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Simulation VGO and waste lubricating/

cooking oil co-hydroprocessing

Software used to build a simulation case for industrial hydrocracking of VGO, WCO,
and WLO validates predicted values of gasoline and middle distillates product yields

Mohamed S El-Sawy, Fatma H Ashour and Ahmed Refaat Cairo University

Tarek M Aboul-Fotouh Al-Azhar University
Samia A Hanafi Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute

his study presents simulation and analytical stud- section and a fractionation section to separate reaction
ies on vacuum gas oil (VGO), waste lubricating oil products into desired product streams. Hydroprocessing
(WLO), and waste cooking oil (WCO) co-hydropro- units’ reactors widely use the trickle bed reactor (TBR) con-
cessing over commercial hydrocracking catalyst. It follows figuration due to its simplicity, reliability, and good operabil-
previous work which studied the co-hydroprocessing of ity. TBR is a fixed bed reactor with a trickle flow regime of
VGO, WLO, and WCO experimentally on a lab-scale reac- hydrocarbon and hydrogen mixture moving from the top to
tor utilising the commercial hydrocracking catalyst. Most the bottom of the reactor, passing through catalyst bed(s).
fuel producers prefer to utilise existing units to co-hydro- Usually, heavy hydrocarbons and middle distillates hydro-
process WLO, WCO, and VGO rather than install new indi- processing reactors consist of more than one catalyst bed,
vidual separate hydroprocessing units because there is a with intermediate hydrogen quenching streams to control
high degree of similarity between units used to hydropro- reaction temperature, as all hydroprocessing reactions are
cess petroleum cuts and units to hydroprocess waste oils exothermic. Co-hydroprocessing of VGO, WCO, and WLO is
mixtures with VGO. a mixed-phase reaction where liquid moves down, forming a
A conceptual design of an industrial hydrocracking unit laminar stream around catalyst pellets and hydrogen distrib-
is simulated and validated using the proprietary special uted through available voids in the catalyst bed. Reactions
built-in tool RefSYS from the proprietary Aspen HYSYS start by diffusing dissolved hydrocarbon feed mixture and
V.11 (or HYSIS V.11) program. The calibrated and validated hydrogen in catalyst pores reaching active sites. On the
hydrocracking model is run with operating conditions and active sites, cracking and hydrogenation reactions occur and
feed compositions. These parameters are pre-selected dur- are enhanced by increasing reaction temperature and hydro-
ing experimental trials executed in previous experimental gen partial pressure.2
work. The model runs forecast process variables (hydrogen Modelling and simulation of an existing industrial hydro-
consumption, quenching rate, heating duty, cooling duty), processing unit needs operating conditions and product
helping in process optimisation and energy saving. yield identification. The simulation model case of the hydro-
processing unit consists mainly of a reaction section and a
Waste recycling fractionation section. The most complicated course in the
Many countries were highly affected by the COVID-19 simulation model building up is the kinetic model calibra-
pandemic and its consequences on global markets and tion, which is the core of the simulation model.
economics. This usually led to intensively trying to use all The reaction kinetics depend on many factors, such as
available resources. One of these resources is waste oils reaction temperature, hydrogen partial pressure, liquid
and their application for fuels conversion with traditional hourly space velocity (LHSV), feed composition, and cata-
esterification for WCO, distillation followed by extraction lyst configuration. From these data, in addition to product
for WLO or hydroprocessing of both. Waste recycling has yields and specifications, simulation software can predict
several benefits, including the use of waste as an energy calibration factors that will be the core of the simulation
source to suppress toxic and hazardous emissions into the model. To overcome the complexity of building a hydropro-
environment and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. cessing reactions kinetic model, many studies and technical
In addition, waste recycling is stimulating development papers recommend using commercial software to execute
in the region as well as social structure aiding, especially the modelling and simulation of hydroprocessing units.3
in developing countries. Furthermore, many challenges are Many recent studies depend on commercial software to
facing the refining industry aiming to produce high-quality simulate hydroprocessing units aiming to use these simula-
fuels with considerable costs. Products from hydroprocess- tion models in process optimisation and profit maximisation.
ing waste oils or VGOs are frequently tackled by cold flow In 2018, Eslam S. Sbaaei and Tamer S. Ahmed modelled and
properties.1 simulated a hydrotreating unit that processes middle distil-
The hydroprocessing unit generally consists of a reaction lates produced from a delayed coker unit (DCU). This model PTQ Q4 2023 69

