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(Model Question Paper)
Time : Four hours Maximum : 100 Marks

Answer ALL questions

Part – A (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

1. State the purpose of aeration process.

2. What do you mean by “Terminal velocity gradient (G)”?
3. Define microstraining.
4. State the method of disposal of screenings.
5. What is sutro weir?
6. How do you distinguish between plug flow and completely mixed
7. What do you mean by epilimnion zone in lakes?
8. State the difference between sewage forming and effluent irrigation.
9. State the causes for bulking of sludge in activated sludge process.
10. What do you mean by two stage digestion of sludge?

Part – B (5 x 16 = 80 Marks)

11. (i) Explain the theory of filtration in water purification.

(ii) Distinguish between slow sand rapid sand filters with reference to
a. Rate of filtration
b. Filter media of sand
c. Loss of head
d. Effective size of sand (16)

12. (a) Explain the difference between grit chamber and Detritus tank
and describe the
principles involved in the design of grit chamber. (16)


(b) How are the stabilization ponds classified? Explain briefly the
process of stabilization in
each case. (16)

13. (a) (i) Explain the self purification of streams and indicate how
sunlight helps in such
purification? (10)
(ii) Write a brief note on minimum DO content in polluted stream for
survival of aquatic
life. (6)

(b) What are different stages of sludge digestion. Explain briefly about
each stage in the
process of sludge digestion. (16)

14. (a) (i) Design the water depth for a mixing basin having round end
baffles in order to treat 48 million litres/day of water. The tank may be
divided into two identical compartments by providing a longitudinal
partition wall with each half having clear width of 8m. Assume suitable
detention period and flow velocity through the basin. The clear
distance between the baffles may be kept as equal to the minimum
permissible. Mention the number of channels in the tank and also the
overall inside length of the tank. (16)


(b) (i) Design a sedimentation tank for a water tank works, which
supplies 1.4 x 106 litre/day
to the town. The sedimentation period is 5 hours, the velocity of flow
is 12 cm/min,
depth of water in the tank is 4.0 m assuming an allowance for sludge
is to be made as
80 cm. (16)

15. (a) Design an activated sludge digester for secondary treatment of

10,000 m3 /day of
municipal wastewater. After primary clarification, the BOD is 150
mg/L, and it is desired to have not more than 5 mg/L of BOD in the
effluent. A completely mixed reactor is to be used, and pilot plant
analysis has established the following kinetic values; y=0.5kg/kg, kd =
0.05d-1 assuming an MLSS concentration of 3000 mg/L and an up flow
concentration of 10,000 mg/L from the secondary clarifier, determine:
(i) The volume of the reactor
(ii) The mass and volume of solids that must be waster each day and
(iii) The recycle ratio. (16)

(b) (i) Design the dimensions, required for sludge drying bed for the
sludge obtained from the digestion tank for 40,000 population. (8)
(ii) Design a septic tank for the following data:
No. of people = 100
Sewage / capital / day = 120 litres
Desludging period = 1 year
Length to width ratio = 4:1 (8)

(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) The population of a town as obtained from the census report is
as follows.[8+8]
Year 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961
Population 24831 25293 25423 27263 38284 49909 67105
Estimate the population of the town as in 1981, 1991and 2000and
2001 by
Geometrical Increase Method
(b) For the above data, find out the population of the town in
1981 ,1991and 2000and 2001 by Arithmetical Increase Method
2. (a) A distribution main is tapped at a point where R.L. is 30m and
where pressure is 12m head. The service pipe is 60m long and
supplies water to 12 occupants at an average rate of 135 LPCD. The
hourly variation factor is given as 4.
Calculate the size of the supply main if residual head at the top outlet
having R.L of 33m is not to fall 1.5m. use the formula V= 835
(b) How is the capacity of a distribution reservoir determined? [8+8]
3. Why is the knowledge of storm sewage necessary? How is storm
sewage Computed?
Describe the factors affecting the quantity of storm sewage. [16]
4. Mention the various sewer appurtenances used in a sewerage
system and state the location and utility of each of them. [16]
5. (a) Draw suitable treatment flow sheets for different sources of
water and briefly explain the situations to adopt the same. [8+8]
(b) Mention the various units in conventional water treatment plants
and explain in two sentences the treatment achieved in each unit.
6. (a) Compare the design and working features of the slow sand filter
and rapid sand gravity filter. [8+8]
(b) Design the rapid sand gravity filters for a flow of 20 million
liters/day. Give the plan and section of the filter.
7. (a) What are the operational problems and their remedies in
trickling filters. [8+8]
(b) What are the different methods of disposal of screenings?
8. Design an oxidation pond for the population of 12000 and sewage
flow rate of 140l/h/d. BOD of sewage is 300 mg/l and effluent BOD
required is not greater than 50 mg/l. Temperature is 240 C. K20 is
0.25d-1 [16]

