him, winking at the girls as I walk off.
I don’t hear Ethan following me. Before I know it, I am slung over his shoulder. “Put me down, you
brute!” I bang on his back, but he feels nothing as he just keeps walking farther.
“Just relax, little one.”
I shiver at his words.

WE ARE HOME NOW. Ethan said that he just wanted to carry my tantrum-throwing ass over his shoulder
to show me who is boss, which I guess makes sense in his mind. He also agreed that the meeting went
better than expected. Not that we expected it to go badly, but I was a whole lot nervous, to begin with.
I can’t help but go back to all the lies I have told him. It is gnawing at my insides. I want to tell him
the tru—
“Hey, where have you gone inside that pretty head of yours?” I jump in surprise as Ethan gets under
the covers again. He made some hot chocolate because he saw I was a shivering mess.
“I was just thinking about how things between us are going.”
He nods, in thought.
I bite my lip in worry. I hope he doesn’t sense that there is anything off. I am rather bad at hiding
things, to begin with.
“And how are they going?”
I shrug, trying to be coy. I give him a lopsided smile. “They have been great, don’t you think?” I feel
vulnerable as I ask him. I know he won’t say anything to hurt me, but I still feel like maybe things
won’t work out. There will be a day when he just leaves me.
“Yes.” My heart soars when he grins at me with the brightest smile. The clothes I am wearing feel
itchy all of a sudden. I tear the sweater off, forgetting that I’m not wearing anything underneath. My
eyes go wide as Ethan just stares at me.
“What are you doing?” His voice is hoarse. Ethan doesn’t waste time as he gets up and stands in front
of me.
“I was itchy, and I thought I had a shirt on underneath,” I breathe out, afraid of breaking the moment. I
have been waiting for this moment way too long. My mouth feels dry as Ethan looks at me with an
unreadable expression. A moment passes . . . and then another . . . as he just looks into my eyes.
My nipples are erect. I gasp as his hands go to my hips, pushing my pants off. My underwear follows
soon after, until I am left completely naked in front of the man who doesn’t even know that he has my
heart in his hands.
His eyes are intense as he leans closer. It feels like I am underwater; I will only be able to breathe
when he makes a move. His hand is soft on my cheek as he caresses the skin. It feels like I am
breathing for the first time as his hands travel to my collarbone.
He looks at me, analyzing every reaction I have as he moves his finger tantalizingly slow to the valley
between my breasts.
His big hands touch my nipples for the first time; it feels like there is a live wire connecting the
pleasure I am feeling as he twists and massages my nipples to my groin. My folds are wetting as
Ethan does magic with his hands.
His kiss is rough; he is biting, nipping, sucking me. I fall into him; my hands are eager as they tug on
his clothes. His shirt comes off, and then his jersey. The trickier part is his pants, which he helps me
“Here little one, I will do it.” I melt as Ethan looks at me with adoration. His strong hands undo his
pants and slide them off. My hands are in his golden locks before he has a chance to properly step out
of his clothes. Ethan laughs lightly as I cling to him like nothing.
“What is it, baby?”
My heart melts: he always calls me the most tender things. I shake my head and pull him in for a feral