Operating parameters of Unicracking unit at start-of-run and end-of-run

UOM Start-of-run End-of-run

Feed flow rate kg/hr 297,210 297,210
Cracked feed ratio wt% 20 20
Make-up H₂ flow rate Nm3/hr 73,449 75,499
Temperature at 1st reactor inlet °C 378 422
Temperature at 2nd reactor outlet °C 410 449
Average catalyst bed temperature °C 398 438
High-pressure separator pressure Bar g 161.9 161.9
H₂ partial pressure at reactor outlet Bar g 140 140
Recycle gas flow rate Nm³/m³ of fresh feed 2,046 2,047
Recycle gas hydrogen purity mol% 89.2 89.2
Recycle oil ratio wt% 55 55
LHSV hr-1 0.94 0.94

Table 1

allows them to find room for energy saving, productivity of VGO, WCO, and WLO blend over commercial, industrial
increase, and fuel consumption reduction.4,5 Saeid Shokri et hydrocracking catalyst.7
al. studied the application of particle swarm optimisation Against this backdrop, this study simulates a conceptual
(PSO) algorithm using Visual Basic 6.0 in modelling an exist- design of an industrial hydrocracking unit utilising the same
ing industrial hydrocracking unit in 2017. catalyst used in our previous experimental work.1 This con-
The produced model gives good predictions regarding ceptual design has been performed using HYSYS V.11 with
product yield distribution with an error of less than 1% for its unique built-in hydrocracker model (HCR). The HCR
operating parameters within building model limits. In 2009, model simulates light and heavy petroleum fractions hydro-
a fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) unit was modelled using the processing based on the built-in reaction network and
fourth-order Runge-Kutta algorithm (Visual Basic) to opti- kinetic lumps. This simulation case can be used to evaluate
mise the FCC naphtha yield of this industrial unit process- – technically and economically – the co-hydroprocessing of
ing mainly VGO in a riser reactor by Kenneth Dagde. This the normal unit feedstock of VGO vs blends of unconven-
study depends mainly on the five-lump kinetic scheme to tional feedstocks of WCO and WLO with VGO.
describe the cracking reactions.6
An extensive literature review has been conducted to Simulation case
study the technologies and equipment used industrially in The industrial hydrocracking unit licensed by UOP, commer-
the hydroprocessing of WCO and WLO individually and the cially referred to as Unicracking, is simulated using HYSYS
co-hydroprocessing mixture of them blended with petro- V.11. The selection of this unit is based on its utilisation
leum feedstock. Axens recently started marketing its new of the experimentally used catalyst (TK-711 and DHC-8)
proprietary technology (Revivoil) developed jointly by Axens with a similar reactor bed configuration. The unit reaction
and Itelyum (formerly Viscolube Italiana SpA), which goes a section consists of two reactors. The first reactor contains
long way to put WLO re-refining on the fast track to success. three beds, one for hydrotreating and the others for hydro-
UOP also has its proprietary Ecofining technology developed cracking. The second reactor contains two beds for hydroc-
by UOP and ENI for hydroprocessing plant-derived oil. racking. The five beds are roughly equal in weight.
Feedstocks include plant-derived oils such as soybean, This unit was designed to process 33,500 barrels per
rapeseed, and palm. Not only process technology develop- stream day (BPSD) of combined feed consisting mainly of
ers are interested in waste oils co-processing, but refiners vacuum gasoil (VGO) from the vacuum distillation unit and
as well. For example, Petrobras’ proprietary H-Bio hydro- heavy coker gasoil (HCGO) from the delayed coker unit.
genation technology processes a mixture of waste vege- The target of this unit is to produce light fuel products from
table oil and mineral oil to produce renewable diesel using heavy petroleum distillates, in addition to removing the
hydrotreating units in existing oil refineries. CEPSA refinery majority of impurities such as sulphur, nitrogen and oxygen.
in Tenerife successfully co-processes waste frying oils in
a gasoil hydrodesulphurisation unit (HDS-I). Research cen- Process design
tres also give great importance to this topic. The research Hydrocracking is carried out at elevated temperatures and
centre of CanmetENERGY supports and funds these types pressures in a hydrogen atmosphere. Hydrogen partial
of research activities. It was noticed that most refiners pressure at the reaction section outlet is 140 bar g, and
choose to inject WCO (on a large scale) or WLO (on a small reactors working inlet temperatures range from 378°C to
scale) with VGO for co-hydroprocessing units rather than 422°C. Table 1 shows the recommended operating param-
installing a separate unit to hydroprocess pure WCO or eters for the simulated unit.
WLO, taking into consideration the high degree of similar- The process consists of two main sections: the reaction
ity between technologies and catalysts used in these units. section and the fractionation section. Fresh feed is directed
The novelty of this work is to study the co-hydroprocessing to the unit feed surge drum, then pumped by the feed

