Critical Analyze The Different Committees and Commissions On Education

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Critical analyze the different Committees and Commissions on Education.

The Indian education system has evolved to a great extent from the Vedic days to today’s e-learning. However,
there is a one thing that remains common between the two scenarios, and that is the importance of education. In
India, there has been a constant effort to improve the education system therefore the various commissions have
come into play to fulfill this need. All the education commissions and policies have reiterated the need to bring
about the quality education in India and this can be seen right since the colonial era till post-colonial period. The
Indian education system is predominantly based on the recommendations of some of the important committees
and commissions such as Radhakrishnan Commission (1948-49), Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Hunter Commission (1882), and University Grant Commission (1956) and so on. The
Government appointed these various commissions to study the barriers of education and suggest the remedial
measures for it. They provided many valuable methods for the progress of education in general.
Hunter Commission (1882):- The Hunter Commission was a land mark commission appointed by Viceroy Lord
Ripon with the objectives to look into the complaints of the non-implementation of the Wood’s Dispatch of 1854.
The Commission was headed by Sir William Wilson Hunter. Its report is considered to be an important stage in
history of education India. Its important recommendations are: encouragement to primary education, provide the
secondary education, emphasis on moral and physical education, scholarships for women, grant-in-aid for
indigenous school and so on. Most of its recommendations were accepted by the British Government.
Radhakhrishnan Commission (1948-49):- The first commission that appointed in the post- independence period
was the University Education Commission under the leadership of Dr. Sarvapalli Radha Krishnan. The
commission suggests the aims of university education is to produces able citizens, to preserve and develop the
culture and civilization, to generate new ideas, to promote wisdom and knowledge of all kinds. The Commission
recommended for post-graduate training and research, professional education, religious education and most
importantly it stressed on the Womens’ Education. As per the Commission “There cannot be educated people
without educated women”. The Commission has recommended that there should be ample opportunities for
women’s education. Co-education may continue in Basic schools and Universities. The Commission stressed that
“Women should get good education as men get”. The recommendations of Radhakrishnan Commission were
reinforced by the Mudaliar Commission appointed in 1952.
Mudaliar Commission (1952-53):- On September 23, 1952 the government appointed a commission on
Secondary education headed by Lekshmana Swamy Mudaliar. It is known as Mudaliar Commission. Some of the
main recommendation were, to open a separate schools for girls, to open technical schools, to provide the study
of language, to provide the religious education and so on. The Mudaliar Commission observed as regards financial
aid to the secondary education.
Kothari Commission (1964-66):- This Education Commission was appointed under the leadership of Dr. D. S.
Kothari in 1964. The general principles and policies of this commission were for the development of education
of all stages and in all aspects. Some of the major recommendations are: to provide free and compulsory education,
to develop the languages, to maintain the equalization of educational opportunities, to provide the education for
agriculture and industry, to spread of literacy and adult education, education of minorities, to provide women’s
education and so on. Thus, the Kothari Commission has played a pivotal role in the development of education in
Thus, when one of these commissions failed to meet the expected goal of education, they faced the criticism and
consequently another policy or commission popped up. In this way several changes and modifications on the
previous recommendations have been observed so far. From the last century India has been experiencing
numerous changes in the form of recommendations which may lead to a better society.

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