I FEEL COMPLETE. I never thought of myself to be someone who is incomplete, until I met Rayne. She
feeds my soul like no one else. As I suck on her tongue and pull her closer to me, I know that what we
are doing is the right thing. I have been trying to keep things light for a while now, not wanting her to
get the wrong impression that I am only with her so that we can sleep together.
I moan as I taste chocolate. We had some of the treat earlier, and the taste combined with her is
heavenly. I don’t think I’ll be able to hold out much longer. Her body is on edge; every muscle is
tensed. It is like she is waiting for me to touch her everywhere. The anticipation reaching new highs.
My mouth opens in shock and frankly delight as she looks deep into my eyes while lowering to her
knees. She is going to return the favor I gave her in the bathroom of Ben’s Diner. I grin at her.
“Go on, baby.”
Her eyes glimmer with a challenge as she darts her tongue out of her mouth, wetting her lips
seductively. I am a volcano that is ready to erupt at any moment. My hips flex as she takes my shaft
into her hand. Her skin feels like silk against my throbbing member.
Rayne’s blue eyes hold a fire. Her passion is reaching new heights as we tread into unknown waters. I
hiss as her thumb rolls over my tip, spreading my precum.
“You have a bigger dick than I thought.”
I nod in answer, my voice caught in my throat. Pride swells in my chest, though.
Seeing her rub her hands up and down my member is one of my biggest wet dreams come to life. I
have had countless dreams like these, but the reality is so much better. I take her hair and hold it,
keeping it out of her face. “Thank you.” Rayne is breathless. I nod.
She kisses the side of my shaft, her mouth opening and then dragging around the skin next to my head.
A shiver ripples down my spine as I feel her hand go down to my balls. I hiss as she touches them, my
eyeballs rolling to the back of my head in pleasure. “Keep going baby.” My hips flex as she takes me
into her mouth. It is wet and hot. Her tongue is eager as she rubs it along the length.
My breathing quickens as her suction intensifies. Her hands are also very eager as she works on the
length that she cannot get into her mouth. She never leaves my balls lonely for too long either as she
sucks on them. My toes curl in pleasure as I try to keep from cumming in her mouth so soon.
I pull her up by her arms, her eyes wide, and a pop sound escapes as my dick comes out of her mouth.
“I need you,” I breathe out. There is no other way about it. I need to be inside of her, or I will die.
Her hips gyrate; my dick is resting just below her folds from where she is being held in my arms. Her
legs are wide. I can feel her wetness on my cock tip.
I put her down on the blankets we have set up. “Ready, little one?”
Rayne bites her lip in nervousness but then nods. The excitement about what can happen outweighs
the uncertainty.
I kiss her softly; it is filled with all the unspoken words we have between us. I wonder if she can taste
the unsaid words on my lips as she sucks on them. What would she do if she knew that I love her?
My shaft is at her entrance; the pink butterfly open. I push into her, my member struggling to go in. She
is very tight. I lean down and kiss the tears away. “I am sorry, baby; I didn’t know you were this
“You’re just huge.” We both find humor in it, laughing lightly as I push a little deeper into her and then
pull out. Push a little deeper and then pull out.
The rhythm builds to something steady. Something that is bringing me to coming undone. Rayne is
fierce as she claws at my back. My skin is stinging, but there is nothing much I can do about it. It is
putting gasoline on the fire. My eyes close as I try to inhale deeply.
“Deeper,” she sighs out, her hips eager as she moves with me. I can feel her walls starting to throb
and draw me in deeper.
I rub my thumb on her little clit.
“Fuck, what are you doing?” She sounds like she is having trouble talking. I grin, feeling pride as we
share the moment. Our eyes never leave one another.
“I am rubbing your clit so that you can cum harder.”
She nods, biting her lip. I take her lips onto mine and kiss her deeply. The burning inferno inside of
me is being satiated. This is all it needed to be calmed.
My hips flex harder and harder. The sound of slapping resonates through the house. Rayne is mewling
in pleasure, enraptured by it the same as I. She is pulling me in deeper and deeper into her tunnel until
she explodes. I follow her as her walls pull out my batter.
“Fuck!” I fall onto her. Rayne chuckles as she rubs my hair. I am still inside of her, throbbing.
I grin at her. “That was the most intense thing I have ever felt.”
“I am glad that we were able to experience this together.”
I kiss Rayne on her chin. Her eyes perk up. “Do you know what would be great as well?”
I shake my head as she gives me a childish grin. “If we go take a shower.”
“Yes. Yes. Yes!” I pull out of her and carry her to the bathroom.