70 PTQ Q4 2023

QR1B1 RG compressor

H2 make-up 1
Feed mix
R1 H2 mix
Feed 1 QR1B2 H2 make-up 2
Feed 2
RG purge H2 purge
Feed 3

H2S removal

QR2B2 C4

HPS liquid


NH3 removal Recycle oil

Bottoms product

Figure 1 Hydrocracker model configuration in HYSYS V.11

pump to the heat exchangers and charge heater. After liq- Process simulation and analysis
uid hydrocarbon feed enters the heat exchangers, make-up The technical limitation of reactor simulation allows hydro-
and recycle hydrogen flow are mixed with this liquid feed. processing reactors in the simulation environment to deal
Once the feed and hydrogen are mixed and heated to the only with process streams defined using the HCRSRK fluid
required temperature, the feed mixture enters from the top of package. The proposed solution is to try to exchange any
the reactor through an inlet distributor. As the reactants move not well-defined and incompatible process streams, espe-
downward in the reactor, hydroprocessing reactions occur as cially WLO and WCO, with an indirect defining method by
illustrated before, and the temperature increases gradually. transferring a suitable fluid package of Peng-Robinson and
The first reactor is divided into three beds, each supported NRTL to the hydrocracker equation of state HCRSRK.
by a steel beam and support grid. The support system is sep- Modelling and simulation usually propose the advantage
arated from the next bed of catalyst by a quench gas distrib- of process flexibility that enables us to predict product yields,
utor and vapour-liquid redistribution tray. The second reactor reaction conversion, and operating cost based on utility con-
is divided into two beds, and each is supported by a steel sumption. Product quality can also be predicted using the
beam and support grid. The support system is separated simulation model; most of the expected physical properties
from the next bed of catalyst by a quench gas distributor and are considered good enough, especially molecular weight,
vapour-liquid redistribution tray. As the reactants and prod- heat transfer properties, boiling range, and API density.
ucts mixture leave the second reactor, the flow through the The RefSYS supported packages in HYSYS from V.7 up to
heat exchangers is to be sufficiently cooled before entering V.11 are generally used to simulate most refining processes
the high-pressure separator. such as the DCU, hydrocracking unit (HCU), naphtha reform-
In the cold high-pressure separator, hydrogen recycle gas ing unit (NRU), naphtha hydrotreating unit (NHT), FCC, and
is separated and sent back to the reactors through the recy- sulphur recovery unit (SRU). This package is an advanced
cle gas compressor. Further, recycle gas flow is considered tool for expecting and calculating reaction kinetics on a lump
high flow with a considerable design purge flow of 10%, sum basis, depending on feed properties, product proper-
which increases hydrogen consumption. It is recommended ties, product yields, and reaction retention time provided in
to use an amine sweetening unit to treat recycle gas from the calibration model.
acid gas contaminants such as CO, CO₂, and H₂S sulphide The hydrocracker model is usually built using the built-in
that reduce catalyst activity. Liquid from the cold high-pres- hydrocracker configuration model or using (the hydropro-
sure separator is sent to the cold flash drum, then the liquid cessing bed) to install a given process configuration if it is
from the cold flash drum is sent to the fractionation section widely varied from the built-in configuration (hydrocracker
to be separated into LPG, naphtha, kerosene, diesel, and model). Figure 1 shows the hydrocracker configuration
unconverted oil. built-in model. The first step in building any RefSYS model PTQ Q4 2023 71

