Sppeaking Code 2

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Part 1: 2 điểm (trả lời ít nhất 4/6 câu) (3 phút trình bày)
Let’s talk about traditional villages:
- Have you ever been to a traditional village?
- What are some popular traditional villages in your country?
- What should we do to maintain traditional villages?
Let’s talk about flowers:
- Do you like flowers?
- Which flowers are popular in your country?
- Are there any flowers with special meanings?


Part 2: 3 điểm (1 phút chuẩn bị, 2 phút trình bày)
Your youth club is supposed to invite a speaker to talk about his/ her life experience. 3
options are suggested: a famous singer, a company president, an excellent student.
Which option is the best?


Part 3: 5 điểm (2 phút chuẩn bị, 3 phút trình bày)
A. Phần luận: 3 điểm (bắt buộc phải làm phần này)
There are some benefits of living alone for students.


free Living alone

Your own ideas


B. Câu hỏi phụ: 2 điểm

1. Is living alone popular among students?why/why not?
2. What are the disadvantages of living alone??
3. Do students now live alone more than their parents generation did?why/why not?
4. Do more students live alone now than in the past?


1. I have been to a traditional village for 4 times since I was a student

2. In my country, Sa Dec Flower Village in Dong Thap Province has been well-known for a long time as
the flower capital of the Mekong Delta

3. to maintain traditional villages, I think we should spread the many benefits of traditional crafts

1. Yes, I do. I like flowers.because it is beautiful

2. Lotus is popular in my country because it is national symbol
3. Yes, There are. Roses with special meanings because it symbolize love

Part 2:

Company president: have much life experience to share/they are successful in their career/ they have good
communication skills and presentation skills.
Excellent student: He’s too young to have good life experience although he has good academic chievement.
Famous singer: they sing very beautifully but I am not sure they can deliver a good speech about sharing
life experience.

Part 3: living alone: free – independent- mature

In my opinion: Although it's good to live alone, I will feel lonely and homesick

Living alone (independence, freedom, peace)

One of the biggest benefits of living alone is independence. When you live alone, you are responsible for everything,
from cooking and cleaning to paying bills and managing your finances. While this may seem daunting at first, it
provides a sense of control and empowerment that can be incredibly fulfilling. You can create your own routines,
follow your own schedules, and make your own decisions without having to consult anyone else.

Another major benefit of living alone is freedom. You have the freedom to decorate your space however you want, to
play your music as loud as you want, and to come and go as you please. You don't have to worry about anyone else's
preferences or schedules, and you can truly make your space your own. This kind of freedom can be incredibly
liberating, and can help you feel more comfortable and confident in your own skin.

Living alone can also provide a sense of peace and quiet that can be hard to come by in other living arrangements.
You don't have to worry about roommates or family members interrupting your thoughts or activities, and you can
create a space that is truly your own. This can be especially important for introverts or those who need a lot of alone
time to recharge.

About mature: when I live alone I have to do many things and learn more new things like life skills, communication
skills, teamwork skills, leadership skills, how to grow up, more relationships. These things help me grow more and

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