“Then that is settled, we will no longer have her in the motorcycle club. She overstepped
the line one too many times.” My father bangs his gavel on the table. I jump at the sound, almost
forgetting why I am here. He gives me a warm smile as he pulls me into a bear hug.
“Thank you, Dad,” I whisper in his ear. The only problem is that the woman who is ruled out of the
MC is having none of it.
“You bitch!” Francine spits. I wipe underneath my eye as I step out of my father’s hug and closer to
“No, you never could control yourself and now, you know what happens when you mess with the
wrong people.” One thing my father has drilled into my mind is to never underestimate someone, and
that is exactly what I am doing as my mind is only set on one person, Ethan.
“You will pay for it!” she threatens.
I shake my head as I look at her. I didn’t see her hand moving behind her back, and I react the way
every other person would if someone is lunging at them with a knife. I raise my arm to defend myself.
My hand is stuck; I see the point of the knife coming through the other side. “What the fuck, you
psycho bitch?” I lunge for her as I pull out the knife. I don’t care about the pain; as all I see is red.
There is no other color. Just pure rage. I slam my fist into her face until I hear a crack.
I scream as I am pulled off her; “It’s okay, kiddo.” My father’s voice breaks my frenzy for blood. I go
limp in his arms, that is until the pain settles in and I am left with this void.
Everything is just crashing down on me as I sink to the floor in a bloodied mess. My father and the
rest leave me, knowing that I need this time to take care of myself.
“Hello?” Ethan’s sleepy voice makes me burst into tears. I can hear him sitting upright. “Little one,
where are you? What’s going on?”
“I need you; I think I need stitches in my hand, come please.” I break down even more.
“I am on my way, send your location.” The phone call ends, and I send him my address.
ALL I SEE IS disappointment as he gets to the bar. There is worry, but I know that he knows that
whatever was going on is coming to an end now. “Are you going to tell me the truth now?”
I nod. I’d asked everyone to leave, so it is just me and him in the room. No one to disturb him while
he works on my hand.
“What happened?”
I shrug, feeling a little numb. “Francine.”
Ethan’s eyebrows rise in frustration; clearly he is not getting the answer he wants.
“Look, the woman I care about is hurt so I have a right to ask questions. I’ve been in the dark since the
beginning and I’m sick of it.”
He is right, so I take a deep breath and gather all the courage I can. “Francine is the one that hit me
over the head with the glass.”
Ethan looks up from where he is stitching my hand. He already numbed the area with a shot. “What
does she have to do with your hand, and your knuckles that are bleeding as well?”
I am getting irritated at myself that I kept things from him from the start. “She was kicked out of the
motorcycle club I belong to.”
There is a long pause. His movements have stopped. I can see him visibly taking in the knowledge as
he just looks at me like I have lost my mind. I guess he doesn’t think that anymore as he nods.
He says nothing, and it is worrisome. I break the silence. “Please say something.”
“There is nothing for me to tell you, except that I have been clueless this whole time.” He finishes the
stitches and starts to pack up his bag. “You have a motorcycle. You have been in the hospital on
multiple occasions before we met.”
My heart is hammering in my head as he admits to looking through my medical history.
“What I don’t get, though, is why you kept it from me.”
My bottom lip wobbles. He hasn’t once before yelled at me or been mad at me like this. He isn’t mad;
I think he is livid. “I didn’t mean to make you mad,” I whisper, looking at his lips. I know if I look
into his eyes, I will be in pieces.
“I am not mad.”
I look into his eyes; I can see him closing himself off to me as he takes a step back.
“We are over.” He walks away from me. There is no room for explanations, nothing.

THINGS HAVE BEEN dull since the breakup. I was the one to walk away from her, yet it feels like she is
the one that took all the color from my life, leaving me with nothing but drab greyness.
“You okay, dude?”
I am dazed as I look up at Sebastian. He is one of the surgeons in my group of friends. I nod. “Yeah,
He gives me a sad smile as he shrugs. “You have been looking at your closed locker door for the last
ten minutes.”
He’s right; I have been on zombie mode for a while now, not feeling any joy. I am surviving the days,
no longer finding pleasure in anything.
A dark part of me wants Rayne to be as miserable as I am, but then I remember that I still love her,
and I don’t want her to hurt. I want her to be happy and with someone that she can be herself with.
With someone that she thinks she can trust . . . and that, evidently, isn’t me.