Deviations between actual and calibrated cases

Item UOM Actual case Calibrated case Deviation, %

Hydrogen make-up flow Nm3/hr 105,748.6 104,909.3 0.8
Quench flow B-1/R-1 Nm3/hr 312,645.9 308,025.5 1.5
Quench flow B-2/R-1 Nm3/hr 30,682.5 31,340.7 2.1
Quench flow B-3/R-1 Nm³/hr 54,300.2 53,340.1 1.8
Quench flow B-1/R-2 Nm3/hr 98,982.5 100,592 -1.6
Quench flow B-2/R-2 Nm3/hr 97,326.6 96,172.5 1.2
Purge gas flow Nm3/hr 10,674.6 10,706.7 0.3
Conversion wt% 67.8 67.7 0.1
Naphtha kg/hr 27,829 27,383.7 -1.6
LPG kg/hr 6,976 7,066.7 1.3
Kerosene kg/hr 85,591 84,563.9 -1.2
Diesel kg/hr 74,727 73,905 -1.1
Unconverted oil kg/hr 99,176 98,680.1 -0.5

Table 2

is to solve a calibration case to get activity factors that will WCO is defined as a simple mixture of pure components
be used to predict product yields, product specifications, such as linoleic acid, stearic acid, and oleic acid using the
and conversion at different operating parameters and dif- NRTL fluid package, then transferring this composition to
ferent feedstocks rates and properties. HCRSRK. It was noticed that the HCU RefSYS model was
The model is firstly built using design operating parame- not considered as a deoxygenation reaction of fatty acids
ters considering feedstock and product properties at start- in WCO, so the deoxygenation reaction is added as a sep-
of-run (SOR). Building this case enables obtaining the fresh arate reaction set to the HYSYS environment. The resulting
catalyst activity by extracting calculated and calibrated heat of reaction and products is compensated to the HCU
global control parameters and individual reaction activities. RefSYS model through a spreadsheet. This spreadsheet is
These values are the core of the simulation model that will used to modify the composition of the WCO stream with
be modified to simulate the studied feed mixtures over cat- HCRSRK through component mapping.
alyst beds on an industrial scale. Correlation and deviation between the converged calibra-
Hydrocarbon streams resulting from oil and gas process tion case and the real case are established to determine if
units can easily be described and defined using software the calibrated hydrocracking case is accepted or not. Based
already launched to simulate oil and gas process units, so it on the data reported in Table 2, the deviation in the main
was an easy task to configure and define VGO, HCGO, and parameters is accepted.
recycle oil process streams. The WLO stream is a hydro- The use of a custom model for the hydrocracking reac-
carbon stream that results from oil and gas process units in tor has allowed for an interesting analysis that illustrates
origin but has some changes in chemical and physical prop- the influence of operating parameters and feed properties
erties resulting from its industrial use. This makes its con- on overall reactant conversion and product quality. The
figuration in a simulation environment easy to some extent, pre-calibrated case is used for providing expected data
especially using an oil characterisation tool while transfer- when processing feed mixtures experimentally to evaluate
ring the same composition to the HCU RefSYS model fluid technically and economically the industrial processing of
package called HCRSRK. these mixtures. As performed in experimental work, each

