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First voyage is Pigafetta’s detailed and comprehensive journal of his journey with Ferdinand Magellan.

He was one of the 18 of Magellan’s original crew who, having completed the world’s first
circumnavigation returned to Spain onboard another vessel, the Victoria.

Some important historical information found in his journal was on March 16, 1521, Magellan and his
crew arrived in the Philippines island, or what they called as islands of Ladroni. They first reached the
island of Zamal now known as Samar. On March 18, 1521, there came some natives giving signs of joy
for the presence of the crew of Magellan. The native Filipinos did welcome the foreigners warmly. As
described by Pigafetta, “they exhibited great signs of pleasure at seeing us.”

Seeing that the natives are reasonable men, Magellan gave them red caps, mirrors, comb, and other
things. In return, the natives offered fish, wine, coconuts, and other resources. It was then Magellan
named the place (Islands of Humunu) as the“Archipelago of San Lazarus” due to the several islands
located in that district. “Archipelago of San Lazarus” was the primitive name of the Philippines.

During Magellan’s stay, his plan to influence the faith of the people on the island he has conquered.
Because of that, the first Mass in our country happened on March 31 and Eastern day. The first cross
was then set up in Mazaua (Limasawa) as wished by Magellan for the benefits of the natives. From, the
beliefs of the Goddess and God which they call “Abba”, they threw this belief away as they embraced
Christianity which Magellan introduced.

At some time, Magellan and his crew went to Zubu (Cebu) on April 7, upon hearing good
reports about the island from the King of Mazaua. Unfortunately, they are not immediately warmly
welcomed, for they were asked to pay tribute, but Magellan refused to do so. There was a negotiation
through a notary. The King of Zubu asked for a drop of their blood as a sign of their friendship, both
agreed. On Zubu, the captain’s power to influence the faith of people worked.

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