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Tools of Design Thinking

Used to identify and execute opportunities for growth and innovation.

Taking information as text, numbers, pictures, maps, and stories. Creating mental
images, clear representations of our ideas and details about customers and their
information, in a way that makes them human and attractive.
Journey mapping

It is an ethnographic research method that focuses on tracking a”journey"of a

client as he or she interacts with the organization while still working on receiving
a service, with special attention to heightening and reducing emotions. Mapping
experience is used to identify needs that customer may be able to articulate.
Value chain analysis

Examines how an organization works with value chain partners to produce,

market, and distribute new o erings.

This analysis provides ways to create a better value for customers in the series
and reveals important clues about the skills and goals of partners.
Mind map

Used to represent how ideas or other objects are linked to the main idea and so

Mind maps are used to produce, visualize, organize, and classify ideas to look
at patterns and details that provide important design conditions.
Rapid Concept development

Used to design details and terms developed in order to develop new business
Assumption testing

Expressing important assumptions that are less attractive to a new business

idea and using available data to assess the feasibility of these assumptions.

Acknowledges that any new business idea is actually an informed speculation

about what customers want and what they will appreciate.
A test model of a proposed solution used to test or validate ideas, design
assumptions and other aspects of its consideration quickly and cheaply, so that
the designer / participants can make appropriate re nements or possible
changes along the way.

Based on the belief that the presence of users is essential to the creative
process, as users provide an understanding of what is important to them.

Process that brings users and designers together to work towards a shared
Learning Launches

Study for designer to explore the fundamental assumptions of total production

potential for new growth in the market place.

Learning implementation is a quick and inexpensive learning test to collect

market-driven data after the release of a new product.
Story telling
Summarizing a story.

One way to make new ideas sound real

and compelling.

Every good presentation — whether

analytical or designative — tells a
fascinating story.

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