THERE IS A NOTE. I recognize the writing as I open it up. My breathing alters, my heart beats out of my
I put on my casual jacket.
“Woah, man, what is going on?”
I turn to Sebastian; he is looking at me worried. “Don’t worry, I just need to be somewhere right now.
Hopefully this will alter things for the better.”
Sebastian pats me on the back, always being someone that I can rely on. “Let me know if you need
“Thanks, man.” I rush out the door and to my car. I am sure that I break at least a dozen of traffic rules,
but I don’t care a bit.
I pull over to where our spot is, I am not that surprised to see the Bugatti parked there. My throat feels
thick as I rush out the car. She is here in front of me, her back turned to me.
“I thought you wouldn’t come.” She turns around and I almost fall to my knees. She looks just as
beautiful as I remember. I give her a small smile; I don’t want her to feel like I am here to cause her
any harmful feelings like before.
“Have you been eating?”
She shakes her head; I can see tears already surfacing. It is hard to keep my own emotions at bay
when I feel bad for hurting her like this.
She gives me a bitter smile. “It is difficult to eat when it feels like there is a hole in your chest.”
I don’t say anything, waiting for her to go on. Rayne clears her mind as she moves closer to me. “You
hurt me. I know I lied to you, but you never gave me a chance to explain. You just threw everything
we had to the side.”
“Don’t you think I feel shit about it?” I force out, my heart throbbing with heartache. “I have been a
zombie since the night we broke up. How would you have felt if the whole relationship was a lie?”
“It wasn’t a lie. My feelings for you are true.”
I shake my head. That is such a load of bull. “If what you felt for me was even close to real, then why
did you lie to me?” The question that has been nagging at me is finally out in the open.
Rayne bites her bottom lip; her frustration clear. “Because I loved you.”
Everything around us is silent.
“I loved you from the moment I saw you and I thought that if you knew what type of life I lead, and the
people I have in my life, you wouldn’t give us a chance. The right time never came up for me to talk
about it until I was stabbed in the hand. I knew I needed your help because the hospital would have
asked too many questions that I can’t answer.”
“I love you too.”
Rayne isn’t frantic anymore as she rushes over to me. She cries in my arms; this is the calmest I have
felt all week.
“Baby, please don’t lie to me about anything else as serious as that was.”
Rayne shakes her head frantically, her sincerity palpable. “I won’t if you promise you’ll never leave
me again.”
“I promise I won’t.” It’s a promise I intend to keep for a very, very long time.


RAYNE STANDS on her tippy toes as she kisses me. Our hands are frantic, pulling at each other’s
clothes, when there is a buzzing against my leg.
Rayne looks up at me, apologetically. “I’m sorry, but I have to take it; it’s Ellie.” Ellie is her
childhood friend; I must say I am cross with her as she is interrupting our time.
Rayne looks frustrated as she finishes the call. “She needs our help. She is too skittish to go to the
hospital and doctor and wants you to come look at her.” I shake my head, getting an idea as I nibble
on her earlobe.
“I’ll get Sebastian to go over to her; he said that if I need anything, I should call him.”
Rayne is on board as she tugs on my shirt. “Let’s get to making up.”
I chuckle as she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. Life is good with the woman of my dreams
loving me back.