(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) What are intakes? How are they classified? What are the factors
which govern the selection of a site for an intake. [8+8]
(b) Write a detailed note on quality of water.
2. (a) What factors are to be considered while designing a pumping
main. [8+8]
(b) Explain the various hydraulic tests conducted for water pipe lines.
3. Explain how B.O.D and C.O.D can be determined in the laboratory.
4. Distinguish between [8+8]
(a) Lampholes and manholes
(b) One pipe and two pipe systems of plumbing.
5. (a) Sketch and explain dry feeders of coagulants in water treatment
process. [8+8]
(b) A municipal water treatment plant of design capacity 200 million
litres per day
uses bleaching powder as a disinfectant which contains 23% available
The chlorine dosage determined from chlorine demand test to ensure
0.2 mg/l
is 1.5 mg/l. Calculate the monthly requirement of bleaching powder in
6. (a) Explain the use of the following in the rapid sand filtration:
i. Flow rate controller
ii. Air compressor
iii. Wash water trough
(b) How is the dosage of chlorine determined in the laboratory?
7. Design a grit chamber for a city of 2.8 lakhs population with a
combined sewerage msystem. Water supply rate is 140 l/d on an
average basis. Grit concentration is 50 mg/l. Grit of 0.2 mm size and
above with specific gravity of 2.60 is to be removed.
Temperature is 200C. [16]
8. Design an oxidation pond for the following data [8+8]
Location - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 270 Latitude
Elevation - - - - - - - - - - - - - 200 m above MSL.
Mean monthly temperature - - - - - - 250 C max and 100 C min.
Population to be served - - - - - - 12000.
Sewage flow - - - - - - - - - - - - - 150 lpcd.
Desired effluent BOD5 - - - - - - 30mg/l.
Pond removal constant at 20 C —–0.1/d.
BOD5 for raw sewage- - - - - - 300mg/l.
Sky clearance factor- - - - - - 0.60.
Per capita BOD contribution per day - - - - - - 0.045kg/day.


(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any ONE Question from PART-A
and any THREE Questions from PART-B
Note:Assume suitable data whenever necessary
Use of IS codes & Structural Tables is permitted
1. Design a simply supported Rectangular Beam to carry 30kN/m superimposed load
over a span of 6m on 460mm wide supports. Use M20 grade concrete and Fe 415
grade steel. Check the design for all necessary conditions. Draw to a suitable scale.
(a) Longitudinal Section showing reinforcement details.
(b) The cross section of the Beam at salient points, showing reinforcement details.
2. Design a isolated footing for a rectangular column 300 x 450mm carrying an axial
load of 1000 kN. The net bearing capacity of the soil is 120kN/m2. Use M20 grade
concrete and Fe 415 grade steel.
Draw to scale the reinforcement details.
(a) Plan of the footing
(b) Sectional elevation of the footing.
PART-B (Marks:16x3=48)
3. (a) Is the limit state method in any way a better method of design of concrete
structures than the working stress design? Give reasons for your answer.
(b) Enumerate the five limit states commonly used in limit state design and state
briefly how they are provided for in design.
4. What is meant by limit state? Discuss the different limit states to be considered
in reinforced concrete design.
5. Determine the shear stress in a 250 X 500 mm rectangular section if the shear force
is 20 kN and torsional moment is 10 kN.m at service loads. Asume M 20 mix and
0.75% tension reinforcement at an effective coverof 50 mm.
6. (a) How does bracing effect the behavior of slender columns? Explain how bracing
can be provided for columns in Multistoried buildings.
(b) A column 350 x 350mm has an unsupported length of 8m and equivalent
length of 5m both the axes. It is loaded with characteristic loads P=500KN,
Mxx(top)=40KN-m Mxx (bottom)=-25KN-M. Assuming the column is bent
in double curvature design the longitudinal steel. Use M30 & Fe415.
7. Design a one way simply supported slab of span 4.5m to cary a live load of 4kN/m2
floor finish of 1kN/m2 and partitions 1kN/m2. Use M 20 grade concrete and Fe
415 grade TOR steel.


