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ICSE - X : 2023 – ’24 PHYSICS Pre-Mock Test

Maximum Marks : 80
Time allowed : Two hours
Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Section A is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section B.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].

(Attempt all questions from this Section.)
Question 1. [15]
Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options :
(Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only)
(i) In our houses, we have electric supply of frequency
(a) 50 Hz (b) 60 Hz (c) 55 Hz (d) 65 Hz
(ii) Choose the correct statement for a high tension wire.
(a) the high tension wire has a high resistance.
(b) the high tension wire has small surface area
(c) the high tension wire has low resistance and large surface area.
(d) the high tension wire has low resistance and small surface area.
(iii) A bulb is rated as ‘100W – 220V’. The resistance of its filament while glowing is given by
(a) 584  (b) 484  (c) 400  (d) 500 
(iv) A wire of length 80 cm under some tension produces a sound of frequency 256 Hz. What length of wire
produce a sound of frequency of 1024 Hz under the same tension.
(a) 10 cm (b) 100 cm (c) 20 cm (d) 200 cm
(v) See the figure along side and identify ‘X’.

(a) F1 (b) F2 (c) 2F1 (d) 2F2

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ICSE – X : 2023 – ’24 Physics : Pre-Mock Test QUESTION PAPER

(vi) Assertion : The mechanical advantage of a second class lever is more than one.
Reason : If effort arm is longer than its load arm.
(a) both assertion and reason are true.
(b) both assertion and reason are false.
(c) assertion is false but reason is true
(d) assertion is true but reason is false.
(vii) A light ray does not bend at the boundary in passing from one medium to the other medium if the angle of
incidence is
(a) 0º (b) 45º (c) 60º (d) 90º
(viii) Select the incorrect statement
(a) An actual machine always has efficiency less than 100%
(b) The mechanical advantage of a machine can be less than 1.
(c) A machine can be used as a speed multiplier.
(d) A machine can have mechanical advantage greater than its velocity ratio.
(ix) Name the quantity which is measured in kWh
(a) Energy (b) Power (c) Pressure (d) Force
(x) When a body vibrates under a periodic force, the vibration of the body are
(a) natural vibrations (b) damped vibrations (c) forced vibrations (d) resonant vibrations
(xi) Select the correct colour code for the insulation on the live, neutral and earth wire
(a) blue, green, brown (b) brown, blue, green (c) green, blue, brown (d) brown, green, blue
(xii) Identify the fictitious force from the following :
(a) Gravitational force (b) Electrostatic force (c) Centrifugal force (d) Centripetal force
(xiii) For the same kinetic energy of a body, what should be the change in its velocity if its mass is increased four
(a) velocity should be halved (b) velocity should be doubled
(c) velocity should be onefourth (d) velocity should be one fifth
(xiv) The most energetic electromagnetic radiations are
(a) microwaves (b) ultraviolet waves (c) X-rays (d) gamma rays
(xv) For which of the following substances, resistance decreases with the increase in temperature?
(a) copper (b) mercury (c) carbon (d) platinum
Question 2.
(i) (a) State the principle of moments. [3]
(b) Name a device which works on the principle of moments?
(c) What is a centripetal force?
(ii) A wheel of diameter 2m is shown in the figure alongside with axle at O. A force F = 2N is applied at B in the
direction shown in the figure. Calculate the moment of force about
(A) the centre O and (B) the point A. [2]

ICSE – X : 2023 – ’24 Physics : Pre-Mock Test QUESTION PAPER

(iii) The following figure shows a lever in use : [2]


(a) To which class of levers does it belongs?
(b) Without changing the dimensions of the lever, if the load is swifted towards the fulcrum. What happens to
the mechanical advantage of the lever?
(iv) Two bodies of equal masses are moving with uniform velocities v and 2v. Find the ratio of their Kinetic Energies.
(v) Write the essential conditions for total internal reflection. [2]
(vi) Name the material of prism required for obtaining the spectrum of
(a) ultraviolet radiation, (b) infrared radiation. [2]
(vii) Mention two characteristics of fuse wire. [2]
Question 3.
(i) (a) What is solenoid?
(b) State the rule by which polarity at the ends of a current carrying solenoid is determined. [2]
(ii) Draw the displacement-time graph for natural or free vibrations. [2]
(iii) The figure below shows I – V graph for two conductors A and B.
Which conductor has more resistance? Give reason to your answer. [2]

