RDD Questions

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1. How do you create an RDD in PySpark?

2. What is the main difference between RDD and DataFrame in PySpark?

3. Explain the concept of partitions in RDDs.
4. How can you specify the number of partitions when creating an RDD?
5. What is the purpose of the `map` transformation in PySpark?
6. How does the `filter` transformation work in PySpark?
7. What is the `flatMap` transformation used for in PySpark?
8. Explain the purpose of the `union` transformation in PySpark.
9. How do you perform the `distinct` transformation on an RDD in PySpark?
10. What is the difference between `groupByKey` and `reduceByKey` transformations?
11. Explain the concept of lineage in PySpark RDDs.
12. How can you use the `collect` action in PySpark?
13. What is the purpose of the `count` action in PySpark?
14. How do you use the `take` action in PySpark?
15. What is the significance of the `reduce` action in PySpark?
16. How can you persist an RDD in memory in PySpark?
17. Explain the difference between `cache` and `persist` methods in PySpark.
18. How do you perform an outer join on two RDDs in PySpark?
19. Explain the purpose of the `sortBy` transformation in PySpark.
20. How can you use the `foreach` action in PySpark?
21. What is the significance of the `fold` action in PySpark?
22. How do you perform a left outer join in PySpark?
23. Explain the purpose of the `sample` transformation in PySpark.
24. How can you use the `aggregate` action in PySpark?
25. What is the role of the `zip` transformation in PySpark?
26. How do you perform a cartesian product of two RDDs in PySpark?
27. Explain the purpose of the `subtract` transformation in PySpark.
28. How can you handle missing values in PySpark RDDs?
29. What is the significance of the `pipe` transformation in PySpark?
30. How do you use the `coalesce` transformation in PySpark?
31. Explain the purpose of the `repartition` transformation in PySpark.
32. How can you perform a join operation on two RDDs in PySpark?
33. What is the role of the `cartesian` transformation in PySpark?
34. How do you use the `first` action in PySpark?
35. Explain the purpose of the `foldByKey` transformation in PySpark.
36. How can you use the `foreachPartition` action in PySpark?
37. What is the purpose of the `top` action in PySpark?
38. How do you perform a right outer join in PySpark?
39. Explain the concept of broadcast variables in PySpark.
40. How can you use the `intersection` transformation in PySpark?
41. What is the purpose of the `takeSample` action in PySpark?
42. How do you use the `glom` transformation in PySpark?
43. Explain the significance of the `keyBy` transformation in PySpark.
44. How can you perform a full outer join in PySpark?
45. What is the purpose of the `foldLeft` transformation in PySpark?
46. How do you use the `lookup` action in PySpark?
47. Explain the role of the `partitionBy` transformation in PySpark.
48. How can you use the `foreachRDD` action in PySpark?
49. What is the purpose of the `subtractByKey` transformation in PySpark?
50. How do you perform a cogroup operation on multiple RDDs in PySpark?

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