(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any ONE Question from PART-A
and any THREE Questions from PART-B
Note:Assume suitable data whenever necessary
Use of IS codes & Structural Tables is permitted
1. Design the Flexural Reinforcement for the Rectangular concrete Beam of size 250
mm ×400mm simply supported an two marmarry walls 230mm thick and 6m apart.
The Beam has to carry in addition to its own weight, a distributed live load of
10kN/m, dead load of 5 kN/m and a concentrated dead load of 30kN placed at
the mid span point. Assume that the Beam in subjected to moderate exposure
conditions and grade of steel Fe 415 used.
Draw suitable scale longitudinal section and cross section of the Beam
2. Design a plain concrete footing for a column 300mm × 30mm carrying an axial
load of 330 kN. Assume an allowable soil bearing pressure of 360 kN/m2 at a depth
of 1.0m below ground. AssumeM20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.Draw to scale showing
(a) Plan of the footing
(b) Nominal Reinforcement in sectional elevation
PART-B (Marks:16x3=48)
3. Discuss the merits and demerits of the Traditional methods of design ( Working
stress method and ultimate load method).
4. (a) Discuss in brief basic assumptions of bending theory.
(b) Drive expressions for the position of neutral axis and moment of resistance of
balanced rectangular section.
(c) How do you find the moment of resistance of a beam section?
5. When do steel reinforcements require splicing ? What is the length of bars that are
usually available in the market ? Enumerate the methods used for splicing.
6. Design an axially loaded tied column 400mm x 400mm pinned at both ends with
an unsupported length of 3m for carrying a factored load of 2300KN use M20 grade
concrete and Fe 415 steel.
7. Design a continuous floor slab for an office building 12m long and 4m wide supported
on floor beams spaced at 3m c/c. The live load on slab is 2.5kN/m2. Concrete of
grade M 20 and are used.


(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any ONE Question from PART-A
and any THREE Questions from PART-B
Note:Assume suitable data whenever necessary
Use of IS codes & Structural Tables is permitted
1. Design the Flexural Reinforcement for the Rectangular concrete Beam of size 250mm
×400mm simply supported an two marmarry walls 230mm thick and 6m apart. The Beam
has to carry in addition to its own weight, a distributed live load of10kN/m, dead load of
5 kN/m and a concentrated dead load of 30kN placed at
the mid span point. Assume that the Beam in subjected to moderate exposure
conditions and grade of steel Fe 415 used. Draw suitable scale longitudinal section and
cross section of the Beam
2. Design an Isolated footing for a column 300mm x 500 mm reinforced with 6-25mmdia
bars with Fe 415 steel and M25 concrete subjected to a factored axial load of1000 kN and
a factored uniaxial moment of 120 kNM (with respect to the major axis) at the column
base. Assume that the moment is reversible. The safe bearing capacity may be taken as
200kN/mm2 at a depth of 1.25m. Assume M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel for the footing.
Draw to scale
(a) Plan of the footing
(b) Sectional elevation showing reinforcement details.
PART-B (Marks:16x3=48)
3. (a) Why water is essential for concrete making?
(b) Discuss the requirements for mixing water for concrete. Why sea water is not
normally recommended?
4. (a) Define the term ‘partial safety factors’ as used in limit state design. Identify
the various factors and state the values recommended in IS 456.
(b) Compare ‘working stress method’ and ‘limit state’ design of R.C.C. structures.
Explain the answer with suitable examples.
5. Design the reinforcement of a beam 450 mm wide 650mm deep subjected to a
bending moment of 120 kN-m’ twisting moment of 15 kN-m and a shear force of
120 kN- at ultimate. Use M20 grade concrete and Fe 145 steel.
6. (a) What is the minimum percentage of steel allowed in a R C column? Explain
why it is necessary to specify the minimum percentage
(b) A R.C. column rectangular in section 230mm wide and 300mm deep is reinforced
with 4 bars of 20mm one at each corner with an effective cover of
50mm. It is subjected to an ultimate axial load of 340 KN, ultimate bending
Moment of Mux=30KN-M about X axis is bisecting the depth and ultimate
moment of Muy=18KN-M about Y axis bisecting the width. Use M20 grade
concrete and Fe 415 grade steel. Check the safety of the column.
7. Explain the I.S code provisions for limit state design for serviceability for deflection
of slabs. By assuming suitable data illustrate the same with a numerical example.
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer ALL questions.
PART A — (10 ? 2 = 20 marks)
1. What is a rigid body and a deformable body?
2. The Youngs modulus of steel is 200 kN/mm2 and concrete is 20 kN/mm2. What is the
modular ratio?
3. A cantilever beam is subjected to a moment M at free end. The length of the beam is L.
What is the bending moment at fixed end?
4. What is point of contraflexure? Whether point of contraflexure will occur in a cantilever
5. Sketch the shear stress variation across the I–beam cross section due to bending.
6. What is flitched beam?
7. A simply supported circular beam of span 4 m carries a 10 kN load at midspan. The cross
section is 100 mm diameter. What is the maximum bending stress?
8. What is close coiled helical spring?
9. What is the diameter of Mohr’s circle if the principal stresses are 40 N/mm2 and 80 N/mm2.
10. Give two examples of conjugate beam with the corresponding real beam.
PART B — (5 ? 16 = 80 marks)
11. A simply supported beam of length 4 m carries two point loads 3 kN each at a distance of
1 m from each end. E = 2 ? 105 N/mm2. I = 108 mm4. Using conjugate beam method
determine slope at each end and deflection under each load.
12. (a) Two vertical rods are loaded as shown in Fig. Q 12 (a). N/mm2 N/mm2. Find the
stresses in steel and copper rods.