Conversion wt%
99 Mix 1 Pred. (VGO 80% + WCO 20%)
Mix 3 Pred. (VGO 80% + WLO 10% + WCO 10%)
Mix 1 act. (VGO 80% + WCO 20%)
Conv. (%)

Mix 3 act. (VGO 80% + WLO 10% + WCO 10%)
Mix 2 Pred. (VGO 80% + WLO 20%)
93 Mix 4 Pred. (VGO 70% + WLO 20% + WCO 10%)

92 Mix 2 act. (VGO 80% + WLO 20%)

91 Mix 4 act. (VGO 70% + WLO 20% + WCO 10%)

370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450
Temp. (˚C)

Figure 2 Predicted and actual reaction conversion

72 PTQ Q4 2023

mixture is evaluated at four differ-
ent reaction temperatures (380°C, Physical and chemical properties of VGO, WLO, and WCO feedstock
400°C, 420°C, and 440°C).
Property VGO WLO WCO
Density at 20°C, kg/m³ 923.4 894.7 921.41
Performance of simulation Total sulphur content, ppm 2.72 0.5781 0.24
model Total nitrogen content, ppm 2,751 1,238 110
The hydrocracking unit represented in Total oxygen content, wt% - - 12.27
the simulation case includes two main Iodine number, g I2 /100g - - 73
sections: the reaction section and the
fractionation section. Performance of Distillation, °C:
– IBP 311 260 238
the reaction section in the simulation
– 10% 369 430 412
case can be evaluated by comparing
– 50% 438 497 508
predicted and actual feed conversion. – 90% 506 565 511
Figure 2 illustrates both actual and – 95% 517 585 521
predicted feed conversion weight Flash point, °C 164 194 213
per cent in solid and dash lines, Pour point, °C 6 -12 7
respectively. Water cont. Nil Nil 0.25
There is an obvious positive gap Kinematic viscosity, mm2 /s 21 @ 135ºC 165.1 @ 37.8ºC 48.8 @ 37.8ºC

between actual and predicted values

of conversion. This gap increases by Table 3
increasing the WCO content in the
feed mixture and reaches its minimum value or vanishes The model generates good predictions on the reaction
when WCO is not presented in the feed mixture. This notice temperature and reaction conversion relationship profile of
matches the observation illustrated in our previous work the hydrocracking reactor, which is important for estimat-
results, which states clearly, ‘increasing WCO content in ing product yields and hydrogen consumption. However,
feed mixture increases catalyst acidity and catalyst activity the predictions are less accurate than generally expected
and consequently reaction conversion at the same reaction from strong simulation software, but the predicted values
temperature’. and simulation case are accepted regarding these values. PTQ Q4 2023 73

(generally called Jet fuel or dual-purpose kerosene (DPK)),
Reaction temperature and feed composition diesel (ultra-low sulphur diesel according to Euro 5 specs),
of each run case and unconverted oil (UCO).
Abbreviation Among these seven products, we will focus on LPG, gas-
Case 1 T380-WLO10-WCO10-VGO80 oline, kerosene, and diesel because they account for more
Case 2 T380-WLO20-WCO10-VGO70 than 95 wt% of the overall production. The figures and
Case 3 T380-WLO20-WCO00-VGO80 tables to be discussed show the comparison between the
Case 4 T380-WLO00-WCO20-VGO80
model predictions and actual values of these product yields.
Case 5 T400-WLO10-WCO10-VGO80
Averaging the absolute deviations (AADs) of the 16 runs
Case 6 T400-WLO20-WCO10-VGO70
Case 7 T400-WLO20-WCO00-VGO80 expressed in the following graphs for product property
Case 8 T400-WLO00-WCO20-VGO80 value8,9 is calculated by the following equation:
Case 9 T420-WLO10-WCO10-VGO80
Case 10 T420-WLO20-WCO10-VGO70
Case 11 T420-WLO20-WCO00-VGO80
Case 12 T420-WLO00-WCO20-VGO80
Case 13 T440-WLO10-WCO10-VGO80
These AAD values help in evaluating the degree of varia-
Case 14 T440-WLO20-WCO10-VGO70
Case 15 T440-WLO20-WCO00-VGO80
tion between actual and simulation cases, representing the
Case 16 T440-WLO00-WCO20-VGO80 prediction of the model on each product yield rather than
the overall yield, which is the revenue key of the refinery.
In contrast, absolute deviation indicates how the model
Table 4 affects the estimation of the profit of the refinery by con-
sidering the deviations in the same scale toward overall
A summary table for the input streams is shown in Table 3 production.
and Table 4 for the 16 runs under study. Table 4 illustrates Figure 3 illustrates the comparison between predicted
the abbreviation for each case; for example, Case 1 (T380- gasoline yield (dash lines) and actual gasoline yield (solid
WLO10-WCO10-VGO80) means that for Case 1, the reac- lines) from studied test runs. It is noticed that the predicted
tion temperature was 380°C and the feed mixture consists values are very close to actual values in the range of 380
of 10% WLO, 10% WCO, and 80% VGO. to 400°C, which is the recommended operating window
There are seven products in the simulated hydrocrack- of the commercial catalyst used in this study. This recom-
ing unit, including purge gas, fuel gas, LPG, hydrocracked mended operating window is stated by the catalyst man-
naphtha (represented as gasoline in this study), kerosene ufacturer and process unit licensor. Table 5 illustrates the

