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Name: __________________________

Program: ________________________

I. Identify the given Filipino traits and values.

1. The Filipinos have the ability to understand the feelings and concerns of others. C_ _ ING and S_ARI_G
2. The agent is deserving of a positive reactive attitude, such as praise or gratitude. Virtue
3. Filipinos enjoy being with others and they are enabled to easily adjust to other nationalities. Warm and
Friendly People
4. The state of being free or at liberty, freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction,
hampering conditions, etc.; power or right of doing, thinking, speaking, etc., according to choice.
5. As children are trained to keep themselves clean during their early years, girls and boys are taught
personal hygiene by their mother. Cleanliness
6. those aspects in life that include customs, traditions, etc., which the people regard as necessary and
important in their dealings with one another. VALUES
7. A distinguishing feature or character of a person or a group of people. TRAIT
8. The Filipinos consider their family important to their achievement of personal happiness and well-being.
Family-centered people
9. The unit of society and consists, at least very recent times, of the parent, grandparents, and the children.
10. The Filipinos is predominantly a Catholic country, and whether the Filipinos go, they always make it a
point to honor Almighty God. Highly Spiritual People
11. They have the habit of kissing the hand of the elders, an act that means “mano” and this is shown in our
use of polite expressions, like po and opo. Courtesy
12. The Filipinos tend to be loyal to the region where they belong. This attitude is much prevalent during
election time because they support their candidate coming from their region. Regionalism
13. Despite being the path of typhoons, Filipinos remain positive about their situation. Optimism
14. Having and maintaining ‘good public relations.’ PAKIKISAMA
15. Aristotle most often used this term for character, which is etymologically linked to “ethics” and
“morality”. ETHE
16. The material world, especially as surrounding humankind and existing independently of human
activities. NATURE
17. The Filipinos in the celebration of town fiesta, wedding, baptism, birthday, and graduation often display
this trait. Extravagance
18. means something that a person or a group believes has a value that merits being sought, promoted, or
privileged. VALUE
19. It is recognizing and returning the favor to that person in the same measure who help them in times of
20. Those are dispositions of character for which it is appropriate to hold agents morally responsible. Moral
21. Freedom from disturbance; tranquility. It is a state or period in which there is no war or a war has ended.
22. It refers to good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy. HAPPINESS
23. The term “character” comes from the ancient Greek term. CHARAKTER
24. This is the most admired trait of the Filipino people. We received our visitors warmly and make them
feel that they are in their own house. Hospitality
25. The general condition of the body or mind with reference to soundness and vigor: good health; poor
health. soundness of body or mind; freedom from disease. HEALTH
26. The state or quality of being equal; correspondence in quantity, degree, value, rank, or ability:
promoting equality of opportunity in the workplace. EQUALITY
27. Comes from the person’s tendency to protect is or her dignity and honor. AMOR PROPIO
28. The state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect. DIGNITY
29. The state of being safe; freedom from the occurrence or risk of injury, danger, or loss. SAFETY
30. Capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in
grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc. INTELLIGENCE

II. Write TRUE if the statement is correct, otherwise FALSE.

31. Reason and impartiality become the basic prerequisite for morality as one is expected to be able to
deliver clear, concise, rightful, and appropriate judgments made out of logic and understanding in an
unbiased and unprejudiced manner while considering the general welfare to accurately concoct moral
32. Reason is the ability of the mid to think, understand, and form judgments y a process of logic. It is an
innate and exclusive human ability that utilizes new or existing information as bases to consciously
make sense out of thing while applying logic. FALSE – Reason-Impartiality
33. Truth in Ethics entails being justified by good reasons. That is, the rightful moral decision involves
selecting the option that has the power of reason on its side.
34. Impartiality in morality requires that we give equal and/or adequate consideration to the interests of all
concerned parties.
35. We cannot make an act moral or immoral just by wishing it to be so, because we cannot merely will that
the weight of reason be on its side or against it. And this also explains why morality is not arbitrary.
36. Impartiality in morality requires that we give equal and/or adequate consideration to the interests of all
concerned parties.
37. Truth in Ethics entails being justified by good reasons. That is, the rightful moral decision involves
selecting the option that has the power of reason on its side.
38. Justice spells the difference of moral judgments from the mere expressions of personal preference.
FALSE – Justice-Reason
39. Dispositions are particular kinds of properties or characteristics that objects can possess. Examples of
dispositions include the solubility of a sugar-cube in water, the fragility of porcelain, the elasticity of a
rubber band, and the magnetism of a lodestone (Timpe, 2002).
40. Virtue ethics represents the concept that individual’s actions are based upon inner moral virtue where
Aristotle was the leading figure of it.

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