English Script

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Narrator: when the dwarves came home in the evening they found snow white lying in the

ground she was not breathing at all. She was dead They lifted her up and looked at her
longingly they talk to her, shook her and wept over her, But nothing helped. The dear child
was dead , and she remained dead they laid her on a bed of straw and all seven sat next to
her and mourned for her and cried for three days. There were going to bury her, but she
still looked as freshed as a living person, and still has her beautiful red cheeks
. Violet(Cj): We cannot bury her in tha black earth she should reamain white, spotless as she
still is.
Narrator: they made a transparent glass of coffin, so she could be seen from all sides. They
laid her inside and wrote with golden letter in the box. Here lies the princess snow white.
Then they put the coffin out side on the mountain snow, the animals and the birds came
too and mourned for snow white. At the same time, a prince entered into the same
mountain area to hunt. He saw the crowd of dwarfs and animals around the glass case. The
prince wondered what in the world would be in the case that actrracted so many pretty
animals. The prince went near and read that was written on it with golden letters. He
thought this was the same girl who he had always dreamed of. Then he saw the dwarves
Prince(Selmo):let me have the coffin. I will give you anything to have this pretty girl.
Yellow(Noreen): we will not sell it for all the gold in the world.

Prince(Selmo):Please give it to me. I cannot live without being able to see her. I will die if
you wouldn't allow me to take her.
Orange(Noreen): are you crazy? What will you do with this dead body?

Prince(Selmo): I will honour her and build a manument near may palace to rest her soul in

Narrator: the good dwarves felt pity for him and accepted his demad. The prince had
servants carry it away on their shoulders.but then it happened that one of them stumbled
while picking the coffin this dislodged the piece of poisoned apple that he had bitten off.
The prince immediately ran and caught the coffin. He put her under a tree and gazed at her.
She was still looking pretty as we she was alive. The prince kissed her on the fore head. As
soon as he kissed the snow white, she opened her eyes. Snow white sat up and was alive

Snow white(tine): Good heavens, where an I? Snow White(Tine):you are with me. I am a
Narrator: And the prince told her what had happened. Snow White(Tine): Oh my god.....
You decided to keep me even if I was dead? But why?
Prince(Selmo): you are the only girl in my dreams. I love you more than anything else in
the world. Come with my castle. Will you marry me and be my queen?
Snow white(Tine): Yes, my charming prince but I want to see my father first. I wish that he
would bless our marriage.
Yellow(Noreen): but I heard that your father is lost somewere and hasn't come back to the
kingdom for a long time.
Snow white(Tine);this must be a trick of my wicked stepmother. Please di something so
that we can find him.
Prince(Selmo):Ok. Let's go the palace and search for him.
Narrator: so the prince decided to search for her lost father. He conquered her kingdom
against the wicked queen. In the castle, they discovered queen's secret room and found
snow white's father in secret prison and they realeased him. On the other hand when the
queen saw the the king realeased from prison, in the terror of the king and others, the
queen ran out of the kingdom and never ever was seen ever again. The king announced the
marriage of her dauther in the palace court. Snow white got married with a grand
celebration and splendour. Everyone live happilly ever after.
Narrator: The poor huntsman took Snow White into the forest, but found himself unable to kill the girl.

Gaurd(Selmo): Ohh pretty princess. Your stepmother ordered me to kill you. But I can't kill a beautiful and kind soul like you.
Run away as far as possible and never turn back to the castle again.

Snow white(Tine): Ohh kind man!!! My mother will punish you if you do not kill me.

Guard(Selmo): I will tackle her somehow but now you go. Narrator: Snow White ran as fast as she could. Huntsman hunts a wild
boar, presented its heart to the queen.

Step Mother(Clarizze): HAAHAHAHA Now I'm the fairest of all.

Narrator: Alone in the dark forest, Snow White is frightened by the trees and runs until little birds guide her to a small house.
Hungry and tired, she eats and falls asleep on one of the little beds. Meanwhile, the seven dwarves, who mine for gold, return
home to find a mysterious visitor sleeping in their beds

. Brown(Tasha): Who has been sitting in my chair?

Green(Lois): Who has been eating from my plate?

Violet(Cj): who has been eating my bread?

Blue(Selmo): Who has been eating my vegetables?