Gasoline wt%
Mix 1 Pred. (VGO 80% + WCO 20%)
AAD = 0.23 wt%
Gasoline (wt.%)

20 Mix 3 Pred. (VGO 80% + WLO 10% + WCO 10%)

Mix 1 act. (VGO 80% + WCO 20%)
Mix 3 act. (VGO 80% + WLO 10% + WCO 10%)

10 Mix 2 Pred. (VGO 80% + WLO 20%)

Mix 4 Pred. (VGO 70% + WLO 20% + WCO 10%)
Mix 2 act. (VGO 80% + WLO 20%)

0 Mix 4 act. (VGO 70% + WLO 20% + WCO 10%)

370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450
Temp. (˚C)

Figure 3 Predicted and actual gasoline yield in weight per cent

AADs values at different temperatures for each studied product yields and product property value


@380°C @400°C @420°C @440°C
Gasoline yield 0.43 0.18 0.28 0.38 0.32
Kerosene yield 0.99 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98
Diesel yield 0.79 0.41 0.68 0.94 0.71
(Kerosene + diesel) yield 0.06 0.03 0.06 0.12 0.07

Table 5

74 PTQ Q4 2023

Kerosene yield wt%
60 AAD = 0.98 wt%
Mix 1 Pred. (VGO 80% + WCO 20%)
Mix 3 Pred. (VGO 80% + WLO 10% + WCO 10%)
40 Mix 1 act. (VGO 80% + WCO 20%)
Kero. (%)

30 Mix 3 act. (VGO 80% + WLO 10% + WCO 10%)

Mix 2 Pred. (VGO 80% + WLO 20%)
Mix 4 Pred. (VGO 70% + WLO 20% + WCO 10%)
Mix 2 act. (VGO 80% + WLO 20%)

0 Mix 4 act. (VGO 70% + WLO 20% + WCO 10%)

370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450
Temp. (˚C)

Figure 4 Predicted and actual kerosene yield in weight per cent

calculated overall AADs for each studied product yield and On the other hand, the total middle distillate yield (kero-
stream property value. sene yield weight per cent + diesel yield weight per cent)
On the other hand, Figure 4 illustrates kerosene yield shows good deviation values with an accepted AAD value
distribution in weight per cent for both predicted values in of 0.0.07 wt%. This is observed in Figure 6, which illus-
dash lines and actual values in solid lines. trates middle distillates yield distribution in weight per cent
This figure shows a high deviation between actual for both predicted values in dash lines and actual values
and predicted values with respect to yield deviation val- in solid lines. There seems to be a significant difference
ues, resulting in a high AAD value of 0.98 wt%. In addi- between the distillation column temperature profile used in
tion, Figure 5, which illustrates diesel yield distribution in the simulation case, resulting in different boiling ranges of
weight per cent for both predicted values in dash lines and kerosene and diesel.
actual values in solid lines, shows a high deviation between This difference in boiling ranges between kerosene
actual and predicted values, resulting in a high AAD value and diesel in simulation cases and actual cases cannot
of 0.71 wt%. be solved, as kerosene and diesel boiling ranges are not