(iv) Derive the mathematical relationship between kWh and joule. [2]
(v) Mention two factors affecting the internal resistance of a cell. [2]

(Attempt any four questions from this section)
Question 4.
(i) (a) Write the harmful effect of ultraviolet radiations.
(b) Write any two uses of ultraviolet radiations. [3]
(ii) Complete the path of the ray through the glass prism of Critical angle 42º till of emerges out of the
prism. [3]



ICSE – X : 2023 – ’24 Physics : Pre-Mock Test QUESTION PAPER

(iii) Draw a ray diagram to show how a converging lens is used as a magnifying glass to observe a small
object. Write the characteristic of image. [4]
Question 5.
(i) State the energy changes in the following cases while in use : [3]
A. loudspeaker
B. washing machine
C. a solar cell
(ii) The diagram alongside shows a coil of several turns of copper wire near a magnet NS. The coil is
moved in the direction of arrow shown in the diagram. [3]


(a) In what direction does the induced current flows on the coil?
(b) Name the law used to arrive at the conclusion in part (a).
(c) How would the current in coil be altered if the coil has twice the number of turns?
(iii) Two resistors of 4 and 6 once connected in parallel. The combination is connected across a 6V
battery of negligible resistance. [4]
(a) Draw the related circuit diagram.
(b) Calculate the total resistance of the circuit.
(c) Calculate the current through the battery.
(d) Calculate the current though the 4 resistor.
Question 6.
(i) Anil and Sushant were performing practical experiments in physics laboratory. Both of them have drawn
two separate V – I graph according to their own experiment as in figure (a) & in figure (b) of the
given resistors. [3]

fig (a) fig (b)
(a) Identify the non-ohmic resistor. Give a reason for your answer.
(b) Give one example of non-ohmic resistor.
(ii) A block and tackle system has 5 pulleys. If an effort of 1000 N is needed in down ward direction
to raise a load of 4500 N, calculate [3]
(a) mechanical advantage
(b) the velocity ratio
(c) the efficiency of the system.

ICSE – X : 2023 – ’24 Physics : Pre-Mock Test QUESTION PAPER

(iii) A pendulum with bob of mass m is oscillating on either side from its resting position A between the
extremes B and C at a vertical height h above A. What is the kinetic energy K and potential energy
U when the pendulum is at
(a) A and C ?
(b) If the bob of above pendulum is imparted a velocity of 5 ms–1 when it is at its mean position
then to what maximum vertical height will it rise on reaching at its extreme position, if 60% of
its energy is lost in overcoming the friction of air? [g = 10 ms–2] [4]
Question 7.
(i) A person standing between two vertical cliffs at 640 m away from the nearest cliff, produces sound.
He hears the first echo after 4s and the second echo 3s later. Calculate : [3]
(a) the speed of the sound in air.
(b) the distance between the cliffs.
(ii) A flat coil ABCD is freely suspended between the poles of a U-shaped permanent magnet with the
plane of coil parallel to the magnetic field. [3]
(a) What happens when current is passed in the Coil?
(b) When will the couple acting on the coil be maximum?
(c) Name an instrument which makes use of the principle stated above.
(iii) The diagram below shows three ways in which a string of length l in an instrument can vibrate.

l l l
fig (i) fig (ii) fig (iii)
(a) Which of the diagram shows the principal note?
(b) Which vibration has a frequency four times that of the first?
(c) Which vibration is of the longest wave length?
(d) What is the ratio of frequency of vibrations in diagrams (i) and (ii)?
Question 8.
(i) (a) An electromagnetic wave has a frequency of 500 MHz and a wavelength of 60 cm. [3]
A. Calculate the speed of the wave.
B. Name the medium through which it is travelling.
(b) What is dispersion of light?
(ii) A convex lens forms an erect and three times magnified image of an object placed at a distance
10 cm in front of it. Find : [3]
(a) the position of the image.
(b) the focal length of the lens.
(iii) (a) Name the factors on which shift by which the object appears to be raised depends.
(b) State the principle of conservation of energy. [4]

ICSE – X : 2023 – ’24 Physics : Pre-Mock Test QUESTION PAPER

Question 9.
(i) Write the position of centre of gravity for the following : [3]
A. circular disc
B. Hollow Cone
C. Triangular lamina.
(ii) (a) Write two differences between potential energy and kinetic energy. [3]
(b) Complete the following :
1 H.P = W..
(iii) Show that the total mechanical energy is always conserved in the case of a freely falling body under
gravity from a height h. [4]

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