Orange(Jaymee):Who has been using my fork?

Green(Lois): Who has been drinking my cup?

Narrator: But the seventh one, looking at his bed, found a beautiful girl lying there asleep.

Red(Noreen) Someone is sleeping in my bed?

Narrator: The seven dwarves all came running up to the bed

. Green(Lois): ohh good heaven!

Violet(Cj):this girl is so beautiful!

Brown(Tasha): Shh. Let her sleep. Keep quiet.

Narrator: they all fell fast asleep surrounding her bed. The next morning Snow White woke up and when she saw the seven
dwarves, she was frightened.

Snow white(Tine):ohhh!

Narrator: The dwarves woke up hearing her shouting

. Violet(Cj): Don't be scared. Beautiful lady. We are the dwarves. You are in our house.

Brown(Tasha): What is your name?

Snow White(Tine): My name is Snow White

. Red(Noreen): How did you find your way to our house?

Narrator: Snow white told them about her whole story. The seven dwarves spoke with each other for a while and then said,

Brown(Tasha): If you will look after our house for us, Green(Lois):and cook,

Violet(Cj):make beds,

Blue(Selmo):wash, sew, & knit Orange(Jaymee):and keep everything clean and orderly, Brown(Tasha): then you can stay with us

Noreen:and you shall have everything that you want.

Tine:Yes, with all my heart.

Narrator: So Snow White lived happily with the dwarves. Every morning dwarves went into the mountains looking for gold.
And in the evening when they come back home, Snow White had their meal ready and thier house tidy. During the day the girl
was alone, except for the small birds and animals of the forest that she often played with

. Clarizze: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in the world is the fairest of all?

Cj: You, my queen, are very fair. It is true. But Snow White, beyond the mountains with the seven dwarves, is still a thousand
times fairer than you.

Clarizze: Noooo! That White girl is still alive. The huntsman had fooled me. I'll teach him a lesson later, but for now I have to
kill Snow White. But how? How? Tell me How?

Narrator: The queen, in a fit of anger, breaks a mirror and then, as an old peddler woman, visits the dwarfs' house beyond the
mountains with a poisonous apple in her hand, disguising herself with magic. Snow White puts her head out of the window to
greet the old woman.

Tine: Who are you, old lady? What can I do for you?

Clarizze: Open the door, Beautiful girl. I am very poor. I want to give you some apples to beg some bread for my dying husband.

Tine:I must not let anyone in. The seven dwarves have forbidden me to do so

. Clarizze: That is all right with me. Here, I'll offer you one of these fresh and delicious apples in return of a piece of the bread
loaf dear.

Narrator: When Snow White saw the beautiful and shining apples. She could not resist to have it, She went into the kitchen
brought big loaf of bread freshly made for the seven dwarfts meal. She gave it to the old lady and took the apples in return for
the dwarf's meal. She barely had a bite in ther mouth. She fell on the groud, dead. The wicked Queen transformed into her real

Clarizze: white as snow, red as blood, black as ebony wood! The sevem dwaves shall never ever awaken you.

Narrator: She immediately ran back to the palace and stood in front of the broken piece of mirror.

Clarizze: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in this land is tha fairest of all?
Narrator: The mirror finaly answerd as she was shining

. Cj: You, my queen, you are the fairest of all.

Noreen:and you shall have everything that you want.

Tine:Yes, with all my heart.

Narrator: So Snow White lived happily with the dwarves. Every morning dwarves went into the mountains looking for gold.
And in the evening when they come back home, Snow White had their meal ready and thier house tidy. During the day the girl
was alone, except for the small birds and animals of the forest that she often played with.

Clarizze: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in the world is the fairest of all?

Cj: You, my queen, are very fair. It is true. But Snow White, beyond the mountains with the seven dwarves, is still a thousand
times fairer than you.

Clarizze: Noooo! That White girl is still alive. The huntsman had fooled me. I'll teach him a lesson later, but for now I have to
kill Snow White. But how? How? Tell me How?

Narrator: The queen, in a fit of anger, breaks a mirror and then, as an old peddler woman, visits the dwarfs' house beyond the
mountains with a poisonous apple in her hand, disguising herself with magic. Snow White puts her head out of the window to
greet the old woman.

Tine: Who are you, old lady? What can I do for you?

