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Dave Elmar paloma


Oil giant Petron Corporation's corporate social responsibility efforts

were recently lauded by the Management Association of the Philippines with
two awards.

Petron was recognized for its "Growing. Greening. Giving Back: Making
CSR and sustainability a way of life in Petron" strategy while for the Best in
Environment and Sustainable Development Special Award, the oil company
was cited for its "Measuring, Managing and Minimizing our Environment
Footprint in Bataan" program.

Recognized Petron's efforts to integrate corporate social responsibility into its

overall corporate strategy as shown by the company's commitment to care
for the community and the environment while achieving its economic
objectives. For the Special Award for Environment and Sustainable
Development, MAP noted Petron's initiatives to preserve and protect the
environment and promote sustainable development in Bataan, particularly in
effectively managing its water use and consumption, waste generation,
greenhouse-gas accounting and air-emissions inventory as well as its
leadership in implementing the Bataan Integrated Coastal Management

fueled by our commitment to create a positive impact on every Filipino whose

lives we touch on a daily basis. This means conducting our business in a
manner that places equal importance on our social and environmental
commitments together with our business objectives," said Petron chairman
and chief executive Ramon Ang. "We see the value of CSR in enhancing our
business and its role in ensuring the long-term success of our business.

Good governance is fundamental to social and economic progress. It

promotes trust in society, empowers citizens, and fosters opportunities for
sustainable development.
In light of this reality, it's critical to focus on the potential of creating
positive social change through better governance policies in countries like the
Philippines. As a nation that has experienced decades of political turmoil and
entrenched inequality, breaking down barriers and building up hope start
with making sure people are equipped with the tools needed to participate
meaningfully in their government’s decisions. Fortunately, hopes of progress
and positive changes in Philippine society are being pushed forward by strong
forces of good governance. The mission to break down significant barriers and
build up promising prospects is gaining powerful momentum, allowing us to
truly believe that a brighter future lies ahead for everyone in the country.
The EO set long-term commitments to an open government, focusing on
moving forward on mechanisms that can be used in the digital age, tapping the
potential of technology to make governance and policy-making more
accountable and transparent, and preserving democracy through key
institutional reforms. As one of OGP’s eight founding governments, the PH-
OGP has been engaging in a number of reforms and initiatives that are aimed
not only at strengthening democratic processes and ensuring better public
participation, but also at advancing digital transformation and improving
access to public information, among others. Marcos has repeatedly urged
government officials to "uphold accountability and inhibit corruption" as he
sought support for legislation like the E-Governance Act, which will
institutionalize digitalization in the bureaucracy, and the creation of a single
operating system for all government transactions to guarantee the ease of
doing business and, in turn, encourage investments.

Covid-19 pandemic can influence the developments of CSR and

marketing. We argue that Covid-19 pandemic offers a great opportunity for
businesses to shift towards more genuine and authentic CSR and contribute to
address urgent global social and environmental challenges. We also discuss
some potential directions of how consumer ethical decision making will be
shifted to due to the pandemic. In our discussion of marketing, we outline how
we believe marketing is being affected by this pandemic and how we think this
will change, not only the context of marketing, but how organizations
approach their strategic marketing efforts. We end the paper with a
identifying a number of potentially fruitful research themes and directions

What we do know is that the world has changed. Like other global events with
planet-wide impact, Covid-19 could potentially change how we see the world,
the ways in which we think, and how we conduct our lives. Notwithstanding
the human tragedy of lost lives, broken families, and scarred communities, the
economic and social changes caused by a pandemic-driven lockdown will
constitute a cultural legacy which will live long in our memories and those of
future generations. The pain is personal, emotional, psychological, societal,
economic, and cultural; and it will leave scars. In many regards, we view
Covid-19 as a new normal global changing, so many trends and new things
come out, in fact we experienced and learn a lot of lessons.

Therefore probably the Covid-19 pandemic represents one of the most

significant environmental changes in the modern marketing history, which
could potentially have a profound impact on corporate social responsivity
(CSR), consumer ethics, and basic marketing philosophy. The short-term
impact of Covid-19 is immediately and effortlessly felt, due to the widespread
lockdown and social distancing measures globally. However the pandemic will
end, it is already set to have long-lasting profound economic, social, political,
and cultural impacts. In this paper, we discuss some preliminary ideas on how
this pandemic can influence the field of CSR and marketing philosophy. In
terms of CSR, we will discuss its impact on CSR opportunities and trends, and
consumer ethics. In terms of marketing, we will focus on its potential
implications on the core marketing concepts, the context of marketing, and
marketing strategy.

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