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Stn) CHIN LEAN LE Ataf SDN BHD Company profile & Quality. 2 PVC Introduction & Process Flow. 3 Typical Of Test Requirement. 4-5 Chemical Resistance Data....... 6-7 Advantages & Applications of PVC Pipes. 8 Product Ranges. 9 Product data : * Pressure pipes. 10-42 + SW pipes... e . AB # Underground pipes......-esn | * Telecommunication cables... - 15 * Pressure fittings, vcs 162 AT © SWV fitlings....eoscnenenennnetee . 18-19 Installations......cnneenne salto ones 20 = 23 Others product: *# Gas, air & garden hose... a 24 * Gasket Glazing System... 25 5 a5 well as for commercial usage, Chin Laan Piao Factory Sc Bh is oc facies wth ample local woklorse of ote than 100 workers eal awn of inthe stats of Perak Dar Rizuan, The company involved in the manutacturing c quality UPVC pipes during the ear Xs wih th roosts of Sr approval forts product. The company’ majo market covers the whole of Peninsular Malaysia as well as Sabah ‘and Sarawak, dealing wih major hardware shop and also exports fo neighboring Singapore and Gr Recent, the company has been award contacto supply qusliy UPVC pipes to Water autboray Ike Lambage ‘A Porak (LAP) and SAJ Holding San Bh for the wale reteuation projects, With our own fleet of ly anspor, the compary is abla to deliver is product to any corner of penineuar Malaya at the shortest We produces uPVC pipes of consistent quay product contnuly as the company receved cetied Quality ‘System and produt cori 13 lon + Year 1993; received product approval rm Sim + Year 2002: received 150 MS 90012000 fem Sim QAS International Scr. hs ° Pelyvinylehiorie (PVC) PVC etand for Peyvylcleride has he oldest and ast common wth ‘much wider range o! use as compared to ay oter pti, The term of UPVC oF unplasicited PYC means witout the use plastcleing gents. belong tothe thermoplastic group wich canbe formed and ‘esormad repeated, they soften when ested and haiden when PVC is resistant to most chemical and excollnt propetias of the ‘votsatla and economical as lstod inthe tae 1 below PVE tenures smal processing adesves er vse In extnuding and inten moulding suchas Stablisers ~The lula of some plastics to assist in mining the propertios of the mataril at of near thar iil valves during processing and working fe, [Lubricant - Adie in small ropocions to the formulation of a plastic to'acitate processing oro proven icking Pigment - As prodong the required colo Files - Soi material aed 10 plastic and every mised with i 1 improve is strength, sail, ale processing or instance to reduce p> posits anufacturi Properties of PVC ety v4-15pe0* eset sae myst) natn wo gL én 4, 1 — Ps tneaming —s <5 Faxing | sa— — Packing aw Matai Store Paring Fished Storage Pang Mixing esnicn Delve Sie ypical of test requiremen ‘TESTING -Goneral to categories of testing ae caries ou: Routine est & Type test, 1) ROUTINE TESTS: Those tests ae card eu on pipes, rpleces cu tom pipes at lest cnce in every 8 hous production rn Heat reversion 10 Geterinw tho amount of resicual exruson sess in pipes by use {an air ciculating oven. No changes of length exceed 5% at tamperature of 150°C andthe sap shal show no racks, cavitas of bites Metod: M3628, MS762, MS97E, MSOTS, MSIOS4 & MS1053. Impact strength “he pipe sample must withstand eer single oF mutiple crop of ‘tikes weight for tue impact rate (TIR}bolow 10% at a conidence loval of 90% at temperature of 20°C. Mase of strker for his test showed in tabie Method: MS628, MS762, MSO78, MSO7®, M1004 & M1063. * dane es ay ‘Short-term hydrostatic pressure test Te determine he pipe shal be fee fo dtainaton =a secre cori no oes me a eer ‘To ensure that the pipe sirength can stand at least 1 hour at 20°C oa aan ha ‘aa wat diet pease 38 tm wig pew cad, Bes sé leg ara ewan ye oa Mass Of striker For impact Test = is is 1s monroe massa 2 18 ™ so ‘0 o 2TWPETESTS ‘hese tests are card out foreach eae and tyne of pipe wherever change in the frmulaten af mata process use er design. ‘Vieat softening point oF datormation temperature Te determine the deformation temperature ofthe material unde given fad shall not be lower than: 75° fe Pressure pipe, 79°C or Sewerage pipe and 81°C for SWV Pipe ard Tlocommunicaien cable Method: 8S 2762: Method 1208 Tonal strength ‘To determine the strength over longaton characteris of pipe ‘mater when applied