Clarizze: Open the door, Beautiful girl. I am very poor. I want to give you some apples to beg some bread for my dying

Tine:I must not let anyone in. The seven dwarves have forbidden me to do so.

Clarizze: That is all right with me. Here, I'll offer you one of these fresh and delicious apples in return of a piece of the bread
loaf dear.

Narrator: When Snow White saw the beautiful and shining apples. She could not resist to have it, She went into the kitchen
brought big loaf of bread freshly made for the seven dwarfts meal. She gave it to the old lady and took the apples in return for
the dwarf's meal. She barely had a bite in ther mouth. She fell on the groud, dead. The wicked Queen transformed into her real

Clarizze: white as snow, red as blood, black as ebony wood! The sevem dwaves shall never ever awaken you.

Narrator: She immediately ran back to the palace and stood in front of the broken piece of mirror.

Clarizze: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in this land is tha fairest of all? Narrator: The mirror finaly answerd as she was shining.

Cj: You, my queen, you are the fairest of all.

Narrator:Once upon a time, a long, long time ago. A king and queen ruled over a distant land. The queen was very kind and
lovely and all the people of them realm adored her. The only sadness in the queen's life was that, she wished for a child but did
not have one. One winter's day, the queen was sitting near an ebony window and knitting wollen clothes. Suddenly a beautiful
Snowbird sat on the window startling the queen. The bird distracted the queen's attention and she pricked her finger. A drop of
blood fell down on the snow outside her window. As she looked at the blood fall on the snow outside her window, it turned into
a baby like face. She was surprised and said to god.

Mother(Noreen): oh snow god, I wish that I had a daughter that had skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black
as ebony

. Narrator: Soon after that, the Queen became pregnant but at the same time she fell sick. Many doctors tried to cure her but
she did not recover. Father(Lois):Ohh dear, don't worry, you will be all right soon. Please don't lose hope, trust in God. Our
dream of having a baby is about to be fulfilled.

Mother(Noreen):Yes, my dear. I'm hoping for the best. The snow God had blessed us. Nothing can go wrong.

Narrator:Soon the spring blossomed. The flowers bloomed everywhere as they were preparing for the baby coming. As the
days were drawing near, the queen became more and more sick. It was a bright morning. The sun was shining like it had to melt
the entire winter snow that day. The queen gave birth to a beautiful baby girl who had skin as white as snow,lips red as blood,
and hair as black as ebony.

Father(Lois): My Queen, you have given me the most precious gift ever. Please tell me what you want. I will fulfil your every
Mother(Noreen): Thank you dear. But now I don't think I can spend time with my little baby
Father(Lois): Ohhhh... Dear... (*/crying)

Noreen: You are as white as snow, I name you Snow White. Promise me, your majesty. You will always take care of our daughter
and promise me that you will get maried again. And never be sad in life without me.

Father(Lois): I will always take care of her at any cost my dear.

Mother(Noreen):Don't cry my king... Good-bye my love.. Good bye.

Father(Lois): Oh my darling.. Please don't leave me alone.

Narrator: The king, saddened by the death of the queen, marries again to provide a loving mother for Snow White. However,
the new queen is beautiful but cruel and controlling, using dark magic and a magic mirror to manipulate the king and others
around her.

Step mother(Clarizze): My dear mirror, oh mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of all?

Mirror(Cj): Oh my Queen, you are the fairest of all. Step mother(Clarizze): Oh really! Thankyou so much. You are a genius.

Narrator: As the time passed by, Snow White became prettier, fairer than ever before. She became the most beautiful girl in all
the kingdoms. The Stepmother started to feel jealous about her beauty.

Step mother(Clarizze): Mirror, oh mirror on the wall, tell me who's the fairest in the world

Mirror(Cj): You, my queen, are the fair and beautiful, it is true. But Snow White is even fairier than you.

Step mother(Clarizze): How dare you talk like this!? You are nonsense.

Mirror(Cj): Apologies,I am only made to speak the truth my lady.

Narrator: The Queen flew into a rage and called her huntsman.

mother(Clarizze): Take that Snow White into the woods and kill her and bring me her heart as proof.

Gaurd(Selmo): Yes, my lady.

Narrator: The Queen asked Snow White to go into the woods and bring back some magical flowers that will make her even
more beautiful in the world.

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