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Refining India 178x125 12923.indd 1 12/09/2023 12:52 PTQ Q4 2023 75

Diesel yield wt%
60 AAD = 0.71 wt%
Mix 1 Pred. (VGO 80% + WCO 20%)
Mix 3 Pred. (VGO 80% + WLO 10% + WCO 10%)
40 Mix 1 act. (VGO 80% + WCO 20%)
Diesel (%)

30 Mix 3 act. (VGO 80% + WLO 10% + WCO 10%)

Mix 2 Pred. (VGO 80% + WLO 20%)
Mix 4 Pred. (VGO 70% + WLO 20% + WCO 10%)
Mix 2 act. (VGO 80% + WLO 20%)

0 Mix 4 act. (VGO 70% + WLO 20% + WCO 10%)

370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450
Temp. (˚C)

Figure 5 Predicted and actual diesel yield in weight per cent

adjustable in the built-in hydrocracker model used in the catalyst cracking activity and hence increases reaction
calibration step of this simulation case. The temperature conversion under the same operating conditions of reac-
profile of the distillation column is valuable for evaluating tion temperature, hydrogen partial pressure, and LHSV.
energy consumption and helping plant operation of cut The software’s built-in fluid package (HCRSRK) to predict
point and process optimisation. So, it is difficult to adjust hydrocracking catalyst activity in the presence of WCO
the simulation fractionation column to the actual number of should be modified to match the actual resulting activity
stages, tray separation efficiency, pumparound rates, and increased by the acid nature of WCO.
temperature difference. Predicted values of gasoline and middle distillates (kero-
The accurate predictions of product yields reflect the sene yield + diesel yield) product yields from the simulation
accuracy of the model in predicting product specifications. case show good matching with actual values from the exper-
Specific gravity and boiling range are expressed as the imental test run. On the other hand, kerosene and diesel pre-
most accurate predicted specs through simulation. dicted individual values do not match experimental test run
values that reflect different cut points between experimental
Conclusion test runs and the fractionator built in the simulation case.
Aspen HYSYS V.11 is used to build a simulation case of
an industrial hydrocracking unit utilising the same catalyst On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author (m.sayed1989@
with the same reactor configuration as used in experimen- states that there is no conflict of interest.
tal runs in our previous work.1 This case is a good prediction HYSYS V.11 is a mark of AspenTech.
tool as it has a minor deviation from actual mass and heat References
balance and product specifications. Total reaction conver- 1 El-Sawy M S, Hanafi S A, Ashour F, Aboul-Fotouh T M,
sion values predicted by the simulation model of the 16 run Co-hydroprocessing and hydrocracking of alternative feed mixture
cases show a good match between the simulation model (vacuum gas oil/waste lubricating oil/waste cooking oil) with the aim of
and actual values, with a positive gap between the actual producing high quality fuels, Fuel, Vol 269, 2020, 117437.
values in most cases. 2 Elshout R V, Bains C S, Moving up a tier – Part 2: Upgrading the
This gap increases with increasing WCO content in feed bottom of the barrel. Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol 97, 2018, 312.
mixtures, ensuring the acidic nature of WCO increases 3 Bezergianni, Stella, Athanasios Dimitriadis, Temperature effect on

Distillate yields wt.%
(Kerosene wt% + Diesel wt%)
70 Mix 1 Pred. (VGO 80% + WCO 20%)
Distillates (%)