Fig. Q 12 (a)
(b) A steel tube of 30 mm external diameter and 20 mm internal diameter encloses a copper
rod of 15 mm diameter. The ends are rigidly joined. The temperature of whole assembly is
raised by 190?C. N/mm2 = N/mm2 per ?C, per ?C. Calculate stress in the rod and the tube.
13. (a) Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams for the beam shown in Fig. Q 13

Fig. Q 13 (a)
(b) A beam of size 150 mm wide, 250 mm deep carries a uniformly distributed load of w kN/m
over entire span of 4 m. A concentrated load
1 kN is acting at a distance of 1.2 m from the left support. If the bending stress at a section
1.8 m from the left support is not to exceed 3.25 N/mm2 find the load w.
14. (a) The stiffness of close coiled helical spring is 1.5 N/mm of compression under a
maximum load of 60 N. The maximum shear stress in the wire of the spring is 125 N/mm2.
The solid length of the spring (when the coils are touching) is 50 mm. Find the diameter of
coil, diameter of wire and number of coils. C = 4.5 ? 104 N/mm2.
(b) The stresses at a point in a strained member are shown in Fig. Q 14 (b). The greatest
principle stress is 150 N/mm2. Find the value of q. Also find maximum shear stress at that

Fig. Q 14 (b)
15. (a) A cantilever beam 4m span carries a point load of 10 kN at free end. Find the
deflection and rotation at mid–span using principle of virtual work. EI = 25,000 kNm2.
(b) A simply supported beam of 10 m span carries a uniformly distributed load of 1 kN/m over
the entire span. Using Castigliano’s theorem, find the slope at the ends. EI = 30,000 kNm2.
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer ALL questions.
PART A — (10 ? 2 = 20 marks)
1. State the principle of virtual work.
2. State the Maxwell reciprocal theorem.
3. Define degree of static indeterminacy of a structure.
4. Write the three moment equation, stating all the variables used.
5. What is the middle third rule?
6. What are the assumptions in Euler's theory of columns?
7. Differentiate between spherical and deviatoric components of stress tensor.
8. What is meant by volumetric strain?
9. Define shear centre.
10. What is meant by fatigue failure?
PART B — (5 ? 16 = 80 marks)
11. Using the theorem of three moments draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams
for the following continuous beam.

12. (a) Using unit load method, find the vertical deflection of joint F and horizontal deflection
of joint D of the following truss. Axial rigidity AE is constant for all members.

(b) (i) A simply supported beam of length 10 m is subjected to a udl.
10 kN/m over the left half of the span and a concentrated load 4 kN, 2.5 m from the right
support. Find bending strain energy. Flexural rigidity is uniform and equal to EI.
(ii) State the Engesser's theorem and Castigliano's theorem.
13. (a) Using Euler's theory, find the buckling load for the columns with following boundary
conditions :
(i) Fixed-free (ii) Fixed-hinged.
(b) A column with one end hinged and the other end fixed has a length of
5 m and a hollow circular cross section of outer diameter 100 mm and wall thickness 10 mm.
If = 1.60 ? 105 N/mm2 and crushing strength N/mm2, find the load that the column may
carry with a factor of safety of 2.5 according to Euler theory and Rankine-Gordon theory. If
the column is hinged on both ends, find the safe load according to the two theories.
14. (a) Determine the principal stresses and principal directions for the following 3D-stress
(b) Discuss the following theories of failure for metals with suitable derivations :
(i) Maximum shear stress theory of failure
(ii) Maximum distortion energy theory of failure.
15. (a) A semicircular bar of circular cross section with radius 20 mm is fixed at one end and
loaded at the other end as shown in the figure. Find the stresses at points A and B.

(b) A cylinder of outer diameter 280 mm and inner diameter 240 mm shrunk over another
cylinder of outer diameter slightly more than 240 mm and inner diameter 200 mm to form a
compound cylinder. The shrink fit pressure is 10 N/mm2. If an internal pressure of 50 N/mm2
is applied to the compound cylinder, find the final stresses across the thickness. Draw
sketches showing their variations.

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