She is calm. She is moving around the kitchen like she is in her element. It doesn’t look like she is
walking around, but rather gliding. Her long summer dress swerves around her ankles with every
movement. Her long blonde curls bounce. She is a natural beauty.
“So, Ellie. . . .”
She spins around, her eyes wide as she looks me dead in the eyes.
“What did you do to hurt yourself like that?”
She looks shy, biting her bottom lip. “I was busy hanging some pictures and I fell forward on the
ladder and hit my head against the wall.”
I can imagine the little woman needing a ladder to put pictures up.
Ellie narrows her eyes. “Don’t you dare laugh at me! I know I’m a mixture between short and clumsy
and everyone likes to laugh at me because of it, but how else would I get things put up in my house?”
She places the mug in front of me on the table.
“I can do it for you.” The words are out of my mouth before I can even think them through. Who says
she even wants my help?
“That would be amazing.” She looks up at me in wonder. She goes to sit across from me. Her moss-
green eyes looking mythical against her pale skin.
I lean over the table. “I will make you a deal.”
Ellie looks at me with apprehension and curiosity shining on her face.
“You can have me fixing or putting up things in the house for a month if you go as my date to the
wedding of my friend William, and his fiancée, Jane.” I know it is a long shot, but I need a date for it
as soon as possible and I know that she will be a great conversationalist.
“I don't know.” I can see the apprehension slipping into her demeanor. Her fingers tapping nervously
on the hot mug. She narrows her eyes. “I doubt that someone like you wouldn't be able to get a date,
so why do you want to take me, a stranger, to the wedding of one of your friends?”
I shrug, trying to play it cool. “Maybe I just like your conversation.” She gives me a deadpan look. I
can see she doesn't believe what I'm saying. I guess that's because if you can’t believe the lie that
you're telling yourself, then no one else will believe you.
I throw my hands in the air. I bite my bottom lip. “I want to go with you because you're the most
interesting woman that I've come into contact with this year.” Her cheeks turn even more crimson.
One of her hands covers her mouth like she's shy. She reminds me of a cupcake: she's sweet and small
and her curves are like the icing on top.
“Okayyy,” she drawls out, I know by the tone in her voice she doesn't believe me. What will I have to
do to make her believe? I know it's straightforward, but I reach over to her hand. It is soft underneath
my touch. She must moisturize a lot, because all the skin I’ve touched on her body has been soft to the
“Like I said, I'm sure that you have your fair share of women that you can take with you, so why
would you take me?”
I roll my eyes dramatically. “Because I don't want to be stuck in boring conversation all night. I want
someone as quick as you. Someone that's not afraid to keep things interesting, and . . . .” I pull my
mouth down a little bit, pulling my shoulders up, trying to give her the famous Robert De Niro look,
“if you can dance, that's a plus as well.”
Ellie isn't having any of it as she shakes her head. “I just don't feel comfortable going to a stranger's
“You won't be going alone, though.” I swerve my hands around my upper body and my face, indicating
that I am a person and will be there as well.
Ellie looks exasperated like she is trying to reason with a toddler, which obviously I am not.
emphasis on obviously. “Then come with me to the wedding.” I try to dig deeper. “Plus you have free
labor for a month.” I give her a cheeky smile, adding some innuendo. “You have nothing to lose; in
fact, you are the winner of this situation, because I get you for two nights and you get me for a whole
month . . . assuming that there will be a rehearsal dinner the night before, and then the wedding day as
well. And after that, if you want me in your life, we can deal with that when we get there.”
It seems she is rolling it around in her mind, as she worries her bottom lip. Looks like that's one of
her habits, something she does when she's nervous or thinking. “Okay.” Her voice is timid.
All I want to do is break her out of her shell. Take her on an adventure. Make her feel something. It's
weird what meeting one random person can do to the mind. There are deep parts inside of me that
want to test her limits and make her feel like life's worth living. I can see she's holding back. I mean,
it took me this long to convince her to go to a wedding with me.
Her pink lips pucker as she sips on her coffee, her little hands wrapped around the mug. She's
precious, the epitome of cuteness. I bite my tongue to say nothing, as I know it will probably make her
feel uncomfortable.
I hold out my hand for her to shake. “Is that a deal then?”
Ellie gives me a look of determination. My heart starts beating faster; this is what I’m talking about! I
want to get under her skin and make her feel simultaneously uncomfortable and excited.
“It is only if you dare.”
She reminds me of the saying “potent poisons come in small bottles”. I lean in even closer, her breath
mingling with mine.

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I f you enjoyed reading this book, you will for sure want to read Jonathan ( Hazelview
Medics’ Prologue). This is a story about Jonathan finding love again.
A chief resident who has better things to do than date someone.

A chief of the hospital who has always had feelings for her.

But what if it’s bad timing...again?

Stella Haynes has zero interest in dating. Zero. She is a recently divorced woman and tired of failures
in love, so she’d rather focus on something she’s great at: being a chief resident in the Hazelview
Memorial Hospital. However, everything changes when an old friend of hers, someone she’s been
working with for a long time, shows interest. Things can never be the same after that, but is it really a
bad thing?
Jonathan Smith has never had luck with timing. He has always had feelings for Stella, and they only
grew stronger with time...but the same thing happened as in most of his previous relationships: the
timing was never right. His heart starts beating faster after her divorce, and he feels it could be now
or never with the love of his life.
Please don’t let it be never.
Stella isn’t sure she’ll find the strength to resist Jonathan – or that she wants to resist the man she’s
beginning to realize is the right person for her. Jonathan wants to believe that the timing is finally
But is it, or are they going to end up as star-crossed lovers again?

I can’t wait for you to find out what happens with Jonathan and Stella…

Get your FREE books now!





HAZELVIEW Medics Series:


Clara Cruise believes in love. A romantic at heart, she always hopes love prevails. It’s no mystery why she writes and reads steamy
romance books. They provide a safe place to let her imagination run wild.
When she’s not reading, writing, or dreaming up new steaming hot romances for her fans, she enjoys spending time in nature, travelling,
or eating scrumptious meals and desserts, because food is love. She can be found living a wonderful life filled with love with her husband
and their three young children. Clara makes her home in the majestic Scottish Highlands.

For more information about her or her books, visit her here:

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