60 Mix 3 Pred. (VGO 80% + WLO 10% + WCO 10%)

Mix 1 act. (VGO 80% + WCO 20%)
Mix 3 act. (VGO 80% + WLO 10% + WCO 10%)
30 AAD = 0.07 wt%
Mix 2 Pred. (VGO 80% + WLO 20%)
Mix 4 Pred. (VGO 70% + WLO 20% + WCO 10%)
0 Mix 2 act. (VGO 80% + WLO 20%)
370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450
Mix 4 act. (VGO 70% + WLO 20% + WCO 10%)
Temp. (˚C)

Figure 6 Predicted and actual middle distillate yield (kerosene yield + diesel yield) in weight per cent

76 PTQ Q4 2023

co-hydroprocessing of heavy gas oil-waste cooking oil mixtures for the chemical engineering department of Cairo University. She co-ordi-
hybrid diesel production, Fuel 103, 2013, 579-584. Web. nates the PyroBioFuel project LEAP-RE and has more than 60 interna-
4 Eslam S S, Tamer S A, Predictive modeling and optimization for an tional publications with an h-index of 15 on Scopus and 18 on Google
industrial coker complex hydrotreating unit – development and a case Scholar. She is an academic reviewer of many reputable journals and
study, Fuel, Vol 212, 2018, 61-76. has supervised more than 42 MScs and 10 PhDs. She was awarded
5 Naderi H, Shokri S, Ahmadpanah S J, Optimization of kinetic lump- the Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques in 2022 and the
ing model parameters to improve products quality in the hydrocrack- Premio Europeo Capo Circeo Award in 2023.
ing process, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol 35, 2018, Ahmed Refaat is an Assistant Professor at Cairo University/King
757-768. Salman International University. He has published 12 international
6 Dagde K K, Puyate Y T, Modelling and simulation of industrial FCC publications and 16 conference papers (mostly in the fields of energy
unit: Analysis based on five-lump kinetic scheme for gas-oil cracking, and environment) as well as an invited book chapter in Elsevier. He
Journal International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, has participated in the submission of several research projects and is a
Vol 2, Issue 5, 2012, 698-714, . reviewer of several international journals.
7 Bart J C J, Palmeri N, Cavallaro S, Evolution of biodiesel and alter- Tarek M Aboul-Fotouh is currently an Associate Professor of
native diesel fuels, Biodiesel Science and Technology, Woodhead Petroleum Refining Engineering in the Mining and Petroleum
Publishing, 2010, 713-782. Engineering Department at Al-Azhar University. He holds a PhD from
8 Muhamma B, Mohamad B, Abdulhalim M, Enhanced cryogenic the chemical engineering department at Azerbaijan State Oil and
packed bed with optimal CO2 removal from natural gas, Cryogenics, Industry University. He has published more than 50 articles on petro-
Vol 105, 2020, 103010. leum refining engineering and fuel technology.
9 Khair U, Fahmi H, Hakim S, Rahim R, Forecasting error calculation Samia A Hanafi is the Professor of Petroleum Refining at Egyptian
with mean absolute deviation and mean absolute percentage error, Petroleum Research Institute. Professor Samia graduated originally with
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 930, 2017, 12002. a BSc with honours and completed her MSc and PhD in the Chemical
Engineering Department from Cairo University. She has more than 30
Mohamed S El-Sawy is a Hydroprocessing Lead Process engineer at
international publications and supervised more than 20 MSc and 10
‘Worley’ with a history of working in the oil and energy industry. He
PhDs. She has participated as a team member in many international pro-
is a unit operations professional with a PhD in chemical engineering
jects and is currently working on Green Fuel technologies development.
from the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, focusing on the
co-processing of waste oils targeting premium fuels, and participates
in many projects targeting energy. He recently joined a research group
to develop low-carbon strategies in the oil field.
More articles from the following categories:
Crude and Vacuum Units
Fatma H Ashour is the former Director of the Center of Hazard
Instrumentation, Automation and Process Control
Mitigation, Environmental Studies, and Research at Cairo University
and former chairperson of the Chemical Engineering Dept. at Cairo Process Modelling and Simulation
University. She holds a BSc with honours and an MSc and PhD from PTQ Q4 2023 77

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