terion force tothe sample pieces. The pipe sample should not lower than 80% elengaton at break and tensile strength ae tate bal +45 MPa for SHV and Sewerage pipe 124.1 MPa for Telecorsmunieaton abe. Metnod: 85 2782/2208 Long torm hydrostatic strength To determine @ 409s over time regression characterise forthe pipe maetal when appli at Miia oo cee ee ft momma enue | omer temo mec st we Dime 2 Lt eo Sioa ae Ty Ot: om ee Lo Reem cg mmm tows eta gk RAR a ao = i. os Lot Sk fo ce wr ea ee kee m iis re a wet St meine pera idvantages Low HyoROLIC RESISTANCE; “ha smooth bore of UPVC pe mane reduces frictional losses, having no cogaing, improve tow characteristics and decreased pumping house power toughness coon sony 0008, much ss than other pipes, {LOW WEIGHT, EASE OF HANDLING AND MAINTENANCE; UPVC pape very ght weight, convenient o nana, easy 10 CU and jin. May save installer cost and even Luneklea labour can install thor. is also noted ha the ease of maintonarce or parson uPVC pes. (CHEMICAL RESISTANCE; UPVC pipes are very good chemical and physical properties, which provides resitanes to wide ange a chemicl such as axis a ane WEATHER & CORROSION RESISTANCE; UPVC pipes are resistance to woathring, chemical ating, corsion, shock and abrasion. FLAMMABILITY; PC Is nherenty itu to lane and stops burning ence Me soue of Name i removed. Compared to is common plate atematives uPVC perorme beter in tems of ower comustibly, abil, fame propagation and heat release, NON QUALITY WATER EFFECTED: UPVC isn txi, non-corrosive and doas nt alow any bacterial growth meets wil lineation standards for safety and neat or bon prodets and appicatons for which ts used. HIGH ELECTRIC RESISTANCE; PVC Is non-conductelctty and electric action. Ii therloe an excolere mato to use for elactica ‘appstions aed ayng telephone cables + Water supplier enginecring + ngaton Engineering + Drainage & Sewerage Enaineering + Gof Gourse Engineering + Electic Enainasring + Fahey uve for pista ‘+ Telecommuricaon Engineeting 5 Mining Pant Free + Gas supply Enginoong Mining Pant + ere + Free Way Engineering vical Fectony + Wel siting Engineering * Agrcutal Ground , paceman Grand vier Exgineing °C oduct ranges ¢ UPVC PRESSURE PIPES 1Mg628. Part 1 & MS7E2(BS9EC & BS3508 ) * ‘Speciation for uPVC pipes or cold water suppl Pipes soe Par2 (884846 ) ‘Speciation for uPVC pipes or cold water supp, ‘Jos ana Fins for vse win UPVC pipes UPVC NON-PRESSURE PIPES us 1065 8 SOTA ( BSASt4 & BS 5255) + uPVC so wast and verlatng spas. Iusova: Part 1& 2(BSAee0 & 855481 ) + UPVC sewerage underground ppot. UPVC CABLES PIPES. stat 1 conduit for underground tlecommunietion cables ‘uPVc PRESSURE FITTINGS s626 Pan 2( 854348 ) + Speceain fer PYC (uPVC) pes fe old wate supp Joints and tings ‘or use wih uPVC pres ‘PVC NON-PRESSURE FITTINGS "Mst063 & M978 (BSA T4& BS5255) ‘uPVC eo, wasie ang ventlaingitings ‘sora Part 8 2( BS4E60 & 895481) 1 UPVC sewerage underground fing. PVCGAS HOSE ASINZST8ED ‘+ Hose fr quested peteleum gases (LP gas), Natural gae ana town gas PVC GARDEN HOSE & TUBING sara + PVC Reinforcing hose & PVC fx hose, PVC INSERT TUBE (GASKET) GLAZING roduct data ¢) UPVC PRESSURE PIPE = UPVC presaue pipes application for water supply o nds use wih pressure rating fom 6 bar ta 4 ba GGonoraly standard caiow is grey can be made oe colour e.g be and wa clan's request This produc. ‘sorpled wih standard of MIS628 part 1 (BS3EOS ) UPVC pipo for water suply & MS7O2 ( BS3506 ) UPVC pipe fering use This pressure poe are specie by 3 catagories: ‘Nomina sizes UPVC pressure pipes ae specied the nominal ameter Inntinetr un and the measurement actualy base on ‘utsige ameter of pipes. These product ange are fram sas of smn 0 200mm and naw we wit eeveloping unt 526 400mm, 2.class of pipes Ciasstcatons of pipes are accering withthe maximum ‘working proseure in unt MPa/ Bar 8 FS as state nee 4 St we we 2.1ype of joint Ce er) UPVC pipes provided we types of int, oe mak pressure pipe as below ma) $s aa *"Bolimeuthjont ma i ms me ae te * Soivent cement int mis isa D Dimension Won 42 sik ae aaa ata Pipes supplicdin standard length 6m ormmaybooter Sem 422d lengita can bemade meet the customer request. sium aA oak ETB Thedamote and wallthckassofpipe ae showedin Stam hha aan te tables. fen 25 bas aha tng raquo = ake eutne st Type west pisses + Determation temperature (iat storing pent) {impact strength + Long tem nycrocatis preseire * Shor term hyerostate + Fracture toughness 1 Resistence to astone Dimension of uPVC Pipes MALLTHCKNESS (ren) NoMMAL OUTSIDE CLASSO CLASSB PND PN? PIS LASS. ‘Sc DIETER ioe () (rm) (om) sma uses sea te o aan wie asin anar Hs 2 wis tae win air agus Sale a2 6 meres saree suas ages ara ow muy wz naine aura) 8 8m zuama yar save Tava n ass fom masa yar agit arti rua tat sens egies aus aria sierra arena tnsmense ras codes Welder te! uPVC BELL-MOUTH JOINT Tis bint cores win MSE2B Pan 2 BS4546) and product range covers sizes fr Comm to SCO, The prneipas of nt are use of rubber sealing ring for good saalng purpose, easy and aucky to instal. Rubber eg Fentin which an elastomeric seaing component automaticaly compressed io frm anefectve toa whon the spigt end i insor nto the socket Insertion length (A)'s defiod a he distance between te aelng plane andthe regitrn the oot ‘of socket. The minimum angths sha be nat ss than ‘he appropiate length as sown in table 6 o& clout by foJation a stato 5040220 Where: fe te mean outside cameter ad nat tn lie ites mark Fubberseing ings comp 98S 24040 AS 1646 trot © Caiatarrensfreraplece constr, ood = TwNS retained irs tho bal, easy and sa insaaton a ponanecreaba(eteresia rng a eee enimen ere Sa ntabe = fu. mF Test rquiroment — = SS +" Shortemhyseatepessie —_ = —— Fubber Sealing Ring Dimensions “pe et 1 neg prossr tent * ‘a + Longtem nyse pressive = a + Foming aly, ms mae «oduct data SOLVENT CEMENT WELD JOINT ‘This joint according to IS 628 Pat 2 (S445) To achieve the song lak ee ont in a preaaie pipe Salient cement isa sosin of resin n a mbaure of solvents which sof the suaces when app fo spigot and ‘ochet of VC pipes. The pricipal his savant welding sina, whieh schent cements appied tothe bth urlaces spigot and socketto be mated. The selvant causes spigot ang socket eaten and sel, the two surfaces sre queky brought egather and rec trmiyn place wht dong and oeting takes place, Dimension Sete mension of intemal damier and depth at * socket are important or goed results froin as Stated ntable& Joins Bonding The principal of cement ont ae show below: DIFFUSION ADHESIVE 5 ‘omen mse t a Dimension of socket ieee ons Renee Ost mine at el toner" patted dh noo my ‘a a a oo o 11 33 85 » wt 95 ] Memes soa m omens 80 GEESE! + sau moms oma tas oduct data uPve SW PIPES SYK ae abbreviate om Sol Waste and Ventilating pies wth compli 0 MS 1068 (BS 4518) and MS 972 {BS 255) wich intended to uae for sol and waste dacharge pipework or conveyance wast war, vetiston pipework asocited and rarwarpipe-werk thin the aulcing evucture. Pipes avalabioin he sizes rang from 32mm to 315mm an table [Colour - Si pipes are manulacturerin White colours Dimension of Sol, Waste & Ventilating pipes Dimenston “nis Meme Sliema Pipes ae supped vith ents ar & 6m spe ont 2 owe we Hsp cone wea Stert corer abr. mR TE a er NRE resingRoganent er er Poste eee moe 1 roster allies soi vasa ia) + wemestenna anperaueforseSormandabow mh ahs +2) Tena eps tr oe arm an above an Ey ss J # Blevated temperature cycling ms a ae 7 a PET) UPVC SEWERAGE PIPES LUPYC sewerage pipes manufacturer wth comply to MS O7APart | and Part? (BS4660 & BSSAB! ) Pipes application forthe convayance of normal domestic fluent Including foul and surfece water eawere (Colour -Genaraly manutacurern goldan brown, but can made othe colour i lent request, Dimension ‘he pipes are supplied wth Standard length of én. Pipe timension a5 showadin abl 10. Type ot joint ‘he int pipes ar aalabo of two ype + Bethmauth int + SoWant coment weld joint Testing Requiroment Foutine tat + Heat version + impact strength + essance to acetone Type test + West string temperate (Celomaton tarpertss) = mo mr (a) lense propertis oe up f 56mm 36 sso oss ) eval emparstre cing He Up oS ~ oo mos ©, ress pr frie 200% and above ° sw ool legave prea er bln tame | LuPVE TELECOMMUNICATION CONDUIT ‘Application IFC conduits ae constructed o ensue ralibla mechanical prtecon tothe teecommunicaton cables ‘Contained theren wie range of underground staliaion. These cenduls ae compiod wih standard of soa colour The colour of cond ‘Type Of Joint eat are ‘conduit i supped in spigot and socket fom wth intgral the sovent coment weld on. iT =| T i Dimension | re

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